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Introduction Of proper planning, organizing, staffing, leading and most importantly controlling
Management is quite an important aspect that is necessary to any significant field and its project. The reason is that implementing proper management within a team leads to many other aspects. These include enhancement within teamwork, improved leadership styles and qualities, and effective online cooperation. However, all of these aspects are quite responsible for the achievement of goals for the project. This as well, supported exploring the future development of the members of the project management team. However, in this assignment focus will be given to conducting an individual report on the practical application of the several arenas of management within a project. This further has predominantly concerned the two areas, respectively, “project management” and “team working and leadership” which is quite essential in contributing success to a project.
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Project Management
Theories and models
In conducting a project, there lie the applications of several theories in order to generate success to the set forth goals and objectives concerning the project. Theories and models within projects support providing an intensive explanation of the hypotheses, thereby providing a guide for the potential selection of the research variables (Daniel and Daniel 2018). In addition to these, theories and models are crucial in their application to a project as it provides a framework for the findings that are identified from the research. Theories support by providing a linkage with the studies associated with the concerned research. However, there are several theories that can be associated with project management related to consultancy services, but the focus has been given to the theories concerning “coaching and mentoring”.
Coaching and mentoring theories
Based on the nature of the project the theory of “coaching and mentoring” has been selected. The reason behind this lies in the fact that this, project is concerned with consultancy services. However, it needs to be noted that the notion of coaching and mentoring are two completely distinct approaches. Although these two aspects are interlinked the theory associated with coaching tends to provide an approach that is necessary for conducting an interaction with a client within the context of a social scenario (Bortey et al. 2022). On the other, theories associated with mentoring deal with functionalities related to career-specific and include, sponsorship, effective coaching, protection, exposure and visibility, and challenging and tough assignments. This as well includes functions that are concerned with the psychosocial, including role modelling, acceptance and confirmation, friendship as well as counselling. There are many models that can contribute to personal improvements but a very few of them focuses on the effectiveness of the coaching. However, with the application of the “Grow Model,” it is quite easier to undermine the practicality of the application of the mentoring and coaching theories associated with this project. It was mainly developed to fulfil the lack of conventional coaching methods. This model has four distinct stages, which include, “growth”, “reality”, “option” and “way forward” (Galli, 2022). This supports in determining the solving of problems and as well achievement of goals. In addition to these, this model is determined as the “solution focussed model”. It is a model that provides an effective framework for the coaching process, which is used in upgrading the conversations, everyday meetings and leadership. In this way, it helps to unlock potential and many possibilities.
The application of this theory is quite effective in nature with respect to project management relating to consultancy. However, with its four distinct stages, the problems that are identified within this project are solved to a certain extent. At first, a set representing a series of questions is put forward that has considerably supported in determining the development and as well help in discovering the potentialities of the members of the team. In this project, the model supported the setting of goals, preserving efficiencies and personal achievements. This has highly supported the formulation of a SMART goal that provided success to the project.
However, with the application of “Biggs 3Ps Model and Vygotsky Scaffolding”, the ability of the coaches has significantly changed and that supported the team members to acknowledgement growth and development in their respective spheres. Furthermore, this has supported in elevation of the level of performance of the entire team constituting the development of each and every person within the team. The main concept of the model is the interaction between two people about the opinions and expectations that can be raised through the learning process. The awareness of the relationship allows the development of an environment of learning which can help in the application of “Biggs 3Ps Model and Vygotsky Scaffolding”.
Time management
It is quite easily understood that “time” is a crucial aspect in dealing with any kind of work and within a notion of project management it plays a vital role in determining the success of a particular project (Galli, 2022). Therefore, time is a notion that should be used quite wisely in meeting up the scheduled deliverables (Jinalee and Singh, 2018). However, this relates to concluding all the tasks under the stated time. The main principle of time management is to understand the urgency and proper planning which helps in creating realistic deadlines. It can play a crucial role in the running a project smoothly and moreover helps in the decision-making process. Varied ways associated with time management are applied in order to the completion of such projects. In catering to this consultancy project management, I have experienced that certain parts of the project are not finished on time. However, on conducting an analysis on the aspect of time management I have considerably realised that both the notions of an ineffective team working and lack of planning are noticed. Although the theory is applied there lie certain drawbacks in effectively managing the team. The coordination within the team seems to be quite difficult due to the presence of a cross-cultural team. However, in certain cases, I have realised that the project went off track and the reason is mostly because of the lack of planning. This also leads to considerable wastage of quality time at the initiation of this project. However, on realising such occurrences, tightly knitted plans are applied which has saved us in maintaining the aspect of quality timing. The core principle of the time management is to make plans, check, and organise. It makes me realise that to manage the time it is essential to organise the workplace and prioritize the work accordingly.
Time management and planning go hand in hand for any kind of project leading to its success. The notion of planning within a project determines the groundwork that has to be done in order for the execution of all the critical tasks as well as activities associated with the entire cycle of the project life (Shamim, 2022). However, this consists of several activities that are to be conducted within the project, which primarily include, "setting out objectives" that are measurable, scheduling as well as identifying the deliverables.
