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Introduction - Information Systems Technology Assignment Sample
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Strata Limited System (SLS) task and describes the overall goal of this document relative to the particular project. The development of company principle and data access elements provides the basis for establishing adaptable strategies that will support changing business environments. Company rules automate the business procedures, and the data access elements automate the space for storage, look for, and selection of information by the application and determine how the business rules connect with the information in the data source.
1.1 Background
STRATA RESTRICTED Systems Management Unit (SLSMU) requested to design, construct, check, and implement a new client/server system to replace the current mainframe Merge system, referred to as STRATA LIMITED also, since this particular cannot be remediated for Season 2000 (Y2K) conformity.
1.2 Objective
It is crucial to resolve just about all technology requirements and options before beginning the actual style and construction activities for that STRATA LIMITED project. Deferring the choice or associated with specific technology solutions may have a substantial impact on system advancement if these decisions are created during later stages from the project.
STRATA LIMITED shall be created according to a good N-tier client/server architecture. This means that the software program will be designed as several components deployed in several tiers. Defined interfaces will allow the components within the divisions to communicate with each extra. N-tier applications have the subsequent advantages over applications sticking with other types of technical architectures (e. g., monolithic, 2-tier, 3-tier):
- They are easy to change in support of changing business guidelines.
- There is less risk adjusting the code that accessories any given business rule.
- These are highly scaleable.
- They can assistance any combination of user interfaces (e. g., character, visual, web browser, and telephone).
- They provide the greatest potential for program code recycling and sharing.
This diagram identifies the specialized architecture, the various systems, as well as the actual items chosen with regard to STRATA LIMITED. A brief dialogue of each tier and the particular product(s) to be used within that will rate follows the plan.
![Information Systems Technology]()
The next sections address the various divisions (i. digital., presentation, middleware, componentware, and data) portrayed in the above diagram, and also the implementation of software and proof configurations management.
1.3 Presentation Tier
JBuilder 2 Client/Server Package deal will be used to generate the GUI screens; the particular resultant code is fully pure Java and hence could be applied on any system where a Java Virtual Device (JVM) is implemented. These types of screens will contain the minimum of processing thinking in order to more effectively separate the reasonable architectural divisions. The GUI screens will be developed based on industry and DOT requirements.
1.4 Middleware Tier
Middleware can be used for both intra-application communication within the several tiers of an N-tier program and inter-application communication between system and external providers. It is possible for the logical divisions inside a single N-tier application to reside on various bodily machines and various systems. Thus, there is a need for dexterity and communication among the reasonable tiers. Intra-application middleware easily simplifies the deployment and advancement applications in a distributed atmosphere.
1.4.1 Presentation Tier to Componentware Tier Communication
STRATA LIMITED will use Inprise’s VisiBroker for Java three or more. 2 Object Request Agent (ORB) to implement the particular CORBA standard. The VisiBroker ORB for Java attaches a client program running on the Java digital machine (presentation tier) with the objects this requests for use (componentware tier).
1.4.2 Componentware Tier to Data Tier Communication
STRATA LIMITED will use the particular Oracle JDBC motorists because the data access middleware. This particular middleware will provide communication among info access programs (componentware tier) and the relational data bank (data tier). Componentware Rate
- The database modeling plus design will be performed making use of PowerSoft PowerDesigner Information Builder 6. 1 . This tool will give you the repository of program organizations, attributes, and human relationships. This has the capability of developing the following:
- Enterprise relationship layouts
- A details dictionary
- Extensive model reports
- The conceptual data model
- A bodily data model generated through the conceptual data model
- Data source explanation scripts from the real data model
1.5 Documentation
User and Technical evidence will be provided for STRATA LIMITED. User paperwork is going to be created for helping users associated with STRATA LIMITED and the Specialized Documentation will be developed mainly for use merely by the tech support team for STRATA RESTRICTED. The STRATA LIMITED proof shall be created using Microsoft Term. Both hardcopy and softcopy versions will be made available.
1.6 Software Configuration Management
Software program Configurations Management (SCM) is usually essential to maintaining regularity, coherence, and integrity in different software application. SCM is also an essential component of the Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute’s (SEI) Capability Maturity Model (CMM) Level 3 practices.
2: Technical resource requirements
This section recognizes the recommended computing system requirements needed to support the particular development, testing, and procedure (production) of STRATA RESTRICTED. The development site will certainly deploy the following environments:
The particular development environment, which will be utilized for design, programming, and device test An excellent SCM atmosphere, which will be used for dealing with the application products, model control, plus archive
The test atmosphere, which will be used for system check activities.
