Importance Of Employee Motivation in Retail Sector Dissertation Sample

Leadership Impact on Employee Motivation and Performance

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1.1 Introduction Of The Data Analysis and Findings

This research is based on the analysis of data and findings the data, these findings data help the researcher to give clear knowledge from this research and to improve the research process. This research includes primary data collection and secondary data collection, these data explain how qualitative methods and quantitative methods work on the primary data and both methods work on secondary data collection. These primary methods used interviews, research, and survey of a few persons, and these qualitative methods help to understand a clear vision of this research objectives. It helps to get authentic data from this research. Many articles and journals also help the researcher with secondary data.

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1.2 Data Collection

1.2.1 Primary data collection

Survey on 44 participants

Figure 1.1 : Age group

Age group

This study has two primary sources, one is the survey and the other one is the interview. The survey of this study is basically based on 44 participants. The participant's age group is divided through the options. The answer of the age group, the maximum number of participants is from the age of 20 to 26 years. 61.4% of this survey is collected from the 20–26-year age group. Then 18.2% of people are from the age group of 27-32. Then 15.9% of the participants are from 33-40 age and the rest of the others were in the age group above 41 years.

Figure 1.2: Experience years

Experience years

The answer to this question in the survey says the time of surviving a company. 52.3% group of people says that they are surviving their company for 1-2 years. So basically, it is proved that the survey is affected by those people whose service time is not very much to explore the industry. On the other hand, after 3-5 years of surviving a company has the time to explore what they have gotten from the company and that percentage is 27.3%.

Figure 1.3: Benefits of the reward program

Benefits of the reward program

After the survey, the study content showed that in an organization, a reward program is very important to motivate an employee. 48.8% of people agree with this statement, that reward programs are very important to motivate an employee. 27.9% of people strongly agree with this statement. 20.9% of people also thought that reward programs are not so effective for employees.

Figure 1.4: Impact of a training program

Impact of a training program

The survey always shows what people think. In the answer to this question, 61% of participants strongly agree with the statement that the training program enhances the employee's productivity. 15.9% of people strongly agree with this statement and 11.4% of people think that training is just to understand the feature of the field they work not to enhance employee productivity, the productivity will be the same also after the training.

Figure 1.5: Importance of intercultural business communication within the company

Importance of intercultural business communication within the company

Effective intercultural business and corporate communication will engage the skills of the employees to rise in the international field, this statement is strongly agreed by 13.6% of participants. And 47.7% of people just agree with this question.18.2% of people behave naturally with this statement and 9.1% people strongly disagree about this question because they think corporate communication does not help to rise in the international field only self-develop can help to do that.

Figure 1.6: Impact of motivation and support on staff performance

Impact of motivation and support on staff performance

Getting motivation and support from the manager is important for working in an organization. In this survey, 39.5% of people agree with this question and 37.2% people strongly agree with this question. They think that support is always important to work in an organization and if the support is from the manager, then it became so much more important for the employee.

There is a proverb that says “no risk, no gain”. The survey of this study also includes the question which says the discovery of new sights from business data may improve business performance. For this statement, 41.9% strongly agreed, 37.2% agreed, and 18.6% were neutral.

Figure 1.8: Influence of new job opportunities on staff motivation

Influence of new job opportunities on staff motivation

Survey says that 44.2% of people agree with the statement of job opportunities can motivate employees to enhance their business skills and performance. 34.9% of people strongly agreed and 16.3% of people are neutral about this statement.

Interviews on 5 Managers

Question 1: How will employee participation will benefit in company's business growth and productivity?

Manager 1 Manager 2 Manager 3 Manager 4 Manager 5
“Employees are the main pillar of the company creating new ideas will help.” “Giving initiative ideas to get new opportunities.” “Employees are giving their best to grow the company even if they are not in the workplace.” “Employees are giving so much attentiveness when the training is going on.” “By giving innovative ideas to achieve the goal, it is also helpful to the company.”

Question 2: How the motivation factor will affect the workforce productivity of your company?