In relating the notion of planning for this consultancy project I have realised that at the initial stage all these steps associated with planning were not quite transparent that affected in creation miscommunication among the members of the team. However, this resulted in as well affect the notion of timing that was allotted for the concerned project.
Although the setting of the goals and objectives was correctly done its acknowledgement to some team members was found to be a bit difficult. In the aspect of execution too, I have found that within these elongated phases, the deliverables were not properly generated as per the time allocations. However, it was managed with other aspects that ensured the success of this project.
Roles played by the members
Several responsibilities are noted that are crucial for the performance of the respective team members to initiate success for the concerned project. The roles include contributing to all the “project objectives” by the members, detailed documentation of the projects, and providing expert comments (Thompson, 2019). More to this, team members are majorly held responsible for the completion of individual deliverables. In this project in order to organise and provide a structure to the team, I played the role of the head of the entire team and other members played the roles constituting the entire lifecycle of the project. All the members including myself were responsible for ensuring potential decisions that concern the best interests associated with this project. However, these members are responsible for holding on to the notions of integrity, honesty, accountability, openness, objectivity, and leadership. As a head of the team, I am really proud to state that although the team was based on cross-culture, they tried to maintain all these notions.
Management of geographical distances
This project is majorly concerned with the proper and effective management of the staff, therefore, it is quite necessary to reduce the barriers that are experienced through geographical distances. However, nowadays implementation of several advanced technologies eradicates the hindrances created by geographical barriers. At the time of coaching and mentoring, several aspects are taken into account that supported mitigating the gaps acknowledged due to geographical distances. The notion of responsive communication, flexibility, patience, establishing responsibility, supporting the connection and unification of the team, and I understood establishing accountability is highly essential. However, all these aspects are maintained properly for this project concerned with consultancy.
Communications tools
Varied communication tools are there that support effective coordination among the team members leading to the success of the concerned project. Project board, chat tool, discussion board, standup meeting on daily basis, reports based on weekly status, and meeting planning based on iterations (Galvis-Ardila et al. 2020). However, it is noticed that improper communication may lead to delays in the entire project. In this project, several remote tolls for communication are used that constitute mostly advanced software. “Microsoft projects”, and “Trello” has been used as they are quite effective in communication, coordination, and providing updated information and as well as providing an account of the progress of each individual of the team. However, as weaknesses, I acknowledged certain areas that are noticed at times, including, team members being distracted, at times distancing themselves due to fewer engagements.
It is noticed that the notion of managing an online project is quite difficult than “face-to-face meetings” as it is difficult in comprehending team members' responses. The reason is that having face-to-face communication supports more improved engagements. No “Gantt chart” was required for this project.
Team working and leadership
In conducting a project, proper management is required to provide success to the organisation and of this, motivation is referred to as one the crucial. This is because the notion of motivation initiates the desire of achieving the goals and an objective that not only guides individuals but as well supports one in maintaining behaviour that is goal-oriented (Burrell, 2019). In order to steer the team, I have applied certain tools for training and rewarded them for accomplishing the allocated tasks. At times, I have initiated programmes that supported maintaining transparency for goals and objectives that are associated with each and every step of this concerned project. In this project, opportunities were given to the individuals that supported them in professional development. This further has shown that the members started trusting their own abilities and as well as has provided them with improving their capabilities.
Establishing Rapport
In building up rapport among the team members, through online context, several notions are taken concerning this consultancy project. Tools and modes of communication are diversified that supported the members of the cross-cultural team to communicate better. However, role-playing implementation has supported immensely in building a good connection among the team members. Identification of common ground was made that supported in building up the connection, and creations of “shared experiences” are also made that associated all the members of the team. In addition to these, sessions were added that supported providing an introduction to each member of the team. I think this resulted in making an understanding of the team and supported them in conducting an association. Asking questions and actively listening to the issues and problems are supported by the members of the project management team supported a proper understanding of each other. The notions of reserve judgement and body language are as well noticed and properly maintained all throughout the project.
Furthermore, techniques were applied that resulted in developing the individual members of the teams and empowering them. However, all of these supported in building up a rapport within the team, although in the initial stages it was found quite difficult in building rapport among the team. The reason behind this is that the team was based on cross cultures, which made it difficult in the beginning.
Recommendations for handling remote working
"Handling remote working" is not quite an easy concept, as innumerable amount of hurdles lie across its path. The issues include notions of communication, the culture of the company, identifying work and productivity, and building up trust. More to this it becomes quite difficult in implementing the objectives of training that are realistic as well as difficulties in scheduling. The way of managing the remote workforce can affect the business and its growth in a long term. However, several recommendations can be made as varied challenges are faced during the time of handling the remote working processes. Eradicating these issues is necessary as it may lead to the failure of the project resulting in wasting resources and quality time (Galvis-Ardila et al. 2020). The potential recommendation that needs to be included, consists of “expectations” that need to be lowered a bit to support the accountability of employees who are remotely working. This notion is necessary as it will support enhancing the level of performance.
