Importance Of Work-Life Balance In Modern Business Environment Assignment Sample

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Introduction: Importance of Work-life Balance in Modern Business Environment Asignment Sample

The following report is based on understanding the importance of work life balance in the modern business environment. Maintaining proper work life balance has significant impact on enhancing productivity and efficiency of workers based on the aspect of getting the desired outcomes that may help workers for being succeed in their own professional field. It is most important that employers should offer better workplace conditions and flexible work-life balance, thus workers will explore their skills, knowledge and competency for getting better outcomes. Workplace stress can be minimized and burnout can be prevented by maintaining work life balance. One of the most prevalent public health problems in the workplace is psychological stress. Physical side effects include hypertension; digestive abnormalities, recurring muscle aches, and heart issues can result from it. There are several advantages offered by employees by utilising work life balance that may help to increase better productivity of workers for enhancing their own competency and capability. Success is not determined by how much money someone makes, but rather by how content they are at work. Work-life balances will assist in managing the conflict brought on by inadequate management and a lack of communication. Workplace stress is a significant problem that is brought on by things like rising levels of fatigue, job insecurity, role conflicts, high workloads, poor morale, and a lack of employee autonomy.

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Maintaining a favourable work-life balance is important for employee's productivity and, ultimately, effectiveness. It's also essential for their health and personal relationships. Broadly stated, if employees will not see their work as a burden, they will work harder, make fewer errors, and are more eager to promote the company. In response to changing family dynamics and a drive for a better quality of life, more and more employees are focusing on maintaining a healthy balance between their personal and professional lives. Employees are now granted the advantage of choosing their workplace culture as workplace environments evolve, which also boosts ability to compete. An individual can now work from any place due to advances in technology. Many people are choosing more flexible organisations as a result of their increased focus on living a higher quality of life. Organizations are now under increased pressure due to this to recognize the importance of work-life balance in their context or confront competition from its competitors. Creating a flexible and stress-free work environment for employees is essential for maintaining employee's motivation, and many organisations recognize it. Because achieving work-life balance includes considering the needs both the employer and the employee, while recognizing the importance, background, critical aspects, and practice guidelines for implementing work-life balance strategies within organisations will be the primary focus of organisations.

Better work life balance assures high engagement of workers and inspires workers to tackle various roles and responsibilities with aiming on meeting future sustainability of the organisation. It is also important that better work-life balance may give better satisfaction to workers so they can get involved with their family, friends and relatives and spend quality time with them. Better flexibility in the workplace may help workers to increase their productivity and performance progress over a specific period of time that may assure better growth and professionalism for assuring professional skill development of workers.


The importance of a work-life balance has recently increased among many individuals and companies in the contemporary world. Additionally, they have started to acknowledge how crucial it is to keep a healthy balance among their personal and professional lives. The opportunity to work from home, the flexibility to choose one's own plan, the allowance of sufficient vacation time, and the availability of time off for the care of family and spending one's own personal time are several ways used to accomplish this. People frequently claim that most employees in an organisation don't emphasize work-life balance, which leads to them wanting to accomplish a lot of work at the last minute. Employees could save time by better planning so they can take care of themselves rather than wasting it. The benefits of relaxation include a better work-life balance and productivity improvements. It also offers individuals lots of good time to focus on maintaining interpersonal balance, which is essential for self-grooming exercises. Better work life balance offers huge facilities and opportunities to workers for giving their full potential to gain better skill, expertise and competency to succeed in their own professional field.

Flexible working arrangements are intimately related to work-life balance, and they are increasingly the norm in offices. To produce the most efficient working procedures, a good and exclusive culture must be developed. It provides competitive performance and promotes worker wellbeing (Yusuf et al., 2020). The UK government is urged to provide flexible scheduling options and other types of work-life balance to benefit company employees. Every employee, employer, and family benefits from the flexible working arrangements. Companies are aware that flexible work schedules would enable them to keep the best and most qualified employees. Helping people and families achieve balance in their work and personal lives is the major goal of work-life balance. Globalization has resulted in an exponential rise in productivity goals, more advanced technology, 24/7 work schedules, trade unions, and constant workplace change. People have emphasised that they constantly feel under a lot of pressure as a result of radical workplace modifications that have also led to pressurised working procedures (Guillen, 2021).

It boosts people's motivation and improves their quality and attention to detail so they can manage greater production. Job security for those working inside the culture fosters strong relationships between upper and lower management, enabling strategies in line with the goal and vision of the organisation or business (Adnan Bataineh, 2019). The next benefit that can accrue to people who are required to combine their job and personal lives should involve stress management assessment performed by the company's leaders or manager. While managing the daily activities, the leaders or managers must inquire about any difficulties their employees may be experiencing in finishing the project by the deadline.

Aims and Objectives

The aim of the research is to gain a deep understanding about the importance of proper work life balance for every individual worker.

The objectives of the research are mentioned below:

  • To understand the requirement of Time and energy for maintaining a healthy work-life balance
  • To evaluate the importance of the work-life balance on the perspective of individual workers
  • To recognise how individual should be concern to having a healthy work-life balance
  • To determine benefits and limitations of maintaining work-life balance based on individual perspective
  • To understand the impact of culture on individual's work-life balance
  • To comprehend the maintenance of proper balance between personal and professional life

Research Questions

  • What is the requirement of Time and energy for maintaining a healthy work-life balance?
  • What is the importance of the work-life balance from the perspective of individual workers?
  • How should individuals have to be concerned with having a healthy work-life balance?
  • What are the benefits and limitations of maintaining work-life balance?
  • How does culture impact an individual's work-life balance?
  • How to comprehend to maintain a proper balance between personal and professional life?


With a geocentric perspective at its basis, modern business culture is focused mainly on increasing profitability. In recent times most companies don't adopt an employee-centred approach as they are too focused on trying to increase their profit margins as quickly as possible. As a result, employees lack a friendly environment that allows them to manage and pursue a work-life balance while keeping a healthy balance among their professional and personal lives. The aim of the following study is to show how crucial workplace culture is in supporting individuals in establishing a suitable balance between personal and professional life. The study offers a descriptive analysis that illustrates how establishing a healthy balance between work and personal life can elevate a person's motivation and help them do their best in both domains.

