Legal Protection Of Business Creativity Assignment Sample

Safeguarding Business Creativity: Legal Protection Assignment

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Introduction Of Legal Protection Of Business Creativity

The importance of energy efficiency is rising as the global struggles with climate change and rising energy prices. Homes’ energy expenses in the UK are largely made up of heating and hot water costs, which emphasizes the need for more effective heating systems. Creative and energy-efficient heating solutions must be developed to reduce carbon emissions and lower homeowners' energy costs. The Eco heat system, which combines cutting-edge technology with a very effective heat pump system, is one example of such a system (Simandjuntak, 2023). The main goal of the eco heat system is to offer affordable heating options that preserve a home’s comfort and warmth while saving money and reducing its carbon footprint. It also has a user-friendly controller that lets users modify settings such as house temperature. The eco heat system fills the need for energy-efficient heating systems while saving homes money on energy bills and lowering carbon emissions. It is a sustainable replacement for the market's heating systems (Greco et al., 2022). The eco heat system is a highly desirable product on the market due to its different value proposition and ability to reduce carbon emission and energy use drastically.

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Design of an existing item already available on the open market in the UK

The development of an affordable priced and effective home heating system named “eco heat” is suggested in this report. The Eco Heat system is an adaptation of the market-available heating system, but it includes cutting-edge technology and a very effective heat pump system (Hübscher et al., 2022). Eco's Heat's objective is to offer affordable heating solutions that preserve a home's comfort and warmth while saving money and reducing carbon emissions. The Eco Heat system will include a heat pump that draws heat from the outside environment and transfers it inside the house for heating using the principles of vapour compression. The device will also come with a controller letting homeowners change various settings, including house temperature (Fishman, 2022). The Eco Heat system will be very effective since it will heat the house using the heat that has been extracted, saving energy and money on power bills. This product was chosen in this report because of how significantly it can reduce energy use and the resulting carbon emissions (Gupta, 2023). According to the Energy Saving Trust, heating and hot water use account for roughly 62% of energy expenditures in UK households, and a highly effective system like Eco Heat may drastically lower this. The Eco Heat system will also be less expensive than the present heating systems, making it available to more individuals who otherwise could not afford the current heating systems.

The Eco Heat system will cost about £23,000, less than the $25,000 ceiling on production costs. Finally, the Eco Heat system will offer a cost-effective and efficient heating option to lower carbon emissions and households' energy costs. The design of the Eco Heat system is shown in the diagram below, with the inside controller and external heat pump being emphasized.

Demand for such a product

People become more aware of the need to reduce their carbon footprint and save money on energy, and there is a great demand for energy-efficient heating systems on the market (Bently, 2022). Due to growing energy prices and the desire to minimize carbon emissions, there has been an increase in the demand for these items in recent years. Several products are comparable to Eco Heat, including biomass boilers, ground-source heat pumps, and air-source heat pumps. The number of heat pump installations has increased recently, according to the UK government's Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) program. Most installations in the domestic sector were for air-source heat pumps, followed by ground-source heat pumps. The great efficiency, low cost, and simplicity of operation of the Eco Heat system make it stand out from other heating systems. Eco Heat, in contrast to other market heating systems, uses cutting-edge technology and a highly effective heat pump system to offer affordable heating options while lowering carbon emissions (Basedow, 2022). The system is intended to be user-friendly, with a straightforward controller allowing for localized or system-wide adjustments.

One distinct benefit of installing an Eco Heat system is the ability to cut down on both energy use and utility bills. The system's more affordable pricing compared to similar heating systems on the market opens it up to more people who may not otherwise be able to afford it. The eco heat system has many rewards. First, the device will help to fight against climate change by drastically reducing carbon emissions. The system is extremely energy-efficient and consumes less energy than traditional heating systems, and homeowners will save money on their energy costs. Third, the system will be available to all homes because it will be simple to use. Finally, the system's accessibility to more people will reduce the energy poverty gap because of its affordability.

The intend to protect your idea, and laws it use

To protect original concepts and innovations from exploitation or duplication, intellectual property (IP) protection is essential. The IP law will apply for patents and trademarks to protect the Eco heat system legally. While trademarks are intended to protect the branding and identity of the system, patents are utilized to protect the technical features of an invention. This will retain a patent attorney to ensure the application satisfies the criteria for patentability and enforceability. The several years it takes to secure a patent varies according to the complexity of the innovation and the volume of patent applications being handled by the patent office. A patent typically takes two to four hours to obtain, and certain applications may take several years. An application must be submitted, a patent search must be done, a patent specification must be submitted, and the patent office must prosecute the application. The patent office may take office actions during prosecution that call for a response from the applicant to address any rejections or objectives. The applicant might also need to negotiate with the patent office to address any concerns or rejections.

