Mental Health Illness Assignment Sample

Mental health issues, services, and effective communication strategies in the UK for improved mental well-being.

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Introduction Of Mental Health Illness Assignment

Mental health problems are a serious issue for the people who are affected by them, it is a concept that refers to an individual’s emotional and psychological factors. A patient who is suffering from mental health problem are deserving mental care, understanding, and even the pathways to hope and recovery, and also fulfillment. Mental health determines the way how people think and also feel in their minds at a certain time. If people experience issues dealing with in their everyday life, then it could be a sign of mental health issues of the people, so the people have to overcome the trauma very carefully.

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Analysis of services

The service provided in the UK about mental health problems is very preferable for people who are suffering from mental health issues. It was gradually estimated that 3.25 million people were involved with the mental health service at some phases during the year 2021-2022. This is all around 5.8% of the whole population. The ratio is varying from about 14.8% of 11-15 years old children and 13.9% of 16-19-year-old children and also 2.7% of 65-69-year-old adult people. According to Alexander et al., (1), mental health services come from the GP surgery which is a large local health center, also a mental health clinic or a hospital. This kind of GP surgery refers to the mental health affected people as a psychological therapy and also specialist mental health cure service for good advice and proper treatment for their curing. According to Bu et al., (2) mental health assessment is referred to diagnosing mental health illness conditions such as depression, anxiety, postnatal depression and even eating disorders and psychotic illness of the affected people. Mental health problem is different from physical health problems but any mental health issue affects the physical condition of the suffering people.

Referrals to children and young people’s mental health service

Figure 1: Referrals to children and young people’s mental health service

Source: (Bu et al., 2)

Identify members for interaction

Mental health problem of the people of the UK creates a huge effect on the social service network of a certain country. Many respective persons are involved in this mental health issue of the community, they are such as a psychiatrist, an experienced psychologist, a social worker who is also a good psychiatrist, a community of qualified nurses, and also a program manager. According to Bucci et al., (3) the program also included a program registry assistant and a record keeper. Those people are involved in the mental health care service of the UK. They play a great role in society regarding the mental health illness of some people. More than 15 million people which is around 30% of the UK population live with one long-term condition and among them, approx. more than four million people also have a mental health issue in their life. They are suffering from anxiety and mental disorder which creates a huge problem in their family life and professional life also. According to Daghagh et al., (4) they usually suffer from trauma and stress in their daily life. It affects the physical health of the people. People who are suffering from mental health issues should consult with a qualified psychiatrist for a better solution to their life.

Common mental health issues in the UK

Figure 2: Common mental health issues in the UK

Source: (Daghagh Yazd et al., 4)

Effective communication strategy

There are some effective strategies involved in the mental health care issue of the UK. Many people are suffering from mental health problems in their personal and professional life. Social workers need to maintain an effective strategy in their communication theory with suffering people According to Dalton et al., (5) their language should be clear when they communicate with the mental health patient. Qualified psychologist has to be honest in their work and their speech must be understandable for the suffering people with a mental health issue. Their tone should be active in the communication process with the mental health patient. The government of the UK asked to join an effective strategy that will ensure that mental health illness is reflected alongside the physical health condition of the mental health affected people in the UK. Similarly, according to Daly et al., (6), sector three focuses on mental health illness, it also includes the creation of a new local investment fund of at least 2.3 billion a year by 2023-2024 in the community of the UK. The psychiatrist should avoid the behavior of the mental health patient, they must not say anything about their way of speech. They also should avoid discussing the patient's emotional topics that may hurt them in their mental illness condition. If the psychiatrist does not understand the patient's words, they must tell the patient to talk clearly.

 young people suffering from mental illness in the UK

Figure 3: young people suffering from mental illness in the UK

Source: (Daly et al., 6)

Risk and overcome

Mental health illness is noticed in every spare life of people. In the UK children aged between 15-20 years are much more effective for the mental health illness issue. Both psychiatrists and psychologists are involved to solve mental health issues from a young age people. According to Danese et al., (7) in the UK psychiatrist mainly hold a medical degree to provide certain medicines to suffering patients and psychologists use talk therapy to communicate with mental health suffering patients. In several hospitals and the nursing sectors, many young aged people are suffering from mental health issues. They do not speak with other members of their family and also like to live alone in their personal life. It is a very serious problem for their physical health in the future days so psychiatrists must help people aged 15-20 years old at the expense of their personal life. On the other hand according to Hughes et al., (8) young age people who do have not proper housing to live they are suffering from mental health illnesses. Their thinking mind is different from other people of the same community, for that reason the psychiatrist must focus on their behavior and also the way they communicate with the other normal people in the community of UK. The affected people should to talk with the other normal people to avoid their stress and trauma in their mind. The psychiatrist must help the suffering people in every aspect of their life to relief their mental health care condition.


The government of the UK is expanding and even transforming mental health care services to reach the rising demand by investing approx. 2.3 billion a year to expand and transform services in the UK. The strategy will help two million more people overcome mental health illnesses in a certain community. According to Jakovljevic et al., (9), social health workers and psychologists are referred the young aged mental health patient to eat a healthy diet, stay hydrated, and should take regular meals in everyday life. The patients should try to take relaxing activities and take a sleeping priority. It may help in the recovery of the mental health patient. According to O'Connor et al., (10), the young aged mental health patient should think about anything positively, it will help them curing of their stress and trauma from their mind and they will get well soon. The people also should be connected with the other people in their community, they must interact with normal people and also with the psychiatrist for their good health. On the other hand, according to Vigo et al., (11), charities of social welfare are also involved to reduce the mental health illness issue among young aged children. They usually donate a certain amount of money to social welfare committees to help those affected children who have no proper housing and also suffering from mental health issues.

Action plan

Action plan Activities Implication Timeline
Safeguard children “Cognitive behavioral therapy” Children suffering from the mental health issue need safe guidance for their health issues, by the help of guidance they can communicate with other normal people in the community and it is good for their health. 5-6 months.
Elderly people “Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy” When elderly people start to communicate with other normal people and spent time with their close friends then they must overcome their mental health. This therapy helps in play mind games and also communicate with their close friends to recover from their mental health problems. The therapy needed 3-4 months.


Mental health issues can separate the affected people from the other normal people in the same community. Mental illness can affect not only the suffering people but also their surrounding people, their loved ones, and even their close friends. Social workers need to maintain an effective strategy in their communication theory with suffering people. Their thinking mind is different from other people of the same community, for that reason the psychiatrist must focus on their behavior and also the way they communicate with the other normal people in the community of UK.


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