Impact Of Resilience On Public Service Assignment Sample

Impact of Resilience on Public Service Assignment: Enhancing Service Delivery and Crisis Management

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IntroductionTO The Impact Of Resilience On Public Service Organizations

Resilience is the ability to go back from trouble. It allows one to recover from hardship, in the life or workplace. To be more resilient eight practices are needed. In this report, contemporary issue nurture and develop a huge network of professional and personal relationships. Personal life provides strong support for dealing with developing perspective and hardship, achieving goals, etc. One should be intentional to contact his connections, and socialization apart from current work. Analysing the prison system helps in identifying the contemporary issue within the development of public services. It boosts learning ability and self-awareness and enhances resiliency. Need to acknowledge small things and appreciate the small achievement throughout life.

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Development of punishment concerning the bloody code, transportation and silent and separate systems to contemporary forms of imprisonment

The name "Bloody Code" was given to the "English Legal System" in the century of late 17th to early 19th. The name was given the bloody code because the increased number of crimes was imposed. It was said that every crime should be punishable to death whether it is very minor or not (Denny, 2022). The crimes that are punishable by death are murder, forgery, cutting down trees, arson, stealing horses, stealing rabbits from warren, out at night with a face blackened, wrecking a fish from a pond, etc. There are so many reasons that made the UK legal system so harsh that time. However, wealthy people of the UK made the UK law unsympathetic. According to the wealthy people of the UK, those who commit any type of crime are sinful, greedy, and lazy. English law was a deterrent. According to English Law, people may not commit crimes when they come to know that any crime can cause death. In this way, the UK law system is the only way to reduce crimes in their country. In late 1800, the English law system was looking for another kind of punishment (Lapsley and Miller, 2019). The punishment was not extreme like hanging but harder than the fine.

Since 1717 transportation has been utilized as a type of punishment. At that time many prisons were sent to Australia as their punishment (Harrison, 2019). It was an option to send the criminals to the other countries. Sometimes many of the prisoners were sent to America and then to Australia. Over 90 years minimum of 165,000 prisoners were sent to Australia. At first, it was observed that many old prisoners died due to terrible conditions. Among the prisoners, some were as old as eighty and some were nine or ten. Sometimes, transportation ships were stopped in the West Indies or Gibraltar from England. There they collected food supplies and fresh water. In Australia, the prisoners stayed in barracks and worked with gangs. Their fundamental work was to build houses and roads. Some of them were sent to work in quarries and farms. Some were sent to work as farmers. However, the majority of the prisoners were more willing to stay in Australia than in Britain. Because their life was much better in Australia than in Britain. If the criminal behaved themselves, they could get the chance of a "ticket of leave". This "ticket of leave" had the power to reduce their sentence. On the other hand, wealthy prisoners were not sent to any other country because they could pay a huge fine. That fine saved them to transport to other countries. Therefore, in the UK there was a partiality system for a criminal offence. This can be a drawback.

At the late 19th century of 19th badges became the identification of criminals. There were different badges to identify different prisoners by their position and call number in their cell. Prisoners had to provide everything in prison such as food, coal for fire, drinks, prison warden. They did not provide any toilet instead they gave a bucket and a small amount of drinking water. Children were also sent to jail because of stealing wool, bread, or cutting trees. Punishment rules for rich and poor people were different in UK legal system. If a poor child stole a rabbit, then he was sent to Australia but in the case of a rich child, they just had to pay some fine and then set free.

Attitudes to punishment are changing over time in the UK. Punishment method and duration are also changing. Between 1842 and 1878, new 90 prisons were developed costing millions of monies. In the mid-19th century, individual prisoners had their own cells. At this time lawn of the UK was also changed. According to the Prison Act of 1839, it was said that new persons needed to adopt the "separate system" (Low, 2020). In a separate system, prisoners were allowed to be isolated from others and worked using machines like a crank. Prisoners were encouraged to sustain a crime-free life. In the silent system, prisoners were forced to do repetitive and boring work. They were forced to sleep on rough beds; they were not provided healthy food and fresh drinking water. According to the 1865 Prison Act, prisoners need to do hard work, hardboard, and hard fare.

Prison Structure to Demonstrate Resilience in the Profession

In the United Kingdom, prisons are places of high security and are divided into four categories. Each category is assigned for a specialized crime of specific adults. This categorization depends on the crimes that those adults have committed (Glenn, 2019). The categories involve criminals with violent natures or tendencies, those who are sentenced to jail under long-term punishments, and those who have tendencies to escape from prison cells. These categories are synchronized and arranged in alphabetical order from ‘A' to ‘D', where the ‘A' category prisons are most secured and the ‘D' category prisons are least secured. Several types of prisons are there including remand homes for holding the prisoners who awaited trials or for those who have been convicted of a crime but not yet sentenced to jail. Others are local jails where criminals from a particular city are kept (Jessiman-Perreault and Gignac, 2021). Dispersal units are also there for keeping those criminals sentenced for long-term punishment. These dispersal units hold Category A and Category B prisoners. Some Special Secure Units are also there along with some training cells, some open cells, and some semi-closed cells. For young offenders, there are some institutions too.

