Unit BM301 Introduction to the Business Environment Assignment Sample

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Introduction to the Business Environment Assignment 

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Task 1

AC 1.1 – Selected business organisations from different sectors, and their ownership

The two selected contrasting organizations are Unilever and NHS. Both the companies are from different sectors. Unilever is a private sector organisation and NHS is a public sector organisation. Unilever meets everyday requirements of nutrition, sanitation, and personal care through brands that support individuals sense good, appear good and achieve additional of it. It is a UK based company which is now operating and their brands are available in more than 190 countries and around 2.5 billion people use their products; whereas, NHS is an Australian medical centre which provides very high level of care to men, women, and children of all ages. This company takes a lot of time to build a long lasting, trusting relationship so that they can provide us with quality health care throughout our lives.

Unilever has three key business sectors which are, beauty and personal care, foods and refreshments, and home care. So, Unilever deals in consumer goods. It is a combined venture of Unilever NV (The Netherlands) and the Unilever PLC (UK), the old company. NHS PVT LTD is a company which is a health care and provider public organization. It is managedd by the UK government with the Department of Health and Social Care, that takes political responsibility of services. The NHS is classified into primary care, secondary care, and tertiary care. Primary care is the first hand of contact for people who are in need of health care, which is usually given by professionals.

AC 1.2- Different types of stakeholders whose presence affect the purpose of two organisations

There can be various types of stakeholders in any company whether private or public organisation, and each stakeholder gives a lot of effect on the company:

  • Customers- Any business can exist just because of their customers, they are the real stakeholders of a company. Customers are impacted by the quality of the services, quality of the products, and their value. For example; in a health care system, literally the lives of patients are in the hands of care taking people and on the treatment. Indirectly, it all depends on the company (Akhmetshin et al., 2017).
  • Employees- Employee are the direct stakeholders of the company, because employees earn an income for their support only. Based on the type of organization, employees do have their rights of health and safety. (Prajogo, 2016).
  • Investors- Investors are of two types; stockholders and debtholders. Stockholders are those who put their capital in a buisness and they earn a certain amount of interest as a return on their invested income. Investors are basically concerned with only the shareholder value (Akhmetshin et al., 2017).
  • Governments- Government is considered as a major part holder in any company, because they ask taxes from company and also from the people it has employed. Government is benefitted through the overall gross domestic production (GDP) that the companies are contributing.

AC 2.1- Organizational Structure of Selected Organizations

Unilever Company have goods type division of organizational structure. The corporation is separated into parts based on the product attention. This business has a section for the products of personal care and division for home goods. Whereas, NHS is made up of different organizations, with many different organizations that have their recruitment team and list of the vacancies (Prajogo, 2016). Charities and Social enterprises are also the organizations which contribute to the services of NHS.

Task 2

AC 3.1- Types of Buisness Targets

The target of the company was that 90% of patients should be admitted to hospital, and approximately 95% of patients those are not admitted at hospital must receive consultant care within 18 weeks till it is clinically appropriate not to do so. Important values of NHS- respect others, commitment for quality and care, compassionate, enhancing lives, work together for patients (Gaganis et al., 2019).

AC 3.2- Strategies to achieve Business target

The strategy of the NHS to achieve their business target is to deliver better health outcomes to the populations we serve. People who use their services, their experience should be improved continuously. Enhancing and improving the well being of employees. Financial resources should always be used wisely.

The other strategy is that, working with the only purpose of being a catalyst, for the better health of people and improving their services and to deliver great results for their customers, can have a positive impact on the health of the whole society. Through expanding their existing services and taking new ones, there can be a positive growth for the plans (Moroni et al., 2015).

Task 3

Political Factors

  • Corruption level- if the businessman, workers, or the ministers will be corrupted, then surely the one with more paying will be the winner, and the rest will be destroyed slowly. So it is the biggest politic factor that impacts the buisness.
  • Discrimination law- if the government will discriminate between the buisness men on the basis of relationships, caste, and other things, then the other people’s buisness will be impacted (Moroni et al., 2015).
  • Bureaucracy
  • Tariffs
  • Press freedom
  • Control on the trade
  • Educational law
  • Law of trust
  • Employment law
  • Data protection
  • Law of environment
  • Law of health and Safety
  • Competeting law
  • Regulation law

Legal Factors

  • Fraud law- there are some of the buisness persons and government employes, which sometimes for their benefit do fraudulent works. This may impact their and other’s buisness directly or indirectly (Cai and Yang, 2014).
  • Copyright law- copyright to a product means that no other organization can copy their products as it is against the law. If someone does this, it will surely affect their buisness in future.
  • Law of consumer
  • Discriminating law
  • Law of employing
  • Import, export law

Social Factors

  • Lifestyle- if the businessman pays attention to his/her lifestyle, and not on the buisness, then slowly buisness will come to a loss, which will be a negative impact for the future.
  • Educational level- education is a very important tool in today’s world. If the person handling the business, is not educated, then he/she can’t do buisness according to today’s modernization (Cai and Yang, 2014).
  • Buying habits.
  • Safety emphasis
  • Religious beliefs
  • Health conscious.
  • Sex distribution.
  • Average income.


Akhmetshin, E., Danchikov, E., Polyanskaya, T., Plaskova, N., Prodanova, N. and Zhiltsov, S., 2017. Analysis of innovation activity of enterprises in modern business environment. J. Advanced Res. L. & Econ.8, p.2311.

Cai, S. and Yang, Z., 2014. On the relationship between business environment and competitive priorities: The role of performance frontiers. International Journal of Production Economics151, pp.131-145.

Gaganis, C., Pasiouras, F. and Voulgari, F., 2019. Culture, business environment and SMEs' profitability: Evidence from European Countries. Economic Modelling78, pp.275-292.

Moroni, I., Arruda, A. and Araujo, K., 2015. The design and technological innovation: how to understand the growth of startups companies in competitive business environment. Procedia Manufacturing3, pp.2199-2204.

Prajogo, D.I., 2016. The strategic fit between innovation strategies and business environment in delivering business performance. International journal of production Economics171, pp.241-249.

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