Manager 1 Manager 2 Manager 3 Manager 4 Manager 5
“After giving training employees enhance their capacity towards the work.” “Appreciating can make an employee more confident in their work and it will help to progress productivity. ” “Reward program is very helpful to get out of the comfort zone employees have.” “As a manager, it is very important to show the flaws and rectify them and support them to collect the beliefs and take out their productivity, to upgrade the company” “Supporting is the main base of collecting productivity and enhancing the growth of the company

1.2.1 Secondary data collection

Impact of employee motivation on the organizational performances of Tesco

Figure 1.9: Impact of employee motivation on the organizational performances of Tesco

Impact of employee motivation on the organizational performances of Tesco

Managers and leaders of Tesco take some unique tactics for motivating their employees. As a result, total organization work is increasing day by day only for the motivation of employees. An organization has achieved its goals with help of the employee's efforts and their work. Easily, this company achieved its short-term and long-term goals (Sudiardhitaet al. 2018). According to recent research, it is disclosed that the employees' participation has a great impact on the business production of more than 30% and it is expected that the ratio will increase by 35%because the organization's leadership practices will be greatly improved.

The study disclosed that workforce commitment has increased by 34% and it hopes that the workforce is improving their commitment by 40% with the help of the leader's motivations. Apart from this study, teamwork has decreased in this graph because of the lack of Tesco's leadership. Therefore, nearly 26% of workers are committed to their work and fixed their goals. Still, it is expected that workers are committed to their work as early as possible with the help of leaders' motivation and support from the managers. According to this study, it is to be noted that employee capacity is deficient because of a lack of motivation and lack of pieces of knowledge, a total number of 10% of employees are capable of their memory and it is expected that it improves in the future.

The motivating factors related to the organizational output

Figure 1.10: The motivating factors related to the organizational output

The motivating factors related to the organizational output

Reward policy, and motivated staff improvement and teamwork culture, learning culture are four types of motivating factors that follow the leaders and managers of Tesco. The company leaders have motivated their employees because employees are the main part of continuing any business or particularly increasing business (Perervaet al. 2018). This study disclosed that employees are motivated by their work by 20% follow the reward policies when employees are successful in any work. The leaders of Tesco follow these factors when staff has improved their capacity, it is low run, more than 16% employees are motivated these factors. Apart from this study, it is to benoted that the culture of teamwork has been improved every month because the company leaders improved teamwork for their business growth because teamwork is the best option to build a huge turnover in any company, teamwork is improved more than 30% and it expected that it grows in the future. The main motivating factors of the company explain the work culture and learning is the main part to build employee knowledge so more than 35% of employees are learned many skills and improve daily, hoping that it runs more than 34% and increase its learning culture.

Leadership Impact on employees' motivation and performance

Employee motivation needs for the better performance of any organization, Tesco gives motivates its employees for its business growth. Leaders of the company always motivated their employees and help them. The Decision-making power of the employees has increased by more than 35% and it hopes that it increased in the next year (Niatiet al. 2021). Teamwork is high for motivating the employees and employees work to make teams, more than 30% of employees work in a team. According to this study, this company thinks of many unique strategies for their business growth basically more than 65% of work has been done by motivating the employees.

1.3 Secondary data collection

1.3.1 Impact of employee motivation on the organizational performances of Tesco

Employees are the main part of any organization; this study explains Tesco employees' performances. Managers and leaders of the company always motivated their employees to increase business growth. Managers follow many unique motivational types that help to encourage the employees of this company and improve their self-confidence in their work. The participation of employees has been high because leaders always motivate their employees and they perform their best in this work. Workers of the company have committed to their work because of a clear vision and understanding given to leaders and managers (Walumbwa et al. 2019). The company's business growth has been increased by motivating staff and staff of the company to work daily and continued their growth. Teamwork in this company has increased at a high rate because the leadership quality of this company is very high and leaders motivate and guide employees to their work and improve their quality (Ductoc, 2020). Workers have been motivated so they build a strong relationship with the customers and maintained loyalty and build a strong organisation. Employees have many capacities to work and then it works in their workplace. As a result, employees tried to give their best for the workplace and be successful in their work. Tesco provides their employees with better salaries and payment bonuses on their performance. Even, the company provides for employees' health and safety of their work. These facilities have improved the company's work. Many formal and informal supports help to improve the company's growth and motivated its employees.

