Individual And Organizational Learning And Development Assignment

Understanding the Dynamics of Growth and Development in a Telecommunication Giant

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Introduction Of Individual And Organizational Learning And Development Assignment

  • There is a relationship between individual learning and organizational learning. These two factors help for the growth of the organization.
  • Individual learning means increasing the knowledge and skill for a particular individual on the other hand organizational learning means one should concern about the organization's improvement.
  • There are different measures and procedures for individual learning as well as organizational learning, which will be helpful for better future of a company. Here, the selected organization is Vodafone.

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Individual learning reflects on the improvement of an individual in a proper and organizational learning focuses on the overall learning process of an organization for better future as well as development of particular company.

Gibbs’ model

  • Gibbs’ model or Gibbs’ reflective cycle refers the clear and systematic thinking about specific activity or situation.
  • It can be measured through various steps such as description, feelings, evaluation, analysis, conclusion, and action plan (Rozikov, 2021).
  • For this study, I consider this model for better analysis of an organization's different aspects as well as employee's performance.


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This model is a one type of management tool that can give a clear idea of performance. In addition with it, this model uses different stages describe the proper situation and make a proper sense of the model. The model is very important tool for addressing the mentioned company's development.


  • This organization gives a better environment for individual's learning and every individual helps this organization's for better development.
  • Vodafone is a popular company that develops through efficient employee generate (Wang et al. 2020).
  • This organization shows sustainable development through their business timeline and this characteristic helps to better productivity throughout the world (Hu et al. 2022).


Description is a sector in which any one needs to describe the overall experience and the outcome of final result. The main focus is associated with the relevant information considering the proper experience In this case, Vodafone is a recognized and well known company for their business growth all over the world. Along with it, this organization shows a good learning platform for the employee and this learning helps to the organizational development. Customer's satisfaction is also an esse4ntial part for this organization and these criteria is easily fulfilled by Vodafone, a telecommunication company.


  • Vodafone reflects on global market considering their different aspects such as development, employee friendly policies, learning platform (Jaseel, 2019).
  • An important factor of organizational learning is transferring knowledge as well as retaining knowledge (Kalam, 2020). These two factors are maintained properly by the company through effective steps.
  • This organization maintains all the factors for which a company is developed very well.


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In this section I describe my thoughts and feelings and also I mention the impacts of my experiences about this company. Vodafone is a renounced company which can give a great impact on global telecommunication market as well as financial market. This company also give different process of knowledge and it helps to examine employee’s improvement in along with organization's development. Proper training, proper working environment, good relationship with the employee and leader, these are the main factors for future development.


  • Vodafone evaluates through different process and the reflection of this process must be positive or negative.
  • Considering all market aspects, this company sometimes evaluates in a positive approach, on the other hand this company shows negative evaluation (Wang et al. 2020).
  • The positiveness about the situation is development process and in addition with it the negetiveness about this situation is unavailability of proper resource.


There are different aspects of positiveness as well as negetiveness and this result relates with the company's yearly financial result. Vodafone adapts different types of features to change their structural and financial approaches. On the other hand, this organization makes a sense on different strategies that can help to fulfill the target. Furthermore, individual development of the employee is also a good sign for encouraging company's growth. Evaluation is an important part of any organization to achieve their goal in proper way.


  • In the year 2014, the profit rate and the growth rate of this company was -3.212 and -11.92. In this sector, fluctuation is seen year by year.
  • In the year of 2017, the rate of the same components was 2.9524 and -5.866 (Trzaska et al. 2021).
  • There are also other different components which are figured out by different economical calculation. That components show the actual and relevant data of this company.
  • Vodafone's future development is related with the analysis of this financial value and compare between these values make a proper idea of improvement.


Analysis is a one of the important part of the Gibbs’ model and from this analytical part I can easily give a proper idea of this company considering different aspects. The components are very essential to understand the proper knowledge as well as give the proper feedback regarding all aspects. As a result, everyone can get a proper idea.


