Intercultural Business Communication Assignment Sample

Enhancing Global Collaboration : Techniques for Intercultural Business Communication

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Introduction Of Intercultural Business Communication Assignment

Describe the scenario of Intercultural business communication

The researcher has selected Tesco PLC for evaluating the IBC and its role-play for the company (, 2022). The researcher then goes on to analyze the cultural dimensional approaches for the company in setting up its retail business on a local and global basis. It needs to be evaluates how the cultural dimension is going to change the company's business ability. However, it also needs to evaluate the development of the business style for the company in implementing the company's business outside the UK and globally.

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The case scenario of the IBC and the strategic approaches of Tesco PLC in implementing its retail business show that the company has a need to know about the country's geographical origin (, 2022). It can be states that, the IBC of Tesco PLC has based on developing its business forum, in a Muslim country. For doing this, what things need to be followed most by the company in making a solid business approach within this country. However, being a company of UK-based origin, in the time of growing their business hands need to know about the culture of the country (Nash, 2018). The reason is for setting up a sustainable business it is very important to build up an effective communication bridge. For this case, it is very important to know about the country's language and religion as well. That is why Tesco PLC needs to make the organization's workplace more delicate by thinking about the county's employees (, 2022). The company needs to recruit a leader and the employees union, which is going to solve the queries of the employees very easily. Therefore, the company needs to amend that, for setting up their business in a different religious country; the company needs to select some employees (Chen et al., 2019). It gives them an opportunity to advance their careers and the company's development. In short, the hierarchy of the company needs to establish a new hierarchy for monitoring the employees and the other business outfits by building up strong communication (Merhi, Hone & Tarhini, 2019). The company has made their business by targeting the audience and in that case, the company needs to manufacture their food products by not harming its religious means and ethics.

The concept of intercultural business communication is the mode of sharing a business-related conversation by respecting the cultures, languages and cultural barriers of one another. The process of intercultural business communication apparently provides help in negotiating the problems in understanding the society and social environment and system (Sharma et al., 2020). It needs to amend that, the concept of IBC is going to explore the cross-cultural business sectors of a company and with it; this process is going to encourage the company for making their approaches in performing cross-cultural businesses.

The influential role-played by a company in performing IBC represent that, this process is going to give permission to the organizational members of a company for communicating constructively and respectfully. It presents the communication tendency in following different cultural barriers (Goworek et al., 2020). In the case of an individual, the role-play of IBC could see as it helps that individual to resolve his or her own problems while working in a workplace. However, it helps in preventing the chances and the matter of conflict.

To make better sustainability and experience a new journey by setting up business ventures in the Muslim country the hierarchy of Tesco PLC has need to set a strong approach. This strategic approach will help the company in running its business and would provide encouragement too (, 2022). For making a better supply chain and better customer accumulation, the approach can be based on, the company Tesco PLC has needed to implement the slaughter process. The reason is, the company has its own-labelled products. Due to that case, the company needs to manufacture their products thinking about the animal welfare requirements (Peña-García et al., 2020). In that case, the company needs to ban their meat-based food products because they are not properly halal or cut in a kosher process. In several Muslim countries, execution of animal going to demoralize the people of the country and it causes harm to their ethics (Kumar, 2019). That is why the company needs to introduce plant-based meat and plant-based food products. Therefore, this approach is going to attract the country's people a lot and keep their ethics safe (Naidoo & Gasparatos, 2018). This kind of sensible approach in different countries arranges many beneficiaries for the company by setting up the company's business as well.

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Analysis of the scenario with culture dimension approach

Evaluating the overall case scenario of Tesco PLC shows that, during the time of establishing the cross-cultural business in the UK and in different Muslim countries, Tesco PLC need to value the country's culture (Ahmadi et al., 2022). If the company seems to be amending the culture of the country, then it will influence the company a lot in spreading their business ventures. It is also going to help the company in securing a huge amount of business success, cash flow and generating revenues.

For setting up a positive business aspect by Tesco PLC in the UK markets, it is very important to understand the concept of Individualism. It seems a bit interesting in setting up a retail business in the UK market (Su & Teng, 2018). This will help by developing the personal relationship and it is very important for setting up a business. However, it also plays an influential role in setting up Customer Loyalty. It can create a huge impact in structuring the company's enterprise density, innovation level, product sector balance, and marketing concentration of the company in the retail market of the own country or the different country (Henderson & Green, 2020). Figuring out the impact of the cultural dimension in setting up the business in the UK for Tesco PLC shows that it effectively builds up the company's enterprise density (Banks & O'Connor, 2021). The reason is, considering the business venture of 2019, in the UK, Tesco PLC opens more than 200 outlets for conducting their business programs and doing this type of productivity the company has attracted approximately 64,769,452 people in the UK population.