The purpose of the research is to determine how stress reduction and more time spent with family members in leisure both can be assisted by highlighting the importance of work-life balance. Therefore, the research is focused on how and why important work-life balancing is for an individual and, based on previous studies on the subject, how much this work should be utilized to influence how people across the worldwide interpret and consider work-life balance. In the current competitive professional field maintaining work life can support being capable of handling various work responsibilities (Adnan Bataineh, 2019). At recent times maintain proper work schedule is important asit helps to foster work satisfaction of workers and also motivates them to give their best effort in their work that may increase the skill capability and competency of workers for getting better benefits and opportunity that will boost up organisational commitment for assuring overall performance of workers.

Literature Review

Time and energy necessary to maintain a healthy work-life balance

The term “work life balance” articulates the relationship among the work and non aspects of the lives of the individual while attaining a satisfied work life balance. According to the view of Kelliher et al., (2019), the engagement between work and life will remain a focus of interest as there are an increasing number of women who are working outside. From the 1970 onwards the emphasis is provided to the mothers working outside the home. They have to incorporate the work life balance but the main focus of the women is on managing the childcare and the household activities. By the time it is the 21st century the field has turned into multidisciplinary and it has become an emerging domain of study associated with several disciplines and various theoretical concepts (Work Life Balance, 2022). It has intensified the work pressure and elevated the focus in professions of law, education and finance. The gap between how much time and energy a person devotes to their profession and how much time and energy they reserve for their personal lives can be used to frame the concept of work-life balance. According to studies, between 25% and 28% of employees in a company experience emotional exhaustion owing to strain and stress at work, which has a severe impact on their personal lives, including time with friends and family and for themselves. A significant portion of a person's life is defined by the work-life balance definition, which is not a constant but rather a shifting phenomenon.

As in the words of Emre and De (2021),Work Life Balance is closely associated with the flexible working practices and they are becoming the rule in the workplaces. It is necessary to develop a positive and exclusive culture to deliver the most effective working practices. It will offer competitive performance and it leads to employee well being. The government of the UK is encouraged to offer flexible working and various kinds of Work Life Balance which would facilitate the employees of the firms. The flexible working facilities benefit every employee, employer and the families. The employers are aware that flexible working practices would help them to retain the most effective and skilled staff. The main emphasis of work life balance is to help the individuals and the families to attain the balance in lives. The work life discourse remains particular as understanding power dynamics need a structural analysis. The popularity of work life balances and the rapid growth have demonstrated it also impacts the social and economic development which will have significant changes in the work nature. Due to globalisation there has been exponential growth in the efficiency drives and increased sophisticated technology and 24/7 workplaces timing and trade unions and continuous change in the workplace. The people have highlighted that they are constantly experiencing huge pressure due to extreme changes in the workplaces which have further resulted in pressurised working practices. Due to social trends which are reflected upon there would be patterns of change in the workplaces. The individual problems are now therefore known as shared problems and it requires collective solutions. Work life problems discourse have grown with response to the present pressure in the workplace but it lacked the capability to focus on the wider systemic issues which are arising.

As in the opinion of Wood et al., (2020), another transition occurred in the discourses and practises of flexible working in the late 1990s when employment slowly increased and skills shortages began to materialise. Fewer workers were compelled to choose flexible working arrangements that aren't employee-friendly due to tight labour markets. Part-time working changed drastically. Employers started offering part-time jobs particularly to attract and keep working mothers. With minimal additional net cost to the treasury, the UK government (and the EU) started pushing part-time work as a way to recruit more working moms to the labour force. As a result of the new "battle for talent," employee-friendly policies like flextime and compressed workweeks have actually arisen as a means of attracting and keeping employees. In the latter half of the 1990s, a number of significant organisations started to advocate for family-friendly working conditions. Flexible working practises discourse was now starting to shed its primarily negative reputation and began to be marketed as family friendly.

It is to be noted that it is not always possible to work for 8 consecutive hours in a day. The organism is failing to remain productive for 8 consecutive hours because of the “circadian rhythm” which is often referred to as the biological cycles. The body starts reacting the day is dependent on various factors such as diet, sunlight and hormonal organisation. It has been found that the countries which have the highest working hours possess the less productive individuals. In the opinion of Sirgy and Lee (2018), the scientists have discovered that daily working hours should be not more than 6 hours. The workers take the full advantage of the time while they are most productive. Thus comes the concept of work life balance where the employees can manage their stress and fatigue and it supports them to discover a beautiful life other than work. So the business must incorporate short working times to make the employees satisfied and content. It is therefore unnecessary to take small breaks and vacations to enliven mood and increase the productivity of the employees.

The definite importance of the work-life balance of an individual

As per the opinion of Gragnano et al., (2020)The ability to feel content is a product of one's attitude; it is something that must be worked for and accomplished. Therefore, a person and their own self are where the balance starts. Because it is difficult to keep and preserve anything that is not understood, in order to establish an extensively balanced existence, one must comprehend why a work-life balance must be valued. It takes effort to lead a balanced lifestyle; to master work-life balance, one must prioritise oneself, exercise self-control over one's career path, and simplify one's life. Although flexible working schedules may be made available to employees in an effort to improve work-life balance, the extent to which this is achieved may vary depending on a number of variables. For instance, how a part-time employee spends their free time may affect whether working part-time helps them achieve work-life balance. . It is also being noticed that a positive impact on the performance of the employees as proper work life balance will stimulate productivity. If the employer is focused on the work life balance the employees will respond to it. The influence of job-related variables on employees' perceptions of work-life balance, including hours worked, the importance of one's profession, and managerial support, has been demonstrated in many studies.

Additionally, some part-timers may hold many jobs, either full- or part-time, and may not be able to achieve the advantages of a work-life balance that are sometimes connected to part-time employment. According to recent studies, people who work significantly less hours than those who work more do so with greater satisfaction. Those who worked between 20 and 34 hours a week had a worse work-life balance than those who worked under 20 hours a week (Business Daily News, 2022). One of the main challenges is to rediscover the innovative developments while working with the work life balance of the employees. An appropriate work life balance is beneficial for fostering health and work outcomes. It will bring satisfaction among the employees of a firm and will reduce the work related mental problems. A significant aspect for an effective work life balance is the time accessible for the private life of an individual. It has been investigated by conducting cross-national study that there are country wise variations in the approaches of work life balance. If the employees have the authority to decide then it will have the control to manage his work life balance. This flexibility will be provided to the employee and this type of flexibility is often said to be “individual-oriented working flexibility”.