2.1 Development Site
Resources shared by all the environments at the development site are listed in the table below. Resources specific to each environment are identified in the appropriate sections that follow.
Resource Specification
Application Server
NT server with a minimum of 256 MB of RAM and an 8 GB or larger hard disk drive
Database Server
NT server with a minimum of 256 MB of RAM, a 16 GB or larger hard disk drive, and a tape backup drive
15-20 concurrent connections
Desktop workstation with Windows 95/NT/98, a minimum of 64 MB of RAM, and a minimum of 2 GB hard disk drive
The application server, database server and the developers at Gateway Plaza should be on a 100-Megabit Ethernet or a 16-Megabit Token Ring network.
Not applicable
HP LaserJet or compatible
Backup Media – Data
Any tape compatible to the tape drive in the database server
5 (to be recycled)
Backup Media – Source code
CDRW (read and write CD)
5 (to be recycled)
2.1.1 Software Development Environment
The resources identified in the following table are required to support the software development environment.
Resource Specification
Development Tool
JBuilder 2 Client/Server Suite (including VisiBroker and PVCS)
Reporting Tool
Enterprise Reports 3.0 Pro – Swing Edition
3 (Designer Licenses)
Disk Space – Application Server
2 GB of hard disk space (also used for disk backups)
Not applicable
Disk Space – Database Server
4 GB of hard disk space
Not applicable
Connectivity to Merge
Access to the Merge application and to Merge data for query and conversion
5 users
Connectivity to Crash
Access to the Crash Reporting System (CRS) production and replicated Oracle data.
2 users
2.1.2 Software Configuration Management Environment
The resources identified in the following table are required to support the SCM environment.
Resource Specification
SCM Tool
PVCS (included as part of the JBuilder 2 Client/Server Suite, identified in the development environment)
Disk Space – Application Server
2 GB of hard disk space
Not applicable
2.1.3 Test Environment
The resources identified in the following table are required to support the test environment.
Resource Specification
Disk Space – Application Server
2 GB of hard disk space
Not applicable
Disk Space – Database Server
4 GB of hard disk space
Not applicable
Connectivity to Crash
Access to CRS production and replicated Oracle data
2 users
2.2 Production Site
Resources shared by all the environments at the production site are listed in the table below. Resources specific to each environment are identified in the appropriate sections that follow.
Resource Specification
Application Server
NT server with a minimum of 256 MB of RAM and an 8 GB or larger hard disk drive
Database Server
NT server with a minimum of 256 MB of RAM, an 8 GB or larger hard disk drive, and a tape backup drive
15-20 concurrent connections. This will change depending on the use of an ad hoc query tool.
Desktop workstation with Windows 95/NT/98, a minimum of 64 MB of RAM
As required
The application server, database server and the users at the Traffic Engineering and Safety Systems Branch should be on a 100-Megabit Ethernet network. DOT-IST personnel at the Raney Building should have either T-3 or T-1 connectivity to this network.
Not applicable
HPLasetJet or Compatible
Backup Media – Data
Any tape compatible to the tape drive in the database server
As required
Backup Media – Application
Any tape compatible to the tape drive in the application server
As required
2.2.1 Test Environment
The resources identified in the following table are required to support the test environment.
Resource Specification
Disk Space – Application Server
2 GB of hard disk space
Not applicable
Disk Space – Database Server
4 GB of hard disk space
Not applicable
Connectivity to Crash
Access to CRS production and replicated Oracle data
1 user
2.2.2 Software Configuration Management Environment
The resources identified in the following table are required to support the SCM environment.
Resource Specification
SCM Tool
PVCS (included as part of the JBuilder 2 Client/Server Suite, identified in the development environment)
Disk Space – Application Server
2 GB of hard disk space
Not applicable
2.2.3 Production Environment
The resources identified in the following table are required to support the production environment.
Resource Specification
Run-Time License
VisiBroker Run-Time
To be determined
Disk Space – Application Server
2 GB of hard disk space
Not applicable
Disk Space – Database Server
4 GB of hard disk space
Not applicable
Connectivity to Crash
Access to CRS production/replicated Oracle data
1 user
2.3 Physical Deployment Diagram
The physical deployment of the production environment is represented in the diagram below.
![Information Systems Technology]()
3: Justifications, Advantages, and Features
The following table provides justification, advantages, and features for each of the technical architecture hardware and software system components chosen for STRATA LIMITED.
