MG410: Career Viewpoint: My Digital Marketing Growth Assignment Sample

Digital Marketing Career Plan | SWOT Analysis & Objectives Assignment Sample By New Assignment Help!

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1. Introduction: Personal Analysis and Career Plan for Digital Marketing

In the previous studies, I examined the diverse environment of marketing. Focusing on the role of “digital marketing professional”, the recognised job opportunity connects with my interest in technological innovation and technical creativity. The necessary knowledge and skills which are needed for this role include data interpretation, market research, proficiency in digital marketing aspects, content reaction, project management, creativity, suitable communication skills, video marketing skills, CRM and mobile marketing. In the marketing sector, I recognised that “digital melting professional” can be the most appropriate job area that connects with my interests, passion and potential career path. This role focuses on the current advertising environment. The critical skills for the marketing sector include knowledge of innovation, recent technological advances such as VR and AR and others. It will help me to improve my skills in machine learning, AI, robotics and other areas of modern technologies.

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2. Personal Analysis

In reflecting on my current skills, experience and knowledge regarding the previous analyses on marketing, I have recognised both my strengths and areas of improvement. It will analyse feedback from my previous work experiences, seminars, volunteering and the regarded details provided in my e-portfolio. Here, I outline a SWOT analysis to highlight my strengths as a digital marketing professionals.

  • Digital marketing skills
  • Proficiency in content creation
  • Limited experience in market research
  • Competencies in CRM aspects
  • Efficiency in team collaboration
  • Effectiveness in data interpretation
  • Aptitude in video marketing

Table 1: SWOT analysis

Table 1 shows that I have a strong base of digital marketing skills including effectiveness in different digital marketing platforms. As I previously discussed about the job advertisement in ESTIO TRAINING in London a digital marketing apprentice. Here, I will learn and adopt approaches to digital marketing actions and make betterment for their marketing initials. Moreover, by sourcing digital content across the recently used technologies, including Robotics, Artificial intelligence, VR and AR, I will gain proficiency based on developing digital content.

Moreover, while working in this organisation, I will adopt the knowledge about team collaboration. Here I prioritised the idea of Belbin's team collaboration roles. As per the narration of Aranzabal et al. (2022), the nine belbin roles, including team worker, resource investigator, plant, monitor evaluator, specialist, shaper, complete finisher and implementer help to design and complete tasks with the help of team members. Using these factors, in our workplace we will associate our interpersonal skills with typical behavioural aspects. Using such team integrity in our digital marketing aspects, I can gain the capabilities and explain the data as an opportunity of mine. In a recent project, I used various digital tools including Google Analytics to seek informed decision-making about my workplace performance.

Areas for Improvement

Despite being comprehensive in digital marketing skills, there is a significant gap in my proficiency skills in video marketing. Aptitude tests and feedback from a recent project show the urgency of future development in video editing and creation (Fredberg and Pregmark, 2021). It is a valuable and emerging skill for marketing professionals. In addition, despite having significant experience in qualitative market search, It shows that I need better improve in these working areas. Such a gap has been outlined to get positive feedback from a research-focused seminar that focuses on the need for better improvement in this area. However, I should develop a better understanding of the concept of CRM which is lacking in my skills to be a professional digital marketing analyst. This is a certain area where I should gain knowledge through practising relevant coursework and real-life experiences to improve my application.

3. Career Action Plan

Objectives Specific Measurable Achievable Relevant Timebound
Competence in CRM aspects Develop proficiency in CRM aspects by using several CRM tools Obtain a CRM certification. Moreover, complete an online tanning course on CRM Enrol online training program and CRM certifications in these courses It can be achievable by regularly attending the program and seeking feedback from peers. Complete within the next 6 months
Quantitative market research Generate real-life experiences from qualitative market analysis Provide successful completion of market research by connecting qualitative methods Collaborating with a guide can help me gain knowledge in such research projects Adjust time and actions regarding my opportunities and needs Complete within next 2 months
Proficiency in video marketing Develop practical skills in video editing and creation Significantly complete a course on online video marketing Provide marketing courses based on online video marketing tutorials Seek appropriate feedback from instructors to improve the video marketing knowledge Complete within the next 4 months

Table 2: Career plan

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Following the SMART objectives in a career action plan ensures measurability, specificity, relevance, achievability and time-bound criteria. It highlights a clear action plan, resources, success criteria and time frames for the recommended areas of development. It is showing a notable path for gaining the goals within the time remaining to graduation. By monitoring and adjusting the career plan, I can develop the skills of video editing, quantitative market research aspects and effective usage of CRM tools. Accessing my progress regularly can help to seek positive feedback from the instructors. Here, I need to adjust my time based on my learning opportunities and needs.