According to the view of Wöhrmann et al., (2020), “Individual oriented” working time flexibility will increase the perceived capability to authorise the work and private life roles. With regards to employee outcomes there are two concepts which can be focused upon such as employee commitment and the employee well being. Organisational commitment is a highly established concept which emerged about 50 years ago. It highlights the bonding of the employee to an organisation. As per the accepted description, commitment is the power of identification with the business. The commitment is widely recognised by a number of demographic factors such as leadership and dynamic other than tenure of the job, level of job satisfaction and compensation.

According to the view of Abdirahman (2018), job satisfaction is the key determinant of well being and psychological health. It will result in positive behaviour among the employees. The very first thing to understand about the concept of work happiness is that numerous variations have been developed by various professionals. The effective orientations towards contemporary duties will lead to the happiness of a job. It will impact the capability of the employee to say honestly that the employee is satisfied with the duties assigned to him.

Recognising how individual should be concern to having a healthy work-life balance

According to Wiradendi, (2020)Work life balance is a major issue for each and every employee in both public and private institutions. There will be a decrease in the overall performance of the employee if the employer fails to understand the importance of work life balance. The various work life balances began in 1930 which have implemented certain policies regarding the work life balance of the employees. The policies have supported the employees to execute their work more conveniently and give flexible timing to handle the personal problems of the employees.Achieving a healthy work-life balance also means finding a happy medium between one's personal and professional lives. The problem for workers in the contemporary period is that when they compete for job demands, there are many detrimental repercussions on their ability to maintain a healthy work-life balance, including increased stress, work exhaustion, and disruption of personal and professional relationships. It can be very challenging to balance the responsibilities of family life and job. This may lead to stress or worse productivity and welfare among workers. In this situation, the work-life balance emphasised to wisely distribute the useful resources, like time, thought , among the employees' personal lives.

In the view of Shin and Enoh, (2020), flexible work arrangements are encouraged in many nations as a way to balance work and other responsibilities, hence lowering work-life conflict and workload strain. In actuality, home working is only used by a small fraction of employees, while casual work and flexible hours are the most significant types of “flexible working”. The authors note that the adoption of flexibility differs by gender, with men being more likely than women to work from home while females are more likely to work as part-time workers and own their earnings. Flexitime availability also greatly varies by industry, with public sector employees having better entree to it as compared to other workers.

As per the opinion of Akanji et al., (2020), the work life balance promotes healthier life and a satisfied life. Work-life balance is a way to build a welcoming workplace that encourages responsibility and job balance because doing so will increase employee loyalty and output. A key component for the firm's human resource management division, work-life balance may be obtained and can be enhanced, and it has evolved into a joint duty between the employer and employees. The Human Resources division no longer has that position since all supervisors are in charge of keeping the staff's balance. In order for the manager to maintain the balance that is intended to be achieved by both the personal and professional dedication, it has been necessary to adhere to the psychological relationships and bond. It has been acknowledged that the majority of the time, employees or individuals receive support from higher management or elders from the culture, which helps to sustain the responsibilities and activities. They will be able to maintain a happy and healthy lifestyle thanks to it. It has made life stress-free. Maintaining a healthy work-life balance has aided the employer and employees in their pursuit of future excellence.

Work life balance possesses three essential facts such as balance time, the balance of the duties and the involvement of family and effective satisfaction. It is the exact time where people don't discuss the tight work schedule. Work Life balance techniques are the typical transformations which are modified to organise culture which are consciously incorporated by the executives of the company.

As per the view of Sharkey and Caska (2020), work-life balance is a sign of successful organisational outcomes including lower turnover, more job satisfaction, lower levels of job stress, and improved morale and performance. Work-life integration and maintaining a balance are advantageous for both individuals and the company as a whole since they safeguard employees' health and boost productivity across the board. It was determined that there is a strong link among work-life balance and employee motivation, especially in the public sector.

To determine the advantages and disadvantages of work-life balance through its implication on an individual

According to view of Ipsen et al. (2021), the author depicts that there is always a major concern that leas to a high-end work-life balance. As companies or organisations are impeccable to look after employee health and protection which leads to optimal support subjecting from the above management of the company. This means employees are managing more convenience and preciseness in reflecting to balance their work life and personal life. Supported by the companies or organisations the advantages that the work-life balance carries inconsideration to work-life balance these means to provide or serve fair compensation and career growth opportunities in the culture of the company. It has been reported that around 75% of individual finding it difficult to manage its work-life balance, as most of the company provides over-pressurised situation or condition for an individual that are working under their subjection (Igeltjørn and Habib, 2020). These meet the scope of the business, therefore entailing the individuals should be accounted with high-end skills and knowledge to be get recruited in that specific position for which the company has closely outshined a vacancy. But most of the over-pressurised aspects are being looked at with providing transparency pay to both the males and females working in the workplaces.

It increases the enthusiasm of the individuals and enhances the quality and consideration to manage more productivity. Providing job security to the employees or individuals working in the culture uplifts healthy bonds between the highest management to the lower ones enabling strategies aligned with the mission and vision of the company or business. The next advantage that it can lay to the individuals that are subjected to balance the work life should be entailing stress management assessment functioned by the leaders or manager of the company. The leaders or managers while controlling the everyday tasks need to ask about any issues their individual could have while completing the project before the assigned deadline. Stress management is meant to enhance the influence of the level of pressure that the workers adapt in the culture of the company (Gangawane, 2018). Looking for systematic routines and schedules that can manage the overall impact that work lays upon the individual who is considered to be placed in a full-time company or business. It decreases the individuals to deal with uncertain distractions that can increase the intensity of the stress.

As per the opinion of Azevedo et al., (2020), the author has derived to convey that there are so much of disadvantages laying back down after anyone states about the advantage of the work-life balance reflection ton the work-life balance.

