Aims & Focus of Study on Human Resource Management Assignment Sample

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Introduction of Human Resource Management Assignment Sample

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The main aim of the study is based on human resource management which is the most important aspect of the company to hire the employees. This study will basically focus on the importance of human resource management in the daily life of an organization and how it has served a greater amount of purpose to deliver the organization with enormous profitability. Apart from that, the study will also give some of the theories in terms of explaining the total reward theory that is applied to the organization's portfolio for its effectiveness. Some literature sources of scholars and authors will be mentioned here in terms of explaining the importance of human resources in the business context. Last but not least the study will also describe some of the absence in the management process and how it has impacted the individuals in terms of employees and the organization's working environment. Speaking about the human resource management of the organization it is one of the important forms of aspects that need consideration as a focus as in this present world without the functionality or system of the human resource management team the entire organization will become barren and thus end up going bankrupt. Hence the main agenda of the study will be to focus on the core human resource management area through certain subparts.

Main Body: Exploring Reward Systems, HR Practices, and Absence Management in Organizational Contexts

What is meant by the term, ‘total reward’? What theories of Reward underpin managerial practice as an approach to ‘levering’ organizational effectiveness?

The total reward is basically classified as the combination of the entire reward packages, benefits, compensation and rewards which are provided by the organization to the employees. The total reward is basically been decided by the human resource management team of the organization in terms of recruiting or hiring the candidate for the job. While there are certain rewards which are also provided to the employees during the course period of their jobs like promotion, extra compensation etc. total reward is the most important aspect of the organization. The reason behind it is that without the incorporation of total rewards no employees will prefer to work in an organization. As at the end of the day all the employees crave rewards and money in terms of spending their livelihood hence maintaining total reward is extremely necessary (Danvila-del-Valle, et al. 2019). Apart from the compensation or the payroll systems, the total reward can be defined as the process of looking after the flexibility or the work-life benefits of the employees in terms of checking the working environment and the job criteria along with the compensation provided to them. The total reward is very important for the company's it deals with certain elements of the company as well as of the employees like development opportunities, work-life balance, and ethical working environment, and enough compensation as per the job category. These elements help in creating a massive change in the life of the employees and emphasize them focusing on the cultural part of the organization and be a change by standing by the empowerment system of the company's well as of their own.

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Speaking about the theories of reward underpin managerial active that provides an approach to the organizational effectiveness classical management theory sits perfectly in the position. The reason behind placing this theory is that classical management theory generally believes in motivating the employees strongly in terms of focusing on their physical and monetary needs while staying in the organization. This kind of theory has been implemented by the majority of the organization to look after the regular opportunities as well as to the needs of the employees in terms of rewarding them properly as per their job category in terms of delivering incentives and bonuses to make them stand in the company for a longer period of time. In this world where there is an immense level of competition and all the companies are fighting among themselves to get a good position in the marketplace, it is extremely necessary for the company to focus on the good health and working environment of the company so that the employees can tend to function well and deliver products to the organization. Hence following this agenda classical management theory understands the concept of the total reward system as well s the working environment of the company based on wh9ch the organization will receive for its productivity (Nocker and Sena, 2019). Apart from that looking after the benefits of the employees in terms of the monetary approach or the physical theory the classical management theory also focuses on the leverage for the effectiveness of the organization in terms of looking after the organizational structures, specialization and standards so that it can perform well in the marketplace and gain competitive advantages. With the implementation of classical theory in the organization, there can be a massive form of approaches in the division of labour where tasks and activities are distributed as per the capability of the labour. The reason behind it is that there are certain employees in the organization who are specialized and talented in certain forms of skills hence distributing their tasks and activities based on their own personal talents and skills. Hence this can massively help in providing a greater form of organizational benefits and can stay effective in the organization. The reason is that if employees are happy with the tasks and activities provided to them then they can contribute to the work and culture of the organization that can stay effective for a longer period of time. Hence it is the duty of the human resource management team to focus on the working environment of the company so that the employees are happy with their payroll structure in terms of the total reward policy for being effective. Speaking about the classical theory for levering the organizational effectiveness there are certain forms of elements which are carried out by this theory in the organization are as follows: -

  • Division of the labour as per their quality, standards and skills
  • Departmentalization in terms of keeping separate departments like management, finance, human resource, logistic, operation etc. (Yu, et al. 2018).
  • Functional process of the organization in terms of providing an effective form of strategies
  • Maintaining the hierarchical structure of the organization for positive results.
  • Taking control of the entire process in the organization to prevent any mishaps.

