Leadership, Innovation, and Organizational Performance Assignment Sample

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Introduction To Research Methods

Part 1: Defining a Research Problem


Defining a research problem will require a comprehensive understanding of the themes and keywords that are related and interrelated with the topic. The theme or the subject has certain essential vital terms that will be outlined here, which in turn will be analyzed under certain relevant key theoretical journals and academic articles. The focus will be made on terms like leadership, innovation, and organizational performance must be followed and a supposed relation between them will be anticipated to be discovered. Leadership in its simple terms essentially means the ways adopted by a person to mobilize workers and advocate growth and development in the organizational outlook (Guzmán et al., 2020). Leaders are of many types however, each of them is understood as the creators of innovative approaches. In the current world, the business and industrial scenarios are changing drastically and as a result, leadership is changing as well. However, the interrelation with leadership did not change rather it became a factor of sustenance in the 4.0 industrial sector (Guzmán et al., 2020).

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As has been mentioned here, innovation forms one of the essential attributes of the development of organizational success and efficiency. Research regarding these two themes and their contribution to the issue of organizational efficiency is extensively researched. Innovation thus, as a term essentially denotes the creation and discovery of certain operational features that make the work of humans much easier. However, it has been found that for the attainment of organizational performance, both innovation and leadership are deemed essential.

Other Studies

In the study of Dani?man, Tosunta?, and Karada?, (2015), it has been found that there is a "medium to the positive effect of leadership on organizational performance". Leadership motivates workers and employees to work more holistically and comprehensively which not only improves organizational culture but also develops organisational performance as a whole. This strengthening factor of creating an inclusive and developing culture has been mentioned in the study. However, there are certain weaknesses in this research as it fails to take up other attributes such as innovation and organizational performance as key factors in developing organizational efficiency. The research question here that will be designed at the end of this discussion will keep these inadequacies of other elements likely, innovation and organizational performance into consideration. Innovation can be described as another key term that has been utilized in the topic here. In the study of Karim Suhag et al., (2017), innovation has resulted in inflicting a positive impact on organizational performance and culture. Thus here, it has been found that innovation has a connection with organizational performance. However, there is always a research gap or weakness in these abovementioned journals and articles, as it fails to interlink and connect the key themes. As per the understanding, leadership, innovation, and organizational performances are essentially interrelated to each other, and the absence of one will result in the decline of another.

Research question

Thus, this research theme must be understood in a conglomerate and as a result, it has given birth to a research question. What is the correlation between leadership, innovation, and organizational performance and its combined effect in improving organizational efficiency?

Part 2: Comparing possible methods

Reason for using the research designs

There are several research designs which are used in research. Qualitative, and quantitative are two of the research designs which are used in research. On the other hand, primary and secondary data collection are also some of the areas which are taken into consideration for performing research. Qualitative research is a process that is applied in social science to understand the perception, attitudes, and behaviour of individuals in specific areas. With the use of qualitative research, scholars can gather an understanding of particular phenomena (Haven and Van Grootel, 2019). When exploring things that cannot be fully captured by statistics alone, such as human feelings, beliefs, and values, qualitative research is often utilized. This kind of research also finds widespread use when investigating cultural practices.

Quantitative research is a technique that is used in the social sciences, enterprise, and other sectors to collect and analyze numerical data. This approach is based on a methodical empirical study. Utilizing statistical and mathematical techniques, it seeks to quantify or measure events, variables, or correlations in an effort to better understand them. The primary goal of quantitative research is to give knowledge that is not only unbiased and trustworthy but also capable of being generalized to a broader audience (Bloomfield and Fisher, 2019). The process of collecting primary data entails collecting the initial information directly from the source for the goal of doing research or performing analysis. In most cases, it is carried out when there is a need for certain information that is not easily obtainable from the sources that are already accessible.

Figure 1: Types of research design

Types of research design

(Source: alifpikuk, 2021)

Furthermore, the secondary data collection process refers to the gathering of information and data that has been previously published and recorded on different academic websites. Research papers, online databases, annual reports, magazines, and newspapers are some of the secondary resources that are used in research (Ruggiano and Perry, 2019). The qualitative research method allows researchers to collect and analyze data through the use of interviews, observations, and document analysis. This method allows individuals to apply in-depth focus on a topic in identifying meaningful information. The method is also used in research by contributing to theory development by generating new ideas and concepts. These are some of the ways through which qualitative research methods can contribute to a topic.