The disadvantage is that the individual that is working under high ended condition are reflected to seek detailed issue. This means that these individuals are constantly suffering through the cause of mental and physical health it is triggering the mind of the individuals. Several harmful consequences of the poor work-life balance that is affecting the cause of health. There has been a major concern that the individual need to look after and relate to the stress levels that need to go through. As around 75% of the health care professionals that are guided to treat mental patients are convicted to meet almost half of the employees who turnovers from any large or unauthorised companies that without any security manage to provide pressure upon the businesses (Sirgy and Lee, 2018). As controlling or subjecting to conflicts with the upper management working in the company, reflects an increase in the fluency of staff turnover even if the staff was productive as the company will be thinking of its business, not the issues that the staff were having. It states that around 89% of the individuals are not able to balance their Work Life and are concerned to face deeper substance abuse (Bjärntoft et al., 2020).

But on the other hand, another disadvantage that individuals aquint is a bad relationship with the members of the company, as senior officers will be appointing any sort of tasks to the individual, which will trigger the rest of the day impacting the family that is taking whole concern. It is herebuy highly impacting the mental state and proving a stressful pressure upon the individuals that are working in any field of business or anywhere where it gets out of hand to possibly manage work-life balance. The impact of the poor work-life balance means that the company that is subtitling are committed to oppressing bad impression from the duty or submission of work mostly inappropriately. The individual will be working slowly and will be implying to be ineffective to functioning a good communication flow with the companeis representatives or with ignoring to the policies or procedures settled by the higher management of the company. Workload pressures have been a significant view over the years in the world, considering the getting affected of the work-life balance. Assuring that duties need to distribute according to the pace of family pressures and opting up to the problems that individuals, are adhering to in the culture. About half of the individuals that is enabling its family stay in burden which is an external pressure they carry while working in the workplace (Palumbo et al., 2020). Unsupportive relationships are always meant to decree the level of involvement and participation within any event or program to get accounted in the culture of the organisation. Enabling any kind of work without any sense skills and probable knowledge means to support pressure which is uncertain.

Impact of culture on individual's work-life balance

Culture plays a significant role in supporting and maintaining proper work life balance that may help to assure better productivity and proficiency of workers. It is essential that through getting better cultural insights employees will understand how cultural dicrimination may impact and influence their overall performance and impact on prompting their personal and professional growth. Organisational culture has significant influence on the progress and wellbeing of workers for tackling various job responsibilities with proper efficiency and expertise (Brough et al., 2020). Culture includes values, beliefs, norms and regulations that can impact the capability of individual workers for being successful at their professional field. It is important that as workers of an organisation belong to a different religion, culture and social status that can highly impact on the performance and behaviour of workers and also impact on their overall proficiency and ethics. As noted by Chung and Van der Lippe (2020), culture plays a significant role for enhancing skills, capabilities, experience and engagement of workers within the workplace that may support better personal andprofessional growth of workers thus workers will be capable of performing their best in aspect to get the highest potential within the workplace over others.

Culture explains how a person interacts with their surroundings, how they behave, and how their views and perceptions are constructed, all of which have an impact on how well they get along with their surroundings. Things were significantly easier to manage when there was less diversified workforce. As stated by Schwartz et al.(2019), globalization has drastically transformed the situation, emphasising the cultural diversity within the company which has an impact on its performance. Cultural differences have a significant effect on human resource strategies regarding staffing and training. The most significant and distinguishing element of organizations nowadays is considered to maintain proper work-life balance that may impact on physical and mental wellbeing of workers. According to Kelliher et al. (2019), by supporting and adjusting to shifting demands, a number of activities and initiatives are designed to boost staff productivity. There are many different definitions of culture since it is a significant, unacknowledged, and sometimes unconscious combination of impacts on how individuals behave, perceive, process information, and prioritize things both personally and collectively. It is significantly more complicated to provide a single, complete explanation since so many distinct professions are fascinated by this topic. This comprehensive explanation might not absolutely clarify the situation.

As noted by Tian et al.(2018), culture has significant influence on influencing the overall system and strategies related to a workplace condition. In recent times due to the radical advancement of technology Business collaboration tools offer unparalleled accessibility, but company culture should establish however much time should be spent on personal or how much on profession. In recent times cultural sensitivity is essential as it influences the overall practice of individual workers in accordance with meeting the objectives of the organisation. Work-life balance is essential for all individuals and comprises insisting that each person is granted the assistance they have to thrive in their employment in parallel to any responsibilities and duties they may have beyond the workplace, such as family responsibilities. Being an appealing employer and, consequently, recruiting and retaining the best employees requires improving organisational cultures.

Organisations have to implement and incorporate various policies and measures in respect for enhnacing organisational culture that may support better growth and professionalism so workers will be more staisfied and feel more valuable within the workplace that can foster their overall performance productivity.

Maintaining a strict boundary between personal and professiona life

As stated by Adnan Bataineh (2019), maintaining a proper balance between personal and professional life is an essential aspect in accordance with maintaining proper work life balance. It is important for every individual worker to differentiate proper time schedules between their personal and professional life to handle both properly and efficiently. It is essential that employees should focus on their work while working rather than focusing on other things that may hinder their productivity of work and also delay completion of the work. Maintaining a proper balance between personal and professional life is most important for refreshing the mind, reducing stress of uninterrupted work and prioritising one's own health and mind that may help for tackling various tasks more efficiently and appropriately (Cook, 2020). It is important at first to love and dedicate yourself to a job that may help individuals to give their best effort and concentration for making successful work that may help to enhance their professional skills and competencies.

It is most important that individuals should divide the whole task into several parts and make a proper time schedule for completing each part that may help to maintain proper quality of work and also help to complete it before the deadline. It is essential to complete the work with proper efficiency that may help to complete the work more perfectly and in a comprehend way that may help to get a deep understanding about different tasks that can boost up the capability of workers for handling various tasks. As stated by Denson et al. (2018), young professionals did not have high family priorities thus they tended to be involved more with their profession for gaining a secured career, whether senior professionals and workers of late 20s tended to spend time with their family as they have more priorities for family members that can impact on productivity of workers of different ages. There are several prospects that individuals should keep in mind for maintaining a proper balance between personal and professional life, such as having to be clear about their own priorities and responsibilities, while valuing priorities individuals have to be aware that priorities are dynamic and these tend to be changed over times that can influence the performance of individuals.

