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MCN Report Template Introduction - Inter Continental Hotels
The journal will be used to produce the Individual Report (2000 words) and will be submitted as an appendix to it.
Students will Choose ONE of the Service Encounters from the reflective journal and provide solutions from a marketing and operations perspective to the problematic issues they have observed within this report.
Students should use their knowledge of what has been taught in the module in their analysis, and provide workable recommendations supported by concepts from the module that will enhance the ability of the system or subsystem to meet customer needs.
Higher marks are awarded for:
- If your choice of course concepts/theory is the best suited to the issues you raise from the encounter.
- Data collected which links to the course concepts; for example, if you are using capacity analysis you will need to observe demand and staff/resources employed. If you are using 7P/4Ps, then data could be marketing materials from the business, websites, trade magazines, etc.
- Recommendations which use theory provided by the module
- Critical evaluation of the theory and application. For example, what other potentially negative outcomes could come from your recommendation?
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This contains a short description of the business and short description of the service encounter. The introduction sets the scene for the main body of the report. It should be written in an explanatory style.
It should be cited and referenced.
This section should be 100 words.
The company selected for the demonstration of the working and the other aspects through the service encounter is InterContinental Hotels Group. This company is marketed as hotels and resorts throughout the globe although the company is based in the UK. This company has the Holiday Inn chain through the chain of the United Kingdom with aesthetically pleasing interior decorated rooms and free breakfast (ihg.com, 2022). The primary objective of the report is the analysis of the selected company which is aligned with the marketing concepts. The next step is the collection and interpretation of the data in the Methodology segment of the report. Furthermore, the evaluation of the theory is used from the issues detected during the experience which is executed with the services marketing and operation theory. Lastly, the recommendations are constructed based on the experience and the issues detected in the process.
Discussion regarding Module Concepts Chosen
Critically review the module concepts we have covered and outline why you chose the frameworks you did for this report.
This section should be roughly 300 words
This section should be cited and referenced.
The model selected for the explanation of the working and the experience of the Hotel company is the AIDA model. The form of AIDA is “Awareness", "Interest", "Desire", and "Action" which solely focuses on the consumer experience and well-being (Alic, 2022). The hospitality industry is aligned with the framework of this model where the consumer goes through the purchasing decisions. This is mainly for the selection and the confirmation of the consumer with the hotel bookings where which can help increase the revenue of the company. The stage is concerned with the attraction to the hotel company which deals with the interest in the service (Fortenberry and McGoldrick, 2020). This then substantially stimulates the desire for the service and lastly, the action is taken. The action is regarding the booking of the room in the hotel as a consequence of the first three stages of the model.
![AIDA Model on the hotel company]()
Figure 1: AIDA Model on the hotel company
(Source: Alic, 2022)
This model is selected due to the advantage of the determination of the distribution and the crafting of the messages across the potential consumers. The journey of the consumer making the decision is where this model considers the company’s active participation in the consumer's journey (Mumtaz, 2019). This model is in the format of a hierarchy which accurately represents the movement of the consumers through each of the stages which fulfil the desired action. According to the opinion of Ruffolo and Jimenez, (2021), the implementation of this model is for the development of the campaigns and the framework of the website as per the AIDA model. There is more active monitoring of the objectives and the prospectus on the path of the decision made for the purchase. The quality of the food and beverages as well as the bedding is one of the primary factors considered which can be denoted with the help of this model.
This model is implemented as this has helped understand the consumer and behaviour patterns of the consumers when selecting hotels for various reasons. In each of the progress through the process each of the stages, there is more information about the hotel’s brand which can result in the development of a specific amount of emotions. This can then help in understanding the desire to act on the basis of feelings and other factors which impacts the decision on the purchase (Mueller and Sensini, 2021). As the hotel company is also based on the consumer experience and this model considers the consumer's behaviour in the purchase.
In this section you should explain what data you collected and when it was collected as well as any issues you encountered.
This section should be roughly 200 words
The data collected for the analysis of the selected company is secondary and quantitative which can help in the understanding aligning with the marketing concept. The data collected is from the behaviour of the staff and the manager at the time of the service encounter. The food and the beverages are also one the data which has been collected to evaluate the service and the hospitality (ihg.com, 2022). The level of etiquette which is observed by the staff and the crew of the hotel is also analysed which was not up to the level of the name of the 5-star hotel. The data collected is at the time of the service encounter when the hotel invited for the experience and the review.
