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Introduction of Cloud Computing Security With Their Mitigation Techniques In The Banking Sector Assignment
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Rationale cloud commuting process
In recent business procedures, cloud computing is considered one of the most important and significant parts. In terms of ensuring a proper security measures within an organization, the cloud computing process plays an important role. A cloud commuting process includes storage, usage, analytics, networking, and software-related services. In terms of providing flexible resources to the required ones and maintaining a stable economic scale for the banking sector, the cloud computing process is regarded as important (B.S.P. et al. 2018). This research will be helpful for a banking company to mitigate its challenges and increase security measures.
This research is going to focus on extracting and evaluating the challenges of cloud computing services that can be helpful for organizations in increasing business proficiency. Significant approaches, designs, and methods of research are to be adapted in this research to acquire important information and possible solution to the challenges in cloud computing services. This research will help the management team of an organization to understand the value of cloud computing services in recent times and to implement possible strategies to develop the cloud computing process.
Increasing usage of cloud computing in the banking sector
As per the above-presented figure, it is found that the usage of cloud computing services has been increasing constantly over the years. This is the rationale of this research that will help in evaluating the impacts of the cloud computing process on banking sectors by significant mitigation techniques.
The main rationale of this research is to identify significant types of cloud computing processes with which the banking sector can be developed security measures. As stated by Saxena (2022), the identification of different types of cloud computing processes will help organizations in the banking sector to perform more efficiently. This research will be beneficial as it can provide all necessary details regarding the capturing and storing procedure of data. Interpretation of data with effective cloud technology is important to understand the relevance of each collected data.
This research is important as the business continuity within a banking sector can be ensured by implementing proper technology of cloud service procedure. In terms of protecting financial data and ensuring confidentiality regarding banks’ records, maintaining security with a proper cloud computing process is necessary. Besides that, to recover from disasters and increase fault tolerance, the implementation of cloud computing services is essential. Understanding the process with which financial organizations and banks can have the access to some advanced software applications, will be beneficial for the banking professionals. In recent markets within the banking sector, cloud computing is much more than just a technology.
Research questions
- What is the significance of the usage of cloud computing in the context of data security and protection within banking sectors?
- What are the cloud computing strategies used within banking sectors for enhancing service quality?
- What are the challenges associated with the implementation of cloud computing within banking sectors?
- What strategies can prove to be effective in facilitating the usage of cloud computing within banking sectors?
This proposal will present all required information regarding cloud computing services within the banking sector. In this research, significant mitigation techniques, related to the cloud computing process will be identified and analyzed. On the basis of some relevant themes, the importance of cloud computing in recent services within the banking sector will be evaluated in this research. Research methods, applicable for identifying the importance of cloud computing security in the banking sector will be an important part of this research proposal. On the basis of identified research methods, approaches, and designs, the researcher will develop the research with the help of which significant mitigation techniques related to cloud computing services will also be analyzed.
Literature review
In the literature review portion, some themes regarding cloud computing services are to be selected. In terms of acquiring a compact knowledge regarding cloud computing and security measures, connected to this process, the identified themes and in-depth analysis of the themes are necessary. The researcher will select relevant theoretical underpinnings in his portion to highlight the core concept of cloud computing. The importance of cloud computing in ensuring the security measure within a banking sector with mitigation techniques will be analyzed in the literature review portion. The literature gap, faced by the research during the conduction of research will be mentioned in the literature review portion.
Method selection
The literature review portion of this research will be done by considering the Prisma methodology. As per this methodology, a total of 10 sources of information have been selected and for other sources, another 10 articles are also selected. Nearly 10 of the sources are found to be duplicates and as a result, these sources are removed. From the rest of the resources, nearly 5 records are found to be irrelevant to the topics and these are also removed from the sources (Darwish et al. 2019). In the final stage main five rest resources are considered for doing this research. Based on this method, the whole research has been developed. In order to maintain the relevance of this research, this method is applied and the best possible outcomes from the research are expected.
Theoretical underpinnings
In the advanced technical era, the banking sector greatly faced different types of cloud computing that affect the data management process of the financial organization. Cloud misconfiguration is one of the burning issues of the banking sectors of any baking organization (Siam, 2021). “Service (IaaS) theory” is the most common theory that is applicable for mitigating the chances of cloud computing the security loss in relation to the banking sector. The concerned theory mainly guides the organization of the banking sector to manage huge data sets of customers and their financial transactions of them (Aljawarneh et al. 2020). Apart from that this particular theory guides the organization for essential computing in terms of data management policy along with different networking resources as per customer demand. As opined by Akter et al. (2020), data security is the main focus of the concerned which is influenced by technological integration in terms of managing customer data.
