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Introduction Of Management and Operations
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Management is an approach which is strategic and is implemented in the organization so that there would be higher productivity and operations. Management is responsible for a long of activities and actions which take place within business. ASDA belongs from the retailing industry which is operating since 1949. Headquarters of the organization is within England, with a total number of workforces being 165,000 and revenue being £22,899.2 million. The report is going to discuss the different roles and duties of leaders and managers within an organization. In different situations both, leaders and managers use different approaches and methods to make sure that the functioning of the company is constant.
Roles and differences between managers and leaders
Leaders are individuals who have the capabilities of guiding the others to make sure that the common goal is being achieved. Effective leaders not just make sure that the company is having effective and motivated workforce but also influence them to work a step extra than expected for the company when the organization needs them to.
There are a wide number of employees under the manager which have to be managed and coordinated so that the company will be able to have a systematic approach for functioning. Milestones are set by creating a vision and mission for the organization which needs to be achieved by the employees of the company. The roles which are played by the managers are planning, organizing, controlling and coordinating which makes sure that the organization gets a competitive edge which would be good for the brand image and value in market (Seidman, Pascal and McDonough, 2020).
Difference between managers and leaders
Focus on
Managers focus on the company’s benefit which is going to make sure that the company is being able to gain competitive edge which makes sure that there is effective working and functioning.
Leaders focus on the employees and develop strategies around them which is performance management, training and development, etc. so that there is a good comfortable and motivated environment which is maintained in the organization for a long run.
Business goals and aims are set by the managers overall which must be achieved in the market so that there would be higher functioning and operations to gain competitive edge. Managers have to think for the benefit of the company so that there would be higher profit margins and the company will be able to invest in further working of the company (Mertkan and et.al., 2017). Competition also has to be thought of which is present and that also needs to be analysed which is going to make sure that there is effective working.
Objectives are set by the leaders for the employees and not the organization so that they would be able to give a better sense of direction to the employees working. Productivity and operations would be maintained and make sure that there is effective working.
Strategy formation & implication
Policies can be formulated by the managers of the company for the benefit of the organization and also make the changes in the working whenever they wish and think is necessary for the working of the company. Managers try their best to understand the workforce as well before making decisions so that there is going to be effective working which is present.
Communication of the managers goes through leaders to the employees of the company so that expectations of job roles are fulfilled and the policies are well maintained for a long run and the wellbeing is present as well (Zafar and Mehmood, 2019). Leaders have to be able to have a good relationship which is going to make the working which would make sure that there is higher functioning and make the employees be able to have the right knowledge as well.
Role of management and leadership in different organizational situations
Leaders and managers must have the right knowledge of the differences which are present for the functioning of these two designations so that there would be smoother functioning that is operating. ASDA is having sure that they are getting in experiences workers so that there is going to be better functioning. Leaders and managers are responsible for the actions which are taking place so that there is good control and monitoring making the brand value and image be well maintained. There is a standard and reputation which all the businesses have for them in the market which needs to be maintained. For example, changes which are coming in the organization due to the demand and expectations of the customers, pressure on the employees are increasing resulting in labour turnover (Ellis and Abbott, 2020). For the satisfaction and reducing the pressure of changes coming in is the work of the leaders which is why ASDA will have to make sure that they get in more leaders and good training and development so that the employees will be able to continue their loyalty and efficient working with the organization. Satisfaction is very important of all the individuals and managers are not going to look at the internal factors much because they want to have a strong impact in market therefore leaders must be able to make the right decisions and implement right theories to make sure that there is effective working.
Needs have to be matched therefore it is important to make sure that there is good relationship with is being maintained in the company. Working environment must be healthy so that there is going to be better achievement of the objectives. Management of ASDA is getting is effective technologies for good communication so that the employees would feel comfortable and make sure that they are being able to match the new demands from the business. Managers can only reduce the conflicts when they are reaching the higher problems for the company to be able to operate effectively and that is going to make the company’s reputation in the market reduce (Clark, 2017). Leaders have to make sure that they are being able to be the best bridge between of communication between the managers and the employees so that the working is going to be smoother and the missions of the company can be achieved quickly.