As recommendations, identification and providing of the right tools need to be made that will support the employees in performing better in their allocated tasks. Providing them with flexibility with time is also essential as members of the team will not feel stressed with too much work and thereby they will maintain the quality (Burrell, 2018). Proper choice of tools is necessary as it may result in affecting the time and amount of work by the individuals of the team. Methods of team interaction need to be changed by incorporating better technological advancements. I think advanced technological advancements lead to more active engagements of the members. Following up, with the team members who work on a remote basis is considered essential. This is because the members of the team need to feel united rather than alienated. Tip sheets associated with management among other remote employees are suggested, which will support them in maintaining a better and balanced work life (Vujovi? et al. 2020). This together will also support team members in utilising the notion of ideas to manage time. However, while working with the team, I have understood that continuous communication is a high necessity in determining the meeting up of objectives and goals. There are a few things that I have learned about handling remote working, is that treating each employee as an individual, a continuous process of communication and an environment of trust are the keys to success.
Leadership styles
Leadership is highly essential in the progression of a project and its success. However, in conducting project management, there lie four major types of leadership styles, which include, “autocratic”, “democratic”, “laissez-faire” and lastly, “transformational” (van Coller-Peter and Cronjé, 2020). In this project management, two kinds of leadership styles are incorporated that includes, including the notion of “transformational” and “democratic” leadership. Transformation leadership supports in dealing with a wide vision and relying completely on the team members. I think this kind of leadership style has supported the team members to develop themselves on the basis of professional notions and personal notions. On the other hand, democratic leadership styles supported team members in conveying their viewpoints with respect to the situation. Implementing such styles has contributed much to the process of decision-making of the team. I have experienced supportive strength at the time of taking a decision and also realised the improvements noticed among the team members in the aspects of engagements.
Leadership theories
Varied theories are there that supported contributing to effective management of the team. This furthermore promises in evaluating the team. The theories that are crucial includes, “Contingency Theory”, “Behavioral Theory”, “Transformational Leadership Theory”, “Situational Leadership Theory”, “Transactional Theories” and many more. However, acknowledging the notion that is conveyed in this project the best theory of “Situational Leadership” is associated. As the project is based on the notions of consultancy, there the theory of situational leadership seemed to be the most appropriate. The theory of “situational leadership”, focuses on determining the variables based on the situations (Grzesik and Piwowar-Sulej, 2018). This leadership theory is about adopting a unique management style as per the need of the situation. It requires three basic skills to perform, diagnosis of the situation, flexibility to adopt, and partnering capability. However, the notion of “transformational leadership theory” has also been applied that helped in building up the relationship among the team. In this project management, the application of transformational leadership has been conducted. This theory is completely based on a process to encourage the team to achieve overall success. In applying this leadership theory, I have experienced high levels of motivation and it also inspires me to achieve remarkable outcomes which were unexpected. This has as well developed skills and knowledge among the respective team members.
Impact of culture on business
Culture is a prime concern that affects the business as the notion of culture creates an immense impact on the employees of the team. The notions of priorities and values seemed to change based on the varied cultural aspects of the present individuals within the team (Scott-Young et al. 2019). However, this is considered one of the sensitive issues that affect the growth and development of the team leading to the changes noticed within the status of the team, including meeting up of objectives and goals. In this project management there lies the team that is characterised as cross-cultural. However, in achieving the goals, several notions are kept in mind, including behavioural changes, and attitudes, that will help members to work together and gain success.
Personal development plan
Skills for improvement |
Resources |
Taken actions |
Communication skills |
Role-playing, videos, journals |
Interaction needs to be enhanced among the members of the team. |
Leadership and decision-making skills |
Role-playing, taking short-term projects |
Take up lot number of projects, developing continuous learning, resolving conflicts and issues, and practising discipline are necessary. |
Coordination skills |
Meetings, active communications |
The development of multiple skills and maintenance of a detailed planner is essential. In addition to these, seeking a mentor is quite helpful and making usage of several productivity tools. |
In the above table a detailed “personal development plan” has been provided. This table is based on the critical analysis that is made all throughout the project management. In conducting this project I have acknowledged certain loopholes that are needed to be resolved otherwise, it may lead to serious conditions leading to the failure of the entire project. The table signifies the areas that are needed to be developed for future upcoming projects.
In this study, an "individual reflective report" has been stated to determine the knowledge that has been gained all throughout the project. The practical applications of several techniques and theories supported a better understanding of the individuals within the team. For example, the application of the transformational leadership theory helps to achieve the most unexpected success. However, this encompasses the intensive reflection that is conducted on the team members, their online collaborations and qualities that are incorporated as leadership. This study mainly focuses on the different paths of achieving success, which include proper planning, organizing, staffing, leading and most importantly controlling. In addition to these discussions are made on goals that are successfully achieved with the key identifiers for "future development plans".
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