System Component
Specific Product(s)/Version
Justifications, Advantages, and Features
Presentation Environment
Microsoft (MS) Windows 95/98/NT
- Windows has been adopted as DOT’s standard desktop environment
Application Server
MS Windows NT Server 4.0 with Service Pack 2 or higher
- Windows NT clustering is available to improve reliability
- Windows NT support personnel are available within ETS
- The development tools of choice are readily available on this platform
Database Server(s)
MS Windows NT Server 4.0 with Service Pack 2 or higher
- Oracle has consistently performed well when deployed on Windows NT
Presentation Tier
JBuilder 2 Client/Server Suite
- Produces pure Java applications for cross-platform deployment
- Tight CORBA standards integration
- Integrated PVCS version manager for team development
- Complies with the NC Statewide Technical Architecture standards
VisiBroker for Java 3.2
- Complete support of CORBA standards
- Integrated with the development tool Jbuilder 2 Client/Server Suite
- Distributed object deployment wizards to facilitate system development and deployment
- DataExpress provides high performance, native JDBC drivers for multiple database formats
- Follows NC Statewide Technical Architecture guidelines
Componentware Tier
Java objects written with JBuilder 2 Client/Server Suite
- Pure Java facilitates the reuse of developed components
- Code written in Java can run anywhere where a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) is implemented
- Java is an object-oriented language with integrated CORBA objects support
- SQL builder and monitor to visually create, edit, test, and debug SQL queries
- Follows NC Statewide Technical Architecture guidelines
Report writer - Enterprise Reports Pro 3.0 - Swing Edition
- Very efficient designer.
- Support for sub-reports. A report can contain various sections and each section can have it own query independent of the other queries. This is an important requirement in STRATA LIMITED
- Report viewer provides a facility to view the report in its full form or to go to any section
- Support for Application Data Sources available
- Support for Cross-Tab reports
Data Tier
- Availability of developers and administrators
- Direction of TSSMU and ETS
- Complies with the NC Statewide Technical Architecture standards
Application Documentation
MS Word
- At the time of printing of this document, only hardcopy application documentation will be provided for STRATA LIMITED
- MS Word is the predominant word processing software used within DOT
Software Configuration Management
- Provides version control management for the development environment
- Widely used industry standard
- Familiarity within project team
- Integrated with JBuilder 2 Client/Server Suite
The Office will have Wired/Wireless network connections including: A video server, a POTS phone connecting to Office, a wired desktop with a softphone connecting to Office and a wireless desktop.
Netgear Router
- Plug in the router
- Plug a computer into one of the LAN ports on the router.
- On Computer
- Click Start
- Click Run
- Type ‘cmd’
- Type ‘ipconfig’
- Write down your default gateway address
Open a web browser and point it to you default gateway
- Username:
- Password: admin
- Main setup page
- Internet setup
Internet connection type - static ip
IP Address -
Subnet Mask -
Default gateway -
o Network setup
IP address
Subnet Mask -
o Leave rest as default
o 802.11a Setup
o 802.11g Setup
Computer (Desktop or Laptop) Setup
- Connect PC to one of the routers LAN ports.
- Right click Network Connections
Case Study: SOHO
o Click Properties
- Right click on desired wireless NIC
o Click Enable
- Right click adapter again
o Click View Available Wireless Networks
o Click SOHO
o Click OK
Cisco Softphone Setup
- Install Cisco IP Communicator (Ask instructor for sofware)
- Launch Cisco IP Communicator (Make sure firewall is off)
- Right click on application area
- Click on pReferences
- Click on the Network tab
- TFTP Servers
- Click “Use these TFTP servers:”
- TFTP Server 1 –
- Click OK
- Phone should now initialize.
- Video Server Setup
- Plug video server into linksys router.
- Check DHCP log on router to get servers IP address. :8129
In a web browser go to http server-ip-address://
Click Watch
Port forwarding is required on the router to view video from outside the SOHO office.
Sick and tired of slow access, network gaps, busy signals, unintended disconnects and constantly waiting for webpages to load? Darwin Networks Little Office/Home Office DSL program delivers reliable, high-speed Internet access.
It's simple to link because you use a normal telephone line. Plug it in and you are linked just. There is no need to change your own work environment infrastructure and no have to buy additional phone ranges. Darwin Networks installs the router and you are connected.
Cisco SOHO 90 Series routers are available for worldwide deployment.
