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Introduction Of Leadership And Management Of Volunteers Volunteer Management Strategy Assignment
Project aim
The main phases in recycling are manufacturing new products collecting the materials of waste and purchasing the products of recycled.
The goal of recycling is to preserve natural resources, reduce pollution and the carbon footprint and reduce the waste sent to landfills of the volume. The goal of the Waste and Recycling working group is to focus on waste reduction and recycling in residential and non-residential properties. It includes the expanding and enhancing recycling efforts of government agencies, local businesses and residences and encouraging the re-use of materials. The recycled materials include glass bottles, iron and steel scrap, paper and wood, aluminium cans and plastics. Recycling helps to reduce the solid qualities of waste in increasingly expensive landfills. This programming also reduces the land. Pollution, air and water from waste disposal.
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Rights and Responsibilities
Responsibilities towards the volunteers
The rights and responsibilities of the volunteers are to encourage the team to help recruit, recognize and support the volunteers.
The supervisor will provide the proper training to the new volunteers and develop the training content. As opined by Zollo et al. (2019), the supervisor relates to the experienced and the new volunteers and organizes the information session on volunteering at the organization. Good volunteers will become assets to the organization. the volunteers will face some problems with the opportunities of the reorganization. As opined by Larson et al. (2020), positive supervision helps to understand the proper task of the volunteers and creates the cooperation of the clientele, volunteers and staff. It also feels the volunteers are useful and active and it makes them more available of the volunteers. Volunteering strategy helps to increase the prosper task on set practices and ascended out binding training protocol that nurture the issues that are related to task enforcement.
Ethical issues
Volunteer management is the process for all the steps to recruit, engage, track and retain volunteers. Organizations build a cultivate long-term, more strategic, mutually supportive relationships and positive experiences of volunteers.
The ethical issues of volunteer management are the real participation eliminations, the conflict of cultures such as sexism and racism and the issues of the priorities of conflicting and dilemmas posed by the sources. The common issues for volunteering include stress, being overworked and being undervalued.
Volunteers have also risked that are property, liability, people, reputation, liability and income. As noted by Humphries (2019), people are the possibility of caregiver boundary setting both physically and emotionally and are particularly vulnerable to the crisis. reputation is a vital element for the organization. The credibility of the community damages the service provider and income is also important for the voluntary management system. As opined by John et al. (2020), the contract funding of the individual is the problem. The healthy and safe employees, volunteers and partners have the liabilities for supporting and personal protective equipment is important for avoiding loss, damage and theft of equipment. Organizations with limited resources manage every risk in their work and take an effective plan for more innovation. Prioritization helps to use the resources and helps to be accountable to the risk management strategy.
There have also been some challenges of volunteer management that include recruitment, volunteer burn-out, disorganization, availability and retention of the volunteers.
The recruitment of volunteers is one of the problems of volunteer management. As opined by Wiggins and Wilbanks (2019), good volunteers will become assets to the organization. the volunteers will face some problems with the opportunities of the reorganization. The process of encouraging the volunteers to recruit family and friends creates energy, inclination and time for the volunteers.
The burn-out of the volunteers
The common issues of volunteering are being undervalued, overworked and stressed. If the organization will meet a high rate of turnover then it will survey the volunteers to identify the issues and fix them. Volunteers will focus on improving the recognition and reward program to thank the volunteers.
The retention of the volunteer
The retention of volunteers is the number of ways to improve the volunteer program of spending time. As noted by Rawson et al. (2019), volunteer managers will spend time focusing on more activities, the knowledge, understanding and passion of the program that accumulates in the long-term volunteers. The volunteers are mainly faced with some problems that are feeling disengaged from the goals of the organizations. To overcome these issues, managers need to develop an engagement plan and recognition of the volunteers. Communication skill set on the other hand associated with social Indigenous growth assimilation that helps to develop considerable interaction with volunteers. As referred to by Wiggins and Wilbanks (2019), Managers, and staff abide by the consistence knowledge that alters distinctive program intrusive protocol to meet long-term goals at the highest rates.
The availability of volunteers is the other problem of the organizations and the management software will be handling all the shift changes, scheduling and rostering. The gathering data on the availability of the volunteers improves the gaps of time and fills the empty shifts at the minute.