The issue which is detected during the service encounter is that there was not enough data collected through the behaviour. There were certain issues like the waiting in the lobby which was more than expected. The manners and the outlook at the time of serving the food were also lacking the delicate manner for serving. There is also the main issue with the food where the standard was not up to the level of any 5-star restaurant. The quality of the meat and fish was very bad and had a distinct unappetizing smell. The bedding and the furniture in the room were not maintained which hampered the level of stay as well as the cleanliness of the room.
Analysis using Services Marketing & Operations Theory
Explain the issues you experienced within the service and prove them using the observational data you have collected. Then apply Services Marketing & Operations Theory to them in order to amplify our understanding.
This section should be roughly 700 words.
This section should be cited and referenced.
The issues within the service encounter at the Holiday Inn hotel can be amplified with the help of the service marketing and operation theory. The main issue detected is from the quality of the food as well as the bedding and furniture in the room at the hotel. The hotel is one of the leading hotel chains operating in the UK and across the world (ihg.com, 2022). The observational data is the behaviour of the staff and manager, hospitality etiquette and the quality control over the food and the maintenance of the room and the overall cleanliness. The first observation of the issues detected is that during the service encounter the waiting time for the check-in was complicated and long. There is also a lot of complicated procedures to get a room and handle the luggage as well as the pricing of the hotel room and food. The prices are overly expensive compared to the level of food served and the manner in which it is served which has been identified as one of the issues in the hotel. Furthermore, the stay was also considered not comfortable as the rooms are not well maintained and properly taken care which can help with the overall pleasant experience. The experience although had not had many issues but the missing manners and the bad experience with the food can be better explained with the help of the marketing concept (Prathapan et al. 2018).
The adoption of communication theory has promoted industrial peace and cooperation among the inspector and management. As per the suggestions of Chakravartty and Jackson (2021), the implementation of communication theory has provided insight into the engagement and consumption of the audience in a workplace. There are various types of communication theory that have created specialisation in avoiding misunderstanding and dissatisfaction among the legal bodies and workplace of the company. The most common communication theories are “agenda-setting theory”, “Aristotle's communication model”, “entertainment education theory”, Gatekeeping theory, “limited efficiency theory”, “media dependency theory”, “media richness theory”, and “mood management theory”. As per the reference of Bukar et al. (2020), the implication of mass communication theory has focused on building effective engagement and professionalisation in the broadcasting and journalism of an entity.
The marketing concept used is the AIDA model where the purchase decision and the overall outlook which influence the consumers’ purchase decision. The adaption of “consumer-oriented marketing” indicates industrial marketing (Hole et al. 2018). The model covers the services offered in the hotel where the development of the theories is based on the different paths from the objectives of the hotel organization. The services are considered to be different from the products and hence help in the determination of the direction in which the service-like direction is considered. The “7 Ps of services marketing” are also aligned as the theory considers the people, process and physical evidence (Paul and Mas, 2020). The first is the Product where the marketing of the hotel where the selling of the services and the profit taken for the customers at the time of purchasing. The flavour and the taste can be considered to be one of the issues so the level of preference has been denoted. The experience of eating a luxurious amount of food at a high price but due to the bad taste and smell is one of the issues which has been demonstrated with this aspect.
As a consequence of this, the decision-making ability of a firm has been reduced. The inclusion of this model has been time-consuming and reduced the specilisation in the implication of innovative and motivational approaches in a firm. The “Bureaucratic Leadership” in a workplace has been reduced this has created an impartial workplace environment in a firm. The issue of dissatisfaction among the inspection officer has been reduced after the effective adoption of the “communication and leadership theory”. The “issue of employee turnover” has been reduced by the adoption of communication theory. The price and the pricing strategy have also been one of the reasons why this can influence the consumers. The demographic is also included on the basis of the willingness to the price of the food and the planning overhead (Gladka and Fedorova, 2019). The costs are also considered with the inclusion of discount sales and another promotional offer.