1.3.2 The motivating factors related to organizational output

This study explains four types of motivating factors that work on employee work. Therefore, organizational growth has been improved for motivating employees. Managers and leaders of this company have given many rewards to the employees for motivating their work. Employees are motivated when they get rewarded by the company for their success. Therefore, leaders have given many rewards when employees succeed other competitors of the company. As a result, employees worked to give their best and were successful in any work. The company staff has been motivated then work daily. Leaders of the company motivated their staff when they are successful in their work (Hemakumara, 2020). Teamwork culture is one of the most important motivating factors that help to improve company work and to increase the quality of employees. Employees and the company leaders have no direct relation but employees' motivation is important for the business growth. Leaders and managers built good relationships with the workers so employees work to get a good environment and work on their best effort. Learning is an important part to develop employees' qualities and developing the company's growth. An organisation works successfully when employees are knowledgeable and give their best work. Therefore, a learning culture is good for business growth and improves employee growth. As a result, this culture improved company's growth. Each employee of the company has been highly dedicated to their work. Tesco believed that if employees are happy then work on their best effort and this affects the company's business growth.

1.3.3 Leadership Impact on employees' motivation and performance

Leaders are always motivated by their workers and employee performance has increased their work. Leaders are always encouraging their employees and increasing employees' qualities. Employees have been motivated so many qualities are improved such as decision-making power and teamwork power and others qualities. Leaders are motivated by their employees so their decision-making power is very high in the future and this power helps the employees to set their decision and work on the right path. Leaders have always inspired their employees to build a successful team and basically the business to grow. The company managers applied so many different theories to motivate all employees (Lorincováet al. 2019). Even, Tesco ensures to give employees the security of their jobs and always still safe this position. Employees have been satisfied to know their job security and work consistently for achieving the company's growth. Many unique strategies follow the company for success and its effects on the employees' performances. Customers of this company always wanted the best service but if they are not satisfied then they left the company. Therefore, many unique steps follow the company to motivate the employees. As a result, Tesco is a reputed company at that time and its successful principle is different from the others companies.

1.4 Data findings

1.4.1 Primary data findings

Survey: Population sampling method

A survey was conducted among 44 people that produced different results containing different questions. The survey consisted of different questions based on the impact of customers facing employee motivation on employee performance in Tesco. The survey was conducted among certain age groups out of which the maximum belongs to the age group ranging between 20-26 years, out of these people maximum was seen to have an experience of 1 to 2 years in the Tesco organization. Maximum people have also agreed to the fact that rewarding employees will increase motivation. The survey also shows that maximum people believe that providing training programs will help to improve employee productivity and performance. People also agree with the fact that intercultural business will improve the skills of the employees. Managers providing motivation and support also agreed to improve employee engagement at Tesco. People mostly agree with the fact that the discovery of business data can improve business performance at Tesco.


The interview was conducted based on two questions which include how employee participation will benefit in company's business growth and how motivating factors can affect workforce activity in Tesco. Five different managers were chosen to conduct the interview it is seen that all the managers have the same viewpoint regarding their perspective on employee participation in business growth. They think that employees get more benefits if they participate in each sector of work. According to the second question, all types of managers think that the motivating factor will help in the productivity of the organization. Managers of Tesco think that appreciating and recognizing their work will make the employees more confident while working and thus will produce better results. They also think that managers will be able to point out their mistakes while working and will provide them support to rectify them in the near future.

1.4.2 Secondary data findings

Employee motivation has a positive impact on the organizational performance of Tesco

Employee motivation has seen a positive impact on the overall performance of Tesco. In a recent study, it has been seen that employees work 20% better when motivated and encouraged this helps in the overall performance of the employees and simultaneously affects the organizational performance (Pang and Lu, 2018). It has also been seen that Tesco has improved its reward policy by 20% when it is compared to its other competitors in the market this also encourages employees to improve their work and eventually results in improved performance of the organization. Tesco has also improved its retention scenario which helps to motivate its staff to improve their work performance in the organization 16% is the improvement of retention scenario that helps to motivate their staff. Teamwork culture has also been followed very closely to engage employees in various activities from time to time. There has been seen an increase of 30% in organizational performance as employees are more engaged with each other in the team (Paais and Pattiruhu, 2020). Encouraging and prioritizing teams to adopt a learning culture within an organization factor has made a positive impact on the overall organization's performance the organization is seen to have benefitted by 34% due to this factor. These factors have had a positive impact on the organization's performance.

