Managing People And Systems Assignment Sample

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 Managing People And Systems Assignment Sample

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Introduction Of Managing People And Systems Assignment Sample

Leaders play a vital role in an organisation that helps the organisation to use and manage their resources through their strategic decision and efficiency. Their approach of providing direction, motivation, guidance, solution and managing the team, is called leadership style (Raju, 2018). The responsibility of a leader is very significant as their efficiency of conducting these responsibilities will determine the progress of a company. Over some years, changing approach and working styles have approached several challenges to the millennial generation as this generation hold a strong value of building a sound relationship with their team members. Hence, the leadership style will be a crucial key for guiding this generation in the workplace.

This presented essay will explain the meaning of leadership and classified the leadership approach in several divisions. The next part will discuss and understand the nature of the millennial generation and critically analyse the challenges faced by this generation while dealing with leaders. The concluding segment will demonstrate and justify a suitable leadership approach for the millennial generation.

DifferentLeadership Style for Guiding the Millennial Generation

Leadership is an art that helps to motivate people to attain a common goal by guiding and implementing impactful strategies to meet the objectives of a company (Gandolfiand Stone, 2018). Leadership involves multiple actions, such as making a decision, articulating an apparent vision for the organization and providing adequate knowledge and necessary tools to the followers for achieving that particular organizational goal. There are different kinds of leadership styles that are grouped into five different categories:

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The Authoritarian Leadership approach has an authoritative approach where the leader controls overall the decision and inputs of the team members. The leader imposes expectations on the employee and defines the outcomes (Asbariet al., 2019). This kind of approach is efficient when time is limited for the work and the activity does not require much creativity. This kind of leadership approach is implied when the team members need clear guidance for the work.

The Participative theory is solely based on Democratic theory. The main essence of this approach is all the members of a group can take part in the decision-making process but the leader will make the ultimate decision. The main advantage of this leadership is it increases motivation and enhances the productivity level of the employee. But this approach sometimes happens to be time-consuming and security issues are also considered a disadvantage of this approach.

Delegative leadership is also known as Laissez-faire leadership. This leadership approach delegates the employees to make a decision. This leadership approaches are very much useful when the employees are responsible and prefer to engage in individual's work. It creates a positive approach and supportive environment and increases creativity and innovation among the employees (Afshariet al., 2017).

This is a ‘give and take’ leadership approach. This kind of leadership focuses on supervising the group performance and the organization (Hyun et al., 2020). Leaders use rewards and punishments for the employees to get a job done and focus on establishing routines and procedures for the employees.

In the Transformational leadership approach, the leader becomes the role model of the employee as the leader encourages the employees and empowers them to achieve the goal (Andersen, 2018). This approach creates high morale among the employees and places a high value on the relationship between employee and leader.

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Nature of Millennial Generation

Millennials are the people who are born between 1981 and 1994 and they are between the ages of 25 to 40 years. Globally, the millennial holds the largest employee demography in the workforce and by the year 2025, 75% of the workforce around the globe will be millennials and they are gradually acquiring more leadership roles in the global workforce (Vaughan, 2020). In this regard, it is important to identify the nature of millennials as they have their own set of values and to increase their productivity the right leadership style must be chosen accordingly. Such as:

  1. Family value and team respect:The millennial generation loves to help others and they prefer to meet and engage with colleagues outside the workforce. They are kind and they have a strong value that they will not sacrifice their life for a job position (Deuling, 2019). The autocratic leadership approach will not be successful because that is based on the fear of losing their respected position. Millennials love to spend time with their family. That's why they prefer a simple life where their work will not require much of their time.
  2. Require development: This generation desires to improve and upgrade their position rather than being in the same position. They expect the company to provide more opportunities for them to develop and enhance their capability to become successful (Holt, 2018).
  • Values feedback: Constant feedback is very much influential for this generation as they love to be informed regarding their performance (Pramod, Gangulyand Mukherjee, N.D.). The feedback can be negative too but the millennial prefers to be acknowledged regarding where it went wrong. The constant feedback helps them to amend their further mistakes.

Existing Challenges While Dealing with The Millennial Generation

Lack of work-life balance: Millennials face a great amount of difficulty in balancing their parenthood and work-related responsibilities. Human resource managers around the world face great difficulty in establishing practices to develop the right work-life balance for millennial employees (Jha, Sareen and Potnuru, 2019).

  • Lack of combination in profit and purpose: Managers are facing huge difficulty in engaging and retaining the millennials due to a lack of the right organisational culture. An organization often fails to provide adequate opportunity for social involvement and volunteering to this generation. Organizations need to keep the millennial informed regarding the purpose and objective of the work
  • Require a Leader not a manager: Leaders guide and inspire the employees to engage in the organizational work where a manager prefers to impose their expectations on the employees. This generation requires constant feedback and professional growth opportunity and a leader is perfect for this position. a leader offers advice and constant feedback and inspiration to the millennial.
  • Lack of learning and development opportunities:Continuous learning and development opportunity is required for the millennials as they love to reshape the workplace. Managers frequently face certain difficulties to identify appealing opportunities for the millennials (Mercier, Pika and Naresh Chopra, 2017).

Participative Leadership Approach Implication for Guiding the Millennials

Every generation has its own set of characteristics based on its circumstances and surroundings where it grew up. Following this, the baby boomers tend to be more attentive and millennials are kind and have a helping nature. studies show that, by the year 2025, millennials will occupy 75% of the global workforce (SIVATHANU, N.D.). The right leadership will benefit the millennials to enhance their professional developing appetite and keep them satisfied in the workplace. Based on their kind, curious and other nature, participative leadership will be most suitable to take to the top of the productivity.

Participative leadership brings the whole team together and encourage all the employees to actively take part in making a decision (Akpoviroro, Kadiri and Owotutu, 2018). One of the basic characteristics of millennials is that they love to work in a friendly and cooperative environment where they can help others and others will help them. Participative leadership theory will enable the millennial employees to create an amicable environment that is best for enhancing their level of productivity (Peiróet al., 2019). In a friendly environment, the leader encourages and guides the employees to engage in the work that millennials wish to get in a workplace. As per the theory, this approach enables the leaders to constantly provide guidance, feedback to employees, develop opportunities and maintain awareness among the employees. A millennial always looks for opportunities to develop their potential for enhancing their working potential and constant feedback and guidance from the leader assist them to improvise and amend their mistakes to get a better position in their profession.

  • Conclusion

The overall essay has broadly discussed the work-life related experience of the millennials. The first section has described the meaning of leadership and various types of leadership styles and approaches. As around the globe, the highest demography of workforce will be acquired by the millennials in future, understanding their nature will help the organization to understand and implement the right kind of leadership strategy to sustain their productivity and efficiency at work. The final section has broadly identified the nature of the millennial and the right kind of approach required for the guidance of the millennials at the workplace.


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