The prison officers are government-appointed officials who are in charge of supervising all the prison cells. These officers look after the safety and security of the prisons and the prisoners. These officers also help the prisoners to rehabilitate meaning improving the personalities of the offenders by providing them with proper training and treatment, which in turn helps them in reducing criminal activities and tendencies (Khrykov et al., 2020). These officers work directly with the prisons in their everyday duty shifts and under any situation to provide help to the prisoners and improve their futures through rehabilitation programs.

In the UK it is urgently needed to engage more prison officers to demonstrate resilience in their profession. According to a study, prison officers were more prone to suicide, self-harm, and violence than other workers. Therefore, their profession is considered a "critical occupation". Studies showed that prison officers are experiencing challenging behaviour in their community (Swiegers and Wessels, 2022). Sometimes they experience a broad range of challenging situations. Most of the prison officers are witnesses of self-harm, they feel intimidated or humiliated. A combination of the prison experience, environment, and emotional hazard are the main causes of their suicidal tendency. Prison officers need to increase great communication skills to deal with hard situations (Roscoe, 2020). They need more self-confidence, emotional intelligence, and personal integrity. These qualities allow a prison officer to make a safe environment. Because they are responsible for managing prisoners and supervising them decently, safely, securely, and lawfully. Working safely and collaboratively in the prison will keep the prison secure for all prisoners. Prison officers not only work as desk jobs workers but also need to maintain peace, keeping reports daily (Lonati, 2019). These are the essential role of a prison officer. Therefore, it is required to train those prison officers to keep the prison environment safe and secure.

Examining Accountability to Ensure Resilience within the Prison Service

Accountability inside a prison involves the rights of the offenders that need effective oversight or observation by the officers. Some factors are very essential and must be to maintain the decorum of the prisons and to protect the human rights of the offenders. This involves the human treatment, appropriate usage, and provision of resources, not taking the offenders into accountability through any form of misconduct by the officer in charge (Wilson, 2019). Effective oversights include the very important aspects of prison cell security where the offenders are conducted by the prisoners via various inspections, external monitoring, some formal investigations, some audit reports, and some mechanisms of whistle-blowing.

UK prisons strictly examine accountability for ensuring resilience within the prison service. The primary aspect of this assurance is to make sure that the offenders kept in the prisons must not be reoffend. This has been done by ensuring the good equipment of the prison leavers for their lives on release (Mackey, 2021). This aspect simply means engaging the prisoners in different activities of education and providing them with opportunities via training while they are there in prison. The purpose of this special service is to support them in doing suitable jobs and having houses on the release. Very well techniques are used to provide educational and vocational training to the offenders to help them in their future and life after prison utilizing their skills. In rehabilitation programs, psychological rehabilitation is the main area of focus for dealing with the several problems of every individual offender that the offender may face after their release. Rehabs are designed primarily to give training and treatments to drug addicts who are turned into prisoners. UK prisons that are why are designed for the treatment of such drug-addicted offenders. The accountability section cannot be taken lightly as there are certain particular laws proposed in support of accountability. Accountability serves to be one of the key factors or principles that fall under the data protection law.

Accountability makes one responsible to comply with the legislation and ensures that one is able enough to demonstrate their compliance. It's an opportunity where the areas of high-standard privacy are shown, which leads to the promotion of a positive attitude toward the protection of the data across the organization (Maphosa et al., 2022). This principle in place is appropriate and provides measures, effective policies, and procedures, which in turn results in minimizing the risks of what one does with the personal data by putting that in place. All of these must be proportionate to the risks, which vary depending upon the amount of data that is being handled or transferred with the technology and sensibility that has been used (Wilson, 2019). An accountability framework in the prisons is a necessary factor to ensure resilience in providing real solutions to problems, showing focus, admitting one's errors, speaking about issues, and going to work. Discussing career goals with the supervisor, working independently, and getting involved in extracurricular activities. The accountability provided in the workplace is termed government accountability.

