Human Resource Management Essay

Exploring 360-Degree Feedback in Human Resource Management: Advantages, Disadvantages, and Implications

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Introduction Of The Human Resource Management Essay Assignment

360-degree feedback plays a vital role in an organization showing its positioning in the consumer market. 360 degree feedback reflects the likes and dislikes points of the goods and services that the company is delivering to the general public(Buckingham, and Goodall, 2019). If a company uses any method of 360 degree analysis then it will get easily connected to the public and make effective strategies for its products and services promotion.

The essay mainly focuses on the critical analysis of the 360 degree of feedback which includes the meaning, definition, advantages, and disadvantages. To understand the use of 360 degree feedback in a company's life, the purpose of this type of feedback is considered in the essay. The different types and styles of 360 degree feedback are explained in the essay with some short examples. The conception of on-boarding in a context of the human resource management is also included in this study. At last, the essay includes a deep analysis of the statement "Training cannot benefit a company's performance”.

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What are the advantages and disadvantages of 360 degrees of feedback

360 degree feedback is also named as a multi-rater feedback. This is the system in which unidentified feedback is collected about the member of the workforce from numerous people the company has working connections(Fleenor, et. al. 2020). The members of a company generallyare the direct reports, managers, subordinates, peers, and sales representatives. The 360 degree feedback is designed so a range of persons can share theirviews to deliver a well-rounded opinion on an individual. This feedback style is used generally as a development tool since it offers information about the subject's work proficiencies, and working and behavior relationships. It is also mostly used for the individual's higher-ups in an organization's hierarchy.

Advantages of 360-Degree Feedback

360 degree feedback is a beneficial tool that gives managers, and employees feedback with a well-rounded opinion of how the company's employee works with the other presentation indicators(Snelson, and Hsu, 2020).

  • Thisrises self-awareness: Themethodaids people to develop more attentive. Once another persondelivers feedback then that person develops a full observation of themselves which is less prone to existencebiasedandone-sided.
  • This offers the overallviewpoint of weaknesses or strengths: The 360 review is seems as a great vehicle for underlining the strengths and weaknesses of the leaders. Uncovering unknown strengths can also be extremely beneficial to a leader and an organization. Revealing the strength and then working to develop on it generally does produce the most growth. At the same time, enhancement areas can be operated on so that they are not a hindrance.
  • It constructsself-confidence and increases morale: The procedure can successfully grow the confidence of the leaders. Leaders may arise to feel better about an organization as well. This will boost the morale within a workplace. Through receiving encouraging feedback, the leader's confidence in their abilities often grows. The key point here is that feedback is given in a constructive way.
  • This generates an open values: This procedure will lift clearness if the managers get appropriate training beforehand the commencement. Thedirectness can lead to the more creativeteams, or persons, and the more unifiedsurroundings.
  • Thisauthorizesemployees and managers: This is moresignificant for the employees or leaders to feel that they have a voice in an organization. When a person feels they have no voice then they rapidly feel less authorized and become disconnected. A 360 degree feedback confirming that the workers got increases their sense of morale and empowerment.
  • It decreasesemployee and leader turnover: Open and constructive statementaidsthe depiction of hidden matters. The leaders and workers feel heard and stay with a business as they feel affirmed and valuable. Long-term growth plans can aim at those zones that are essential to be lectured.
  • It rises liability: One notable advantage of 360 degree feedback is that it upturnsliability. Research displays that 91% of employees feel workerliabilitywhich is significant at work. However, only 82 percentassumedthat they could hold theco-workerliable when they did something incorrectly. This procedure is the means for leaders to grasp others' liability in a positive and effective manner.
  • It is an initiation point for operative professional improvement: Feedback from the 360 assessments is the perfect initial point for an individual leader. Without a program like thisproblems often developboil and chronic over. However, theschemes are intended to extract issue areas positively.

The disadvantages are as follows

  • Unfair feedback: Workers giving feedback are occupied together in the same establishment. There could be the fear of cruel behavior. Pre-conceived ideas about others might make it problematic to get impartial feedback(Ellison, al. 2022). There are circumstances of common needs, and one would not like to suggest feelings of resentment by criticizing peers. This will lead to protecting, and sometimes fraudulent feedback.
  • Time-consuming procedure: This feedback process is time-consuming and costly when associated with other feedback approaches that rely on a single source.
  • Difficult to select effective raters: People who fit a bill may not be in the position to dedicate time for evaluation, and those who have time may not be effective raters. This is more difficult to find honest workers for this mission. Personal relations, dislikes, and likes may delay fair ratings.
  • Tendency to defend: A 360 degree feedback system sheds light on the weaknesses of supervisors also. The result is reduced morale of leaders and the tendency on their part to justify and defend their actions. This puts a burden on them, and burden conditions are not favorable to carry about change.
  • Subjective clarification: The performance of thespecific employee is seen otherwise by diverse persons. Customers have diverse yardsticks to rate workers' behavior. With timepeople change and so do their ratings. All the factors make this schemeinconsistent and subjective.
  • Potentials of conflicts: It is challenging to be serious about oneself. Self-evaluations are most flattering and likened to others' ratings. If a feedback process is not severelytrustworthy, it can lead to conflictand bitterness between the workers.
  • Unavailability of the explanation: 360-degree performance considerations are usually unclear. Wherein there is no communication network betweenfeedback raters and receivers. Therefore, giving or getting an explanation is not conceivable. The accountability of providing explanations to receivers of feedback rests on the HR personneland managers. Cruel feedback can be given by raters without fear of any accountability.