In this section you should provide clear suggestions on how the organisation can deal with their issues practically and to improve the situation. We recommend a short term (up to 1 year), medium term (3 to 5 years) and long term (5+ years) recommendation. Then discuss how you will monitor your progress. You may like to consider changes to the Marketing Mix (7Ps) here.
This section should be roughly 700 words.
This section should be cited and referenced.
The analysis of the overall issues from the data collected from the service encounter from the hotel Holiday Inn. The short-term goals, medium-term goals and long-term goals have been considered for the recommendation on the basis of the issues. The short-term goals recommended are the enhancement of productivity, improving the existing customer service, and changing the suppliers for the food. There is also the incorporation of the employment program where the behaviour and etiquette are improved as per the hospitality management (Imaz and Eizagirre, 2020). These can help improve the overall working conditions and the professional manner in the hotel.
The most important aspect that is maintained throughout the journey of organizational changes is the professional development programs that enable the organization to adopt important things within the organization. As opined by Wang et al. (2019), with the execution of a high level of professional development there is a requirement for a high level of communication and innovation. Furthermore, the consumer base can also be increased by considering the changes in the operational activities of the company.
The first thing that the management can do is by identifying the various organizational issues present. This can be done with the feedback assessment or the customer reviews visiting the physical stores or it can be done online with feedback and reviews collected. Second of it is important to understand the interest of the various people or members that are a part of the organization either directly or indirectly. This can help in collecting the possible aspects that the organization might be probably lagging in and change bring forth changes for the improvement of the entire organization.
The medium-term goals are based on the 3-5 years of changes where the recommendation are the development of a new product, reduction in expenses and the implementation of the employee program. The new product can be the development of new dishes or cuisines which can reel in more consumers as well as expand the consumer base (Fitriasari, 2020). There is also the employee program where which can be given to mainly the waiters and the chefs working in the kitchen. The upgradation of the kitchen is one of the main elements in the recommendation. The incorporation of the new dishes can also go along with the cost reduction where the raw materials selected should be cost-effective (Beck-O’Brien and Bringezu, 2021).
The consumer is required to be targetted with the best available behavior served by the Company. Learning and development is a part of ongoing process and it never ceases untoile the organisation is alive (Duchek, 2020). Thus intercultural aspect is not only helpful in solving the communication barrier but also helps in creating an international scope for the expansion of the business organstion. The long-term goals can be the renovation of the rooms and the overall lobby and the replacement of the furniture in each of the rooms. This can help keep cleanliness along with maintaining the standard of the hotel with the incorporation of modern trends (Šupukovi? et al. 2019). There is also a decrease in production costs by 5% which can be followed in the next three years of the 5+ years. The prices should also be considered where the pricing strategies and the demographic target consumers have been included in the process.
As per the case synopsis, it has been understood that the Company has been working on a good context and it is able to communicate. The creation of long-term goals and objectives that are relevant to the success of the organization has been gathered. As per the reference of Latham (2019), the advancement in technical and organizational behaviour can be of great help that can positively bring additional changes in the organization. The delegation of authority can be of great help which will help in understanding each other in the organization in an equipped and better way. The long-term goals can be like learning new technical skills that are important for dealing with the business online mode. In addition to that, the time to time upgradation of the team members' training and programming Litvinenko (2020). Apart from that, this can be progressive and quite profitable for the organization in order to tackle the root cause of the organization's problems and complexities.
You should include a reference list in UWE Harvard format that has citations in the main body of your work. If you do not then you will fail the Assessment.
Alic, M., 2022. AIDA BASED MARKETING STRATEGIES OF HOTEL INDUSTRY IN CROATIA. In Economic and Social Development (Book of Proceedings), 84th International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social (p. 85).
Duchek, S., 2020. Organizational resilience: a capability-based conceptualization. Business Research, 13(1), pp.215-246.
Bukar, U.A., Jabar, M.A., Sidi, F., Nor, R.N.H.B., Abdullah, S. and Othman, M., 2020. Crisis informatics in the context of social media crisis communication: Theoretical models, taxonomy, and open issues. IEEE Access, 8, pp.185842-185869.
