Organs |
Structure (e.g. tissues, shape, size, location, etc.) |
Function |
Ovaries |
Ovaries are whitish. "Simple-cuboidal to columnar” shaped “Mesothelium” covers the surface of the ovaries. “Follicular cells” are covered by the “Granulosa cells” in the ovary (Matsumura et al. 2021). Paired Ovaries are attached to the “Posterior surface of the broad Ligament”. |
- Formation of the “Oocytes”, which are the female gametes during the preparation of fertilization
- Sex steroid hormones like “Estrogen” and “progesterone” are produced by the ovaries.
Fallopian duct |
Fallopian ducts are “10-13 Cm” long. This tube is lined with the “Mucous membrane”. It is located in the “abdominal cavity” |
- Transportation of the eggs from the ovary to the uterus is done by this fallopian tube.
- Fertilization mainly occurs in the fallopian tube.
Uterus |
It is a “pear-shaped” structure located between the “bladder and the rectum”. |
- The main function of this organ is to “nourish the fertilized egg”.
- Providing a house is the secondary role of the uterus.
Vagina |
It is located between the “uterus and lavatory muscle” in the lateral position (Matsumura et al. 2021). It is a “fibromuscular tube”. |
- It helps in “Sexual intercourse”
- Giving the childbirth is another function of this organ
- Acts as a canal for “menstrual fluid”
Testes |
This organ is oval. It is secured by the structure named "Spermatic Cord” |
- Production and storage of sperm is the primary role of the testis (Matsumura et al. 2021).
- Creation of the male hormones “testosterone and androgens”
Epididymis |
The head portion is characterized by the thick “epithelium layer”. Long “Stereocilia” is associated with this region. |
- Storage of the sperm
- Release of sperm during the time of “ejaculation”
Prostate gland |
“Chestnut-shaped” reproductive male organ. It is located under the “urinary bladder.” |
- Production of the fluid, which “nourishes Sperm”
- It also helps in the transportation of the sperms (Altun et al. 2018).
Seminal vesicle |
The position of this organ is below the “urinary bladder” and the end portion of the “vasa deferentia”. |
- The fluid releases a significant amount of fluid, which is converted into the “Semen”.
- 70-85% of the “Seminal fluid” is produced by this seminal vesicle.
Penis |
It is located above the “Scrotum”. It is made up of the “Spongy tissues” and the “Blood vessels”. |
- Used during “sexual intercourse”
- Helps in the “transportation of the sperm” from male to female body