Teamwork culture has a positive impact on organizational output

Teamwork culture improvement factors have had a massive impact on the overall organization output. Different theories have been used related to teamwork culture by the Tesco organization to improve teamwork within the organization, one of the major theories used to improve the teamwork culture is Tuckman's theory (Siregaret al. 2018). According to Tuckman's theory, the team was set to have gone through 5 stages of development that include forming, storming, norming, performing, and adjourning. The forming stage is the first stage of team development in this stage the team is just introduced to each other and during this stage, it is common to discuss the project goals, each other's interests background, and different rules and regulations of the organization's. In the storming stage, the teams realize the difficulty that they need to face while completing the project. The next stage is the norming stage this is the stage where the team tends to settle down on their work and get into a habit of working together as a team to achieve a particular goal. In the performing stage, each member of the team is confident and motivated as they know each other's strengths and weaknesses so that they can help them if necessary. Finally, in the Adjourning stage, the team after completing the project tends to break up.

The reward has an effective result on the performance of the employees

Rewarding employees with benefits has improved performance of the Tesco. Expectancy theory has been used by Tesco to help reward employees based on their performance which helps to encourage the employees to improve their work. This theory suggests that if extra performance is well recognized and rewarded then the employees will be motivated to perform better to be recognized and rewarded (Lee, 2019). There are various elements related to this theory which include Expectancy, Instrumentality, and Valence. Expectancy refers to the belief within an individual that helps them to achieve their desired goal. Instrumentality is the belief of an employee that he/she will be surely rewarded for their better work performance to help meet the expected goal. This encourages employees to achieve their best. To encourage Instrumentality, it is important to communicate the rewards to the employees and clearly state the expectations for the reward. Valence refers to how important is the reward to a particular individual which will motivate him/her to work towards achieving that goal. This mainly depends on the needs of the individual and its liking and dislikes. This will have a direct impact on the individual's performance.

1.5 Summary

The study refers to many motivational concepts that help to improve the company's growth. Leaders and managers of this company are always motivated by their employees so employees have been skillful in their work. Many rewards are given by this company to motivate employees to do their work, and primary and secondary data are collected by the researcher so employees can easily understand all work and get encouraged their work. Teamwork is a very important part of the company because a strong team can succeed in the company goal easily and achieve so much knowledge and become an expert of the company regarding work.


2.1 Conclusion

Organizations need not only the customer but also the employees. The organization must give a comfortable position to the employees working for the organization. Through this study, it is evident that organizational motivation is very important for retail employees. Retail employees are that part of the company who are not directly connected to the organization but indirectly they are selling the service or the product of the company. Also, the retail worker is directly connected with the consumer. If it is the consumer's feedback or the company's new product launch retailer is the person who connects the consumer and the company with each other. The retail worker is not connected directly to the company, which is why they did not get that much of the motivation that they needed. In this study knowing about Tesco organization, Tesco believes that by keeping the employees motivated and happy the company will get better and the productivity also gets better. As a conclusive part, there are many theories and tools to motivate the employees of the organization, but if the retail employees want to get motivated by the company, then the worker must give better productivity and the company must give that much of comfort zone and happiness which the employee needs.

2.2 Linking with objectives

The main objective of this study is to discuss the theory of motivating retail employees, and determine if it really needs to motivate the employee by retail companies, also the manager of the organization must understand why the motivation of employees is a need for the company. After completing this study, it will help to know whether the study is linked with the objective or not. After collecting the data from the primary sources, the survey says that it is actually very important to motivate the employees to get better productivity and the company also gets good growth in that industry. Tesco in the company who believes that the employee is the main pillar of the company if the employee is happy then the company will automatically grow.

The major motivating factors are the common factor in employee motivation.The objective of this study has three parts, the first part of this objective is, the major motivating factor. This objective is helpful to know about the factors and theories which are needed to explain the employee motivational part. In this objective, the Tesco company is very clear about its impact on its company employees. Knowing about all methods and theories, Tesco chose to give full importance to its employees to get good growth in the industry.

Motivation is directly related to organizational output. Tesco knows about its employee's needs which is why Tesco give all its attention and importance to the employee. The company also knows the result of motivating the employees who are working for this company. Giving a promotion or giving appreciation also motivates an employee. But not only these are motivating employees they are also motivated by accepting their decision, appreciating their diction, and many more. This type of motivation affects the work of an employee. After giving a comfort zone to the employee they also want to give their best working effort to betterment productivity. That will also help the company to get better in the industry. So, from this study, the next objective is also clear, motivation is a factor that is directly connected with the organizational output.