Chakravartty, P. and Jackson, S.J., 2020. The disavowal of race in communication theory. Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies, 17(2), pp.210-219.
de Oliveira Araújo, F.J., de Lima, L.S.A., Cidade, P.I.M., Nobre, C.B. and Neto, M.L.R., 2020. Impact of Sars-Cov-2 and its reverberation in global higher education and mental health. Psychiatry research, 288, p.112977.
Latham, G.P., 2019. Perspectives of a practitioner-scientist on organizational psychology/organizational behavior. Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 6, pp.1-16.
Litvinenko, V.S., 2020. Digital economy as a factor in the technological development of the mineral sector. Natural Resources Research, 29(3), pp.1521-1541.
March, J., 2020. The technology of foolishness. In Shaping Entrepreneurship Research (pp. 120-130). Routledge.
Wang, Y., Singgih, M., Wang, J. and Rit, M., 2019. Making sense of blockchain technology: How will it transform supply chains?. International Journal of Production Economics, 211, pp.221-236.
Beck-O’Brien, M. and Bringezu, S., 2021. Biodiversity Monitoring in Long-Distance Food Supply Chains: Tools, Gaps and Needs to Meet Business Requirements and Sustainability Goals. Sustainability, 13(15), p.8536.
Fitriasari, F., 2020. How do Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) survive the COVID-19 outbreak?. Jurnal Inovasi Ekonomi, 5(02).
Fortenberry, J.L. and McGoldrick, P.J., 2020. Do Billboard Advertisements Drive Customer Retention?: Expanding the “AIDA” Model to “AIDAR”. Journal of Advertising Research, 60(2), pp.135-147.
Gladka, O. and Fedorova, V., 2019. Defining personnel marketing strategies. Business: Theory and Practice, 20, pp.146-157.
Hole, Y., Pawar, S. and Bhaskar, M.P., 2018. Service marketing and quality strategies. Periodicals of Engineering and Natural Sciences (PEN), 6(1), pp.182-196.
ihg.com, (2022). About holidays Inn and services. Available at:https://www.ihg.com/holidayinn/destinations/gb/en/united-kingdom-hotels[Accessed on 5th December, 2022]
Imaz, O. and Eizagirre, A., 2020. Responsible innovation for sustainable development goals in business: An agenda for cooperative firms. Sustainability, 12(17), p.6948.
Mueller, A. and Sensini, L., 2021. Determinants of financing decisions of SMEs: evidence from hotel industry. International Journal of Business and Management, 16(3), pp.117-127.
Mumtaz, R., 2019. Awareness and perspectives social media as new strategic marketing approach in minor industries; notion grounded on AIDA model. Journal of Content, Community Communication, 10.
Paul, J. and Mas, E., 2020. Toward a 7-P framework for international marketing. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 28(8), pp.681-701.
Prathapan, M., Sajin Sahadevan, D. and Zakkariya, K.A., 2018. Effectiveness of digital marketing: Tourism websites comparative analytics based on AIDA model. International Journal of Innovative Research & Studies, 8(4), pp.262-273.
Ruffolo, I. and Jimenez, J.M., 2021. Promoting Hotels in the Covid-19 Era: An Exploratory Review of UK Hotels’ New Challenges. Iperstoria, (18).
Šupukovi?, V., Jakupovi?, S. and Obho?aš, I., 2019. Modeling the management process in the function of long-term goal fulfillment in Croatian companies. Notitia-?asopis za ekonomske, poslovne i društvene teme, 5(1.), pp.21-29.
Student Number: 330052
Journal Entry Number: 1
Name of Firm: InterContinental Hotels Group
Type of Service: Multinational hospitality company
Date of Encounter: April 2022
Time of Encounter: 12.30 pm
Very briefly, describe the business:
Intercontinental Hotels Group is a multinational hospitality company based in the UK and there are several hotel and resort chains across the country and the world.