As mentioned by Neumann et al. (2018), employees should take a short break after completion of any task that may help to clear out their mind and start the next task with a fresh mind thus they will be able to give their best on their work. It is essential that workers may have to be focused on their work during their office hours to avoid gossip and other things so that they should not carry on their work to their home. This may hinder their personal life and they will feel stressed and anxious to complete their work within the time. Individuals should choose their professional field with proper concern and they must be capable of tackling a significant amount of pressure everyday thus they have to be aware of their responsibilities and also find the best way to complete every task with proper quality that will increase productivity of workers. Workers have to be capable of delegating their task on a proper schedule and maintain a gap between the ending of a task and starting of the new that is required for relaxation and tackling of pressure.

“Conceptual Framework of the literature Review”

  • Gap in Literature: There are various deficiencies and lack of proper theoretical conception throughout the literature review. Due to lack of sources of information the literature review should not meet the criteria of the research. Furthermore, while conducting the research the researcher has faced problems to make proper critical evaluation of arguments of different authors based on specific topics and factors related with the research. Additionally as in the current decade proper maintenance of work life balance is essential thus the researcher needs to focus more on collecting recently updated data regarding various aspects of appropriate work life balance.


  • Research methodology is a technique by which the researchers carry out the research by utilising different methods (Kumar, 2019). The research methods are executed by following the Saunders Research Onion. The development of the research methodology ensures that the goals of the study are successfully addressed. The impact of work-life balance on both individuals and businesses is examined in the section below. The different steps followed in Research Onion are Research philosophy, Research Strategy, Research Approach, Research Instrument, Research Instrument, Sampling, Data Analysis and Ethical Consideration. There are two types of Research Methodology which are effectively used in the report.
  • Research Philosophy: It refers to the standards for how data should be gathered and assessed in order to obtain outcomes. It is the first stage of the Research methodology. This study's part covers the origins, character, and expansion of knowledge linked to the study's subject. The four categories of research philosophy are pragmatism, interpretivism, realism, and positivism. Interpretivism focuses on the social and cultural aspects that impact on the thoughts and ideas of people. The researchers have an active role as it draws upon a holistic view of the participants and then summarises the meanings.

The researcher in this case will follow a positivist research philosophy. According to this ideology, research is conducted using only facts and reliable information. Based on observation, it is determined if the data are reliable or not (Bauer, 2017). The research is confined to gathering data and evaluating it with the purpose of the study in mind because it is anticipated that the majority of the outcomes will be favourable. Since the data would be gathered directly from the source, there will be less likelihood of data manipulation, making this method useful. The study topic is important, and since data can be found in papers and websites, the most reliable ones will be used here to continue the investigation.

  • Research approach: It describes the method that will be used to preserve the study, which entails gathering data, analysing it, and evaluating it to produce findings that will allow the research problem to be resolved. Deductive approach, inductive approach, and abductive approach are the three distinctive kinds of research approaches. Here the researcher has followed an inductive method to extract the appropriate meaning for every kind of data and information. The author will utilise thoughts and ideas from various research works and the area of knowledge will be wide enough.

The development of assumptions is not involved at any point in an inductive method. The research's aims, objectives, and questions come first. A theory is developed based on the earlier study in the end stage.

  • Abductive technique: In an abductive approach, a topic for research is selected based on some fragmentary observations that seem perplexing at first.
  • Deductive method: A deductive strategy is one in which the researcher begins by interpreting an already-existing social theory and then goes on to evaluate the implications of the theory by gathering evidence in support of it (Willmott, 2020). The validity of the previously proposed hypotheses is determined by the reliability of the data. As the investigation will begin based on a hypothesis, the deductive approach will be applied in this instance (de Lucas Ancillo et al., 2021). Analyses will be conducted, and research data can be acquired in order to demonstrate that it has some impact on the workplace. The work is to determine whether the hypothesis is true or not because the topic is already available. Given that only evidence must be gathered and analysed to test the hypothesis, deductive reasoning can be applied.
  • Research design: The research design, which outlines the techniques for gathering data, measuring it, and analysing it, can be viewed as the study's broad road map (Rahi, 2017). The technique's third section assists in creating a comprehensive plan for conducting the study and rationally integrating all of its various components. The study design is a crucial element that aids in successfully resolving the research challenge. Cross-sectional, descriptive, exploratory, explanatory, case study, casual, and experimental designs are among the several types of research designs that are employed (Sileyew, 2019). When selecting the ideal research design for the project, the problem of the study or the research question must be kept in mind. This study project takes into account the explanatory research design, which is also known as the causal research design.

Here the researcher has chosen exploratory research design since it would help in providing clear explanations of various designs. exploratory research designs are well fitted for research projects on issues for which there is insufficient prior research, it would be advantageous for the researcher to choose one for this study.

  • Research strategy: The research strategy depicts how the aims of the study is conducted. The strategy involves a various number of approaches ly experimental research, action research, case study research, interviews, surveys or a systematic literature review. One of the most important components of any research technique is selecting the suitable research strategy, which helps to give the research a proper direction. A research strategy can be thought of as a step-by-step manual that directs the researcher's thoughts and efforts in order to assist him gather the right kind of data. The research strategy is equally important for formulating a plan of action for carrying out the investigation correctly and obtaining the desired research outcome.

Experimental research articulates the strategy of developing a process which investigates the results against the expected outcomes. Action research is such that it is a practical one to a particular problem of a research. It is associated with investigating the practice to make the approach systematic. This type of research is mostly seen in professions like teaching, nursing where they can enhance the professional approach and the understanding. Case study research is the evaluation of a single one to create significant perspectives and infer generalisations. It will offer a deep and sound knowledge about a particular nature and would develop the significance of culture and context in various circumstances. Grounded theory is also a qualitative methodology which infers on an inductive approach where the patterns are extracted from the various data as preconditions for the research. Interview data which may be coded and then clustered as per the common factors. Surveys are usually quantitative research and it is associated with the sampling population (Kelley, 2018).

  • Research choices : The various kinds of choices which are outlined in the onion method are the mono method, mixed method and the multi method. The mono method is associated with the utilisation of only one research approach for study (McBride et al., 2018). The mixed methods utilise two or more methods and it usually utilises both qualitative and quantitative methodology. In the multi method there is always an extensive range of methods. The mixed method is associated with combined methodology and it develops a single dataset. In this research project the researcher has chosen a mixed method as both interview and survey has been conducted (Azungah, 2018).
  • Research instrument : The various instruments used for research are the surveys, questionnaires, focus group observations and experimentation. Here the researcher has chosen both survey and interviews for conducting the research. It will assist the researcher to gain deep insight and knowledge of the work life balance and its necessity in the contemporary world.