Analysis of the sources of funding against the cost of the prison

The prison is generally overcrowded, making the problem for the justice of the criminals as a system and society as over. Apart from that the other traditional alternative prisons are also overcrowded with trial and general officers who are struggling to keep the prison with lots of caseloads. Sometimes for the reason of the overcrowded, there would be some issues like a lack of taking care of health in the prison, sometimes there would happen some inhumane detention which makes the work conditions and ambience difficult for the staff, also violence is there for the massive crowds in these are some few of the issues that happen in every prison all over the world (Kushner, 2019). In that case, that would happen for the lack of proper resources which are located to run any prison smoothly. To run any prison smoothly the funding against the cost of the prison should be in a proper way and proper amount. The authorities who are taking responsibility have to take a pepper responsibility to fulfil their basic needs and wants because, after all, they are also human beings like others. In that case, they need the proper foods, clean clothes to wear, and health care with these all in the cost of the prison there is also the water and electricity (Chartrand, 2019). The other significant sources of costs are safety and security, recruitment of the other positions, training of the kinds of stuff, and the salaries of the pieces of stuff. Moreover, a proper amount of funding is needed to provide a significant environment in the prison to became criminal's rehabilitation and reinsertion, and it is possible through positive activities, proper support, and arranging such programs which can help them recover quickly this funding is the most important thing.

The sources of the funding mainly come from the governments, some authorities, and some business persons who are high profile usually they are public from the funding comes for the prison, and with that funding, there are a lot of things to do or to change in the prison (Beaudry et al. 2020). Recently the prison took policies to take the challenges to evaluate the real cost of the prison in the UK. Moreover, the cost of imprisonment in the whole world is far over cost for the governments to handle, and to society also who are apart from the government giving the cost for the massive crowd is increasing day by day. The national and international policies of health are highly integrated with the notion that the prison agenda follows the aspects of health. This is a call for the government's help in maintaining the health and safety measures of the prisoners inside the prisons during their imprisonment. This is going through sustainable development to achieve the Development Goals 2030 that concerns the inequality among the people or population who are disadvantaged. However, this aspiration has been impeded in the prisons of the United Kingdom after the implementation of the policy of austerity due to the re-emergence conditions of the global financial crisis since 2008 (Ryan, et al., 2022). The proposal for the alternatives calls for the reliance of scrutinized prisoners to the policies of the national and transnational policies of the organization under the entitlement of health. The policies propose the alteration of imprisonment and initiation of a more informed economic recovery policy. These are some systematic solutions that act as springboards for the nation and international forums under the political discussion of the policies.

The strategy of the prison for the future includes the needs of the people

In the future, the strategy to maintain the prison in a proper way is highly needed to fulfil the needs of the people who are in the prison because after all, they are also human beings. In that case, the charge officers should take care of their needs and health. For a better strategy in the future not only the prison the whole institution has to start to change itself with positivity and the whole department also has to state a mindset to accept the changes (Ugelvik, 2022). To change the environment in the prison there should be changes in the behaviours of each and every one of the imprisoned and they should be more focused on the organizational structure of the prison. They have to encourage the criminals by giving them proper learning a lesson through a level of the education system from which they can get a positive note for their future. The prison should arrange some programs where they can show their other skills which can motivate the criminals that everything is not over their one crime can change with their lots of good skills (Loeffler and Bovaird, 2020). By doing these steps they can get a stress-free life and from this, the thinking of doing crime will be out and then they have to think about their good future with good work.

The prison should have high-quality rehabilitation for the prisoners who is suffering from drug and alcohol problems because ignoring is not an option solving is the only way. There should be one strategy that before entering prison they should learn a proper basic adequate of literacy and numeracy. If the prisoner learns all this then there would be no violence (Engelman et al. 2019). If the prisoners get a proper manner, then after exiting from prison, they can have a positive impact on the society in which public sector organizations serve. In the UK and other countries their prison should arrange a proper education service for prisoner to improve their knowledge of English and math so they can get some good work to do after release and with the education service they can grow the skills that can be highly helpful for their future. In the UK and other countries, they should add this as a strategy to get them resettlement passports and an updated CV so that they can get a proper job in the country or out of the country but they have to start a new journey after getting the release from the prison and also they can create the bank accounts for the prisoner and it could be a vital support to from the prison to the prisoner for their smooth future (Charles, Muentner and Kjellstrand, 2019). The prison management can introduce the “New fast-tracked punishments” which is a plan for a speedy recovery by the speedier punishment strategy for the prisoners' transgress.

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It is concluded that, prisoners are offered the opportunity of high prevailing issues of physical and mental health, which are pre-existing by the policymakers of the prisons. The management should make a direct plan for the penalties as per the crime and if the prisoners do anything wrong with the property of the prison, then also, they have to go through with the mentioned penalties. Also, the management should look into the costing because the costing is most important for changing any strategy for the prison because the changes only can be possible with a good amount of cost so the management should do all changes within the mentioned funding and it is for both UK based and international. With these, there should be some zero tolerance policies also for drug-addicted people and to do that the prison should have the proper security like the airport the prison must have a drug locate scanner to prevent the criminal activity behind the masks.


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