How would you rate your level of satisfaction with this encounter? (Scale of 1-7 where 1 is extremely dissatisfied and 7 is extremely satisfied)
Apply relevant marketing and operations concepts/theories from the lectures to your service encounter: (briefly describe the concept and its purpose as it applies your service encounter)
The marketing theory I have used for the service encounter is the AIDA marketing model where the model only focuses on the customers. As this is a hospitality-based company the entire attention should be only on the consumers as the experience and the feedback is the only things prioritized. This model is the tracking of the journey of the consumer with the help of "Awareness", "Interest", "Desire" and "Action" which can effectively deduce the marketing model of the hotel. This is used to help denote the strategic planning of marketing communication (Ullal and Hawaldar, 2018). The relaying of the information helps in understanding the various period of time in which the pandemic and inflation have been considered. This assistance helps in the nurturing of the consumers which helps in the decision-making procedure relevant and applicable.
![AIDA Model]()
Figure 1: AIDA Model
(Sources: Ullal and Hawaldar, 2018)
This model has cognitive stages where the analysis on the basis of the purchasing and the experience of the consumers for service in this context is considered. This does not necessarily contemplate the relationship between the consumer and the company but the ultimate decision which has been made by the consumers in this journey. Furthermore, the combination of the social media used for the promotion and the marketing of the company helps in obtaining the various objectives through AIDA.
I have decided to choose the AIDA model for the service encounter with the InterContinental Hotel groups where the understanding of the origin of the issues is. The nature of the problem and the issues can be applied with the help of the AIDA model.
Using bullet points list three main issues that made you satisfied OR dissatisfied with this service encounter
- I hotel staff was cooperative and friendly.
- There was a complicated process while checking in at the hotel and making hotel reservations.
- The bedding and the food were low quality and not as much as I had expected.
Present evidence or data collected from the business that applies to the concept/theory:
The company is related to the hospitality industry where the service and the experience of the consumers are considered under the AIDA model. Especially as I am a consumer and the outcome of the experience I had experience staying in the hotel. In order to help provide the ultimate outcome, the company sent a manager to take me around the hotel while I was waiting in the lobby.
The ambience of the hotel was good with good ventilation and an ample amount of lighting in the room. I think I had a good experience although the waiting time was long. The food and the bedding of the hotel were not as high quality as I have expected. The entire process was not complicated but the issues in the quality were encountered during the experience.
What does your analysis, using the marketing and operations course concepts/theories, tell you about the company?
The application of the AIDA model has helped me in the development of the process and the experience of the hotel stay. The evaluation has many issues, especially with the materials and the bedding used in the hotels, which are deemed lower than expected. The marketing iix isa the best tool, which can be used for the implementation of the food, drinks and other items, used in the hotel to make the stay and experience of the consumers as comfortable as possible. There are several places like maintaining the quality of the maintained and the bedding used in the rooms.
Student Number: 330052
Journal Entry Number: 2
Name of Firm: InterContinental Hotels Group
Type of Service: Multinational hospitality company
Date of Encounter: April 2022
Time of Encounter: 12.30 pm
Very briefly, describe the business:
The UK-based Intercontinental Hotels Group is an international hospitality corporation with a number of hotel and resort chains located all over the world.
How would you rate your level of satisfaction with this encounter? (Scale of 1-7 where 1 is extremely dissatisfied and 7 is extremely satisfied)
Apply relevant marketing and operations concepts/theories from the lectures to your service encounter: (briefly describe the concept and its purpose as it applies your service encounter)
The AIDA marketing model, which primarily focuses on the consumer, is the marketing philosophy I have employed for the service encounter. Since this is a hospitality-based business, the only thing that should receive priority is the experience and input of the customers. With the aid of "Awareness," "Interest," "Desire," and "Action," this model tracks the consumer's journey and effectively infers the hotel's marketing strategy. This is used to indicate how marketing communications are strategically planned (Ullal and Hawaldar, 2018). The dissemination of the material aids in comprehending the numerous time periods when the pandemic and inflation have been taken into consideration. This support aids in the development of thethe decision-making procedure relevant and applicable.
This model contains cognitive stages where analysis based on client service experience and purchasing behaviour is taken into account. This is more concerned with the final choice that the customers have made along the way than it is with their relationship with the business. Additionally, the integration of social media platforms utilised for business marketing and promotion aids in achieving AIDA's varied goals.
For my service interaction with the InterContinental Hotel groups, where the understanding of the causes of the problems is, I have made the decision to use the AIDA model. The AIDA model can be used to determine the nature of the issue and its components.