Data collection

Data collection refers to the process of collecting, analysing and interpreting data and information of the research. The researcher analyses the facts in order to make wise conclusions (Miles et al., 2018). Data collection of a research is based on various techniques such as survey, interview, focus group observation and so on. For the following research the researcher has selected primary data collection methods for collecting response of participants based on the objectives of the research. The following research will include a survey and interview to collect responses on different questions of the research.

Data analysis

Data analysis is the process of collecting, transforming and evaluating data and information regarding the research which helps the researcher to get better insights about different considerations and assumptions of the research findings and implications. Data analysis is essential in research as it requires to extract meaningful information from the overall research and undertake effective decisions regarding the research that may influence the overall process. It is also essential that the researcher has to choose from his past research that may impact on the success criteria of the research. In this research the researcher has utilised both qualitative and quantitative methods for analysis and evaluating data that includes both primary and secondary data collection. The researcher has selected both quantitative and qualitative data analysis processes for collecting and evaluating responses of participants that may help to evaluate better insights of individual participants. For the following research the researcher has made a survey on 20 participants and conducted an interview among three respondents for getting their response according to the objectives of the research.


Sampling refers to the process of selecting the groups of people from which the data for the research will be collected. The number of total respondents is essential to make comparison between collected responses. For the following research the researcher has selected 20 people for conducting the survey to collect responses. While conducting the qualitative data analysis the researcher has conducted the interview among three respondents to collect their opinion on the basis of different questions regarding the importance of work life balance among workers and the organisation.

  • Exclusion and Inclusion Criteria: The researcher adhered to some of the ethical guidelines that have been covered here in this study. First, only the articles that have been published after 2017 have been included, and any other articles that have been published before 2017 have been excluded, in order to retain the most recent information in the data. Additionally, only publications published in English have been taken into consideration for use in the research; materials written in any other language have been completely disregarded. To maintain the relevance of the material, only articles from reputable publishing houses with registered writers have been included.

Ethical consideration

Ethical considerations refers to the set of principles and instructions that may guide the researcher for implementing the design and practice of the overall research work. Researchers must have to follow each principle and regulation and focus on every consideration before taking any effective decision regarding the research. The data and information used in the research were collected from reliable and authentic journals, books and websites. No participants or animals were not harmed while conducting the research and the participants and the researcher were very concerned to keep confidential information regarding the research safe and secure thus no one can manipulate the findings of the research. The research is completed by following the Data Protection Act 2018 that assures the safety and security of data collected for the research.



“Question 1. What is the average age of workers?”

Options No of Respondent Total Respondent %
“30-50” “5” “20” “25%”
“25-40” “11” “20” “55%”
“20-45” “4” “20” “20%”

“Table 1: Response collected on avarage age of workers”

“(Source: Created by the learner)”

As per the survey analysis, on the fact of average age of workers under 20 responspondents 5 have responded on the age of 30-50, 11 has responded on the age of 25-40 and 4 has responded on the age 20-45. The percentage of responses collected in various options are 25% for 30-50, 55% for the age of 25-40 and 20% for the age of 20-45.

“Question 2. Is work- life balance important for the wellbeing of workers?”

Options No of Respondent Total Respondent %
Yes “5” “20” “25%”
No “11” “20” “55%”
“Not Sure” “4” “20” “20%”

“Table 2: Response collected work- life balance important for the wellbeing of workers”

“(Source: Created by the learner)”

According to the above survey analysis response collected on the question of importance of work life balance for employee wellbeing, 5 respondents under total 20 respondents stated yes, 11 respondent stated no and 4 respondents were not sure. The percentage of collected responses are 25% on Yes, 55% on No and 20% on Not Sure.

“Question 3. Does work life balance support employee satisfaction and motivation?”

Options No of Respondent Total Respondent %
“Yes” “10” “20” “50%”
“No” “4” “20” “20%”
“Not Sure” “6” “20” “30%”

“Table 3: Response collected on work life balance support employee satisfaction and motivation”

As per the responses collected from the above survey analysis, according to the fact of work life balance supporting employee satisfaction and motivation, 50% responded yes, 20% for No and 30% were Not Sure. Among 20 respondents 10 have responded for yes, 4 has responded for No and 6 has responded for Not Sure.

“Question 4. Does employee performance be enhanced through implementation of Work life balance strategies?”

Options No of Respondent Total Respondent %
“Yes” “11” “20” “55%”
“Not Sure” “3” “20” “15%”
“No” “6” “20” “30%”

“Table 4: Response collected on employee performance be enhanced through implementation of Work life balance strategies”

As per the result of above survey analysis on the question that employee performance can be enhanced through the implementation of WLB strategies. Amid 20 respondents 11 people have responded for yes, 3 people have responded on Not Sure and 6 people have responded for No. The percentage of the collected responses are 55% on yes, 15% on No and 30% on Not Sure.

“Question 5. Did employees get more focused on their work through proper work life balance?”

Options No of Respondent Total Respondent %
“Yes” “9” “20” “45%”
“Not Sure” “4” “20” “20%”
“No” “7” “20” “35%”

“Table 5: Response collected on employees get more focused on their work through proper work life balance”

As per the above survey response has collected on the fact that employees get more focused on their work through maintaining proper work life balance. Under 20 respondents 9 have responded yes, 4 have stated Not Sure and 7 people have stated No. The percentage collected on the survey are 45% for yes, 20% for Not sure and 35% for No.

“Question 6. Do employees benefitted by releasing workload by implementing proper work life balance?”

Options No of Respondent Total Respondent %
“Yes” “10” “20” “50%”
“Not Sure” “3” “20” “15%”
“No” “7” “20” “35%”

“Table 6: Response collected on employees benefitted by releasing workload by implementing proper work life balance”

As per the response collected on the above survey on the question that employees get benefited by releasing workload through implementing proper work life balance. 10 people from 20 respondents have voted for Yes, 3 people voted for Not Sure and the remaining 7 people voted for No. The percentage of the collected responses are 50% for yes, 15% for Not Sure and 35% for No.

