Understanding Complementary, Alternative, and Allopathic Medicine Q&A Sample

Differences and Importance of Complementary, Alternative, and Allopathic Medicine in Massage Therapy

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Massage Therapy Level 3 Diploma Answers

Q. Concepts of complementary and alternative medicine compared to allopathic medicine

Allopathic medicine is the mainstream therapy and can be considered as the broad category of medical practice. For instance, if a person is suffering from a throat infection, then, the patient will receive antibiotic therapy. On the other hand, the complementary medicine concept is the supportive therapy recommended by the healthcare professionals of the client (Krau, 2021). For example, if a patient is living with osteoarthritis, then he/she can be given Vitamin D supplements along with the allopathic therapy for improving overall bone health status. Similarly, alternative medicine concept aims to replace mainstream therapies, such as allopathic medicine for better healing. For instance, most of the people in the United States practice yoga for stress relief and better health by surpassing the intake of antidepressants and anxiolytic medicines.

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Q. Differences between complementary, alternative and allopathic medicine

Concepts Complementary medicine Alternative medicine Allopathic medicine
Concepts Supportive therapies along with traditional therapies Replacement of traditional therapies Traditional and mainstream therapies
Concept of health Absence of the balance of the total body systems Absence of homeostasis of the body systems Disease free life is called health in this stream
Effect on disease or cure aspects Application of this therapy will enhance the immune power or strength of the overall body systems to induce prognosis (Robson, 2020) Application of alternative medicine or therapeutic approaches help in improving hemodynamic conditions of the body. As a result, homeostasis can be reestablished for coping with the disease stress. Sometimes, this therapy is associated with placebo effects Allopathic medications are directly associated with the cure of the disease conditions. These medicines are applied at the area of the disease or the site of the distress in the body for cure. Therefore, these medicines have a certain course of action or have a proper schedule for proper action.
Examples of the disease conditions where the therapies are applicable Deficiency in vitamins or minerals in the body; along with mainstream traditional therapies At any illness conditions, this therapy is applicable as an alternative of mainstream therapies It applies to all types of disease conditions
Example of some therapies Vitamin therapy Food and macronutrient therapy Antioxidant therapy Yoga Acupuncture Herbal and natural medicines Homeopathic medicines Aromatherapy medicines (Krau, 2021) All types of drugs that are used as modern medicines, based on prescriptions of physicians

Q. Importance of government guidelines about education, training and regulation of complementary and alternative medicine

All types of complementary and alternative medicines should be practiced under strict legislation, education and training approved by the medical council of different legislative bodies. For example, VTCT based therapeutic qualifications are necessary for practices, or National Occupational standards are mandatory to be followed for physiotherapies, psychotherapies and others (Who.int, 2019). Such standards and legislations are necessary to ensure fitness of the healthcare professionals for care giving, preventing adverse reactions of medicines to traditional therapies and ensuring better success rate of patient survival (Birmingham.ac.uk, 2021). Such regulations help to ensure safety and maximum wellness of the patients.

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Q. Importance of identifying related sectors for career progression

In recent days, supportive therapies, such as complementary medicine has emerged significantly and is also getting greater importance than before. Nowadays, integrated care plans are an essential concept in personalised medicine, where complementary medicine has gained special attention (Robson, 2020). Recent progress in the research area has also indicated that disease is not only associated with the targeted organ or body part. Rather, it is also associated with physical, physiological and psychosocial health of the person (Nierenberg, 2021). Thus, the need for supportive care givers, such as chiropractitioners, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, psychotherapists and nutritionists are very high. Similarly, alternative medicine is also a broad area of research. Significant side effects of allopathic medicine have motivated researchers to shed light on this domain for ensuring patient safety at first (Nierenberg, 2021). Thus, by applying alternative medicine therapy, sometimes healthcare professionals are also trying to manage the illness at first with minimal invasive therapies. Altogether, in near future, providing special attention to complementary and alternative medicine-related sectors would be worthy to climb the growth ladder.

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Reference list

  • Birmingham.ac.uk, 2021. Should complementary and alternative medicine be regulated by the state? viewed on 18/11/2021 from https://www.birmingham.ac.uk/research/perspective/debate/medicine-stone.aspx
  • Who.int, 2019. WHO GLOBAL REPORT ON TRADITIONAL AND COMPLEMENTARY MEDICINE 2019. viewed on 18/11/2021 from https://www.who.int/traditional-complementary-integrative-medicine/WhoGlobalReportOnTraditionalAndComplementaryMedicine2019.pdf
  • Robson, T., 2020. Introduction to complementary medicine. Routledge.
  • Nierenberg, D., 2021. Alternative Medicine Gains Popularity. In Vital Signs 2003–2004 (pp. 104-105). Routledge.
  • Krau, S.D. ed., 2021. Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Part II: Herbal Supplements and Vitamins, An Issue of Nursing Clinics, E-Book (Vol. 56, No. 1). Elsevier Health Sciences.
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