Using bullet points list three main issues that made you satisfied OR dissatisfied with this service encounter
- The process of making hotel bookings and checking in at the hotel was confusing.
- The food and linens were of lower quality than I had anticipated.
- The hotel personnel was helpful and friendly.
Present evidence or data collected from the business that applies to the concept/theory:
The organisation works in the hospitality sector, where the AIDA model takes into account customer service and experience. Particularly considering that I am a consumer and that my hotel visit was a positive one. The company dispatched a manager to show me around the hotel while I waited in the lobby to aid with the ultimate result.
The hotel has a pleasant atmosphere, with decent ventilation and enough lighting in each room. Despite the lengthy wait, I believe I had a pleasant experience. The hotel's meals and bedding weren't as luxurious as I had anticipated. The entire procedure was straightforward, however theentire process was not complicated but the issues in the quality were encountered during the experience.
What does your analysis, using the marketing and operations course concepts/theories, tell you about the company?
I was able to build the procedure and the hotel stay experience with the aid of the AIDA model. The evaluation contains a lot of problems, particularly with the hotel beds and materials, which are rated lower than expected. The most effective method for implementing the food, drinks, and other services used in hotels to make guests' stays and experiences as comfortable as possible is marketing. There are many things to consider, such as upholding the standard of the upkeep and the bedding utilised in the rooms.
Student Number: 67855
Journal Entry Number: 3
Name of Firm: InterContinental Hotels Group
Type of Service: automobile industry
Date of Encounter: December 2022
Time of Encounter: 13:25
Description of the business
InterContinental Hotels Groupprovides various kinds of automobile services and dealerships in the market
Ratings for the level of satisfaction with the encounter (1-10)
Apply relevant marketing and operations theories:
The transformation model has been used as the basic model for this interaction in order to identify the real sales and purchases that the business makes from its clients. The term "transformation model" refers to a method of determining how an organisation operates in order to serve its clients.
The transformation activity, outputs, and inputs are the three categories into which the work has been separated in this paradigm. The inputs are employed to produce the outputs with the aid of the activities' transformation. Transforming of resources and transformed resources, which indicate the things that are altered and are necessary to be changed, are the two resources into which the inputs have been separated. During the interaction with InterContinental, there was a difficulty.
Three main issues that made for satisfaction or dissatisfaction with this service encounter
- The personnel was helpful and friendly
- but there weren't any items I enjoyed.
- The process was also complicated and took a while to complete.
Present evidence collected from the business which applies to the theory:
People rather than clients are the transformed resource inputs for the process at this business, which produces output. Here, the output is a company experience.
The business needs a worker to start the experience in order to give the encounter. I was requested to have a seat in the spacious guest room, which had a number of conveniences for the visitors. I've had soft music playing in the background, which has helped to solidify the experience for me. These are the company's resources that have been changed for the benefit of those who have congregated to share their experiences. Additionally, the company provided food and drinks at the time of the trip, but the quality or, more specifically, the serving the customers. The process of transformation was more or less has spent well and no other kinds of problems arose at the time of the encounter.
Analysis, using the marketing and operations course theories
The organisation has been able to deliver a number of the interactions that they have been contracted to give, as can be shown with the aid of the transformation model. However, the investigation reveals that Jaguar fell short of offering enough transformational resources to support the whole experience.
Lack of products that may be subpar is the problem that has been seen. The present product has been successful for the experience but ineffective for the beverages. The division of the products into transformed resources and transformed of the resources could be beneficial to the company, allowing it to concentrate on different areas and make improvements while still supporting another.
Student Number: 120369
Journal Entry Number: 4
Name of Firm: Mitchells and Butlers
Type of Service: Hospitality
Date of Encounter: 5th December 2022
Time of Encounter: 1.30 PM
Very briefly, describe the business:
InterContinental Hotels Groupis the Uk based hospitality organization and is running successfully.
How would you rate your level of satisfaction with this encounter? (Scale of 1-7 where 1 is extremely dissatisfied and 7 is extremely satisfied)
Apply relevant marketing and operations concepts/theories from the lectures to your service encounter: (briefly describe the concept and its purpose as it applies your service encounter)
I will use the applicable theories and models of communication in the specific service encounter in order to engage in an effective mode of communication with the necessary stakeholders and clients. These employ successful campaigns related to the Company and its development, direct marketing, product packaging, distribution. When the model is properly established, opportunities will arise for producing crucial elements including desire, awareness, interest, and action, all of which are essential for the business to adopt. Organizational and cultural changes frequently have an effect on how well the organisation performs throughout a service interaction.