The Purpose of 360-Degree Feedback

  • Employee growth: 360 degree feedback inspires employees to share the purpose of their growth with theexecutive. They then emphasize one or two areas of development in which they could close some gaps(Hyttinen, and Hatakka, 2020). Preferably, an employee and their manager use data to recognize strengths that they should continue to leverage and how they have made them successful to date.
  • Performance appraisals: A benefit of the 360 degree appraisal is that it is considered to line up with a industry's performance and management structure, allowingassessing the anticipatedbehaviours for the presentation management resolutions. Under this case, data is used as input for the final performance rating. Whereasdemerits or merits of a 360 degree assessments are highly discussed, it is believed that one should step with carefulness when using 360-degree feedback for consideration.
  • Succession preparation: The 360-degree feedback tool comes in handy when making certain workers fornew roles, specifically critical management roles. In this specific scenario, a review aids familiarize an administration with thepossible leader's strengths and potential blind points, which may hinder an organization's growth.

360 degree feedback example

There are different questions in the 360 degree survey and these questions also have different formats or examples of feedback(Church,et. al. 2018). Some examples of 360 survey questions are posed in the different forms of question layouts using 360 degree survey tools.

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  • Thumb Rating Example: In this 360-degree survey query, popular thumbs-up and thumbs-down ratings are promoted. It is simple, and yet effective.
  • Multiple Choice Example: It is a popular choice for360-degree surveys as a multiple choice. Just be assured to have defendants select all that apply.
  • Image-Based Example: Picture analyses are highly popular than ever as they can involvepersons like no other style ofsurvey questions. Adding pictures to reviews adds clearness to questions and their answerscross linguistic barriers,stirring retention, etc.
  • Emoji-Based Review Example: Emojis convey a lot of feelings or persons are inclined to use them due to the overwhelming attractiveness of texting. Emoji has become an easy way to express feelings, so emoji surveys are a good way to gather answers from people as 360-degree surveys.
  • Star Rating Survey Instance: Stars, as promoted by the restaurant rating schemecalled Zagat, are always become a good choice. In addition, everyone appreciates one star is a sign of bad service and on other hand five stars are great so there is no room for error!
  • Slider Ranking Survey Example: A slider ranking scale is an interactive that can riseresponse and engagement rates. In this, respondents are taught to slide a bar along with the scale constructed on how fine they believe a worker meets those question criteria.
  • Matrix Study Example: A matrix study is an easy manner to ask them lots of questions without conducting any survey looking intimidating. That is because to get the next query, defendants do not need to scroll they can simply click an arrow that pulls up to the next question. This survey answers, conversely, remain the same.
  • Opinion Ruler Survey:All 360-degree review questions cannot be seen for any vision review in the static backgroundinstance. So, this survey created the vision review again, using one more type of question(Walshe, and Driver, 2019). This time a review scale is used, asking defendants to offer their feedback on a scale of 1 to 5. This is another great choice for360 reviews.

The concept of onboarding in the context of Human Resource Management

The concept of onboarding in the context of Human Resource Management, with particular references to its company

Human resource management (HRM) is a procedure of linking a function of the human resource with the goals of a company to expand and drive productivity. The human resource that is effectiveneeds many pieces of a company, concerningan administration of safety and health and an organizational culture(Stone, et. al. 2020). Human resource management involves managing organizational beliefs, planning for the change, trainingor development of employees, management of fights, healthor safety of employees, employment and retention or development of the good relations.

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Good on-boarding involvement is one of a most serious factors that affect a new worker's decision to stay(Becker, and Bish, 2021). It is important to deliver innovative appoints the well-designed worker on-boarding or alignment program which joins an organization's culture and develops them prepared for organizational objectives. However, modern administrations and HR managers understand the importance of positive boardingpractices, most businesses do not know that appointing the right applicant is not sufficient(Caniac, 2018). Whereas most businesses vacillate to capitalize on such plans, there are the few corporations such as Quora, Facebook, Netflix, Google, and LinkedIn thatpositioned out.

