Managing And Coordinating The Human Resource Function assignment sample

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Introduction Of Managing And Coordinating The Human Resource Function

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Management of human resource department is a very important factor for organization to have so that it would make the performance is higher. Human resource is the department which makes sure that the employees are matching the expectations and department of the internal objectives of the organization. Internal working reflects on the customers and external stakeholders which must be balanced so that the portfolio and brand image would be higher. Importance of this department needs to be understood so that the company would be able to make sure that there is a good significance which it must get. The report would discuss the objectives, theories which are implemented for change management and varies functioning of this department for being able to make the best improvement to take place in a business. Importance of investment in human capital and practices would able be a part of this research so that there are higher understanding of this department.


1.1 Organizational objectives that the HR function is responsible for delivering

Expectations from the human resource department are high from the contemporary organizations since they want to have a smooth functioning and operations. There are a lot of associated management goals for the staff and other people of the company which is the work of the HR department to make sure that the company is taking the right actions. For making sure that there is right working and delivering responsibility which exists in a business would be discussed in the further report.

  • Employee motivation

Employees have to be shown the right path in which they must be working within. While joining an organization the human resource has the responsibility to make sure that they match the standards of the company and meet the weekly goals. Feedback system is followed in a contemporary organization like Amazon, Sainsbury’s, etc which want to make sure that they are having the right portfolio for themselves[1]. The organization is having a stable stand for them in the market which has to be supported constantly. There is a requirement of fair appraisals which must be given in order to make sure that there are right services and working so that the objectives of the organization can be matched.

  • Training and development

Opportunities in the market are just increasing and for that there is a requirement for the contemporary businesses to have the right training and development department. Hiring is done by the human resource department which is why it is the work this department itself to make sure that they are passing on the right training as well. On-board employees have to feel welcomed and not just that but have the right knowledge of the company as well so that they would be able to match and make the productivity of the company be stable. Tracking of the management is going to be present and also make the right steps as well which is proper for the organization to be able to work effectively. This technique developed overtime due to the changes which came in the market and the need to match them so that there are right working and processing which exists. Improvement is important with the change in time since the customer’s demands are increasing and so are their expectations.

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  • Work culture

Working environment has to be the same for everyone and since all the employees are belonging from different backgrounds it is important to make sure that there is an equal treatment. Performance of the employees needs to be managed and recruitment has to be done for the development of the company as well. Contribution of all the employees is present within the organization therefore having equal treatment is very essential for the company to have. Solutions have to be found out which are not bias and creating positive environment[2]. It is very important to make this factor be present so that employees would be able to give in their for example, ideas are going to generate, and creativity would come out, right solution for the problems and software’s for the employees to reduce their pressure as well. Policies of labour law need to be present which has developed overtime for the safety and health factor of them.

1.2 Major theories of effective change management

Changes are coming in all the sectors of the industry but in Tesco, the company has to get in artificial intelligence to make the errors lesser and satisfaction of the clients be higher. For this change the company will have to adapt to the improvement which is necessary which would be able to achieve this aspect for a long run.

  • McKinsey’s 7’s Model

McKinsey’s 7’s model is a tool which helps in assessing the wellbeing of the organizational internal factor for the improvement of change to come in effectively. It is important for the company to be using the right tool so that they would be able to get in the right working[3]. There are seven elements which are included in this model so that there is going to be right understanding.

Strategy: To gain competitive advantage business must have a concrete plan with them so that they can work according to it.

System: Stable procedures, policies and activities must be defined for the staff so that there is effective working.

Structure: Hierarchical form of structure is mostly present in contemporary businesses like Tesco which are not specific but only for the better operations.

Style: Styles of working used by leaders and managers have to be according to the culture and beliefs of the employees so that there is right working.

Skills: All individuals have unique skills which must be utilized effectively so that there is right working.

Staff: Number of employees working within the organization so that there the demands and needs of the customers are matched[4].

Shared Value: Common ground has to be selected despite of values, norms and standards of guidance.

It is after understanding these change elements will Tesco find it easier to be able to get in changes accordingly. All the elements will maintain the internal processing of the changes so that the clients would get the best outcome. Impact in the company is that there is a lot of investment which the company will have to make on the training and development aspect in order to be able to achieve the target.