“Service Level Agreements theory” is another important theory that is truly applicable to the banking sector in order to mitigate the cloud computing security system of a financial organization (Aithal & Aithal, 2019). This particular theory has different aspects in terms of cloud computing systems.
“Cloud Accountability theory” is another significant theory that provides complete assistance in terms of employees’ service for data management as well as cloud accountability system. This theory allows the employees of the banking sectors to recognize the cloud ecosystem of the banking industry by ensuring the obligations of data protection regulation through an irrespective processing method (Zhao et al. 2019). Apart from that, this particular theory provides proper governing methods, a cloud management process, and complete security of sensitive data of customers’ financial transactions. This theory also focuses on customer responsibility in terms of data management as provides security in cloud systems. “Service (IaaS) theory” has a great influence on managing the data.
Thematic discussion
Significance of the usage of cloud computing for data security and protection within banking sectors
The cloud computing system refers to storing the data and accessing them as per requirements that provide the data handy in relation to the customers. Besides this, the web-enabled interface is a significant part of a cloud computing system that is fully controlled by technological up-gradation (Sehgal & Bhatt, 2018). With technological advancement, the process of retrieving and assessing the data became easy and secure for the banking organization. There are various signs of using cloud computing technology in the banking sector. This cloud computing service helps companies to enhance their business and marketing operations efficiency (Alghofaili et al. 2021). As a result, the companies can easily achieve success and their business operation value increases both at national and international levels. According to Zhao et al. (2019), an infrastructure in which digitalization is incorporated generally assists the financial sectors’ business by providing them with an appropriate service by which they can easily fulfill the market demand and customer preferences. Other advantages that the financial firms get by incorporating cloud computing technology in their management structure are 24 and 7 visibility and data protection, effective protection of DDoS attacks, and regulatory compliance (Ahmad et al. 2022). This cloud computing technology also benefits companies with advanced detection of risks and external threats and data security.
Cloud-based banking mainly determines, deploys or managing of banking infrastructure which helps in controlling “cloud-based” core banking business operations and also various financial services without the presence of dedicated physical servers (Tadapanen, 2020). In the case of providing better customer service cloud computing helps to improve the scalability and flexibility of the services, and also serve a large group of the customer at a fast rate. According to Aljawarneh et al. (2020), in relation to the high availability of organizational data, speed, data scalability, and security process became very high with the implementation of advanced technology. As the data on a financial organization is in the virtual space in the current situation so the organization need to be very careful in terms of managing the data arrangement process that guides to include high-security cloud computing process.
In the context of the data security process, the cloud computing system guides provide complete guidance to the baking organization to store, access, and save the data set in the virtual space. The cloud computing system allows running different data storage software and multiple applications for managing the cloud infrastructure. As opined by Ali et al. (2018), another significant of cloud computing systems in the banking sector guides to mitigate the data loss as well as data fraud process and it is very cost-effective so most of the banking institutions apply this data management process to their business process. A strong data storing system leads to more customer attraction to the organization and increases the trustworthiness of the baking organization. Data agility, as well as the adaptability process, is also influenced by the cloud computing system and with the application of different software, the data adaptability process is developed (Ammar et al. 2021). Automatic updates of organizational data are another important feature of the organization that guides to increase the organizational sustainability in the banking industry that guides to acquire trust and loyal of the customers. According to Al-Sharafi et al. (2017), data flexibility and data mobility are also enhanced with the application of advanced technology which is another advantage of cloud computing systems. Besides this, the cloud computing system enhances the collaboration among the employees in terms of the data management of the banking sector. Quality control as the most important disaster recovery is the most beneficial factor of this system that mitigates the issues of data loss and fraud of data-related issues.
The cloud computing strategies used within banking sectors for enhancing service quality
The initial cloud computing characteristics guide to on-demand self-service and broad network access. Apart from that, the cloud computing system guides to source pooling process and increases the rapid electricity through a smooth data measure policy (Amron et al. 2020). It is mainly seen that in most cases the data loss and fraud of data are occurred due to insufficient identity as well as confidential management of the baking organization. In various banking sectors, there are various cloud computing strategies are used for business growth and success. The companies that are using cloud computing technology can easily handle their big data and manage various business tools and technologies which are used for evaluating and calculating financial data (Alghofaili et al. 2021). The sectors which deal with a large amount of financial data can again a high level of big data protection, disaster recovery, and fault tolerance by incorporating cloud computing technology in their business management structure. This specific and effective technology can easily centralize data storage, data capture, and the process of data interpretation. Apart from that, another risk factor for the banking organizations is improper registration systems as well as data phishing and pretexting system (Qasem et al. 2020). Insecure APIs are another threat to the data computing process that mainly happens due to the inefficient technical integration in the context of data management.
