Mental Health Today, Assessment 1 Literature Review Amira Case Study

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Introduction Of Amira a 14-year-old girl from Syria

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Key features of the case study

This case study has focused on the incident of Amira, a 14-year-old girl from Syria. Amira used to live with her parents and two younger brothers. The apartment, in which Amira used to live, got blocked and bombed and in this incident, she lost her brothers and her father also got seriously injured. The accident has made her father disabled and he is living the rest of his life with limited mobility. After this incident, the family spent 2 years in a refugee camp and then they came to the UK.

This devastating and heartbreaking incident has given Amira immense shock and she started presenting general anxiety and post-traumatic symptoms such as nightmares, mid-sleep awakening, reactivity to loud noises and different others. For these mental problems, Amira started facing difficulties in school also. She also started re-experiencing past events and hence having concentration problems and different others.

Post-traumatic stress triggered generalized anxiety disorder as both can have their effects one after the other or any one of the effects can be experienced first. These disorders have similar effects which include psychological effects and this can be caused due to various activities such as extreme worries, restlessness or insomnia. It is caused by irritability and different changes in thinking. Sweat and hyper vigilance are the symptoms of post-traumatic and generalized anxiety disorder. This situation has made Amir's parents worried as she started isolating herself from the family members also. Therefore, Amira's parents found difficulties in coping with her. Considering the situation, the support worker of the refugee camp has suggested Amira's parents give her Resilience coaching.

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Positive psychology intervention and its effectiveness

The given case study has elaborated on the pathetic incident of Amira. Considering the sorrowful incident that happened with Amira and the post-traumatic disorders that she was experiencing, resilience coaching is advised for Amira. Resilience coaching is a kind of positive intervention psychology. This method can be highly helpful for treating Amira as this treatment can reduce depression, as well as it can deal with anxiety issues and stress disorders. Therefore, this treatment can help Amira to come back to normal life again.

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Reasons for supporting positive psychology

Positive psychology can help any individual in living a meaningful life. Along with that, this strategy is also helpful for correcting negative behaviors, increasing productivity and happiness and different other perspectives (Odeset al. 2020). As opined by Owens and Waters, (2020), positive psychology interventions are applicable to children and adolescents also. Primary research including 68 participants has classified 8 types of positive intervention techniques that can also highlight these perspectives. Therefore, it can be stated that this positive intervention psychology can be helpful in Amira's situation. Therefore, it is advised to Amira's parents.

Main body

Involvements of the intervention

As opined by Lambert et al. (2019), it is a crossectional study and provides an overall impact of psychological effects and helps in the treatment of different psychological symptoms. It also addresses the 14 weeks of positive psychological intervention programs (PPIs) for university students who have different 18 PPIs. At the end of the semester, the students came out of happiness. Positive intervention psychology is regarded as one of the most important perspectives for treating different psychological distress such as trauma, anxiety, and others. In contrast to that, the "traditional Occupational Health approaches" has stated the importance of emotional resilience for promoting mental and physical health and different well-being programs. An overview of emotional resilience has been given in the below

Employees can promote emotional Resilience at work, Employees can keep learning and can connect with others, and also take notice of life.

1: Emotional resilience

(Source:, 2022)

Emotional resilience coaching includes different types of activities that can help in adapting to different stressful situations and adjusting to different ups and downs of life. However, another important fact is resilience does not eliminate difficulties and stresses. However, this therapy helps in tackling different problems in life (Rose and Palatini, 2020). There are different involvement factors that are included in the positive psychology approaches such as positive activities, positive emotions, Positive thoughts, Positive behaviors, and different others. The concept of mindfulness can also be effective in this situation (NIHs. UK, 2022) All these approaches collectively help in reducing depression symptoms, increasing well-being factors and different others.

2: Positive psychology intervention

(Source: Modernized and Zarif, 2017)

This has illustrated the idea of positive intervention psychology, its different approaches of it and the main deliverables of this trend.

