Mental Health And Illness Assignment Sample

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Introduction of Mental Health And Illness Assignment 

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Task 1


Desirable difficulties are based on the testing of the generations as well as on the different conditions of practice. This represents the fact that desirable difficulties of the mental abnormalities are based on the social experiment and the outcome of the behaviour on the people. In this difficulty, the working mentality is stressed by the effect of interactivity of the information. The pedadgocial advantages are tested with the help of the desirable thoughts but the difficulties associated with this creates a gap within the pedagogical analysis as a result the mental condition of a person cannot be judged with the abnormality scale.

The undesirable difficulty is based on the thinking or the behaviour. The undesirable thoughts are mainly based on a particular thought or the idea, which creates the normal person different from the abnormal person. In the mental illness the decision making ability is absent within the patient which creates makes them abnormal from the normal person. This is the reason that undesirable traits are mainly based on a particular topic in the absence of that trait the person will face the difficulties in their nature and they will be marked as the abnormal personalities in the society.

Task 2

Causes of a particular mental illness



  • Depression is one of the common mental illnesses in today’s society
  • This mental condition is based on the effect of any kind of outsourced activity
  • Depression breaks a person mentally as well as physically (Meheraliet al. 2021).
  • Emotional and physical problems increases if it is left untreated


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Depression is one kind of mental illness that can be happened in any person due to different causes. It breaks a person mentally as well physically (Meheraliet al. 2021). This is treatable and the proper medication and meditation can cure this mental condition.


  • Different kinds of feelings like sadness or mental breakdown are the primary symptoms
  • Insomnia is also caused by the depression
  • Negative thoughts like feeling worthless or guilty are also included in this disorder
  • The tendency to self-harm and suicidal incidents are also the negative symptoms of depression.


There are different kinds of symptoms are associated with this mental disorder. The suicidal rate is increasing with the progression of time, which is also a negative impact of this mental disorder. These symptoms help a doctor to find out a person who is dealing with mental depression.

Psychodynamic causes behind Depression

  • Different kinds of childhood incidents like the trauma or pain can create a depression in adult age
  • Psychodynamic causes also cover the physical and mental abuses, which create depression (Patel, 2020).
  • Interpersonal relationships are caused the depression in adult age
  • These psychodynamic causes put a negative effect on the mental condition of the person.
  • No physical effect can be observed in this type of cause.


The psychodynamic theory covers the childhood incidents, which put a negative effect on the person, and with the time, the growth in the mental depression can be seen within that person.

Biological Factors behind Depression

  • Genetical inheritance is the main cause of the mental depression under this perspective
  • The genetical inheritance shows the linkage between the family disorder and the mental disorder.
  • “Parental damage” is another biological cause behind the depression (Sethy and Mishra, 2020).
  • “Infections and physical damage” are other causes of the mental depression under the biological resources
  • Brain defects sometimes create mental depression
  • Neurotransmitter systems and the problems in the signal transfer by the neurotransmitters create the mental depression


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There are different kinds of biological causes are present behind the mental disorder. PArental damage, physical damage, or a defect in the brain can create this type of mental depression. Problem in the neurotransmitter and the signals transfer system creates mental disorder.

Behavioural causes behind mental depression

  • It connects the negative emotional states with the mental depression
  • Observable behaviour is also associated with the mental depression
  • The analysis of the interaction between the humans and the environment is done under this theory
  • The proper analysis of the interaction helps to identify the behavioural cause behind mental depression (Oliveiraet al.2022).
  • The identification of the behavioural causes helps the doctor to prescribe the proper medication for the patient.
  • Classical conditioning” is also used to find out the behavioural causes behind mental depression.


This behavioural cause helps a lot to identify the level of mental disorder within a person (Oliveira et al. 2022). Different theories are present under this model, which identifies the causes related to the behavioural issues.


  • This topic is based on the findings of the causes of mental depression.
  • Biological, psychodynamic, and behavioural causes are identified behind mental depression.
  • The outcome is showing different models have different theories behind any kind of mental illness
  • The topic is also showing the effect of different incidents on a person
  • The negative effect is creating an improvement in the suicidal rate due to the mental disorder (Golberstein, 2019).
  • The overall topic is showing the impact of circumstances on the mental health of a person.


The overall topic is showing different causes behind the mental disorder. The different perspective is discussed on this topic and the conclusion portion is showing the effect of the causes behind the mental disorder.