- UL 1950/CSA 950-95, Third Edition
- IEC 950: Second Edition with Amendments 1, 2, 3, and 4
- EN60950: 1992 with Amendments 1, 2, 3, and 4
- CSO3, Canadian Telecom requirements
- FCC Part 68 U.S. Telecom Requirements
- AS/NZS 3260:1996 with Amendments 1, 2, 3, and 4
- ETSI 300-047
- TS 001 with Amendment 1
- AS/NRZ 3548: 1992 Class B
- CFR 47 Part 15 Class B
- EN60555-2 Class B
- EN55022 Class B
- VCCI Class II
- ICES-003, Issue 2, Class B, April 1997S
- IEC 1000-3-2
- IEC 1000-4-2 (EN61000-4-2)
- IEC 1000-4-3 (ENV50140)
- IEC 1000-4-4 (EN61000-4-4)
Cisco SOHO 97 ADSL Specifications
ST-Micro (formerly Alcatel Micro) DynaMiTe ADSL Chipset
- T1.413 ANSI ADSL DMT issue 2
- G.992.1 ITU G.DMT support
- G.992.2 ITU G.Lite support
- G.992.3 ITU G.hs ADSL type negotiation
- TR-048
The chipset does not provide interoperability with carrierless amplitude modulation/phase modulation (CAP)-based ADSL lines.
Cisco SOHO 96 ADSL Specifications
ST-Micro (formerly Alcatel Micro) DynaMiTe ADSL Chipset
- ETSI 101-388 v1.2.1 ADSL over ISDN
- Annex B ITU ADSL over ISDN support (Planned)
- UR-2 Specification (Deutsche Telekom)
The chipset does not provide interoperability with carrierless amplitude modulation/phase modulation (CAP)-based ADSL lines.
ISDN Specifications (Cisco SOHO 96)
- Two B channels plus one D channel: 2 x 64 Kbps (precompressed)
- Interoperable Switched 56: 2 x 56 Kbps (precompressed)
- Single-point and multipoint configurations
- Compatible with data or voice B-channel ISDN switch types
- VN3/4/5 (France)
Physical Specifications
- Dimensions: (H x W x D): 2.0 x 9.7 x 8.5 in. (5.1 x 24.6 x 21.6 cm)
- Weight: 1.48/1.5 lb (0.67/0.68 kg)
Environmental Operating Ranges
- Nonoperating temperature: -4 to 149 F (-20 to 65 C)
- Nonoperating humidity: 5 to 95%, relative humidity (noncondensing)
- Nonoperating altitude: 0 to 15,000 ft (0 to 4,570 m)
- Operating temperature: 32 to 104 F (0 to 40 C)
- Operating humidity: 10 to 85%, relative humidity (noncondensing)
- Operating altitude: 0 to 10,000 ft (0 to 3,000 m)
Power Ratings
- AC input voltage: 100 to 250 VAC, 50 to 60 Hz
- Power consumption: 6 to 10W (idle-maximum consumption)
- Power supply rating: 15
The high-speed connection to the Web that is faster than a regular 56 Kbps dial-up modem significantly Darwin Networks Little Office/Home Place of work DSL may connect your small business or office at home to the Web at rates of speed of 256 Kbps plus above, needs and depending on your budget. An excellent "Always Upon "connection with no dial-up with no busy signals With Darwin Networks small office/home workplace DSL, you are connected to the Web usually. There is no need to call into the ongoing service.
Simultaneous access to Internet and telephone calls With Darwin Networks Little Office/Home Office DSL, you employ the same phone line to on the phone and gain access to the Internet simultaneously. A turnkey solution that includes installation, gear, service and monitoring We all provide all of the equipment for the connection to the Internet, including the particular Cisco router for extra safety. There are no hidden expenses.
A Customer Service Middle that answers calls all day long, each and every full day
Our own Customer Service Center will be staffed 24 hours a period, seven days a 7 days. Therefore , if you actually have a nagging issue, someone is available in order to answer your questions. Web and email hosting- Darwin Networks Little Office/Home Office DSL contains e-mail accounts for your storage space and business space regarding web sites.
Software Requirements Traceability Matrix
#1 This section should contain a table that summarises how each software requirement has been met in this document. The tabular format permits one-to-one and one-to-many relationships to be shown.
System Req. Number
System Ref. Item
Component Identifier
Component Item
Technical Design Document
Issue 1
17 January 2017
Dr Dave Sloggett
Project Team
Reissue as complete document only
Nature of Signoff
Dr Dave Sloggett
Project Member
Mark Pillatt
Change Details
02 January 2017
Issue 1 Draft 2
Dave Sloggett
First complete draft
08 January 2017
Issue 1 Draft 3
Mark Pillatt
Review and update
10 January 2017
Issue 1 Draft 4
Sue Turner
Updating format
17 January 2017
Issue 1
Mark Pillatt
Apply review comment and issue