Approaches of leadership and Management
A lot of strategies and theories which are present, for managers and leaders, ready to be implemented in the organization to be able to obtain higher achievements. ASDA is being targets and goals than the competitors present in the market which is why it is important for the company to be able to make sure that they are having the right working.
It is very essential for the leaders and managers to have group meetings from time to time for making the right decisions and discuss the issues which are increasing in the business as well. It is very easy for any small issue to convert to a bigger issue in the future therefore it is essential to make sure that there are right actions which are being taken (Muzira, Muzira and Min, 2020). Due to the experience which the leaders and managers are holding for them in the market it is very easily for them to be able to having the right working and functioning. Value of internal environment exists in ASDA and unique features of working also exist so that there would be better working and functioning which is present.
The capabilities and skills of all the employees are unique in their own fields which has to be well identified by the leaders in order to make sure that there is effective working. One sense of direction is present in this approach which is going to make sure that there is good achievement of the goals. Missions are going to set functioning and planning for the organization which would make sure that there is good working and efficiency would be higher so that the company will be able to have better reputation in the market (Keeton, 2018). One way of working is not good for ASDA since it stops creativity and new ideas to generate and customer’s demands are expecting a lot from the organization.
Clarity of working and functioning is the best style which the managers and leaders of ASDA can opt to be able to get the best outcomes. It is because of the reputation and standards which the company is having the company will be able to have higher demands but they are increasing so must that the company can to increase their productivity in order to be able to gain the right value for themselves in the market (Biberman, 2017). Investment in the technological aspect is also being done by the managers of the company so that the company is going to have less errors and make sure that there is effective working. Profit margins have to be higher for the management to make sure decision which would be helpful for the organization to be able to gain the right working and functioning.
From the above report it can be analysed that there is a need of managers and leaders within an organization to make sure that there are effective decisions and processing which is taking place in business. Demands of the clients are increasing and it is important to make sure that these actions are being taken care of effectively so that there would be higher operations and working which would be present for a long run. Internal and external working of the company has to match so that the company would be able to make sure that there are right actions and improvement which is taking place. Changes are coming as well in the market which must be implemented and for that there are actions and planning which must be done by managers and for leaders they must make sure that their team is well motivated to make sure that the goals of the company be achieved.
PART 2: Introduction - Role of Operations Management in ASDA: Approaches, Impact, and Business Success
Operations management is a field of business to make sure that the business is maximising their efficiency in the market so that there is going to be effective working and functioning which is existing. ASDA is having competitors in the market like Tesco, Sainsbury’s, Marks & Spencer, etc therefore using operation management is a great factor for the company to be able to gain the right working and operations in the market. The further report is going to discuss functions and approaches of operational management and external and internal impact of decision making of the leaders and managers in the market so that there is going to be effective working.
Approaches to operations management
Operation management has to be selected effectively by the leaders and managers of ASDA so that there is going to be higher brand value and reputation which the company is going to have. The further report would be discussing the best three approaches which ASDA can use for being able to have higher functioning and processing in market.
Six sigma
For a reputed company like ASDA they must be able to have the right planning and method for being able to dispose of their waste effectively so that the portfolio of the company can be maintained effectively. Zero carbon footprints are a great improvement which mostly all the organizations are implementing and so did ASDA by following the rules and regulations of the government which differs from country to country (Díaz Garrido, Martín-Peña and Sánchez-López, 2017). Leaders must make sure that the employees are following this decisions and methods which are put for the organization so that there would be better operations.
Total quality management
Quality management is essential in ASDA to make sure that there is going to be effective satisfaction level that exists. Customer’s needs and expectations are shifting which has to be understood by the company and make sure that there is effective productivity in the organization to be able to match this aspect. There is a set standard and reputation which ASDA is having for the loyalty of customers and market base is strong (Park and et.al., 2020). Leaders motivate the employees and managers think for the quality management which is going to make sure that the organization is having a good profit and sales in market.
