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Introduction - Individual Leadership Essay Assignment
Leadership is an act of motivating and encouraging people, group or team to do work efficiently by use of their skill, knowledge and experience. This essay will discuss the effective leadership and management development program. In this discussion relating to difference of manager and leader will be outlined. This report will highlights the importance of leadership and managerial development program in the success of the organization. It will cover the negative aspect and different types of both. This report will contain failure of leadership and managerial development program. The report will give example of Thomas Cook Company to understand the leadership failure of the company.
Manger VS Leader
Effective leadership is a skill to induce and influence people to do best work. The management development program is an activity to make effective managers (Buribaevich, Yuldashev and Ugli, 2022.). This program aids managers in improve their skills like communication and solving conflicts within organization.
- A manager is a person who ensures that employee of the organization performs their task efficiently to accomplish organization goals. Whereas a leader is a person who motivates employee to do their best.
- A manger is responsible to ensure that rules and structure of the organization is followed by the employee. They give orders, tasks and assign work to employees whereas a leader is responsible for getting the job done from employees through motivation. The leader makes sure that employee bring out their best and use their skills and talent to accomplish desired goals.
- A Manager focus on achieving organization goal by following protocols, and a leader focus on enhancing satisfaction of the employees by looking new methods for achieving this.
- It is manager duty to share and communicate organization goals, vision and tasks while leaders provide direction to the employees for fulfilling organization goals.
Importance of Effective Leadership and Management development program
An effective leadership is essential for improving communication at the workplace. A clear communication aids a company to achieve its desired goals. An effective leader ensures a comfortable environment in which all employee`s feel free to share their ideas and opinion. With the help of open communication, a leader motivates a organization culture where suggestions of employee invited. This helps in avoid misunderstanding and conflicts (Cortellazzo, Bruni and Zampieri 2019). A leader makes an environment full of respect and belongingness that increase the morale of employees. When employees feel connected it aids them in contributing their best and increase productivity or the organization. A leader provides direction and supervision to its employees to perform a specific task keeping in mind their skill and strengths aids in enhance efficiency. Effective leaders keeps employee on right track and give essential support, encouragement for the success of the organization. Leaders are responsible for making decision, direct their team to achieve the goals of the organization.
Management development helps in creating a good manager. The management development program aids mangers in improving their skills for doing a efficient work to achieve goals of the organization. There are two types of management development program like internal and external. An internal development program includes mentorship for individual and external development program includes conferences and seminars. Manager development program is essential to obtain new skill and knowledge for the people who are new join to management position. It is also useful for the experience manager by providing guidance new ideas and techniques for doing efficient work (Paul, 2019). It helps manager in learning new ideas for connecting with the coworkers, subordinates and supervisors. This improves manager`s understanding with their team which is essential for the success. A management development program is helpful in making aware about company policy, culture and expectation so that everyone works accordingly. With the help of management development program, enhance skill and knowledge of manager, a company can save time and money for hiring and training.
Cost of Leadership and Management Development Program
An effective leadership helps in success of the organization objective whereas a negative leadership is an act of applying negative strategies to achieve the objectives. Lack of sympathy, criticism, verbal abuse and make an environment of fear within an organization are some example of negative strategies. It impact the employee and organization both. It creates a negative environment and affect the mental health of employees as a result there employee feel depression and stress (Guraya and Chen, 2019). Criticism at a workplace affects employee confidence. Due to criticism employee feel disconnected and because of this employee satisfaction and productivity decreases. Micromanagement is also a one of reason for negative strategy of leadership. In this leader involve so much in work that employee feel distrust and because of this employees lost their trust in the work. Favoritism by the leader in a team affects the performance and creates a feeling of annoyance and anger as a result it becomes a hindrance in smooth working of the organization.
Management Development Program has some negative aspect like expensive and time taken. A quality management development program can be costly that it cannot be used by all also to develop a desired skill and knowledge a long time is needed. Therefore, it is essential to have some flexibility for the busy managers. The trainer of management development program should have good knowledge and experience. If a trainer provides incomplete knowledge it affects the knowledge of entire team (Ciulla and Ciulla, 2020). This negatively affects the working of the organization. One of the biggest disadvantage of the managerial development program is it provide same kind of solution to address different problems. The problem faced by HR manger is different from the sales manager, but managerial development program cannot differentiate between this. Because of this, the manager feel discourage and dissatisfied .Sometimes, the training become boring, it leads to lost creativity among the mangers.