Literature review based on human resources in a business context

In this contemporary world with an increase in population, there has been a massive demand among the consumers in terms of fulfilling their needs and demands, therefore companies have been established to satisfy the enormous needs of the population. But with a few companies and an immense level of population, it becomes very difficult for the companies to handle the task and activities and also train the employees in terms of providing customer satisfaction and delivering the company with profitability. Therefore, there is a section sitting down on every corner of the organization called the human resource management team which takes care of the entire hiring, recruiting, firing, retiring, payroll processing and all the conserved and important activities related to consumers. Therefore, it can be understandable that the concept of a human resource department has become very important nowadays in terms of providing adequate training to the employees as well as marinating an order of the employees in the organization. According to the author (Ponisciakova, 2020), it is observed that business management has to deal with lots of tasks and activities based on a daily basis which is generally performed by the managers of the organization. An organization has different departments like finance, marketing, logistics, operations etc. which are segregated and controlled by different avengers in terms of making the activities easier to perform. Hence all the employees jointly contribute to the organization's profile in terms of portraying their skills and talents. But as the organization is all about depicting newer forms of innovation to make it better in the marketplace in terms of reaching out to more and more customers it needs someone who can take the charge of all the employees like giving, recruitment, payroll processing, retirement and lot another total reward process so that the company can function well. Therefore, these tasks are carried out but the human resource management team process with the holistic approach of data management in terms of upgrading the company’s performance and carrying out the mission, and vision of the company for further productivity. This is how the human resource management team contributes to the company’s profile and enables the process in the business context for further development and productivity of the organization as well as of the employees.

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While the author (Hang, 2021), mentioned that with the advent of digital technology the process of human resource management has received a greater number of benefits as well as certain complications. Speaking about the benefits part there are enormous online applications and digital technology available that helps the HR to track all the employee's record and their work process which makes their task easier. The method of data analytics through the system or Entrepreneur risk management, online analytical process system and many others helps the HR to make the task easier and search the data instantly whenever required. Apart from that with the advent of many corporate and social online platform centres like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter etch HR now post for their jobs online and select the end number of individuals, which reduces their time and helps them to gather immense talents for the company. On the other hand, speaking about the complications in terms of the negative impact, it is found that during covid every company was performing work from home activities and virtual meetings, therefore, the HR faced a lot of difficulties in keeping a track of the employees virtually and also there were network issues which broke the pattern of the training. Also, the interviews were taken online which was not accurate and led to mis choosing of employees. Hence from the author’s perspective, it can be found that the digital system has helped the Human resource management to contribute enormously to the business as well as created difficulty.

According to the authors (Macke and Genari, 2019), it is found that as the population of the world is increasing and also there has been a massive climatic change which is destroying the earth’ flora and fauna, therefor the companies have thought of establishing sustainable management programs in terms of saving the earth form facing disastrous circumstances as well as preventing the organization from eroding the nature’s beauty. Therefore, human resource management developed the concept of suitable management inside the business concept in the organization which takes care of the entire sustainable part like recycling things, stopping the usage of plastic bags, switching to organic products and many others. Apart from that through the sustainable human resource management program, the HR department tends to focus on the employee's sustainability in the organization for a longer period of time for the organization’s productivity. This concept of sustainable development began with the sustainable leadership that was performed by the human resource management department for providing longer-term sustainability in organizational performance. Apart from that it also focused on the corporate social relationship that deals with the relationship of the company with the shareholders for receiving competitive advantages and productivity.

The authors (Rodríguez-Sánchez, et al. 2020), mentioned that with the change in time and the current business aspect there has been a massive form of change in the organizational process as the lifestyle of the employee, consumers and also the environment changed with the course of action. Especially after the outbreak of covid, the entire business strategy changed where the economical aspect increased massively leading to the financial breakdown hence the organizational innovation concept was taken into consideration in terms of following up the pattern of leadership, communication, and valuable HR retention, training, participation, and flexibility.

Describe some of the management of absence processes, and the impact of their use on individuals and organizations.

Absence management is generally the process of reducing the mode of absenteeism in the organization. The reason behind it is that in an organization it is found that employees tend to become absent due to some serious issues or they often make fake excuses and become absent. This harms the reputation of the organization and leads to a slower process of working productivity. Hence the organization tends to adopt the mode of absentee management to reduce the absentees of the organization. As this report is basically concerned with the topic of human resource management therefore the process of absent management is also performed by the human resource team in terms of preventing the mode of absenteeism. Hence, speaking about absent management is basically incorporating certain processes and strategies through policies and procedures as the reason for getting absent from the organization (Bandyopadhyay and Srivastava, 2020). It is often found that the employees are not very comfortable with the working environment of the organization and also, they are unable to speak to anyone about this because of the fear of losing jobs. Therefore, they take frequent leaves as they are in the dilemma of earning money and receiving mental happiness. There are two modes of absenteeism in the organization which are short term absence and long-term absence. Under the short-term science there comes enormous things like stress & burnout, illness, child & elder care issues, bullying, low workplace morale etc. During the long term there comes- maternity leave, serious illness, weddings or any kind of occasions. Hence in terms of preventing the mode of absence in the organization, the human resource department should take care of the fact that the working environment should be maintained properly and all the employees should be treated equally as per their talents, skills and knowledge.