Moreover, developing reconciled gaps enables not only defying weakness but also outlining opportunities and managing the existing threats. In the matter of the career action plan, the strategies for highlighting gaps connect with implementing strengths and resolving threats.

Competence in CRM Perspectives

I should not only concentrate on collecting certificates but also look for opportunities to implement CRM tools in real scenarios to mitigate the gaps in my CRM competence. As per the narration of Deshpande (2023), Zoho CRM, Hubspot CRM, Freshsales and others are the most significant CRM tools that can be used to improve business. Connecting these software and tools with my business will help me to develop a suitable understanding of CRM applications.

Gaps In Quantitative Market Research

As per the justification of Gregory (2022), the significant gap in the marketing sector is to find out the current needs of the customers which are not being made. While addressing these gaps I am trying to seek out the nominal opportunities to align in research projects. Moreover, I am planning to discuss the gaps with my collaborators. Such actions not only help me to achieve my objectives but also will give me a platform to increase my potential qualitative research skills. hence I am taking a significant timeline to adjust my skills based on opportunities which will ensure a responsive and diverse approach to develop my skills.

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Increase Proficiency In Video Marketing

I will prioritise my opportunities in skills to be involved in practical projects to increase my proficiency in video marketing. As per the justification of Dodaro (2019), 7% of customers now agree that video marketing is the easiest path to get to establish an online brand. 74% of customers in the UK may seek a direct connection between watching a video on social media and influencing their pushing decisions. Reminding such things, I need to develop my video marketing skills by refining video editing aspects. It will help me to reveal the tools and trends in the current video marketing sector to be progressive in a rapidly evolving environment of the marketing sector. Hence, regular plan and reflection is needed to be responsive to the diverse nature of such marketing fields.


In conclusion after examining the entire reflection assignment, I outline a remarkable understanding of my recent standing regarding the marketing profession. It has highlighted a way for personal and professional growth and the process conducts a career support assessment which is evaluating my skills. Arranging the career action path appears as a significant roadmap and it is identifying areas of development into realistic and actionable steps. From my perception, I felt that empowering will guide me to develop a competitive position in the marketing field. The swot analysis, career action plan and personal analysis collaboratively provide a strategic framework for regular improvement.

Moreover, the SMART objectives make sure a measurable and focused approach connects with my aspirations after completing my graduation. Furthermore, I intend to apply the career action plan as a diverse tool, adjusting and revising it significantly to achieve my future goals and job chances, by outlining the leveraging timelines and viable resources, I become confident that such a plan of action will increase my capabilities in digital marketing. It also contributes to my long-time success in such a diverse sector of marketing.


  • Aranzabal, A., Epelde, E. and Artetxe, M. (2022). Team Formation based on Belbin's Roles to Enhance Students' Performance in Project-Based Learning. Education for Chemical Engineers, [online] 38(1), pp.22–37. doi:
  • Deshpande, I. (2023). What Is Customer Relationship Management (CRM)? Tools, Types, Strategy, Benefits & Features. [online] Spiceworks. Available at: [Accessed 24 Dec. 2023].
  • Dodaro, M. (2019). 8 Ways To Improve Your Video Marketing Strategy. [online] Social Media Today. Available at: [Accessed 24 Dec. 2023].
  • Fredberg, T. and Pregmark, J.E. (2021). Organizational transformation: Handling the double-edged sword of urgency. Long Range Planning, [online] 55(2), p.102091. doi:
  • Gregory, A. (2022). Gaps in the Market: How To Identify Them. [online] The Balance. Available at: [Accessed 24 Dec. 2023].
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