Types of Leadership and Managerial Development program
There are various types of leadership that are as follows-
- Democratic Leadership- The leader makes decision keeping in mind the opinions and ideas of the team members. The final decision is made by the leader. This kind of leadership motivates employee because in this their opinions are considered.
- Autocratic Leadership- In this the leader make decision without considered any team member opinion. This kind of leadership is essential at the time of emergency.
- Laissez-Fair Leadership- In these, the power to take decision are given to employee. Employees have freedom to take decision and the leaders not interfere (Vasilescu, 2019).
- Strategic Leadership- The objective of this kind of leadership to direct organization in achieves the goals by making use of resources and strategy efficiently (Sugiarti,2022).
- Transformational Leadership – This kinds of leadership helps in bringing positive changes and makes followers into leaders. These leaders motivate the team and enhance productivity.
- Transactional Leadership- This leadership inspired and motivates employees through reward and punishment. For the completion of goal, reward is given to employees. Some rules are set to measure performance of employee.
- Coaching Leadership- This kind of leadership distinguish the strength of individual and make strategy that aids team to work in coordination and together.
- Bureaucratic Leadership- In this, to make decision views and opinion of the employee listened but sometime opinion disapproved by the leader if they are not according to the company policies.
- Visionary Leadership- The central point of this leadership is goal and future of a company. The objective of this to achieve the set vision and goals. It improves innovation and motivates employees to give new ideas.
- Pacesetting Leadership- In this leader set some standard and the employees are expected to achieve this goal in same manner in which this laid out. In this high quality and productivity is expected from employee.
- Situational Leadership- In this type of leadership, firstly leaders evaluate the situation and measure capabilities of employee and according to this adjust leadership.
The Management Development Program is of two types-
On-the-job Method- In this, the employee get training while performing the actual work.
- Coaching- It is a training method, in this managerial skill person give training to the new employee.
- Job rotation- It means rotating and moving manager from one position to other. It aids manager in improving their experience and introduce themselves in different areas of business.
- Training Position- In this method of developing manager, trainee works under just manager with a name assistant to. In this, trainee gets an opportunity to work with an excellent manager (Kravarit et al., 2023).
- Planned Work- In this, to developing the skill, ability and experience, some essential assignments given to the trainee. In this, trainee takes part in meeting of company and can lead the work force. It helps trainee in obtain experience in the organization.
Off-the-Job Method- In this the trainee learn about their job while away from the workplace. In this, trainee get chance to meet employees of other department, obtain experience and perform job effectively.
Failure of leadership and managerial development program
For the success of any business, it is important to have an effective leadership and managerial development program.
For example-
Thomas Cook Group is a travel agency company operating business from 178 years. The company is shut down due to lack of clear vision of the future. The shutdown of a company is affected 600000 people in the world. The company operates its own inn and aircraft. The business run for many years and have a good brand reputation. In the time of digitalization, the company is failed to accept the changes (The Thomas Cook Failure, 2023). As a result, the company is unable to going online and continues to work from its physical stores. It is also one of the main reason of failure not learn through experience. The customer wants packages at affordable prices but the company offer only booking of single plan. The competitors of the company start operating their business according to the customer need but the company not show any interest in this. Thus, due to lack of vision in the future and lack of learning through experience is a reason of failure for the Thomas Cook Company.
With the above study it is concluded that it is essential for the organization to have an effective leadership and managerial development program. It aids employee to give their best to achieve organizational goals by motivating them and provide required training. In this essay distinction between manager and leader while considering their work was highlighted. This essay discussed the importance of leadership such as motivate employees, better communication and managerial development program like enhance skill and knowledge. It also contained negative aspect of both that work as a hindrance in an achievement of goals. The report contained kinds of leadership like democratic, autocratic and managerial development like coaching, job rotation. The report highlighted an example regarding failure of Thomas Cook Company. At last, to achieve goals of a business a clear vision, motivation and training is necessary. For this business should adopt effective leadership.
Books and Journals
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- Vasilescu, M., 2019. Leadership styles and theories in an effective management activity. Annals-Economy Series, 4, pp.47-52.