To exactly understand the above topic example of Facebook Company is undertaken. Facebook (now Meta) on-boarding or new worker alignmentplan to get nearlymotivation. With more than 60,000 employees,the company sets an instance for the successful onboarding and orientation procedure. Rather than greeting new workers with presentations and conversations, Facebook executes a concept of the training program to give itsstaffall tools that they want to commence working basically.The greatestdifferentiating feature of the company's on-boarding is a 6 week overview that all the engineers at an organization go through. Bootcamp is unbeatable on boardingplatform for all the engineers intended to submergeinnovativeemployees in the value base which is giving them the outline of culture, chance to drive code for more than the billion operators insidethe few days of connecting, or helps them to select a right squad to subsidise in.

The company also standpoints out with the welcoming kit or on-boarding swag that not only excites or influences fresh hires but also creates them motivated and feels appreciated. As the welcome kit, workers receive the choice of laptop or phone on a first day with the backpack, t-shirt, oradditionalgadgetsandgoodies. Company also excites with on-boarding swag that embraces apparel, backpacks, notebook covers, oranother variationsintended in a company theme(Bucher, 2021). After an on-boarding procedure, there are numerousclues from company with no scarcity of jackets orshirts. Apart from welcome kit and drapery, Company is recognised for its bonuses and aidssuch as vacations, free food, free dry cleaning,ice cream socials, free barber, gym membership, free bike repairs, and more.

Training cannot benefit a company's performance

Employee training surely has large number of advances, but it likewise comes up with the few difficulties that can develop thebarricade to effectiveworker(trainingSendawula, et. al. 2018).

  • High costs: The expendituresrelated with worker training can be intimidating for small or medium-sized corporations. The prices of training services, travel, in-house training expansion, and apparatus can rapidly add-up.Whereas average financial plan for large businessesexistedon $17.7 million in the year 2019, in contrast, small firms had average financial plan of $367,490. Still, there is respectable news. Using online knowledge can cut several of the costs.
  • Requires time left from the work: The time that the workerdevotes training is time which they spend away from the work. It may not be probable to provisionthe large amount of a non-work hours for theworker. Still, it would claim that whereas training takes time in short run, it will save period in a long run. For example, after complete the training they will not want to request others for aidor are less likely to createinflatederrors. Online learning can also aid cut down on the training time.
  • Poor quality training can result in the poor quality work: The famous line that say “practice makes perfect” is heard by everyone. But, what occurs when it initiates to exercise bad ways? Generating high-quality preparation materials, or discoverysuperiority instructors, is a time of excitingand concentrated. It may be attractive to bypass the value in favour of ease. However it can rapidly backfire if training permits on bad practicesor incorrect information to the workers.


From the above-mentioned topics of the essay, it is concluded that 360 degree feedback helps the company to improve its all working activities in the consumer after understanding the consumer perspective. Training the employees to uplift the newly hired employee as well as the company's operations, but this is not the only way to increase the effective working environment in the workplace. Training will also have some disadvantagesthat will lead to some negative impacts on the company. A critical analysis of 360 degree feedback shows that it plays an important role in finding a company's position in the market.


  • Becker, K. and Bish, A., 2021. A framework for understanding the role of unlearning in onboarding. Human Resource Management Review, 31(1), p.100730.
  • Bucher, T., 2021. Facebook. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Buckingham, M. and Goodall, A., 2019. The feedback fallacy. Harvard Business Review, 97(2), pp.92-101.
  • Caniac, H.S., 2018. All Aboard! Benchmarking Human Resources Onboarding Practices. NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL MONTEREY CA.
  • Church, A.H., Dawson, L.M., Barden, K.L., Fleck, C.R., Rotolo, C.T. and Tuller, M., 2018. Enhancing 360-degree feedback for individual assessment and organization development: Methods and lessons from the field. In Research in organizational change and development (Vol. 26, pp. 47-97). Emerald Publishing Limited.
  • Ellison, L.J., Steelman, L.A., Young, S.F. and Riordan, B.G., 2022. Setting the stage: Feedback environment improves outcomes for a 360-degree-feedback leader-development program. Consulting Psychology Journal.
  • Fleenor, J.W., Taylor, S. and Chappelow, C., 2020. Leveraging the impact of 360-degree feedback. Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Incorporated.
  • Hyttinen, M. and Hatakka, O., 2020, May. The challenges and opportunities of using 360-degree video technology in online lecturing: A case study in higher education business studies. In Seminar. net (Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 16-16).
  • Sendawula, K., NakyejweKimuli, S., Bananuka, J. and NajjembaMuganga, G., 2018. Training, employee engagement and employee performance: Evidence from Uganda's health sector. Cogent Business & Management, 5(1), p.1470891.
  • Snelson, C. and Hsu, Y.C., 2020. Educational 360-degree videos in virtual reality: A scoping review of the emerging research. TechTrends, 64(3), pp.404-412.
  • Stone, R.J., Cox, A. and Gavin, M., 2020. Human resource management. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Walshe, N. and Driver, P., 2019. Developing reflective trainee teacher practice with 360-degree video. Teaching and Teacher Education, 78, pp.97-105.
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