Communities’ skill for change
The aspect of reliable communication protocol helps to generate wider and concentric approach in the growth and development of management quition in a significant way. The widest and most systematic communities’ skill embeds flexibility in the management growth process and volunteers towards individual development and significant attributes. As mentioned by Anicet al. (2019), emancipatory action has been stipulated to be enrolling assimilation protocol for individual growth stipulation that essence reliability and flexibility in an enrolling basis. The proper scheduling of imposition and growth attributes helps to rewind the gap that are being associated towards individual of scaling rates and are considered to be flexible.
Health and Safety
Recycling reduces the risks of diseases health and birth defects associated with incinerators and landfills. It also has a positive impact on the personal health of the planet in several ways. Materials are recycled to save energy by making new products using raw materials and recycled products (amymyersmd.com, 2023). It reduces the need for processing, extracting and refining the raw materials to create a lot of water and air pollution. the efficiency of energy reduces greenhouse gas emissions, conserves natural resources and minimizes climate changes to protect the health of the planet. As noted by Anicet al. (2022), Recycled steel saves protection energy by 60% and recycled plastics save 70% and 95% less energy to recycle aluminum from raw materials. The most common items that will recycle include paper, mail, cardboard, beverage cans, food boxes, plastic bottles and caps, jars, plastic bags and glass bottles. There have also some recycled products which are bowling balls, garden hoses, propane tanks, stringers, sewing needles, aerosol cans and broken light bulbs. The 'National Recycling Coalition reports' that recycling created "$236 billion" in gross annual sales, "1.1 million" jobs and "$37 billion" in annual payroll.
There have some health and safety laws to protect the volunteers include:
If the organization has employees then one must have some duties under health and safety law. This means protecting the employees including the volunteers. The Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 protects the affected volunteers by the activities of the work (hse.gov.uk). It means the volunteers are the behalf of the organizations. The risk assessment identifies the specific risks and implements the control measures effectively. Under the common law, the organization voluntarily and the individual volunteers have some duties of care to each other who are affected by their activities of work.
Good health and safety management helps to improve the roles of volunteering safely and effectively. As stated by Shiojimaet al. (2023), risk assessments are proportionate and sensible to the risk level in the work activity. This sensible risk management system focuses on the risks to cause real suffering and harm. For health and safety purposes, the volunteers must be trained with the right training, information and instruction to better their safety activities.
A good coordinator for volunteers knows that supervision improves the satisfaction of the volunteer and improves the rates of retention. As opined by O Marita et al. (2020), the organization is equipped to accomplish tasks more independently and effectively. Good supervision is a way to improve the mission and values of the organization. There are some planning for the supervision of the volunteer that include:
- The supervisor encourages the team to help recruit, recognize and support the volunteers.
- They provide the proper training to the new volunteers and develop the training content.
- They invite the team to events for the volunteers and explain the need to help supervise the volunteers.
- Welcome and integration of the volunteers
Integration introduces the new volunteers of the organizations and integrates them into the teams of the volunteers of the work. The proper training provided to the volunteers to feel familiar with the new environment and explains the mission of the organization.
The supervisor always keeps a plan for receiving the new volunteers at the best time and also be prepared for availability and psychologically. The supervisor manages risk by using the safety principles of the new volunteers and sets the tone for the involvement of the future, introducing to staff new volunteers and explaining the policies of volunteering of the organization. There will be some tips for development on the orientation of volunteers that always will give the proper descriptions of the new volunteers, and provide the tasks and clientele to the tasks of the volunteers. The supervisor related to the experienced and the new volunteers and organizes the information session on volunteering at the organization. Good volunteers will become assets to the organization. The volunteers will face some problems with the opportunities of the reorganization. The process of encouraging the volunteers to recruit family and friends creates energy, inclination and time for the volunteers. They keep the internal information about the organization and are willing to participate and learn in training programs, orientation and meetings.
The volunteers will give the proper training to the supervisors with the proper attitudes, knowledge and skills for the position. The volunteer's training is to equip them for their job, motivate them and help them to realize the importance of their seriousness and contribution to their actions. They help to give answers to their questions and analyze the roles, expectations and tasks of the volunteers.