In order to mitigate the different policies of the cloud computing system of a financial organization, some strategies can be very beneficial for the organization such as multi-factor authentication that guides to implementation of advanced technology for cloud usage and development of the authentication process (Anbalagan, 2017). Proper implementation of data access governance into the data managing process of the baking organization is another strategy for the cloud computing system. Enabling centralized logging in the data investigations of the organization is another important strategy for a cloud computing system that strengthens the data string process in the virtual space (Riasanow et al. 2018). The data discovery process and restoring the data in terms of data classification is another strategy that can be implemented into the business process for better handling of the data processing systems. Proper analyses of data according to their behaviour is another strategy that can be incorporated to smoothen the process of cloud computing.
Strategies for a cloud computing system
As per the “Service Level Agreements theory,” the baking organizations are followed the data remediation workflows that assist the employees the customers by providing more security and doing their job more sincerely (Uslu et al. 2020). This particular theory mainly focuses on the service factors of the organization that guides to data loss prevention rate. This particular factor can be very harmful to the banking organization as data loss may cause customer loss that affects the business productivity of the organization. It is seen that data loss prevention can also be increased the customer's loss by more than 26.4% and the business productivity may be reduced to 12.9% (Aljawarneh et al. 2020). In 2019, the banking sector of the UK has faced a huge business loss of more than $12000 billion from the previous year. “Cloud access security broker” is another important strategy that guides to increase the data security process as well as data restoring process (Ammar et al. 2021). This particular theory guides to increase ridge operational data managing system in terms of the outsource data breach detection process of an organization that guides to recognize the potential risk factors in terms of managing customer data processing system.
The challenges associated with the implementation of cloud computing within banking sectors
The challenges that are associated with the cloud computing system in the banking sector are mostly faced by human error factors. According to Ahmad et al. (2022), there are various challenges faced by the professionals and marketers in the banking industry which can decrease the revenue rate of the organizations and also create problems in their path to success. The major challenges that the companies of banking sectors are facing in this modern age are risks of cyber security, high digital competition, big data handling issues, sustainability issues, and falling profitability rates (Tchernykh et al. 2019). In order to mitigate the risks of cybercrime all companies operating their business in the banking industry mutts safeguard their big data which comprises client profile information, data of companies' resources, and valuable data on their financial services. These particular factors refer to as the unawareness of technological implementation for managing the virtual data and it can be mitigated by arranging the training session for the employees for using the technology that assists them to manage the organizational data (Castro et al. 2020). Another important challenge of the cloud computing system is excessive permissions which make the cloud computing system more complex. Disabling encryption is another significant challenge for the organization that increases the chances of data loss.
The challenges of cloud computing security
In order to mitigate the challenging method, the organization makes the cloud computing system simpler by implementing common technology that is very user-friendly and easy to access. On the other hand, stale accounts of organizational data make the cloud computing system more complex as well as difficult to access (Ammar et al. 2021). The organizational data can also be hampered by the excessive sharing settings and in most cases, this factor increases the chances of loss of sensitive data related to customer data (Tchernykh et al. 2019). Apart from that, leaving the default setting is another important challenge for the banking organization that guides to implementation of innovative technologies to detect the risk factors of the admin credentials as well as in the context of port numbers (Anbalagan, 2017). In the context of cloud computing systems of the banning sectors of the organization standard security controls disable management of the organization.