Often in the organization, it is found that the women employee holding the same position tends to get lower salary as compared to men, even though there are enormous differences in the office which erodes the mental peace of the workers. As discussed, what is absent management the following will be certain strategies for absence management

  • Taking a clear absence policy: The foremost thing that an organization needs to do is create an absolve management policy which will inform the employees about the standards that are related to the policy. So that by reading the policy the employees can get a clear idea of how making frequent absences without any serious issues can put their job at stake (Korzhova, 2020). A good absence management policy should have certain indicators that include: when and how to inform about the reason for becoming absent to the supervisor, how the process of absent is been made by the administrative, what are the options and methods to reduce absences, what are the disciplinary methods, how the absence is recorded and used for the future purpose (Kwong, et al. 2021).
  • Providing corporate wellness programs and flexible timings: It is often observed that the employees get frustrated with the fact that the office timing is huge and there are comparatively fewer breaks than expected. Therefore, this resulted in eroding the mental piece of the workers and they tended to stay absent from the work by making short term absence excuses. Hence the organization should take care of the working environment in terms of reducing the shifts a bit slower, and also incorporating wellness programs in terms of educating the employees about the importance of the career programs and also providing a greater form of opportunities and fun gaming. Every organization should have a fun zone for the employees where they can relax when they are frustrated or are extremely pressurized with the workload. This strategy can help in reducing the number of absences in the organization.
  • Using absent management software: As the world has improved itself digitally and the companies have also started incorporating the mode of digital technology in tier company’s profile, therefore, the organization should implement certain absent management software in terms of keeping a track of the absentees to check the long terms and the short-term dates of becoming absent (Khan, 2021). It is found that workforce management can stop an individual from getting ascent and also it is very difficult to keep a track of all the absentees, hence though the implementation of this software the workload will be easier and the mode of absentees can also get reduced.


From the above study, it can be concluded that the report was basically based on the human Resource management stem and also how the companies incorporate the mode of human resource management to gain profitability. The study observed the implementation of a theory called classical management theory through which the organization is being controlled. With the implementation of classical theory in the organization, there can be a massive form of approaches in the division of labour where tasks and activities are distributed as per the capability of the labour. The process of the total reward system has also been explained which generally determines the possibility of employable suitability. While there are certain rewards which are also provided to the employees during the course period of their jobs like promotion, extra compensation etc. total reward is the most important aspect of the organization. The concept of a human resource department has become very important nowadays in terms of providing adequate training to the employees as well as marinating an order of the employees in the organization. The study also discussed the mode of green human resource management and how with the change in time the concept of sustainability came forward and provided the company with competitive advantages. Last but not least the study mentioned the process of absent management. Here it mentioned certain strategies like Taking a clear absence policy, providing corporate wellness programs and flexible timings and using absent management software to reduce the number of absentees in the organization.


  • Bandyopadhyay, C. and Srivastava, K.B., 2020. HR signals in the context of HRM-firm performance relationship: development of a conceptual framework. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management.
  • Danvila-del-Valle, I., Estévez-Mendoza, C. and Lara, F.J., 2019. Human resources training: A bibliometric analysis. Journal of Business Research, 101, pp.627-636.
  • Hang, N.T., 2021. Digital Education to Improve the Quality of Human Resources Implementing Digital Transformation in the Context of Industrial Revolution 4.0. REVISTA GEINTEC-GESTAO INOVACAO E TECNOLOGIAS, 11(3), pp.311-323.
  • Khan, S., 2021. Impact of human resource accounting on organizations’ financial performance in the context of SMEs. Accounting, 7(3), pp.621-628.
  • Korzhova, A., 2020. Change Management and Sustainability in a Business Context.
  • Kwong, C., Demirbag, M., Wood, G. and Cooke, F.L., 2021. Human resource management in the context of high uncertainties. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 32(17), pp.3569-3599.
  • Macke, J. and Genari, D., 2019. Systematic literature review on sustainable human resource management. Journal of cleaner production, 208, pp.806-815.
  • Nocker, M. and Sena, V., 2019. Big data and human resources management: The rise of talent analytics. Social Sciences, 8(10), p.273.
  • Ponisciakova, O., 2020. Knowledge management and its application in human resources management in the context of globalization. In SHS Web of Conferences (Vol. 74, p. 01026). EDP Sciences.
  • Radulescu, C.V., Popescu, L. and Badea, C.G., 2018. Integrating Sustainability in Business: An Essential Need in the Global Context. European Journal of Sustainable Development, 7(4), pp.223-223.
  • Rodríguez-Sánchez, J.L., Mercado-Caruso, N. and Viloria, A., 2020. Managing human resources resistance to organizational change in the context of innovation. In Marketing and Smart Technologies (pp. 330-340). Springer, Singapore.
  • Yu, H., Sedlezky, S., Wong, K., Hernandez, T., Larsen, P. and Stephenson, G., 2018. Human Resources Management. Pop-up Retail Strategies in an Omnichannel Context.
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