  • Kurt Lewin’s three step model

Kurt Lewin’s model of change is another tool which an organization can use but it is a simpler method which can be used for the right working. There are three stages which are involved in this tool which is unfreeze, change and refreeze.

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In this stage the need for change is identified but the old employees are going to resistant to the changes to come in. It is important to make sure that there are right actions which are being taken by the organization to make the right working be present.


Change is slowly introduced in this stage so that the employees do not feel pressure all of a sudden for the changes to come in together. Slowly as the employees adapt to the changes the management gets in more changes so that the employees remain to have a positive environment to work within[5].


The changes are then made permanent in this stage which is good for the working of the organization. Appreciations are also given to the employees so that they continue to make sure the organization is getting in the right improvement for the company to get higher benefits.

2.2 HR function varies between organizations in different sectors and different size

Functions of HR are different from sector to sector which has to be understood well so that there is going to be higher profit margins. All sectors of the business work differently and it is very important to analyse them so that there are right actions and improvement which would take place.

  • Retailer Sector

ALDI which is having more than 75,000 employees also have different functioning of human resource which is present. The company is more focused on the turnover ratio which having so that they would be able to make sure that the satisfaction and services to the clients is high. ALDI is having high competition in the market like Tesco, Sainsbury; etc therefore the human resource also must work according to that for the company’s benefit for a long run in the market. Understand hiring needs and peak seasons of working so that there will be able to make sure that there is good working and also the senior candidates must be experienced so that there would be able to maintain their reputation which has been gained[6]. Internal training is also provided which is a very essential function of the HR in a retailing industry and ALDI is applying this factor for having higher functioning. Costing and productivity of product processing may reduce which has to be well balanced according to the increase in the demands which are coming up.

  • Automobile sector

Aston martin is having less than 3,000 employees but still is a leading organization in UK which is because of the right employees and trends that are being followed. Human resource of the company makes sure that there is good redundancy which is a very old trend but does not mean that it does not require attention. Employees of Aston Martin are engaged in working of company and workforce calculations have to be done well so that the profit margins would be higher. A responsibility of all the employees has to be well distributed so that there is good working and spotlight is present on all the workers of the company so that there would be higher functioning[7]. Ideas are appreciated and made sure that working environment is according to employees in Aston Martin itself so that there is well balanced working that would exist.

3.1 Main criteria and methods used to evaluate the contribution of HR function

Evaluation of the working of HR functioning is also very important so that there are higher outcomes which are going to be received by a business. There is a huge dependency on the human resource department since they are responsible for the internal working therefore right control must be present on them as well. Right working is going to make sure that there are right actions and improvement which is taking place in the company.

  • Balanced scorecard

Balance scorecard is a self evaluating method which can be used by the human resource department so that they would be able to understand the results and outcome for their actions. Tracking of work is also important so that there is good communication about the changes and improvement can take place. Performance risk has to reduce so that there would be better functioning and operations which can take place. Safety and quality of environment has to be present and expectations of the stakeholders also must match so that there are higher operations. Customers must have the highest experience and the employees must be with the organization to make sure that there are right operations which are taking place.

  • Key performance indicator

Measuring the performance is very important so that there are right actions for the recruitment and other factors which are resources. Its response is going to impact on the requirement of the company being able to match the standard in the market. Proper conducting of the performance has to be existing in the market so that the company will be able to benefit from this factor and make further investments which are helpful or the company to be able to grow[8]. Implementation of the working has existed so that there would be higher assessment of working which is present and that is good for the benefit of the company.

  • 360 degree feedback

Human resource can also take feedbacks from the workforce around them so that they would be able to make sure that there is right functioning which exists. Employees, management and to some extend even the customers can be very helpful for getting back the feedback for the working. This would help the business in the market to make sure that there are right actions and improvement. Standards of the company has to be according to the change in the market which is coming up so that the organization would be able to make sure that there are higher operations and working which is going to be present[9].