Using bullet points list three main issues that made you satisfied OR dissatisfied with this service encounter
- The process made me wait for a very long time, which was quite exhausting
- the service provided by the Company at the time of the contact was subpar.
- The group's members came up to me in a warm and welcoming manner.
Present evidence or data collected from the business that applies to the concept/theory:
In essence, the entity creates an output that is considered to be an experience. As a result, it may be said that the encounter process' input is its participants. On the other hand, the experience is the output. One of the employees was meant to participate in the encounter session during the intervention, but it took him longer than expected. The level of upkeep and cleaning that was revealed to me left me with a bad impression. Other than that, the encounter went without a hitch, and I had no problems. According to my experience, the product is successful in such a scenario. however, the unsuccessful experience is linked to the atmosphere that existed at the time.
What does your analysis, using the marketing and operations course concepts/theories, tell you about the company?
The 7Ps of the marketing model can be applied to improve the Company's marketing operations. If the 7Ps of marketing theory had been applied, the service interaction might have gone successfully. This will force the firm to concentrate on its key assets, which are its people and resources. This could have been presented to outsiders and would have successfully clarified all pertinent issues of the encounter procedure. If the Company had handled their hygiene problems while still maintaining a better degree of efficiency.
Student Number: 43636
Journal Entry Number: 5
Name of Firm: InterContinental Hotels Group
Type of Service: Consumer goods company
Date of Encounter: September,2021
Time of Encounter: 3.30
Very briefly, describe the business:
InterContinental Hotels Group is a hotel of the UK
How would you rate your level of satisfaction with this encounter? (Scale of 1-7 where 1 is extremely dissatisfied and 7 is extremely satisfied)
Apply relevant marketing and operations concepts/theories from the lectures to your service encounter: (briefly describe the concept and its purpose as it applies your service encounter)
For the service encounter of the business from the marketing models, I will utilise the STP model. The STP model is a top-down strategy, and its main objective is to focus the customer's engagement with the business. As there are four step methods to help deliver the dependable and customised communications to the potential customers, "Segmentation," "Targeting," and "Positioning" are the complete form of the STP model. This can assist in the differentiation of the various processes and the amount of service rendered during the specific accounting year.
One of the most modern marketing ideas, it can improve the effectiveness and effectiveness of the communication application. I believe that using this approach with the service
The information is acquired via market research and data analysis, and in the following stage, demand analysis is used to identify the target market. Additionally, the identification of the point at which the internal components and competitor analysis are taken into account for the identification of the proposal in each of the segments. The STP model is used to derive the concept's origin, which will assist me better grasp the key problems I had with InterContinental Hotels Group's customer service.
Using bullet points list three main issues that made you satisfied OR dissatisfied with this service encounter
- The website takes a while to load, and there is a long line at the checkout counter, which I did not enjoy.
- The pricing of the products are reasonable, and the selection is broad.
- I did not like the entire process of contacting customer care because it was so difficult.
Present evidence or data collected from the business that applies to the concept/theory:
Both physical locations and the company's website sell the consumer items that it manufactures. This means that there are people marketing the goods and that the targeting and positioning of the products based on possible customers has been thoroughly examined. This is where I had my service experience and had the opportunity to purchase a product from both locations.
The company's website, as well as a number of supermarket stores and department stores, carry the products. I was instructed to visit the store and buy various goods from the boutiques and department store, which had a pleasant atmosphere with a light BGM playing in the background.
What does your analysis, using the marketing and operations course concepts/theories, tell you about the company?
Using data analysis on customer feedback, the STP model's implementation can assist me in determining whether or not I was successful in reaching new customers. However, it might be said that the business was unable to assist in identifying the resources that could adequately account for the experience. The 7 Ps marketing approach can also be used when taking into account product prices. The products can be divided into categories according to their intended use, such as cleaning supplies, detergent, and food and beverages.