Furthermore, The focus of qualitative research is on analyzing events in the natural settings in which they occur. Researchers are able to better comprehend the psychological, cultural, and ecological factors that impact individual experiences by seeing and analyzing everyday situations, relationships, and social structures. This awareness of context is especially helpful when doing research on behavioral, social, or cultural problems (McLeod, 2019). In many different areas, data-driven decision-making may be supported by the findings of quantitative research. When developing strategies, policies, and actions, organizations and governments often depend on quantitative research to guide their decisions. Because of their objective character, quantitative approaches make it possible to make decisions based on data. With the use of quantitative data scholars and researchers can study trends over time. Studying trends over time is one of the areas that define how quantitative data can be used in research. Individuals can collect data at different phases and analyze the changes in the patterns over time.

The collection and examination of data may be carried out in a methodical and consistent manner using quantitative research methodologies. They try to measure and quantify factors in an organized way, with the goal of lowering the likelihood of subjectivity and bias occurring. This impartiality enables a higher degree of dependability and repeatability in the conclusions of the investigation. On the other hand, primary data collection is used in research by performing surveys, interviews, and observations. Researchers are given the opportunity to gather primary data, which enables them to acquire data that is directly targeted to their study aims and queries (Mazhar et al., 2021). It makes it possible to gather data that is both distinctive and clearly associated with the topic at hand, some of which may not be accessible in secondary sources that are already in existence.

In the secondary data collection method, the data and evidence are gathered by the researcher in the initial stage. In accordance with the collection of data and information, the sources are organized and segregated as per their authenticity and reliability to make them suitable for data analysis. Access to big and varied datasets that may not be practical to obtain through primary data-collecting techniques may often be gained through the use of additional sources of information. These datasets may give a more comprehensive view and enable researchers to investigate patterns, trends, or interactions that span multiple populations, eras, or geographical locations. When compared to primary data gathering, the second gathering of information is often associated with lower overall costs. It entails making use of pre-existing data sources, such as published research papers, reports issued by the government, databases, or records kept by organizations, all of which are often accessible for a cost of very little to none. Because of this, there is no longer a need to invest time and money in developing and putting into practice new ways of data collecting.

Critical discussion of the methods

In the present task, a research question has been selected based on the research topic. However, all the research methods that have been illustrated in the above section cannot be applied to answering the research question. In the context of the research question, quantitative methods will not be able to identify theoretical information in constructing a correlation between leadership, innovation, and organizational performance. The method will only provide statistical data and trends over time. The use of qualitative research may be beneficial in determining the association between leadership, innovation, and organizational performance, as well as the influence that these factors have individually and together on the efficiency of an organization (Bulmer, 2021). Comparatively, quantitative research focuses largely on numerical data and statistical correlations, but qualitative research makes it possible to conduct a more in-depth investigation of the elements, situations, and dynamics that are relevant to the research issue. Researchers are able to discover recurring themes, patterns, and connections within the data via the use of qualitative analysis, which enables them to conduct a more in-depth investigation into the intricate interrelationships that exist between leadership, innovation, organizational performance, and efficiency. The results of qualitative research may offer insights, ideas, or hypotheses that can inspire additional study or drive practical initiatives to improve leadership, innovation, and organizational efficiency.

Primary data may be used in answering the question however the method will not be able to provide in-depth information about the correlation among the three elements. The lack of theoretical aspects in the method may lead to failure in illustrating the topic for the present research question. Secondary data often contains historical data, which enables researchers to conduct longitudinal investigations (Morgan, 2019). Researchers have the ability to evaluate data over a period of time in order to determine whether modifications in management, approaches to innovation, and organizational performance are related to gains in organizational efficiency. An understanding of the temporal linkages involved and the long-term impact of these elements may be gained via the use of longitudinal analysis.

Critical discussion of other studies using a similar design

Two studies have been identified in this section that are relatable to the present research topic. In the research paper, "The Interplay of Leadership Styles, Innovative Work Behavior, Organizational Culture, and Organizational Citizenship Behavior" a quantitative research method has been used for performing the research. However, there are certain strengths and weaknesses of the research paper. One of the weaknesses of the research paper is that the paper does not illustrate multiple leadership styles which leads to a lack of ideas and information on the topic. In this study, a cross-sectional survey approach is used, and the sample size is rather low, both of which tend to create poor levels of internal validity. Because the vast majority of research on leadership is primarily focused on administrative and managerial roles within business and commercial contexts, the relevance of administration is something that cannot be ignored inside educational institutions such as universities. This is one of the strengths of the research paper.

On the other hand, in the research paper "The Influence of Organizational Culture and Organizational Commitment on Employee Performance and Job Satisfaction as a Moderating Variable at PT. Bank Mandiri (Persero), Tbk " a secondary data collection process has been used for performing the research. An explanation of organizational culture, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment to employee performance has been demonstrated briefly which is considered to be one of the strengths of the paper. On the other hand, there is no presence of hypothesis testing in the research paper which is considered to be a weakness of the research paper. The absence of interviews is one of the weaknesses of the research paper. The researcher could have identified in-depth information from respondents by offering brief questions about the topic. The absence of the Saunders Onion Model has led to failure in identifying specific research elements for the research paper. This is another weakness of the research paper.