Just in time
Raw materials which are coming in the company have to be according to the demand and production which the company is having. Leaders make lists of inventory which is required and managers must recheck them before ordering so that there is going to be good inventory which is used. Extra inventory is going to go for waste and the company will not be able to have good economic stability (Wang, 2019). This is a very practical practice which ASDA implements from time to time so that there would be effective working and functioning.
Importance and value of operations management
Satisfaction of the customers has to be existing in the company therefore ASDA uses quality management in order to be able to have higher functioning. Expectations and demands of the organization have to be strong and productivity has to be well maintained as well so that the achievements are going to be present. Loyalty of customers is present by having a strong reputation, brand image and value in the market therefore the sales and profit margins are higher as well. Staff is also well motivated for being able to implement operations management aspects so that there is going to be higher operations.
Reduce wastage
Planning of the outlet of waste which is being produced by ASDA is through operation management so that the company will be able to maintain their competitive edge. Management has to make sure that they are taking the right orders and actions to make sure that waste is being maintained and leaders must implement them on the employees (Haksever and Render, 2017). Leaders make sure that the decisions which are being taken by the management are being followed for higher reputation of the company.
Raising employee motivation
Employees being the backbone of the organization therefore the actions and decisions must be discusses with them from time to time so that the productivity of the organization does not fall. Right knowledge and environment for the employees is going to make sure that the organization is being able to match the standards, expectations and quality of the products for the customers of the organization (Pekkanen and et.al., 2020). Employees are trained, helped, guided effectively and rewarded in physical and mental methods as well.
Raise sales
Quality of the services and products in ASDA is high therefore the satisfaction level of the employees and customers is present as well. Changes come in rapidly in the organization but, due to the motivation given by leaders to employees the company are being able to match the satisfaction and demands of the customers (Fahimnia and et.al., 2019). Profits margins are sales are higher of ASDA in respect of the competitors which are present in the country.
Control and distribution systems
Computerized controlling systems are present and installed by ASDA so that there is higher effectiveness and distribution of working that is present. Competitors are increasing therefore the management has got in this aspect in order to make sure that there is right working. Leaders make sure that there is effective implementation that is going to exist as well.
Factors influencing business environment
External and internal factors of the organization must be analysed and evaluated so that there are right decisions which are being made. Expectations of the company have to match the clients so that there would be higher maintenance which would be present in the functioning and working and also everyone’s agreement has to be present as well.
Corporate social responsibilities
The lifestyle of the people in United Kingdom is changing rapidly because of the improvement in the GDP and unemployment rates in the country which is a great factor for the company. To be able to maintain the customers the organization has improved their quality of products and services which is going to make sure that the profit margins are being maintained (Tiedemann, 2020). Employees of ASDA are well focused on the leaders and managers so that the decisions which are being taken are beneficial for the organization and the employees of the company as well.
There has to be a common ground that must be found for the employees since there are different staffing done in an organization which means they belong from different cultural backgrounds. Environment of the internal organization has to be positive so that the employees find it easier to be able to operate effectively and productively in the market. Respect for one another is very high and makes the company’s leaders and managers be able to gain competitive edge for the company.
Managers and leaders of the company make sure that there is good ethics which are present in the organization to make discipline be present in working. Sustainability for ASDA is important in the organization so that there is going to be effective performance that is present in the organization (Babich and Kouvelis, 2018). Leaders and managers make sure that the expectations of the clients are being matched by the employees of the company which is good for the sales and productivity of the organization. Market shares and customer value is existing in ASDA which is why the company has been able to get a higher operations and competitive edge.
It is concluded that there is high competition which is existing in the market and this factor has to be analysed and more operational management processes must be included. Operations management is involved in organization so that there is a well maintained reputation and standard which the business can have for themselves which is good for a long run. Decisions must be effective so that there is going to be right external and internal factors which are balanced and is good for the overall working.
Books and Journals
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Díaz Garrido, E., Martín-Peña, M.L. and Sánchez-López, J.M., 2017. The impact of flipped classroom on the motivation and learning of students in operations management. Working Papers on Operations Management. 8(SP). pp.15-18.
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