Literature Gap
In recent times, the cloud computing service process is found to face severe challenges to some extent. One of the main objectives of this research is to analyze these challenges and find the best possible solutions. In terms of providing proper security and privacy to the user, cloud computing service is found to face challenges. Lack of proper control and visibility can be mentioned as an important reason behind this kind of challenge (Li et al. 2020). Another important challenge is associated with the reliability of cloud service. According to Dadhich et al. (2021), service overflow, missing computing resources, hardware, and network failure are important reasons for creating challenges in reliability and availability. Portability is such an attribute that helps a user of cloud computing to adapt and move any kind of data and applications. In order to prove their customer with high-quality service and keep their data and information secure the banking sectors can use this advanced technology cloud computing (Sallehudin et al. 2019). This technology can centralize and keep secure the big data which includes client information, financial data, business resources data, and other confidential strategies. There are four main types of cloud computing systems, Public Cloud, Multi-Clouds, Hybrid Cloud, and Private Cloud (Ahmad et al. 2022). The three major types of cloud computing services are PaaS means “Platforms-as-a-Service”, SaaS means “Software-as-a-Service”, and IaaS means “Infrastructure-as-a-Service”. All these services are important to maintain the high profile data of the companies and also to store them safely for future reference. This research will find out the ways in which the portability of cloud computing services can be increased. Another important challenge can be found in the performance of cloud computing process (Dadhich et al. 2021). A lack of a skilled and experienced workforce is found to present challenges in maintaining a sustainable and developing performance. Service quality regarding challenges can be mentioned as another important challenge that can be solved by evaluating the results of this research. In terms of interoperability also the cloud computing service is facing challenges. This research is focused on finding proper solutions to these identified challenges. Therefore the study will be more relevant and effective for the learners and the future learners (Gozman & Willcocks, 2019). The performances structure and standard and service credits of a financial institution are greatly affected by this theory as it proposed a compact structure of cloud computing with the help of innovative technology. Apart from that, this particular theory mitigates the chances of critical failure by recognizing the potential problems in terms of cloud computing systems of data management.
Research design
The study is conducted based on the strategies required for the implementation of cloud computing systems and the associative security process in the banking sector. According to Castro et al. (2020), the study has been conducted based on the process of descriptive research design. The process of descriptive research design focuses on the rational strategy as required to be undertaken for addressing the research objectives associated with the cloud computing security in the banking sector
Research Design
This strategy is effective in the collection of detailed information related to the industry. This research design is useful in gathering systematic descriptions of the process of study and the situation involved related to a particular instance.
Research process
In the process of the research, several approaches have been undertaken to study the cases of the strategies undertaken for studying various strategies associated with the process of cloud computing security as implemented in the banking sector. Through the course of gathering information associated with the research process, several methods are undertaken and specific sets of philosophies are adhered to (Hussain & Aleem, 2018). The research philosophy is the set of principles that were followed during the conduction of research.
In this case, post-positivism philosophy was followed to study the significance of cloud computing security and its role in the banking sector. According to Nakeng et al. (2021), this method of philosophy is generally undertaken by a researcher to study the context based on their personal experiences and understanding after analyzing the research objectives in detail. There are different aspects of post-positivism that were considered in the process of the study. The ontological aspect as undertaken in the study focuses on assessing the authenticity of the gathered information. Meanwhile, the epistemological aspect focuses on the process of gathering valid information.
Research methods state the strategies undertaken by the researcher for obtaining various ideas. According to Mohammad (2019), it is also associated with the process of establishing a framework that is required for the development of the research. An approach of the mono method has been undertaken to study the qualitative aspects of the study. The qualitative information gathered by the mono method is carried out from archival studies and various sources of academic journals.
In this process of study, a deductive approach has been undertaken. This approach is carried out to deduce various concepts associated with cloud computing security related to the banking sector (Kratzke, 2020). A descriptive research design was followed as well in the course of this study that focuses on the aspects of the strategies required to address the objectives of the study.
Nature of data
The data gathered for the subject in the context of the study addresses the type and quality of the information obtained from the associated sources (Nader et al. 2021). The study of the subject based on cloud computing security and its usage in the banking sector required delicate attention to the details of the qualitative information gathered from the study. Therefore in adherence to the qualitative data collection method, several academic pieces of information were collected based on the topic of study.
Therefore, several authentic journals and academic articles were considered to study the various topics of cloud computing techniques and cloud computing security. The study of this topic requires thorough attention to qualitative information (VanDung et al. 2020). The application of cloud computing security is relatively a very modern topic and thus not a lot of people are acclimated to the detailed information regarding this advanced subject (Tchernykh et al. 2019). Therefore, the sources of the study have thoroughly relied upon the information from the journals, articles and various authentic academic sources.
Data collection process
This study focuses on the aspect of cloud computing security required in the banking sector. in the process of collecting the data. The researcher has undertaken the process of a robust data collection method that has aided in gathering the qualitative data as required for studying the aspect of cloud computing security and its relative benefits in its usage in the banking sector (Morawiec et al. 2022). The qualitative information associated with cloud computing security has been conducted through various studies in archival journals and articles. The gathering of the qualitative information has provided the researcher with in-depth knowledge regarding the subject in context.
Data accessibility and validity
The data regarding the topic of cloud computing security and its mitigation technique in the banking sector was gathered from several academic sources. Various sources of articles available on the different websites required digital sources of payments and accessibility permissions.
