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Introduction: Qualitative Research on Chanel No. 5 Ad Perceptions
This research paper has focused on the impact of persuasive campaigns in advertising and its emphasis on how to decode by young people. Therefore, through this aspect, the interview will be conducted in order to enhance the aspects related to advertising in sales. Furthermore, it has also been focusing on the aspects related to consumer behaviour, and health behavior.
Research Questions
- How do young adults and students with backgrounds in different fields, public relations and interpret the response related to persuasive campaigns in advertising?
- What aspects of the communication influenced their response?
Purpose of the Report
This study has focused on the different interpretations and subjective experiences that are involved in the demographic interactions with the advertisement content in a company regarding oto sales (Otamendi and Sutil Martín, 2020). Therefore, in perspectives of this consumer attitudes have also been helping companies to identify the aspects related to the behaviours of customers (Chou et al., 2020). Through these, students of communication in different areas can be attracted adequately. The interview has aimed to focus on the interviewee's emotional and behavioral responses to specific advertisements, such as the Chanel No. 5's Mother's Day poster. The interview has also served as an exercise in applying various interview techniques such as open-ended questions, probing, active listening, and maintaining a non-directive and neutral stance.
Description of the Interview Setting
The interview has described an overview of the advertisement and the role of the campaign (Salameh et al., 2022). The interview has been taken place in a café and chosen for its friendly and welcoming atmosphere and popularity among students. The person interviewed is a 23-year-old Italian student from Turin and she is currently pursuing a master's degree in publishing in Stirling. It was conducted between 5pm and 7pm on a Friday evening. The discussion narrowed down to a specific advertisement Chanel No. 5's Mother's Day poster which the interviewee found emotionally impactful. The concept of using persuasive communication is to co-create behavioral change, particularly in the context of engaging with guests to save resources at tourist accommodation facilities (Warren et al. 2017). The interview has been started with an open question about persuasive campaigns such as advertisements, allowing the interviewee to start the conversation is based on their interests and background in public relations. I have chosen the interview person through understanding their background and previous studies that has also helped me to get adequate answer through this interview.
Quality Interviewing
Cognitive processes involve how individuals think about and understand persuasive messages (Petty and Briñol, 2015). It has been including the evaluation of arguments, recall of information, and the integration of new information with existing beliefs and knowledge.
Questions and Sub Questions
Under this interview different questions and sub questions have been asked to the participants. Therefore, consumer bevabiour aspects and other phenomena have also been covered. One important feature of qualitative research is its reliance on theory that has been also influences the process of constructing and selecting the sample for a qualitative interview study.
Understanding the Knowledge of the Persuasive Campaign
The time selection plays a pivotal role in order to give the interview or the presentation to the individual effectively (Daymon and Holloway, 2010). I have gained knowledge related to the Chanel No. 5 Mother's Day poster which has helped me to understand the emotional appeal in advertisement. The interviewee's personal has experienced with the Chanel brand influenced her perception of the advertisement. Further, it has been promoting that the role of prior experiences and brand loyalty in shaping how consumers interpret and respond to marketing messages. Moreover, it has been perceived that the interview timing has created privacy and consent in order to foster knowledge regarding presenting the knowledge in front of the interviewers. Hence, the casual nature of the atmosphere has been shaping the interview location and creating positive aspects for the learners in order to flourish the learners effectively.
Interview Design
The interview has been conducted using a qualitative research methodology and it has been focusing on the participant's perspectives about persuasive communications. It has been focusing on the approach that used both interpretative and phenomenological aspects. The interpretative aspect emphasized the importance of individual and subjective interpretations and it is observed that each participant's perspective is unique and shaped by their personal experiences and contexts. The phenomenological aspect was grounded in the participant's actual experiences, providing a rich, detailed understanding of their perceptions and responses to persuasive communications.
The structure of the interview was semi-structured and it has been striking a balance between having a guided framework of questions and allowing for the natural flow of conversation. This format provided the necessary flexibility to explore topics more deeply based on the participant's responses, encouraging an organic and engaging dialogue.
From an epistemological standpoint, the research was interpreted through the subjective lens of the interviewee, valuing their personal experiences and viewpoints. This approach recognized that each participant's perspective is shaped by their individual contexts and backgrounds, offering insights that are deeply personal and nuanced. Furthermore, it has also been helping in the persuasive messages through which long-lasting attitude change can be determined (Braca and Pierpaolo Dondio, 2023).
Furthermore, demonstrating the factors related to social cognitive theory is also crucial for the development of reflection of behaviour through which particular focus has also been provided and it is also to be stated that the role of advertising has also been identified through the application of cognitive theory (Otamendi and Sutil Martín, 2020c). Advertising physiology theory is also applied under the process of interview as it has also provided relief to the one person who has adequate relation to the media representations.
Methodological Aspects
Methodological aspects have been included in this qualitative research (Priya, 2020). Open-ended questions in qualitative interviews have been allowing participants to express their thoughts and feelings without the constraints of predefined answers. It has been enhancing more authentic and spontaneous responses and providing richer and more adequate data than the data obtained through closed-ended questions. Therefore, qualitative research methodology has been utilising the in-depth knowledge of the individual's perceptions and interpretations of the advertisement phenomena (Aspers and Corte, 2019).
