Factors Influencing UK Fast Food Chain Sales and the Economy Assignment Sample

Reserch Proposal on Influence of UK Fast-Food Chain Restaurants on Consumer Behavior and Economic Growth

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Marketing And Sales Of Fast-Food Chain Restaurants And Their Influence On The Economy Of UK

Aim and objectives of the investigation


The aim to deduce in this research is to find the factors leading to the "marketing and sales of fast food chain restaurants for the economy of the UK impacts"

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In meeting the aim of the research, the objectives are as follows: 

  • To discover the important attributes of customer loyalty for promoting the market of restaurants and the economy in the UK
  • To evaluate the impact of CSR and social media in the fast-food chain restaurants marketing
  • To establish a relationship between the UK economy and the fast food industry
  • To develop the impact of marketing and sales of restaurants and their economy in the UK


The major issue is a significant issue due to the Covid-19 pandemic as the business has dropped sharply. 

This issue occurs due to not maintaining customer satisfaction for sustainable development in buying services and products. 

The issue might be affecting consumer behaviour demand away of customers due to previous satisfaction of the service and that automatically influence enterprises and the economy of a country. 

This issue sheds light on the major factors that support the economy of the country with the help of incorporating all the factors in the sales and marketing of the fast-food restaurant business. 

Literature review


The fast food industry had a huge influence on the UK economy as it provides huge revenue and economic growth in recent years. An effective relationship is developed between the fast food industry and the economy of the UK. In recent years, the growth of revenue has increased by 0.9% and contributed about £22 billion, which is termed to increase by 3.1% in 2022. This was majorly increased due to covid19, as many people were unsafe in travelling and has opted for a different way of fulfilling their needs, which is online ordering of fast food.

Role of customer loyalty and satisfaction in a succession of restaurants

As opined by Mobarak et al. (2022), Fast-food in the UK is one of the highly competitive markets as there are many national and international brands operating around the country. These markets have an advantageous role in growing the economy of the country. However, due to the pandemic situation, the market has suffered from many issues, as customers are not treated in a manner as they previously returned and new marketing trends in the market seem to influence the economy. Lafferty et al. (2016) examined that customer loyalty has become a vital role in it and brand image and people especially if this brand has a positive image in creating confidence among the customers regarding services. Online reviews of customers offer both satisfaction and dissatisfaction regarding products and services they get from the restaurant's side and delivering the right offerings can ensure further strategy. In identifying important success factors in marketing purposes latest absolute shrinkage and selection operator applied in most of the domains making decisions leads to customer loyalty and higher margins in attracting consumers towards their side. Gaining knowledge of the customer's intention towards the business side is also important to provide high-quality services that automatically deliver succession within a particular industry.

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Impact of Social media and CSR

According to Lafferty et al. (2016), the restaurant industry often not contributes to understanding the brand image of these chains as well and CSR practices in international food chains play a critical role in delivering marketing strategy. Chen et al. (2020) argue it, customers often express their personal opinions and true feelings using the social media platform and that helps enterprises in dealing with buying services and decision-making power for consumers. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) coupled with the current interest in the market of the UK contributes to the retention of consumers and more awareness and confidence in the brand they are offering. The feeling of inner desire is important for the satisfaction of consumers and adding in the restaurant's equity may lead to delivering the core principle of CRM and attracting the target customers. CSR activity also affects enhancement projects and ideas to the income index of notion developed countries significantly. Uddin, 2019, supports it, A CRM is broad in its spread and become a vital thing for restaurant managers and recognising the target customers and their competitors and ensure in willing to spend more money than new customers do.

Interconnection between the economy and fast food in the UK

According to Nicola et al. (2020), the pandemic has reduced the economy of the UK; on the other hand, the restaurant business of fast food has developed remarkable growth. All the schools and colleges were closed as a result students including the kids and children were at home and demanded fast food. This has influenced the increase in the demand for fast food and this has led to an increase in the revenue of restaurants that delivered fast food. Pre-booking was made by major families and youngsters to have fast food with proper maintaining the covid19 rules and regulations. There were many restrictions in the covid19 situation but then also people preferred having fast food.

According to Burgoine et al. (2018), fast food is immensely growing in the market of the Uk as they have less fibre and protein content and has various negative impact on the human body through people prefer consuming it. This has a great influence on the economy of the UK many of the consumers are filling their needs with fast food as is it way cheaper as compared to promiscuous and fibrous food. In covid19, there were many rules and regulations maintained by restaurants that are as follows they checked the way of transport maintained distancing and maintained proper hygiene. Many online delivering websites have also increased the sales of unknown restaurants, which have a huge impact on growth of revenue, and ultimately increased the economy of UK.