On the other hand, for setting up the business in the UK, the cultural dimension has expanded the company's marketing concentration. Considering the activity of 2017 and 2018 year, the company Tesco PLC has gained a total amount of marketing shares of 70% and 82% respectively to its competitor (Standal, Talevi & Westskog, 2020). However, in the following years, the main competitor of the company was able to gain 25.6% and 27% marketing shares respectively (Bibby & Dehe, 2018). In order to analyze the marketing share of the company, within the Muslim country represents that, in the beginning, time, they were only able to secure a 24% share in the retail markets by selling their grocery product.

The reason is, during the time, when companies and its hierarchy face cultural diversity and linguistic issues, and then it will create a communication gap by not communicating with the people. However, considering the linguistic problem it also harms product promotion. Besides that, thinking about the customer's ethics creates a bit of harm in the company's supply chain (Sovacool & Del Rio, 2020). Similarly, resolving all these barriers, by implementing new business strategies on implementing the theoretical model and approaches help the company Tesco PLC in acquiring a respective market share in 2017 and 2018. Henceforth, the company was able to secure 45% marketing shares in 2017 and 67% marketing shares in 2018 (Comunian & England, 2018). This also initiates benefits for the company by owing most of the trusts both in the UK and in Muslim countries too. Disclosing another beneficiary would go to show that, before the end of 2018 Tesco PLC in both the UK and Muslim country expands their businesses by 81% and 72.3% respectively. This can be possible, by opening huge amounts of outlets and fulfilling customer value by keeping their ethics secure. At the end of 2018, Tesco PLC, in the UK gathered 65% fresh and economically strong stakeholders (Banks & O’Connor, 2021). Respectively in a Muslim country, the company would be able to achieve 69% of economically strong stakeholders by initiating productive grocery marketing and keeping secure the customer's loyalty.

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The strong and productive influential role-play of the cultural dimension reveals that setting up cross-cultural business markets in a Muslim country, apparently made an impact by initiating the company's innovation level in high always. Due to that case, before selling their meat-based product in a Muslim country the company gathers knowledge about the customer's pReferences (Peña-García et al., 2020). Considering the preferences the company would be able to know that, the people of the Muslim country would not prefer the execution of the animals and they are fond of, preferring Halal meat. Therefore, in keeping their religious values and the customer's ethics secure, the company will introduce and initiate plant-based meat products (Bibby & Dehe, 2018). That strategy and that kind of approach made the company loyal to their customers and that was going to help a lot in initiating the marketing shares. However, it also justifies the strong innovation level of the company Tesco PLC.

The impact of the cultural dimension in setting up the cross-cultural business market for Tesco PLC in different countries shows that in developing the broader business hand for the company it made a marketing shift (Gurbaxani & Dunkle, 2019). Considering the marketing shift and its philosophical approaches, it encourages the company to initiate relationship marketing wholeheartedly, while being in a different country. This can encourage the company a lot in successfully earn customers in a limitless manner. It is going to establish the financial background of the company by providing economical support (Brown, Hall & Davis, 2020). This kind of marketing is going to fulfill the customers' demands and satisfy them in more ways.

In evaluating the case scenario, the cultural dimension has a crucial impact on enhancing a tendency for the company in connecting with sellers. However, this can be possible by initiating a loyalty ladder (Comunian & England, 2018). This could help the company by identifying the customer's perspective and which will create an attachment with their customers. Besides that, the loyalty ladder is going to support the company in setting up its business by acquiring many more legal advisers for the company (Mahon et al., 2018). They are going to boost the marketing performances and then enhance the marketing profitability too. This is going to increase the growth rate and the survival rate of the company.

The cultural dimension and its impact going to reduce the disruption in the organization’s supply chain by setting up a business in a Muslim country. It represents that, recruiting eligible country people as leaders for the company workers and implementing employees union will be the key to success (Standal, Talevi & Westskog, 2020). This will make the supply chain of the company better. The reason is that the organizational leaders have to pursue the goals of the employees by managing their cultural barriers and then be able to satisfy the customers (Huang & Crotts, 2019). This decision-making ability can be able to evaluate the organizational backgrounds by fulfilling the internal and external targets. Similarly, the development of the supply chain is going to reduce societal pressure. This makes a simple and immediate solution to the problem.

Analysis of the scenario from anti-essentialist perspectives

Evaluating the overall case scenario in the sense of an anti-essential perspective shows that, if the cultural dimensions will not take place in the company's background, then it will disrupt companies' warehouses. As observing the lens of an anti-essential perspective generates that, the disruption of companies' warehouses is going to damage the company's relationship marketing too (Merhi, Hone & Tarhini, 2019). Due to that case, it will not attract customers for the company. The reason is, the damages could be able to make a scar on the relationship goals of the company by setting up its business in respecting the values of small cultures.