The training improves the skills of the volunteers of the organizations that includes fulfilling the obligations and assessing the volunteers that they are right for the positions and organizations. The training provides various opportunities for professional and personal development and improves the service qualities of the volunteers. It improves the straightness of the sense of the volunteers.
There are various types of training that include confidentiality, safety standards and health and safety regulations. This provides the public speaking and information of the clientele and also provides teamwork activities and the way of talking.
This training helps to fulfil the task of the position, analyse the involvement, integrate more effectivity and develop the services of the quality of the activities.
Positive supervision helps to understand the proper task of the volunteers and creates the cooperation of the clientele, volunteers and staff. As noted by Flockhart et al. (2021), it also feels the volunteers are useful and active and it makes them more available of the volunteers. It helps to motivate them very effectively and appreciate their work. It helps to develop the organizations. It involves the tasks of the volunteers and taking suggestions and also facing various problems and also taking more solutions for overcoming the obstacles of the organization. The supervisor always keeps a plan for receiving the new volunteers at the best time and also be prepared for availability and psychologically. The supervisor manages risk by using the safety principles of the new volunteers and sets the tone for the involvement of the future, introducing to staff new volunteers and explaining the policies of volunteering of the organization.
Leadership and management of generative volunteering strategy
The aspects of advert ideas in leadership and management protocol have considerably increased the association of considerable attributes to enforce consistency units and gathered volunteering significant protocol. As stated by De Clerck et al. (2021), the wider protocol of significant management units associated among leaders has helped to mobilize strangulation associated in indicated rates. Reliable volunteers are being enrolled in management practices that help to illuminate consistent growth in business units and at the same time support psychological behaviour on an intended basis.
The aspects of significant leadership and management have initiated considerable volunteering reinforcing units
Volunteer rights and responsibilities
The responsibilities of volunteers are very important for the organization. The rights of the volunteers are to learn about the organization, get proper training for the position, be recognized and heard and have evaluations of their performance. They are also trained to be reimbursed for all expenses of work-related.
The responsibilities of the volunteers are to accept the decisions and guidance of the coordinator of volunteers maintain a smooth relationship working and understand the paid staff role of the volunteer responsibilities. They keep the internal information about the organization and also be willing to participate and learn in training programs, orientation and meetings (communityindustrygroup.org.au). All volunteers must follow the guidelines, rules and policies of the organization and practice the best ethical behavior. They also follow the safety and health protocols and report any problems to the supervisor of the team and the organization. The supervisor always keeps a plan for receiving the new volunteers at the best time and also be prepared for availability and psychologically.
Reflective portfolio in respect to leadership and management
I believe that effective leadership and management helps to embed consistent business agenda and bring significant growth aspect in favorable basis. The embedding protocol helps to generate wider interaction with an ongoing protocol that is associated by volunteers in considerable rates. The highest and most systematic approaches are of leaders having exhibited portfolio growth in leadership protocol that followed constancy and imposed reluctant adversity in generative rates. I believe that management and leadership-affiliated growth has enrolled interactive associative of leadership and outgrowth in co-related and affiliated management fair association in outdated rates. I ascend with the artifacts of management power to organize, direct, control, plan and listen the associative task outlay that help to merge equilateral followers and rebuilt collateral inspiration in highest and intending rates.
Recruitment strategy
Volunteers are the strongest pillars of any organization. They are called the backbones of any non-profitable organization as they take care of that company's facility. Volunteers give tours to the visitors who generally come to visit any spot in the organization. They are associate with a lot of work that helps to maintain the balance in any organization. The volunteers add more value to the organization. Sometimes they help in reducing operating costs. Through this they add more value to the table. When any person wants to give an hour of their valuable time a non-profit is always capable in saving money when they are getting the assistance to move their work ahead. Volunteer recruitment is the procedure of captivating and recruiting volunteers to the organization. The volunteer’s value is aligned with the organization’s value.