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The usefulness of the intervention

As stated earlier emotional; resilience, a part of positive psychology intervention plays an important role in the overall psychology management of any individual. As Opined by Caret al. (2021), it is a cross-section review. The use of positive psychology intervention is one of the effective ways of treatment of mental health as well as promoting the treatment. a systematic literature search has been conducted by PsychInfo, PubMed and Cochrane record and manual examinations. There was a difference of 0.34 for subjective well-being and 0.23 for depression and 0.20 for psychological well-being suggesting miniature effects for optimistic psychology interventions. A result has been observed from 3 to 6 months but is still important for impressionistic well-being and psychological well-being, which effects indicates fairly sustainable this positive psychology intervention concept allows any individual for boosting positive feelings, behaviors, and well-being and enhances the cognitive skills of the individual. Therefore, this can be regarded as an important use of this concept. "The theory of cognitive psychology" can be useful in this perspective. Yang, (2022), has stated that this theory mainly explains the interpretations of events as a potential factor for the reaction of the Human. Different types of emotional reactions can also be responses to certain interpretations (Costantini and Sartori, 2018). Therefore, this theory can be helpful in evaluating the thinking pattern of any human. Therefore, this theory can also be helpful in the situation of Amira, hence the counsellor of Amira is also advised to focus on this theory to feed Amira's mind with positive thoughts, positive thinking patterns and other perspectives. Using this model instead of the Behaviorist model can also help in studying the internal behavior of humans.

3: Differences between behaviorist and Cognitive models of psychology

(Source:, 2022)

The above-mentioned figure has effectively illustrated the significant comparison between the two types of models in the psychological field. In the case of Amira, the cognitive model can be more effective.

Limitations of the interventions

Along with having multiple advantages of this proposed method, there are some drawbacks too. Therefore, it is advised to the counsellors to study the case profile of Amira carefully before taking her for any kind of therapy session. Emotionally resistant people can be persistent for a long time with one unattainable goal. Hence it can be regarded as a potential drawback of this method (Aguilar, 2018). Apart from that, the therapy session of emotional resilience can make any individual over-tolerant of any kind of external thing or internal feelings (Valiente et al. 2022)this is also dangerous and harmful as well. Therefore, emotional resilience is required to be applied up to a certain time. In case, the patient started responding negatively, the therapy is needed to be stopped immediately after discussing it with the counsellors (Cunha et al. 2020). Leadership effectiveness can be hampered through this process as emotionally resistant people tend to have limited reactions to external stimuli and responses. All these can be regarded as the potential limitations of the study.

In this case, Amira is facing extreme levels of depression along with shocking nightmares, sleep awakening and other approaches. Therefore, this case is needed to analyze the case and understand her case history of her and then take her for therapy. It is expected that resilience theory can perform positively with Amira and Amira can show significant improvement in her mental well-being.

Appropriateness of the interventions

As stated earlier, PPI can help in boosting the well-being of human beings by enhancing positive feelings, regulatingbehavior and other perspectives. However, before applying this therapy to any individual their background is required to be checked (Chilver and Glatt, 2022). In the case of any school goers, the level of resilience is required to be minimal as their mental condition can be more delicate. The level of resilience is needed to be designed as per the need of the patient (Khan et al. 2020). The length is also required to be designed by considering the degree of the problem the victim is facing. However, in the era of digitization, this total therapy can be applied through digital media (Yaden, et al. 2020). Ethical consideration plays another crucial role in this perspective as all the patients are required to participate in their own interests.

Therefore, considering all the advantages and disadvantages of the proposed method and analyzingthe steps of application, this method is suggested in the case of Amira. It is expected that only the theory of resilience can control her emotions and guide her to lead a normal life again. The risks of sleepwalking and sleepwalking can also be reduced with the application of this method. This is why it is suggested to Amira.


The case history of Amira is highly sensitive and pathetic and the trauma of the blast and losing her brothers are the main cause of her depression. This study has analyzed the case study of Amira in detail and considering her current situation of her, Resilience therapy as a form of positive intervention psychology is advised to Amira. As a part of the introduction the case history of Amira is briefly discussed and the importance of positive intervention psychology, in this case, has also been discussed here. This chapter continued by addressing the providing main reasons behind the adoption of this therapy for Amira.

After the introduction chapter, this study has concentrated on the proposed intervention psychology and its effectiveness. This chapter includes different involvements of this intervention process. This chapter indicated the emotional resilience model and its importance in this case. A diagram of PPI has indicated different perspectives on this process. After that, the usefulness of this tool has also been explained and a comparison has been drawn between the behaviorist and Cognitive models of psychology. Limitations of this model include overreaction to resilience, persistence towards long unattainable goals and others. The appropriateness of the model has also been explained by giving the references of school’s level applications, college and university-level applications and different others. It is expected that this therapy of emotional resilience can be helpful for Amira to tackle her problems and soon Amira can get back to normal life again.


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Carr, A., Cullen, K., Keeney, C., Canning, C., Mooney, O., Chiseling, E. and O’Dowd, A., (2021). Effectiveness of positive psychology interventions: a systematic review and meta-analysis. The Journal of Positive Psychology, 16(6), pp.749-769.

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