Task 3

Two different approaches to treating the mental illness


Mental illness is the most common disease in today's society. There are different kinds of mental disorders present some are curable and some are not. All the diseases are linked with the emotions of the people like thoughts, feelings, emotions, and etc. people are afraid of sharing their mental problems with others as a result of the progression of time the rate of the mental illness is increasing day by day. The treatment of these mental illnesses can provide relief to the person who is suffering from them (Zhanget al. 2021). There are different kinds of techniques that apply to the mental patient for their treatment. Two approaches for the treatment of the mental patient are

“Medical Model”

As the treatment of a broken arm, this “Medical model” treats a patient with a mental disorder. The identification of the physical cause behind the mental disorder is done through this model. In this model, the symptoms of the patient are identified as the result of the “inner physical disorder.” In this model, all the symptoms are classified under the same group, and then it is treated as the “syndrome.” Physical or organic causes are identified as the main problem behind mental illness in this model. “Genetics, neurotransmitters, and neurophysiology” are the possible causes behind mental illness according to this model. The treatment of the patient is done by the analysis of the physical causes and the effect of that cause on the inner physical condition (Ramadhanet al. 2020). During the treatment of the patient, the doctors identify the behavior of the patient through the clinical interview. After that, the treatment is done with the proper medication with the proper time management. Observation is another criterion under this model by the observation processes the diagnosis and the proper improvement of the patient can be done.

“Psychodynamic Model”

Sigmund Freud described this model and this was applied to human behaviours. It is made up of all theories associated with psychology. It forces or drives the human functioning within a person. This approach is mainly used for the treatment of mental patients who are suffering from depression and anxiety mainly. It is based on the effect of childhood trauma on the mental condition of the human mental condition. As per this model, the personality of a person is mainly shaped by different conflicts and incidents. The psychodynamic model is strongly based on the behaviour of the patient (Ramadhan, 2020). "Talking cure" is the primary aim of this mod3el. Nowadays psychological treatments are based on this communication therapy. "Psychodynamic approach” covers the nature and the nature debate. This model mainly highlights childhood incidents, which have a major impact on the adult personality.


Here two approaches are mentioned for the treatment of mental illness. Nowadays mental illness is increasing with the progression of the time. The number of mental patients is increasing with time. From a student to an adult person, everyone is facing the problem of mental illness. Different reasons are present behind the mental disorder of a person. Here the inner physical condition and the childhood incidents are chosen for the analysis of the tropic. The "Medical Model" treats the mental patients based on the observation of the person's behaviour. The next model is based on the “psychodynamic” therapy that is based on the impact of a childhood incident on an adult person. Overall, the two different approaches are showing different methods of treatment for the needy person who is facing a mental disorder. There are a huge number of approaches available for the treatment of a patient who is suffering from a mental disorder. 


Golberstein, E., Gonzales, G. and Meara, E., 2019. How do economic downturns affect the mental health of children? Evidence from the National Health Interview Survey. Health Economics28(8), pp.955-970.

Meherali, S., Punjani, N., Louie-Poon, S., Abdul Rahim, K., Das, J.K., Salam, R.A. and Lassi, Z.S., 2021.Mental health of children and adolescents amidst COVID-19 and past pandemics: a rapid systematic review. International journal of environmental research and public health18(7), p.3432.

Oliveira, J.M.D.D., Butini, L., Pauletto, P., Lehmkuhl, K.M., Stefani, C.M., Bolan, M., Guerra, E., Dick, B., De Luca Canto, G. and Massignan, C., 2022. Mental health effects prevalence in children and adolescents during the COVID?19 pandemic: A systematic review. Worldviews on Evidence?Based Nursing19(2), pp.130-137.

Patel, K., 2020. Mental health implications of COVID-19 on children with disabilities. Asian journal of psychiatry54, p.102273.

Ramadhan, M.H.A., Putri, A.K., Melinda, D., Habibah, U., Fajriyah, U.N., Aini, S., Prananjaya, B.A. and Ikhsan, D.S., 2020. Children’s mental health in the time of COVID-19: how things stand and the aftermath. The Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences: MJMS27(5), p.196.

Sethy, M. and Mishra, R., 2020.An Integrated Approach to Deal with Mental Health Issues of Children and Adolescent during COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Clinical & Diagnostic Research14(9).

Zhang, S., Wang, L., Xian, Y. and Bai, Y., 2021. Mental health issues among caregivers of young children in rural China: prevalence, risk factors, and links to child developmental outcomes. International journal of environmental research and public health18(1), p.197.

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