“Question 7. Does Work life balance enhance productivity of workers?”

Options No of Respondent Total Respondent %
“Yes” “8” “20” “40%”
“No” “5” “20” “25%”
“Neutral” “7” “20” “35%”

“Table 7: Response collected on Work life balance enhance productivity of workers”

As per the above survey analysis response collected on the fact that Work life balance enhances employee productivity, the total number of respondents were 20 people from which 8 people stated yes, 5 people stated No and remaining 7 people were Neutral. The percentage of the responses collected are as follows: 40% for yes, 25% for No, 35% for Not Sure.

Question 8. Does Work life balance mainly focuses on quality of work instead of hours of working?

Options No of Respondent Total Respondent %
“No” “5” “20” “25%”
“Yes” “12” “20” “60%”
“Neutral” “3” “20” “15%”

“Table 8: Response collected on Work life balance mainly focuses on quality of work instead of hours of working”

As per the above survey analysis response collected on the fact that work life balance mainly focuses on work quality rather than hours of working. The options were Yes, No, Neutral; 5 respondents under 20 overall responded for No, 12 people responded for Yes and 3 people responded for Neutral. The percentage on the collected response are 25% on No, 60% for yes and 15% for neutral.

“Question 9. Does Work life balance within an organisation majorly influneced by the impact of workplace culture?”

Options No of Respondent Total Respondent %
“Yes” “9” “20” “45%”
“No” “3” “20” “15%”
“Neutral” “8” “20” “40%”

“Table 9: Response collected on Work life balance mainly focuses on quality of work instead of hours of working”

As per the above survey report in accordance with the fact that work life balance is majorly influenced by workplace culture response collected from 20 people based on the options Yes, No and Neutral. 9 people have stated Yes, 3 people have stated No and the remaining 8 people were Neutral. The percentage of the collected responses are 45% for Yes, 15% for No and 40% for Neutral.

“Question 10. Does Work life balance promote employee engagement and commitment?”


No of Respondent

Total Respondent






“Not Sure”








“Table 10: Response collected on Work life balance promote employee engagement and commitment”

As per the above survey analysis response collected from 20 people on the fact that work life balance promotes employees engagement and commitment. 12 people have stated Yes, 3 people have stated Not Sure and the remaining 5 people stated No. The percentage of responses collected for the fact were 60% for yes, 15% for Not Sure and 25% for No.


Question (Respondent 1) (Respondent 2) (Respondent 3)
What is the major impact of work-life balance? I have acknowledged that the work-life balance influences my mental state completely. I crafted a work-life balance by discussing with my family and with my owners within the company where I work. I have seen my friend's employer to seek medication due to the disease that surfaced through high pressures. The demands and needs of the individual differ when they are over-pressurised by anybody or by any source. I have committed that the impact of the work-life balance has been predicted to create a space of low concern for my personal life.
Does inappropriate support demotivate individuals in the workplace? The demotivating factor that I have seen is working with unsupportive employers that take advantage of anyone working in the culture I have recognised that upper management is more impartial about providing the equal task to each and everyone I was in concern when I was working with my colleague's, they pressured me to complete the tasks before the deadline which was ineffective for me
What are the positive causes of communication for work life balance of an individual? I have seen that communication is the key factor accepts to reducing effects that an individual carries in their professional life Positive causes of communication confronted me to handle both my personal and professional life activities. I engaged in the presentation work where I reflect to complete the work when the deadline got missed, which expelled my boss to serve me a suspension letter which triggered my mental state and got me in depression Being an individual I have seen that prior regulation driven by leaders or manager can expel the chances to create more positive relationships uncommitted employees
Did work-life balance impact personal life? I have seen a great effect of the work-life balance This means that I have said to work more than the average working hours I have adhered that my personal life got impacted and because of such I was demolishing my bond with my family and friends I lost half of my concentrations and focus from life due to the effect of long working hours and irrelevant culture
What difficulties companies went through to craft work life balance? I have seen that companies face issues while recruiting confident employees in the culture. I acquired that most of companies are subjected to permit training to the initial that is performing weaker I have been demotivated in the culture as my leaders were biased towards me and considered others that are ineffective over me. Further concerning difficulties to me I committed large companies that acquire trouble manages to make every individual to work without their personal concerns, strongly reflected as an issue

Table No. : Interview Table

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Discussion and analysis

Discussing and analysing Interview

From the above discussion it has simply recognised that the respondents have been a great factor for aspect that has provided authentic information and knowledge to the topic that the project team has went through. It created an space that helps the research to get through the importance or impact of the work life balance upon any context of the business or relating to the working site. Detecting the first response to the first question it has predicted that the impact of then worklife balance upon the candidate has been major it has deviated the mental state of the candidate wholly, due to the fact the candidate confronted to discuss such issues with its families.

These has been an issue that has been noted down while functioning the interview with the candidates and adhering to the real life scenarios. Therefore the third respondents are been recognised to conveye that the work life balance has been an perfect scene that they can manage, until they stood that working with an over pressurised company can keep them away from their personal life which is an negative factor overall. As these meant to reduce the relationship to an mark where objection gets started, it creates an space for thne individual to get demotivated to work and commit all the frustration above their families after they get back to their homes. The second respondent committed an overview upon the similar question that has been asked to the candidate one, as what got reviewed entails about the impartial judgements that been ruined in the culture or inside the organisation managing the unauthorised employees to stay and productive employees to get demolished under them and look that if they are real culprits that is exposing companies unethical standards and predicting the company too loose it brand reputation. Therefore its has been stated that each of individual that are working in management needs to take care of the employees and their mental and physical health, these means that the company has been constantly stabilising employee security and they are really concerned about their personal life. The third candidate has been conveying that the pace of the upper management to seek that the employee or the individuals to be protected and should be heard. It concise about the pressures that brings out by mangers and providing an tough deadline without any valid concern of the employees working under them. The next question convicts about communication being one of the factor that has been a tool that can reduce the affect produced by inappropriate work life balance.

Discussing and analysing Survey

Reflecting to the survey that has been crafted by the project or report has been subjected to around 20 respondents and they have speciality in responding to the questions that has been articulated as per the topic.