Figure 1: Actionable Reports

(Source: 360 Degree Feedback)[10]

4.1 Research evidence linking HR practices with positive organizational outcomes

The practices are not visible in the working but when the organization achieves the targets and objectives they have for themselves in the market that is a great factor. Customers have to be the backbone of the organization according to which the HR sets their actions and working so that there is going to be effective working which is present. Security of the employees is very important, with positive environment comes health and safety measures as well. There are unpredictable accidents which can take place therefore large organizations take help from the health department to provide the best for the employees of the company. Working in the organization the HR need to develop the leadership quality and changing nature of business needs so that they can help business to develop the outcomes by reaching business objective. Employees have to get the best practices and this is done by the human resource. The Nature of the organization works on values and it is crucial for them to develop understanding and understand importance of employee value in business. Selective hiring takes place in organizations because not all the candidates are going to be right for the work which is present and this factor has to be well maintained[11]. Performance management is another important factor which business must have for them so that they would be able to make sure that the right candidate is getting the right working and that is going to be a great factor. Findings showed that Human capital is very vital for business which can impact overall objectives and aim of organization. HR works in development of human capital and works to provide the best candidates for the business to increase organizational benefits. Benefit management has to be involved by the human resource management so that there would be higher functioning and that is going to make the percentage of the productivity be higher.

Self managed and effective team has to be built by this department in order to make sure that they are having the right working and performance. Fair treatment has to be present which is making all the employees have the same feeling towards the company and support the organization to be able to gain the right working so that the company can compete effectively[12]. There has to be good accessible of information which must be there so that the company will be able to make sure that they are having the right working and functioning which is present. There has to be good transparency which must be present in the company so that there is good understanding and sense of direction which is going to be present. Extra involvement in the decision making is also no good for the human resource department to have which is making the company not be able to make the right decisions[13]. Commitment of all the employees has to be higher so that there is going to be better operations and working which is existing in the company.

4.2 High-performance working and investment in human capital impact on organization

High performance work practice is a practice which is used by organizations for effective select, hiring, development, retaining, attracting, etc so that there is going to be higher systematic working which is going to be present. Good engagement of the employees is also present so that there is good working and quality of working which exist so that there is right working and functioning[14]. Service and goods have to be right and according to the standards of the company so that there is good reputation and brand image which the business will be able to have in market. High quality of standards have come in the market is because of the lifestyle of the clients which is changing therefore high performance working is essential. This is going to make sure that the changes according to the clients is coming in easily so that there is going to be better functioning. The profit margins are also going to be maintained and the demands resulting in higher satisfaction level of the clients is going to be present. Investments in high performance working it helps organization in reaching better quality working as well as it also helps in increasing overall performance of business. This help in increase providing skilled human capital which can help in providing better performance and result in organization.

Investment in the human resource department is very essential to make sure that they are having the right competitive edge which is good for the long run in the market. There are a lot of changes which are taking place in the organization which must be well maintained. It is only when the employees are going to be satisfied with the working of the company and personal benefit will they be motivated for the organization as well. Engagement of the employees is also going to be higher which is good for the long run of the company[15]. Better hiring provides quality and skilled employee which further help in increase in performance to achieve objectives and aim. Working on recruitment and providing better training and development can lead to increased performance and quality work. This help in achieving business objective as well as developing overall performance of organization. Retention level also has to be maintained in the company therefore making sure that the company is having a good capital for the human resource is also very important so that the company can develop accordingly. It is important to get the opportunities for personal benefits as well so that there is going to be right working and make sure that there is effective functioning as well. Importance of developing the HR practices to develop business objectives as recruitment and selection is one of the crucial factors to increase performance, the organization need to understand the core vale of employee and HR need to retain the best of employee for a longer period of time. The company has to understand the importance of the workforce which they are having so that there is going to be right working and functioning which is present. Sustainable economic factor can only be gained with the help of the employees which are working in the organization so that there is better functioning and operations which are taking place[16].


From the above assessment it can be concluded that there are a lot of functions and impact of HR which is present within an organization. Businesses are very dependent on the HR department for the changes and understanding of the employees is present so that there would be higher outcomes. For being able to have a positive outcome the organization would have to make sure that there is right working of the internal factor. Market is changing with time and according to the customers as well which must be well maintained so that there are higher outcomes which are present. In the report there are a lot of evaluating methods like 360 degree evaluation, key performance indicator, etc which were discussed which the current market human resource department must adapt to so that there would be higher results and working which can be gained.

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