Part 3: Justification

As has been mentioned earlier, there are innumerable types and designs of research methodologies which include both qualitative and quantitative research. Both of these designs have been discussed earlier along with their strengths and weaknesses. However, after a certain analysis it has been found that for the research question that this assignment has selected, the qualitative approach will be the most suitable one to extract the facts and answer. In this section of the study, emphasis will be made on the reasons behind the selection of the research design that is qualitative. It has been understood that qualitative research design is essential to understand the interrelation between leadership, innovation, and organizational performance and their combined impact on organizational efficiency. There are reasons for such selection as qualitative research will provide an in-depth understanding of the attributes separately and also connectively. This research design carries the potential of making the audience understand the interplay of these different features and will also help to gain a rich insight regarding the same. Qualitative research will help and it is the best way to extract such insights which portrays that leadership requires innovation, and for quality innovation one requires sound leadership. These factors in turn benefit organizational performance which in turn enhances organisational efficiency.

As this research question is a unique concept of can be considered a hypothesis, qualitative research which reflects an investigative approach will be suitable for the same. This approach will help to establish the theme or the research question with certain valid explanations. Qualitative research design is an inclusive research design that allows participants and even researchers to include their opinion in the process (Wayland, 2022). The research question as selected here, requires opinions, as it is a unique approach to the understanding of organizational efficiency. Organizational efficiency is a conglomerate of innumerable contributions of several departments, and employees. Thus, it is essential to understand their opinions and this inclusive research methodology will help with the purpose (Wayland, 2022). Qualitative research advocates for surveying and interviewing individuals and this research must also follow that to accumulate the opinions of all regarding the correlation of the factors resulting in the development of organizational efficiency (‌Bhandari, 2020). Quantitative research design would have must be provided with the results of certain surveys and interviews in a statistical manner, however, the requirement of this research question is a bit elaborated that requires quality methods likely analysis, strategic explanation, and a detailed discussion (Bhandari, 2020). A qualitative research design will provide the research theme with an in-depth understanding of which ways the issues of leadership, innovation, and organizational performance are interrelated with the development of organizational efficiency.

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  • Khan, M.A., Ismail, F.B., Hussain, A. and Alghazali, B., 2020. The interplay of leadership styles, innovative work behavior, organizational culture, and organizational citizenship behavior. Sage Open, 10(1), p.2158244019898264.
  • Karim Suhag, A., Solangi, S.R., Larik, R.S.A., Lakh, M.K. and Tagar, A.H., (2017). The relationship of innovation with organizational performance. International Journal of Research-Granthaalayah, 5(2), pp.292-306.
  • Guzmán, V.E., Muschard, B., Gerolamo, M., Kohl, H. and Rozenfeld, H., (2020). Characteristics and Skills of Leadership in the Context of Industry 4.0. Procedia Manufacturing, 43, pp.543-550.
  • Dani?man, ?., Tosunta?, ?.B. and Karada?, E., (2015). The effect of leadership on organizational performance. Leadership and organizational outcomes: Meta-analysis of empirical studies, pp.143-168.
  • Bulmer, M., 2021. The value of qualitative methods. In Social science and social policy (pp. 180-203). Routledge.
  • Bloomfield, J. and Fisher, M.J., 2019. Quantitative research design. Journal of the Australasian Rehabilitation Nurses Association, 22(2), pp.27-30.
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  • Haven, T. and Van Grootel, D.L., 2019. Preregistering qualitative research. Accountability in research, 26(3), pp.229-244.
  • Mazhar, S.A., Anjum, R., Anwar, A.I. and Khan, A.A., 2021. Methods of data collection: A fundamental tool of research. Journal of Integrated Community Health (ISSN 2319-9113), 10(1), pp.6-10.
  • McLeod, S.A., 2019. Qualitative vs. quantitative research. Simply psychology, 30.
  • Morgan, D.L., 2019. Locating the distinction between qualitative and quantitative research: a reply to Maxwell. Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 13(3), pp.282-283.
  • Paramita, E., Lumbanraja, P. and Absah, Y., 2020. The influence of organizational culture and organizational commitment on employee performance and job satisfaction as a moderating variable at PT. Bank Mandiri (Persero), Tbk. International Journal of Research and Review, 7(3), pp.273-286.
  • Ruggiano, N. and Perry, T.E., 2019. Conducting secondary analysis of qualitative data: Should we, can we, and how?.Qualitative Social Work, 18(1), pp.81-97.
  • Wayland, S. (2022). Making Qualitative Research Inclusive: Methodological Insights in Disability Research - AnnmareeWatharow, Sarah Wayland, 2022. [online] International Journal of Qualitative Methods. Available at: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/16094069221095316 [Accessed 16 Jun. 2023]
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