Many times, whenever the cultural dimensions were not going to be implementing as in well manner for the company. After that, the company truly became less capable of initiating impactful communications. The gap in communication shows the detachment in the cultural values and disruptions in the customer's ethics. In having all the criticality, going to make a reduction in customer loyalty and similarly it is going to demolish the customer's attention by damaging trust (Chopdar & Sivakumar, 2019). Therefore, if the cultural dimensions were not going to take place in the company's marketing sector, then it is going to harm the loyalty of the company's customers. On a later basis, it is then going to damage the decision-making skills of the customers and it will initiate a negative impact on the regular buying percentages of the customers. In observing the scenario from an anti-essentialist perspective, if the intersectionality is going to take place in the company's supply chain, then it will reduce the revenue generation of the company (Van der Hoeven & Hitters, 2019). That can be possible, by damaging the supply chain and productivity. However, the negative effect of the cultural dimension in the supply chain shows that first, it is going to damage productivity, and then it damages the company's hierarchy and lastly damages the customer base. Sometimes, the negative impact of cultural dimensions and the disruption create disturbances in more amounts. As the disturbances, cause harm to the conscientiousness of the customers, teamwork and mostly the perceptions too. Sometimes it creates a problem in performing communication and initiates a problem in language evaluation.

The disruption in the cultural dimension can create a problem in business communication and creates disrespect for religion. The damage in the cultural dimension reduces the rules and values of communication and generates negative workplace diversity (Van der Hoeven & Hitters, 2019). Henceforth, it can create huge complications for a company in setting up businesses and besides that, a vast amount of miscommunication and misunderstanding takes place too.


Evaluating the overall case scenario represents that, for implementing the cross-cultural business of Tesco PLC in another country, it is very important to take the help of theories, models and their strategic approaches. Considering the case scenario of the UK-based grocery retail company shows that, many theories and models can initiate the cross-cultural business of the company in another country. Here, the researcher shows that the hierarchy of the company needs to take help from Hofstede’s Cultural Model and The GLOBE Study too by implementing it in the organization system [refer to appendix 1]. However, each model and theory will be able to arrange many more beneficiaries for the UK-based retail company (Merhi, Hone & Tarhini, 2019). In order to initiate Hofstede's Cultural Model, the organizational system can arrange better results by initiating the cultural dimension [refer to appendix 2]. Besides that, the impact of this cultural model can see as conducting several initial surveys in the global markets will initiate the cultural dimensions (Wang et al., 2021). This model will undertake the power distance and shows that, the complete amount of power distance by creating equal power distribution among the employees of the company. This could also reduce the chances of individualism concerning collectivism. This could reduce the group interest by losing the working interest and generating assertiveness by not creating gender inequality (Chopdar & Sivakumar, 2019). Considering, not creating gender inequality shows that, there is a reduced chance of competition and conflicts taking place. More than that, it builds up the concern for relationships and living by performing nurturance and harmony in the environment (Kanakaratne, Bray & Robson, 2020). Next, the importance of this cultural developing model will help in reducing the ambiguous threats for the company and reduce the chances of risks in performing their retail businesses in a different country.

Discussing the impact of the GLOBE model study for securing the cultural dimension for Tesco PLC shows that it is going to make the leadership styles and leadership skills, impressive. The reason for developing the business, running the employees and gaining success is, leadership can play a vital role (Ameen et al., 2021). The leadership styles, the leadership skills can initiate productivity in the business and improve supply chain management. Besides that, it plays a role in motivating the employees. Therefore, implementing the GLOBE model study helps to explore the roleplay of leadership for implementing the cultural dimensions of the company (Gomez-Suarez, Quiñones & Yagüe, 2019). Initiating a study with the help using this model secures cultural resources. Besides that, approaches to this model have helped in creating a strong relationship with the environment and generated many assertive performances. However, this will bring the social orientation for the company for making cross-cultural businesses.

The overall conclusion shades that; the impact of cultural dimension can play an influential role by initiating the shift in marketing and its approaches for the company Tesco PLC [refer to appendix 3]. The reason is, the well-known strategy will bring the attention of the customers to their grocery products. Besides that, it will initiate help by establishing a strong relationship with the customers of another religion. Similarly, for the hierarchy of the company, the impact of cultural dimension has provided a matter of respect and etiquette for performing business outputs in showing respect to their culture. Therefore, for growing their business perspectives in the Muslim country, the company already amends that, trust can play here an influential role in setting up the IBC of the company Tesco PLC. The other western countries settled their businesses in the Muslim country based on these trusts and it will then provide the business potentiality by giving them, influential stakeholders. Besides that, Tesco PLC and its hierarchy already know that this will initiate the company's cross-cultural performances and highlight the superior relationships with customers. It will also provide economical benefits for the company by engaging a huge customer base. However, the cultural dimension also helps the company in setting up technological advancements. On a later basis, it will provide information to the company about its customers.


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