The information gathered for the study of cloud computing security and its mitigation techniques involved in the banking sector was thoroughly scrutinized to be valid (Sein-Echaluce et al. 2021). The information was collected strictly confined within trusted sources of journals and academic articles that ensured the validity of the data (Ng, 2018). Besides the online sources, informative books up in the cloud computing system were also considered that ensure the provision of valid information regarding the topic of study.
Ethical consideration
The process of collection of data associated with a topic of concern requires consideration of several ethical values. The ethical considerations in the process of conducting research focus upon the ethical values as were implemented in executing the research strategies and several data collection approaches (Oredo et al. 2019). All the basic principles of beneficence and malfeasance were strictly abided by while gathering information from various people. No individual was harmed, forced, or probed to get desired answers for the study as a quantitative approach was not undertaken. Even in accessing information about cloud computing security in the banking sector from several academic sources, necessary permissions were undertaken for various journals (Abd El-Aziz M. et al. 2022). The research was conducted strictly respecting the guidelines of the Data protection act (2018).
Cost and funding
In the process of gathering information from various academic sources, it required access to several academic sources and journals. Often it happens that the journals and articles are restricted by the authors who require paid access either to the website or strictly to the article (Bhatia and Malhotra, 2021). On top of it, the available books that deliver in-depth information regarding cloud computing security are often costly. Therefore, this process of study and gathering of associated information required quite some funding.
Preliminary data
In this research, basic information regarding cloud computing services and security procedures can be considered as relevant preliminary evidence. Preliminary data is considered to be the data that is generated from a project regarding small-scale research (Sallehudin et al. 2019). In terms of conducting more detailed research, preliminary data are essential as it helps in preparing the base of further research. An important preliminary data of this research can be mentioned as the three most important parts of cloud computing service (Stergiou et al. 2018). IaaS- Infrastructure-as-a-Service, SaaS- Software-as-a-Service, PaaS- Platform-as-a-Service are the three most important preliminary data associated with cloud computing services. The performance of banking sectors is found to be increased by 29% over the past few years which can present the importance and relevancy of cloud computing services (Tadapaneni, 2019). Another benefit, identified from preliminary data is about reduction of infrastructure costs by implementing cloud computing (Subramanian & Jeyaraj, 2018). In terms of increasing customer insights and accessing almost all innovative and advanced technology, cloud computing is necessary.
Statement of limitation
There are some limitations of this research. In order to acquire more detailed knowledge and compact idea about cloud computing services, the researcher can consider other areas of cloud computing services. Secondary consideration with influential primary research by consulting interviews and surveys can be helpful to understand real perspectives of employees of banking sectors. The views and considerations of employees of any particular industry can present a true picture of a new implementation. An important weakness of this research is the lack of time for evaluating available information. According to Riasanow et al. (2018), in terms of understanding the relevance of cloud computing in security within a banking sector and also identifying relatable and applicable mitigation techniques a more critical analysis and detailed research needs to be done. This research will only focus on the impacts of cloud computing security in banking sectors. This research can be more compact and resourceful by including suggested ways to increase utilization and more effective implementation of the cloud computing process (Sallehudin et al. 2019). The ways to utilize mitigation techniques can also be included to improve the quality of this research.
Future work
This study is aimed to provide most of the necessary measures and information regarding cloud computing services that can help the banking sector in increasing its efficiency (Morawiec and So?tysik-Piorunkiewicz, 2022). The banking sector is found to be highly impacted by the security measures of cloud computing services and this research will shed light on this. Continuation of the business process is also found to be integrally dependent on the successful implementation of cloud computing services.
Technological development is regarded as necessary to ensure a profitable and growing business within most sectors (Sein-Echaluce et al. 2021). In this regard, business procedures of the banking sector are also dependent on effective cloud computing services. Qualitative service provision is crucial for enhancing consumer satisfaction rate (Kratzke, 2020). Future studies can focus on utilizing cloud computing in effective way to enhance financial transaction.
Based on identified limitations of this research, future business professionals within the banking sector can implement the required strategies. Currently faced challenges by this particular sector will also be mitigated by evaluating this research in a more detailed manner (Agrawal, 2021). New innovations regarding cloud computing security services can be utilized to acquire more beneficial and improved results from the banking sector.
In conclusion, it can be said that this research will be beneficial for the banking sector by providing possible ways to increase the implementation of cloud computing services in the security process. Maintenance of security by the internet and other advanced applications is important for the banking sector. In recent and upcoming business aspects of organizations within banking, sectors can be developed and more benefited by considering a detailed evaluation of this research. The identified gaps in the literature can be addressed and taken into consideration for further research to cover the weaknesses and also to be more compact and informative regarding cloud computing services.
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