Managers must understand the concept of motivation is the last objective of this topic. For an organization, it is very important to clear the concept of motivation. An organization has many employees in that sector some of them are not directly connected with the company and some of them are directly connected with the company. In that case, the company does not know about its all-retail shop but every employee is important to the company if the employees are connected directly or indirectly. From that perspective, the managers have the responsibility to take care of every employee and need to understand why the company provides motivation to the employee. The motivation for achieving something, or giving an appreciation about the work is to enhance the work quality and develop employability. It will also help the company to get better in productivity.

2.3 Research limitations

During any study, there are many problems to face. After the study, the problem became a research limitation. This limitation does not let the project to be finished. During the research, it is very problematic that after covid situation the study cannot include so many surveys to provide maximum information. Regarding the primary sources, it is important to include some interviews in the study but it is getting difficult when the maximum manager of the company does not want to give an interview. Collecting secondary sources became a financial problem. And affect the cost factor. These limitations are there in the study but if there are no problems created during this study it will help the study to get a better result.

2.4 Scope of study

The aim of this study is to evaluate the impact of employee motivation factors on retail employees of Tesco. After completing this study, it is very clear that the scope of this study will be very effective for the upcoming research and effective for the Tesco organization. In this study, the primary and secondary resources are very much helpful to get into a decision that came out from the study. This study explains all the theories and methods of motivating the employees of Tesco. That is why after this study Tesco also face an impact from this study.

2.5 Recommendations

Enhancing motivation by celebrating the performance of employees:

Tesco is famous for its good service and products and its unique strategies are different from those of other countries. Employees of this company work on their best effort because leaders and managers were supported the employees. Motivation is important for increasing business growth and productive hours. Employees have been committed to their work because they get support from the managers and leaders if a worker can achieve short goals, then rewards are given by the managers and leaders. Employees get rewarded so their work effort and results are increased at a high rate (van der Kolk et al. 2019). Managers have arranged small events to recognize the achievable employees who met target goals. This effect also motivated the employees. As a result, employees understand that the managers and leaders have appreciated them so they increased their effort in the workplace. Recognition is a tool for motivating employees and achieving short-term goals. Highly motivated person has improved their productivity in the workplace and is satisfied with their work so easily they can achieve success. Employees get the power that can easily solve problems and can the right decision every time in the workplace and every time of their life. Managers and leaders of the company have shared their pieces of knowledge with the employees.

Providing all staff with a clear framework of business purpose:

A manager of a given firm can do a lot of things that will keep the employees motivated. These are some of the tips that a manager may consider following -

  • Praise the employee - The employees work hard for five days a week to help the company reach a distinctive position. Therefore, a monthly salary and a few paid leaves are not enough for the employees to stay motivated in their workspace (Ali and Anwar, 2021). Hence, a praiseworthy comment from the manager to one employee will keep the workforce on their feet.
  • Respectful gestures - The employees share grievances for being treated with utter disrespect. These situations are responsible for the generation of conflicts in a company. The problem of arrogance among superiors makes it very hard for learners to communicate in the right manner (, 2022). Therefore, respectful treatment will make the employees give their best and stay loyal to the company for several years.
  • Maintain a good work-life balance - The employees have their life other than working for the post in a company. Therefore, asking for overtime without proper payment is never going to improve the productivity of the company. Make sure to give the employees some time off in the form of monthly and emergency leaves.

Arranging reward programs for employees to companies' sales:

Different programs can be arranged to reward the employees. Tesco can be recommended to follow a few rewarding strategies to help them reward their employees. Provide the team with a budget to do shopping in the mall for only itself. This encourages team bonding and will also reflect in their work. Arrange for themed lunch for the employees as a reward that can possibly be held outdoors. Tesco can also call for a Thank you meeting for the employees to thank them and appreciate their work these can surely increase positivity among different employees in the Tesco organization (Ozkeser, 2019). The employees of Tesco get many rewards and recognition from the managers and leaders. Managers have arranged small events to recognize the employee so employees are working their best for the company. Employees have appreciated others so they improve their tasks to the success of this organizational work. Every employee feels their encouragement and works their best effort. The leadership quality of the company is at a high rate so every employee improved their quality. Tesco gives their employees a safe life and ensures their job security. The leaders support encourages the employee and improve their skills. Therefore, reward programs highly motivated employees.



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