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According to Keeble et al. (2019), the local government is providing effective support to the restaurant and takeaway businesses for providing effective benefits because they supported the government with effective tax.  UK local government has provided various facilities for quick delivery of food, which must influence the consumers, and for attracting them. The local government has identified planning policies specifically addressing takeaway food outlets, with a ‘health’, and ‘non-health’ focus. This shows that the government has also developed a better report to encourage restaurants related to the fast food business.

Influence of marketing and sales in the restaurant business

According to Cummins et al. (2020), modern fast food supply is categorised into multiple food sectors, which include processing storage, delivery, marketing and selling process. The pandemic has increased the online sales of fast food businesses as well as an increased food business in restaurants. The online business has marketed various unknown restaurants regarding fast food. The marketing of fast food influences the use of food regularly in families though it harms their health. The marketing of fast food increases the level of sales in fast food. This has indirectly influenced the economy by boosting it by 3%.

According to Slack et al. (2020), effective marketing strategies in the fast-food restaurant business have increased the service of the consumers and this leads to consumer satisfaction. The increase in satisfaction has not only developed better marketing strategies but also developed effective revenue generation for their restaurants. The4 increase in revenue will have an effective tax generation and this will have a beneficial part for local as well as central government. The increase in service quality, food quality and physical environment quality has a huge impact on consumers. The restaurants under covid19 have improved the hygiene criteria, which cast a good impact on health-conscious consumers as well as weak immunity consumers. This has built a great connection with the consumer and attracted them to better food and service quality. According to Zhang et al. (2019), the online and offline services of restaurants have provided effective comfort to the consumers that have attracted consumers. This process of providing a better service to the consumer is a sign of effective marketing and increased the total sales and revenue in long run.

Theoretical perspective

Chaffey's theories: This theory provides an effective relationship with the consumers in the long term to increase the sales and revenue of the business. This process provides a better influence in managing the consumers and generating effective revenue. This theory influences the use of digital technologies to interact with consumers to marinating a good relationship with regular interaction.

According to MAKOLO, G.K., (2022), the use of social media and marketing tools helps in better analysing the consumers by knowing the needs of consumers. This increase sales and generate revenue for the restaurant which indirectly influences the economy of the nation. The restaurant of fast food will increase sales and revenue through the proper use of social media tools and various marketing tools. Digital tools have a great influence on business that supports sales of a business by providing the desire of consumers with the help of artificial intelligence. Social media has a huge impact on building brand awareness as well as the reputation of the organisation (Haris et al. 2022). The use of social media has marked a better connection between the consumers and the organisation this will increase sales and provide effective revenue. 

Research question and related methodology

RQ1: What is the role of customer loyalty and customer satisfaction in rapidly growing fast-food chain restaurants?

RQ2: How do CSR and social media impact in sales of fast-food chain restaurants in the UK?

RQ3: What is the relationship between the UK economy and the fast food industry?

RQ4: What is the impact of sales and marketing of the fast food industry and how does it influence the economy of the UK?

Related Methodology

The research paradigm is an important philosophy of science, which needs to be followed by a researcher for shaping the core elements of the research topic. According to Park et al. (2020), the positivist research philosophy is one of the significant philosophies for varifying a prior hypothesis and the relationship can be accelerated between explanatory and causal factors. As the quality of foods in this industry can only be measured using hygiene factors and linking customers' viewpoints and based on which Positivism philosophy will be completely suitable for conducting future research. 

Data and data collection methods

Research philosophy underscores generalised research work based on the requirement to reach a decision based on the aims and objectives of this research regarding sales and marketing of "fast-food-chain restaurants". This research will conduct with the help of a primary qualitative data analysis process. As opined by Pruzan (2016), collecting information from primary sources is based on describing time evidence and strategy that generally follow authorised data. In this way, qualitative data will be best for the researcher for gathering data by conducting interviews with reliable groups of people. Using a simple random sample size interview process needs to be followed. The sample size of this research will be 40 and that needs to be divided into two groups, 20 of them employees of restaurants and 20 will be customers facing issues. In this process, "Probability Cluster Sampling" should be followed as well. 

Accessibility, Reliability, Validity and Ethics

To meet the validity requirements seeking great attention to choosing the study variable and questionnaires will be important for the researcher. Ethical issues during the data collection process need to be considered by the researcher's side for addressing the concerns of participants over confidentiality. As qualitative research is designed for the researcher to gather the data completed research, questionnaires need to be taken. The questionnaires took into account in completely sensitive nature to accommodate fair chances for each of the participants. In ensuring the reliability of data, "Croannc's alpha" needs to be adapted and therefore the whole questionnaire is considered reliable.



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Slack, N.J., Singh, G., Ali, J., Lata, R., Mudaliar, K. and Swamy, Y., 2020. Influence of fast-food restaurant service quality and its dimensions on customer perceived value, satisfaction and behavioural intentions. British Food Journal. https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/BFJ-09-2020-0771/full/html

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