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Introduction Of Interpersonal Relationship And Conflict Management Through Empathy Assignment
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Conflict resolution is important for maintaining the high functionality and interpersonal relationship status in society, organisation or any other group. Conflicts and disputes are highly associated with the beliefs and emotions a person follows and needs to take decisions regarding a process. This can effectively create an overall negative impact on interpersonal relationships and may lead to negative results. Hence personality development and increasing empathetic approaches in the process are mandatory for these aspects. The overall management is necessary considering the negative approaches and outcomes for the situation as well, and hence empathy can be effective in that case. Hence this research aims to develop a survey on this basis.
Research background
Resolution is an effective process that helps decrease the negative impacts and manage the situation by prioritising the positive outputs. Conflict management is related to the control of emotions and understanding of others' behaviour through the application of empathy. The procedures that are utilised to manage certain disputes among individuals are possible to overcome through increased understanding of the situation and emotions related to the situation (Boele et al. 2019). It helps to understand the feelings and conditions of others within consideration. Certain positive traits in certain person’s characteristics help to increase the overall conflict management aspects. Conflict management also includes the skills such as negotiation, finding innovative ways to help both the parties under conflict and maximal removal of the negative impacts of the process (David, Rosler & Maoz, 2018). Hence maintaining a calm and demeanour attitude during the procedures is important to improve the thinking process and strategies.
Previous related literature
Different factors can be analysed in case utilising an empathetic approach in this case, including the pre-conceived relationship between the persons. It determines the rate of sharing the distress and related emotions between them, which increases the level of empathy (Peni? et al. 2021). On the other hand, empathy cannot be effective when dealing with disputes in new environments. Also, following the overall approaches and effectiveness of the procedures, the interpersonal relationship is also important. Empathy can effectively improve understanding of the victims' negative impacts (Hastings et al. 2019). In case of a person-based and group-based approach, a mechanism for empathy and distress can be effective. The intergroup relations in case of empathy application are effective for this approach's overall analysis and undertaking. The major factors must be realised through increased approaches and applications for the process (Cilasun & Ladden, 2021).
On the other hand, its effects are not necessarily observed in the case of personal approaches. In certain situations, conflicts are considered mandatory aspects for quality improvement, development of new and innovative ideas and enrichment of knowledge among the members. The effectiveness of conflicts can be analysed in terms of performance improvement, sharing of knowledge and previous experiences and improving decision-making ability.
Research aim
This research aims will be conduct a study regarding the implementation of empathy in conflict management. The skills and emotions used in the process of resolving disputes are mandatory for overcoming the factors that are necessary for this process.
Research hypothesis
- Empathy is an effective emotion that is helpful in conflict management
- Empathy is not an effective emotion that is helpful in conflict management
In this case, utilisation and effectively of empathetic factors in human characteristics are needed to examine for overcoming the conflict management aspects. Among different traits used in managing conflict conditions, the effectiveness of the empathetic approach is needed to evaluate through this process. Although empathy can be an effective factor for certain management, perception of people and their behaviour depends on planning strategies for the situation. Hence the application of empathy is based on the emotional development of certain skills and their application.
Methods reated to this research aspect are mandatory to be followed to successfully answer the situation. The procedures that are need to be followed for understanding conditional approaches of empathy. In this study, the positivism research philosophy will be needed to be followed. This process refers to the collection of information that is facts and collected through direct observation by the researchers (Bleiker et al. 2019). Hence access to the information and its collection can be needed to be an appropriate way that aligns with the research hypothesis in a positive way. While assisting the effectiveness and utilisation of empathy in case of dispute resolution, the collected information will play the most important role in answering research questions. On the other hand, there are assessment needs for proper understanding of the roles of empathetic aspects for characters in case of conflict management. Hence an inductive approach can be helpful for understanding. As direct information and facts are needed to be collected for this assessment, the primary research method is to be followed (Coy, 2019). This includes a collection of information from the target population for understanding the utilisation of an empathetic approach in conflict resolution.
The selection of the sample population for this research will include a random sampling process. There will be a total of 50 participants will be selected from the age groups between 16-45 years. They can be divided into two groups based on the utilisation of empathy as a useful approach to conflict resolution. It is needed to ensure that versatility is included in terms of background, race, and professions. This can increase the effectiveness of the results and implementation of empathetic approaches in character development, which influences conflict resolution ability. The overall factors related to this management approach are mandatory to be avoided for increased understanding and analysis of the procedures. A survey method through applying quantitative process will be followed for this aspect on the basis of a developed questionnaire. It will include proper assessment methods for conflict management, including understanding the conflict situation and the importance of results (Gerald, 2018). The collected information is needed to be followed by the quantitative analysis process, which can be done by using statistical methods for researchers. In this case, the t-test method will be needed to be followed between two selected groups. Analysis of the negative and positive impacts of the disputes and their prioritisation is necessary.
The research procedures need to include an overall analysis and undertaking of the process that is followed in this aspect. There are significant differences that can be observed through the mean differences between the two groups. The results will be effective for understanding the impacts of empathy in case of conflict resolution and its usefulness for the process. In this study, the effectiveness of empathy as an emotion and skill for improving conflict resolution factors can be analysed through this hypothesis process. In case of finding a significant mean difference between two groups, the alternative hypothesis will be proven, that states empathy is effective for the process. On the other hand, if there are no mean differences found in tests, the null hypothesis will be effective.
Discussion can be mainly based on the results that are found through statistical analysis and tests. Its effectiveness can be understood through increased analysis and understanding of the process. The hypothesis is needed to be aligned for an effective understanding through the process. The communal empathetic approaches can be understood through the application of these aspects; there is an effective way to improve the interpersonal relationship, application of sympathy and understanding of distress conditions through the utilisation of empathy (Cilasun & Ladden, 2021). Also, their certain conditions may include limitations for empathetic approaches, which is mandatory to understand as well. On the other hand, the groups and persons are also a major factor in the application of empathy in conflict management approaches. There is certainty and perceptions involved in a related group of people that are being influenced through sharing their experiences, conditions, and distressing emotions.
While surviving in a completely unknown new situation, empathy may not be an effective way to overcome strategies. In the case of groups and person-based approaches, differences in empathetic applications can also be found. Another major aspect of choosing empathy as an effective skill includes the overall understanding of the factors related to character development and personal attitudes (Brown et al. 2019). This is related to the development of concern and assessment of negative approaches to disputes. This, on the other hand, affects the decision-making approach during the conflict resolution aspects. In case of after management for the process, there is a necessary approach that is mandatory to be focused on analysing the overall impacts of the conflicts in relationship management.
Conflicts can be essential and necessary for a better solution to some situations and overall improvement through effective decision-making. Hence the after-effects of the process are needed to maintain as well. Hence effectiveness for empathy along with other skills for maintaining the after-effects needed to be followed in the results as well. This is a necessary approach in case managing the overall negative impacts of conflicts (Selke, 2019). Hence the interrelationship management aspects are considered an effective factor in using the empathetic approach.
Reference list
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