  • Vodafone is the second largest telecommunication company and they carry the all operations in many countries. These are the characteristics of a developed company (, 2023).
  • This company is considered as a successful company and they maintain the important features to retain the success rate (Jaseel, 2019).
  • Furthermore, some weakness of this company is also considered as a threat but they are very serious to reduce these threats (Mio et al. 2020).


In the global telecommunication market Vodafone impacts in proper way and that's why they have achieved the target within given time. On the other hand, this organization developed advance network system and they are considered as a recognized brand. There are various factors that help to achieve the large customer base and the strengths of this company are marketing strategies, subscriber number, and advanced network system. The weaknesses of this brand geographical barriers, communication problems, competition, poor performance in much country, political factors, environmental factors and social factors.

Action plan

  • There are some action plans for Vodafone to execute the proper business in an exact way.
  • The company needs to fix the price considering the place and the local business model (Ukko et al. 2019).
  • Network quality needs to maintain in a proper way for competing with the pother telecommunication company (Hu et al. 2022).


Action plan is also very important part for any organization and it helps the company to move forward. Price range needs to be maintained by Vodafone and if the company cannot solve this problem, then they will face huge trouble. Networking issues also be fixed by this company and it will be helpful for improvement of business. In the rural area, this company serves from very earlier stage. Organization's business in rural area will improve day by day by solving this type of problem in this way; the two threats need to be fixed as soon as possible.


  • It is concluded that the relationship between individual learning and the organizational learning has a great impact on organization's development.
  • On the other hand organization’s development is associated with the surroundings economical factors, critical thinking, employee's development and finally sustainable approach.
  • Finally it is concluded that the whole study reflects on different dimensions of this company to understand the knowledge about company's performance.


Organization's learning is not only important for an organization but also a key factor for build up good atmosphere. On the other hand, individual learning impacts on the performance of this company. As a result, both are responsible for the surroundings socio economical situation. Vodafone also reflects on the world's socio economical situation and creates a good competition among the market. Different dimensions such as performance, freedom for job, employee friendly policies, digital parenting, trustworthy, customer's satisfaction. These factors are very essential for the ongoing growth as well as upcoming growth of this company. Furthermore, it is concluded that a general aspect about organization's development must be followed by company.



Hu, Q., Shen, J., Wang, K., Du, J. and Du, Y., 2022. A Web service clustering method based on topic enhanced Gibbs’ sampling algorithm for the Dirichlet Multinomial Mixture model and service collaboration graph. Information Sciences, 586, pp.239-260.

Jaseel, J., 2019. Impact of training and development on employee retention of the sales team in Vodafone at United Kingdom (Doctoral dissertation, Dublin Business School).

Kalam, K.K., 2020. Market segmentation, targeting and positioning strategy adaptation for the global business of Vodafone Telecommunication Company. International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science, 4(6), pp.427-430.

Mio, C., Panfilo, S. and Blundo, B., 2020. Sustainable development goals and the strategic role of business: A systematic literature review. Business Strategy and the Environment, 29(8), pp.3220-3245.

Rozikov, U.A., 2021. Gibbs’ measures of Potts model on Cayley trees: A survey and applications. Reviews in Mathematical Physics, 33(10), p.2130007.

Trzaska, R., Sulich, A., Organa, M., Niemczyk, J. and Jasi?ski, B., 2021. Digitalization business strategies in energy sector: Solving problems with uncertainty under industry 4.0 conditions. Energies, 14(23), p.7997.

Ukko, J., Nasiri, M., Saunila, M. and Rantala, T., 2019. Sustainability strategy as a moderator in the relationship between digital business strategy and financial performance. Journal of Cleaner Production, 236, p.117626.

Wang, X., Jia, S., Han, X., Liu, Z., Li, J., Li, P. and Zhou, J., 2020, December. Neural Gibbs’ sampling for joint event argument extraction. In Proceedings of the 1st conference of the asia-pacific chapter of the association for computational linguistics and the 10th international joint conference on natural language processing (pp. 169-180).

Website, (2023), About the company, Available at: [Accessed on: 17th March, 2023]

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