Qualitative Research Methods In Interviewing
The utilisation of qualitative research in the field of public relations and marketing communications is highly advantageous due to its capacity to facilitate intimate engagement between researchers and participants. This facilitates researchers in gaining a more comprehensive understanding of social processes the underlying motives of individuals and the specific circumstances in which researchers has been positioned (Mashuri et al., 2022).
On the other hand, different phenomena need to be included to conduct the interview adequately and the first thing is flexibility. Therefore, it is necessary to provide flexibility to adequate results and active listening is another aspect that needs to be included. Therefore, it also needed to be included that the probing is also crucial as it includes the recording devices and accuracy processes of data collection.
Ethical Considerations and Protocols
In terms of the ethical aspects while conducting an interview, I have focused on the perspectives related to the enhancement of privacy for the participants. Before the interview has been taken place, the participant was thoroughly informed about the research's purpose, objectives, context, and methodology. It has been promoted that participation was entirely voluntary and they were apprised of how the information gathered might be used. Consent for participation was secured with assurances that the interviewee could withdraw at any time without any repercussions.
The interviewee's anonymity was a primary concern and they were reassured that their personal information and responses would remain confidential. Personal identifiers like s, locations, and specific details that could reveal their identity were excluded from the reflective report. The report included only relevant and anonymized data to uphold confidentiality. In terms of this, I have focused on the focus on the anonymity through which information can be handled for the research findings properly (Sim and Waterfield, 2019). It is also to be stated that data handling is crucial as it needs proper places to store that as data can be leaked through different unauthentic platforms. Furthermore, compliance with the GDPR guidelines is also needed to focus on the particular aspects of the research (Ducato, 2020).
Interview Overview
The interview took place in the cafe area and a presentation was carried out regarding the persuasive campaign knowledge (Masri et al., 2020). The participant's reaction to Chanel No. 5's Mother's Day poster has been predominantly emotional. Drawing from the theory of Affective Responses in Advertising, her responses echoed sentiments of inclusivity, positivity, lightness, childlike joy, and pleasure. This aligns with the concept that emotional appeals in advertising can effectively create memorable and positive brand associations.
In this perspective the casual conversation has been conducted and the channel no 5 Mother's day poster. Therefore, this interview has been particularly including the perspectives related to emotional intelligence and other attributes related to emotive impact of the advertisement (Issah, 2018). It is also stated that the non-directive perspectives of the behaviour and attitudes of the consumers can be adequately enhanced. It is also to be stated that the active listening perspectives and adoption in the interview has been promoting the personal opinions of different kinds of challenges and insights. Utilizing the theory of Brand Relationship, the participant's existing affinity for Chanel No. 5 perfume significantly colored her perception of the campaign. This reflects the notion that personal history with a brand can shape one's reception and interpretation of its marketing efforts.
Critical Reflection
I have been acknowledging the interview session that has been conducted in the cafferty area and discussion has been carried out regarding the persuasive campaign and its impacts in the advertising aspects. However, it has been conceived that the nature of the cafe area has been creating the same hurdle for creation of the focus during the periods of the interview and facing some challenges in order to concentrate on the interview topics (Maxner, Dalla Chiara and Goodchild, 2022). A key limitation was the potential bias stemming from the interviewee's pre-existing preference for Chanel No. 5. This positive predisposition could have skewed her interpretation of the campaign, possibly limiting an objective analysis of its persuasive elements. In respect to this, a more in-depth probe into how her fondness for the brand might have influenced her response to the poster could have provided a more balanced perspective.
\The open-ended nature of the interview, while beneficial in creating a conversational and relaxed environment, sometimes hindered maintaining a sharp focus on the topic. The broad scope of persuasive communication allowed for flexibility but also made it challenging to deeply explore specific elements of the campaign's influence. Implementing a more structured approach or setting predefined focus areas might have struck a better balance between open-ended exploration and targeted investigation.
On the other hand, development of the cultural bias can also be promoted in this interview as the student is from a western background. Therefore, thoughts and processes with the other participants cannot be matched. Furthermore, this subject is related to the qualitative phenomena which have also been creating the issues related to the subject limitations and strengths through which different challenges can be imposed under these research perspectives (Tenny, Brannan and Brannan, 2022). Furthermore, it is also noted that the maintaining focus in the particular area has also been creating different kinds of issues in terms of this interview.
The interviewee's expertise in public relations and her intimate knowledge of the brand have adequately impacted her understanding and analysis of the advertisement. The significance of personal and educational backgrounds in influencing individual reactions to advertising is emphasised by this. The interview has included the perspectives related to the profound emotional influence of advertising, specifically focusing on the Chanel No. 5 Mother's Day Poster. The interviewee's strong emotional affinity towards the brand and the ad's uncomplicated, child-like design successfully struck a chord with her, showcasing the potency of emotional appeal in persuasive marketing campaigns. The findings have been indicating that perceptions of advertising are highly subjective, and shaped by individual experiences, preferences, and biases.
Therefore, this research paper has been adequately focused on the persuasive advertisement that is perceived and decoded. Therefore, it is also identified that valuable insights and different demographics perspectives have also been interpreting the interview messages. The project has highlighted the importance of being aware of biases both as a researcher and as a respondent in interpreting and analysing qualitative data.
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