To expedite the patent process, they might use a patent agent or lawyer with knowledge of technology. The patent agent can offer guidance about the patentability of our invention and assist us in creating a patent application that complies with the standards of the patent office. To ensure our idea is new and non-obvious, one also hire a patent search company to thoroughly search for already-issued patents and publications. They may consider using the help of a patent accelerator program or incubator, which can offer the resources like cash, guidance, and legal assistance to speed up the patenting process (Stim, 2022). These programs also provide us access to a network of professionals and investors, which can speed up the process of getting the product to market. They will rely on trademark and patent law to safeguard the idea. Patent law protects new, beneficial, and non-obvious innovations or discoveries. The European Patent Convention covers patents issued by the European Patent Office in the UK, and the Patents Act of 1977 administers patent law.

Branding and identity are protected under trademark law, though. In the UK, trademark law is governed by the Trade Marks Act of 1994, while the European Union Intellectual Property Office governs trademark registrations in the EU. For the eco heat system, they will apply for a patent to secure the technological features of the system. The vapour-compression system, heat pump, and user-friendly controller are a few of the system's unique elements that the patent will protect. It will apply for registration of the eco heat brand as a trademark. The trademark will protect the system's name, logo, and any other unique visual or auditory components that serve to identify the system.

In conclusion, defending invention is essential to maintaining the value of concept and preventing its exploitation or imitation by others (Bamakan et al., 2022). This will apply for patents and trademarks to protect the EcoHeat system legally. The patent and trademark application process can be laborious and complicated. Still, anyone can speed up the procedure and launch the product more rapidly by working with a patent agent or attorney, doing a thorough patent search, and using a patent accelerator program or incubator.

Actions would take if later discovered that someone had infringed copyright

One can immediately file a lawsuit against intellectual property right if found out someone had violated the patent or started manufacturing and distributing the goods without owner’s permission. Engaging a patent attorney to examine the infringement and offer advice on the best course of action would be their first move. The patent attorney may suggest a cease-and-desist letter, which demands that the infringer stop creating and distributing the infringing goods immediately (Auriol, 2023). In most cases, the letter would also request compensation from the offender for any losses they may have endured due to the violation. They may need to take legal action through the courts if the infringement violates the cease-and-desist letter. To represent in court, they would hire a litigation lawyer with experience in intellectual property law. To stop the infringer from producing and marketing the infringing goods, the litigation attorney would file a lawsuit against them.

Depending on how serious the violation was and how much harm they had incurred, they would decide what actions to take to safeguard our intellectual property. If the infraction is small, they might reach an amicable agreement through dialogue with the offender (Dratler Jr, 2023). In more severe situations, legal action can be required to defend our intellectual property rights. If they needed to file a lawsuit, they would hire a litigation lawyer with experience in intellectual property law. The litigation lawyer would examine the infringement evidence and advise on the best action. This might entail legal action, asking for arbitration, or going to mediation to settle the conflict. They would work closely with the litigation lawyer throughout the legal procedure to compile proof of the infringement, including any paperwork or tangible evidence that backs up our allegation.

In addition to taking legal action, they may go to other services like intellectual property advisors or insurers for assistance. In the case of an infringement, intellectual property insurance might offer us financial security by paying for any damages they might be required to pay due to the infringement (Narayan, 2023). They may get professional guidance from intellectual property advisors on the most effective methods for safeguarding our intellectual property, including licensing arrangements, patent and trademark registrations, and IP portfolio management. These experts can also advise us on looking for infringements of our intellectual property and taking steps to prohibit or prevent any such activity.

The impact of the measures would depend on how seriously the infringement was taken and how the offender responded. If the violation is modest, the offender may agree to stop what they're doing and compensate us for whatever losses they've caused. The infringer can dispute our assertions and defy our requests in more difficult situations. Both parties may present evidence in court and seek a settlement through litigation or conflict resolution, which might lead to a drawn-out legal procedure.

In conclusion, defending our intellectual property rights is essential for maintaining the value of our ideas and discoveries. They would file a lawsuit immediately to defend our rights if they subsequently learn that someone has violated our copyright or started manufacturing and distributing our product without our permission. This could entail hiring a patent attorney, a litigation attorney, and outside services like consultants or insurers of intellectual property.


The report concludes that, the safeguarding intellectual property rights are crucial to maintaining the value of ideas and discoveries. The intellectual property rights may be effectively protected in the case of an infringement by taking swift legal action, hiring a patent or litigation attorney, and utilizing outside services like intellectual property insurance providers or consultants. Although the procedure can be time-consuming and expensive, although it is an essential step to guarantee that the intellectual property is safeguarded which can fully helps in gaining profit from ideas.


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  • Basedow, J., Drexl, J., Kur, A. and Metzger, A., 2022. Intellectual property in the conflict of laws.Intellectual Property in the Conflict of Laws, pp.1-285.
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  • Greco, M., Cricelli, L., Grimaldi, M., Strazzullo, S. and Ferruzzi, G., 2022. We are unveiling the relationships among intellectual property strategies, protection mechanisms and outbound open innovation. Creativity and Innovation Management,31(2), pp.376-389.
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  • Hübscher, G., Geist, V., Auer, D., Ekelhart, A., Mayer, R., Nadschläger, S. and Küng, J., 2022. Graph-based managing and mining of processes and data in intellectual property. Information Systems,106, p.101844.
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  • Stim, R., 2022.Patent, copyright & trademark: an intellectual property desk reference. Nolo.
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