The first turnaround has made to the age of the participants, within figure one it reflected about five of the respondents from the twenty committed to responding to the question of the survey. Regarding to the options that has been the highest predicted from the age group from 25 to 40, it has positively helped the research to the project looking up to the topic confronting regarding the work-life balance. The second figure will be looking up on the medium age individuals that can predictively convey regarding the work-life balance and the probable influence that it lay down upon the topic and the upon the project sustainability. After it has recognised 25-30 years has been responded to second candidates that expelled about the questions regarding the topic.

Looking up to the second figure, it has been recognised that 55% of the respondents has been responding no to the well being of the individual working under the pressure. As most of them said no to the action that enacted to the topic, as companies or large businesses has been pushing tough to the employees working in the culture. As almost half of the individual that works looses their temperament. Considering to the above question its has been recognised that around 25% of the responses came as yes, these are lowest than the responses contained over the response to No. It is committed that the individual are always under the concern of their health and their physical abilty that they procured into the project upheld in the culture of the business.Second figure expells that the impact of the poor work life balance has been infleuncing badlty to the individual in every phase of their duty and functioning of their activities.

Looking up to the figure three, almost 50% of the responses that needs to be progressive when it isn't coming up to work life balance nad employee motivation and satisfaction. As most of the the time it has been recognised that half of the employees are looking up to the motivation regulated by the upper management of the company. Around 60% of the respondents are confronted that four out of the 20 respondents are saying no to the work-life balance implied to loose strength in course to employee satisfaction and motivation. Around 30% of the total responses were commited to be not sure as per the work-life balance and motivation provided by the upper management of the company. More of the motivation are concise of performance assessment or by taking care of the individuals.

Reflecting to the fourth figure these consider the performance of the employees and staffs improving and enhancing the worklife strategies. It has been projecting that around 55% has been confronting to yes that employee performance has been enhancing well through the help of providing good flexible hours to the workers or individuals living in the world. These signify more of the smooth hours that is subjected to help the employees to retain in the companies and to perform well, ultimately approaching more storing work life balance. 30 % of the individual has predicted to respond well in the worl life balance. Considering that just 15% of the candidates that has committed to provide an response as per the purpose of the employee countering all the strategies that has been a key advantage to the individuals.

Reflecting to figure six, around 50% of the employees and individuals are confronted to say yes to the choice about the aspects about crafting appropriate workflow of balance considering to the benefit that the employee need to be provided by the companies. These respondents are very much authentic to their works and predicting that security approaches by the seniors of the companies could implement in in the culture. As 35% of the candidates are confronted to say No to the question of the survey, these reflect to the audience that voted for not sure entitled to be 35%. Basically, employee are been benefited by the proper work-life balance, exhibiting that workload pressures are negative implicants for individuals.

Dictating to figure seven, it has been acknowledged that work-life balance improves the efficiency and productivity of workers. It has considered to 40% to the overall response to the audience that is enhancing workers to stabilise their work-life balance in the culture. Confessing to an average of 35% in relation to the neutral response to the question that has been served in the survey contradicting to improve the efficiency of the workers. Around of 25% of respondents or candidates are subjected to say No to the question, as they craft employees to be supported by the senior management and encourage the productivity of the workers.

Reflecting to the figure eight, it has been recognised that around 60% of the respondents or candidates has been saying yes to the topic that leads to work life balance majorly needs to concentrate upon the topic. It has been recognised that the around 25% of the respondents are commited to say No to the choice of business, that incorporates personal and professional life. As because of the respondent its has seen that focusing upon personal life gets really disrupted which demolishes the fluency of high working efficiency.

Looking up to the response which considers to the highest predicting 45% within the business subjecting workplace culture impact upon the employee and individuals. These figures transits regarding the cultural influence which refers about poor work-life balance which has been an issue to the individuals working at the workplace.The organisation always seems to be involved in providing benefits to the employees in the culture managing a supportive atmosphere for them. Unsupportive and inappropriate individuals often misleads good employees in the culture. These create high influence over staff turnover which is an factor overall. Around 15% of the response has been no in articulation or influnce of the workplace culture. Around 40% of the respondents are signified to expell neutral which has been an half to the overall respondents that the survey has been encouraging for.

Reflecting to the figure ten, its has been recognised that the highest commitment and engagement has been votes or been responded by 60% of the responses that has been carried which basically accuses advantages to promote work-life balance. 60% of the yes has been responding to the major factor that work-life balance been promoted. 25% of the overall respondents has been responded that the work-life balance get positively influenced confronting that employees are highly engaged or committable if they are provided with complete support, about 15% of the respondents are committed to conveying not sure as they knew the highest projection that a business could seek and approach to. If the company can enact to train or convict a discussion that can support the employee morale, ethics into the culture or at the workplace.

Conclusion and Recommendations

This report has been conveyed to discuss the work-life balance and the importance of its impact that it lays down upon the individual and within its life. It has been confronted through fine aims and objectives that are wholly considering to work-life balance and the probable affects on the mental and physical health of the individuals. It has been meant to consider to the point that it also manages more absenteeism predictably very low and concussing that the mental and physical gets improved on the consistency basis. It has been protectively created a space where it wanted to convey that the work-life balance adequately in the culture of the business has been committable and highly influential to work or complete any sort of tasks. The survey and interview both have been functioned which confinement the report and provided a core concept to the research project. Survey has been laid down through 20 responses and three of the respondent has taken for to complete the overall interview. The author of the literature review considers to six themes managing the topic to serve its fluency over analysis and discussion that is made according to the work-life balance.

The individuals and companies have been recommended, that the work life balance needs some attention and probable support from the seniors and upper management so that the culture and every decision get to run smoothly and effectively (Rothbard et al., 2021). Work-life balance meant to lower stress, the biggest cause in the UK, and around 50% of the workers in the UK has lost to extremely stressful and troubling sector quarter of the survivors that lives in America, as they prefer that no stress means that is the real business. The next suggestion convicts about acquiring balance meaning high physical health with optimal support. As to briefly regarding the work-life balance these refer to the individual or employees are subjected to eating healthily and decreasing the level of high sugar intake (Palumbo, 2020). The individual need to acquire regular exercise to the employees and individual and these sessions needs to be arranged in the culture of the company.


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