Volunteer recruitment strategy is a program for keeping all the volunteers energetic and much interested in their work. For this strategy the owner of the organization needs to identify their organizational needs. The recruitment process must include the needs of the company. Because there are few tasks or jobs need to be done by the volunteers like, day-to-day office works like cleaning or maintaining the office or organization for the clients and also for the employees. They might be involved other daily jobs like teaching, fund raising tasks, event set-up, arranging the event committee positions. They also must do file giving’s, other document giving’s. The organizations current recruited volunteers often serve as ambassadors for the volunteer program. The people or customer or the visitors are most likely to attract towards to the organization if they know someone from that place or if they have already trusted someone in the organization. That’s why one of the best ways for recruiting volunteers is asking your friends or family if they are interested in doing the mentioned job or not.
Communication skill set for empowering change growth process
At times the favorable communication set has ascended comprehending growth process to counter the gap of management process and acquaint systematic reliability in terms if leadership protocols. The wider and consistency communication skill helps to empower the building ability of change management thatare firm equilateral and intending. As referred to by Bauerand Lim (2019), effective team growth set practices helps to nurture the existence business management set aspects and generate wider volunteer unity that helps to monitor the process of management outframe in outbuilding generative out branding stages in significant and consisting way. At times firm and broad member association are being recommended collaboratively to nurture the requirements of considerable volunteers that associated nurturing event practices in needs.
Reaching out to the former volunteers is another way of recruiting the volunteers. The recruited volunteers also need a break to get them back to the work with more energy and involvement towards their work. This particular strategy was not possessed in the previous recruitment strategies. Many volunteers left their job or lost their job during covid situation. So the new recruitment strategy needs to maintain a protocol for such purpose. The board members of the organization should give recommendations to the volunteers. The new strategy also requires the collaboration with the local companies.
Sponsors must take part in the event committees and the sponsorship level needs to be innovative with interesting packages. The strategy needs to connect with the civic groups. The organization needs to maintain a volunteer info session which will include mission and values, training and procedures, what are the volunteer policies. It should also include the current and approaching opportunities and also how to sign up in the organization's portal for applying for the job.
Managing Changes
Strategy is the main keyword when it is to create an effective process for managing volunteers in an effective way. Each and every aspect of any volunteer program must be aimed at making them appealing to the volunteers (Golensky and Hager, 2020). It must be formulated in order to leverage them for giving their best, and finally, it should come to the sorting part of the data so that an effective method could be performed to meet the goal.
I personally feel that there should be some changes in my project. I would like to increase the budget for the company’s new asset which will help me in acquiring the right sets of tools. Having better sets of tools at hand would surely help the management to control the volunteers and their activities associated with my business more effectively and efficiently (Akyavuz and Asici, 2021). After a budgetary increase into better assets, I’d like to better utilize the connections between the financers of the projects and the volunteers providing physical labor. After dealing with the above issues I’d like the management to integrate a system of reward into the program which will recognize the best efforts given by the volunteers and would aim at boosting their morale further by rewarding their efforts.
Investing in the proper set of tools for managing the volunteers could be helpful. Leaving the volunteers in the hand of a person who has better managerial skills could establish a better line of communication in my organization (Bauer and Lim, 2019). Or improving the way volunteers collect the data could be helpful in the longer run. Better and more strategic data management would be able to increase productivity by reducing the time when it comes to accessing the data.
The organization could also be helped by investing in a proper scientific training method. It is always advised by professionals and data analysts that proper training developed by scientific method could be helpful for the volunteers. If given at the beginning of their journey into the organization then this training would help them understand the organizational goals. It would also be able to refine their already acquired set of skills which would ultimately increase the productivity of the organization.
Setting up a system that would regularly acknowledge the hard work of the volunteers by rewarding them could be helpful for the organization. As volunteers dedicate their efforts to achieving organizational goals, it is justified that their dedication also meets recognition (Hayati and Sari, 2019). It is always not mandatory for a nonprofit organization to go on spending money as they run on a very limited set of resources. Therefore, this could be done by orally communicating the organization’s gratitude towards them. They could also be given paid leave or they could be proposed with the idea that the best employee of the year would be able to bring anyone from their family to the workplace twice a year (Alsuwaidi et al. 2021). The expense would be on the company. Or the volunteers could be helped by occasionally giving them lunch or dinner coupons. This not only helps the organization to recognize their effort but it would make the person feel happy by giving him some good family time. Therefore, this way paying in kind and not in cash could be very helpful in boosting the morale of the volunteers.
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