Human Reproduction And Health Related Issues Assignment Sample

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Introduction of Human Reproduction And Health Related Issues Assignment

Task 1: Analysis of the Major structure and details of the Male and Female Reproductive system

The major detail of the Male reproductive organ

  • Testes: Testes are the oval-shaped male reproductive structure that is responsible for the formation of the sperms. This is also known as the storage house of the sperms.
  • Epididymis: It is a coiled tube-like structure, which is attached to the testicles (Altun et al. 2018). Sperm, cells generally move to the epididymis from the testicles.
  • Prostate gland: This gland is located below the bladder in the male body. This also helps to nourish the sperms and it provides shelter to the sperms.
  • Penis: This organ is the secondary male reproductive organ. This is responsible for urination and sexual intercourse. It is made up of spongy tissues.

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Major Details of the Female Reproductive Organs

  • Ovaries: It is a paired organ in the female body. Eggs are formed within this organ. It produces the female hormones estrogens and progesterone (Meli et al. 2020). The formation of the Oocytes is the primary target of this reproductive organ.
  • The fallopian duct: This is the primary reproductive organ in the female body. Eggs are released in the fallopian tubes and the fertilization process takes place in this organ.
  • Uterus: It is a hollow muscular structure. The uterus is located between the “bladder and the rectum” in the female body. Nourishment of the fertilized egg is done in this portion.
  • Vagina: This is a muscular tube-like structure of the female reproductive system (Meli et al. 2020). Sexual intercourse is done through this organ. The sperms enter the fallopian tube via the vagina.

Task 2: Relation between the reproductive structure and their function

Male and Female reproductive structures and their role

Organs Structure (e.g. tissues, shape, size, location, etc.) Function
Ovaries Ovaries are whitish. "Simple-cuboidal to columnar” shaped “Mesothelium” covers the surface of the ovaries. “Follicular cells” are covered by the “Granulosa cells” in the ovary (Matsumura et al. 2021). Paired Ovaries are attached to the “Posterior surface of the broad Ligament”.
  • Formation of the “Oocytes”, which are the female gametes during the preparation of fertilization
  • Sex steroid hormones like “Estrogen” and “progesterone” are produced by the ovaries.
Fallopian duct Fallopian ducts are “10-13 Cm” long. This tube is lined with the “Mucous membrane”. It is located in the “abdominal cavity”
  • Transportation of the eggs from the ovary to the uterus is done by this fallopian tube.
  • Fertilization mainly occurs in the fallopian tube.
Uterus It is a “pear-shaped” structure located between the “bladder and the rectum”.
  • The main function of this organ is to “nourish the fertilized egg”.
  • Providing a house is the secondary role of the uterus.
Vagina It is located between the “uterus and lavatory muscle” in the lateral position (Matsumura et al. 2021). It is a “fibromuscular tube”.
  • It helps in “Sexual intercourse”
  • Giving the childbirth is another function of this organ
  • Acts as a canal for “menstrual fluid”
Testes This organ is oval. It is secured by the structure named "Spermatic Cord”
  • Production and storage of sperm is the primary role of the testis (Matsumura et al. 2021).
  • Creation of the male hormones “testosterone and androgens”
Epididymis The head portion is characterized by the thick “epithelium layer”. Long “Stereocilia” is associated with this region.
  • Storage of the sperm
  • Release of sperm during the time of “ejaculation”
Prostate gland “Chestnut-shaped” reproductive male organ. It is located under the “urinary bladder.”
  • Production of the fluid, which “nourishes Sperm”
  • It also helps in the transportation of the sperms (Altun et al. 2018).
Seminal vesicle The position of this organ is below the “urinary bladder” and the end portion of the “vasa deferentia”.
  • The fluid releases a significant amount of fluid, which is converted into the “Semen”.
  • 70-85% of the “Seminal fluid” is produced by this seminal vesicle.
Penis It is located above the “Scrotum”. It is made up of the “Spongy tissues” and the “Blood vessels”.
  • Used during “sexual intercourse”
  • Helps in the “transportation of the sperm” from male to female body

Task 3: Evaluation of the role of Mitotic cell division in Human Lifespan

“Mitotic Cell division” is known as mitosis. Mitosis is also applied in the concept of reproduction.

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  • Development and growth: The number of cells within a human body mainly increases via this type of cell division. The development of the multi-cellular embryo is done with the help of this type of cell division.
  • Cell replacement: In the human body different cells like skin cells and red blood cells are replaced by the new cells, which are produced by the mitotic cells (Nagy et al. 2019). After the cell death, the new cells are produced by the mitotic cell divisions.
  • Embryo formation: Mitotic cell divisions occur in a huge amount within the zygote cells. The “Embryo formation” is done with the help of mitotic cell division. The formation of the multi-cellular body is the main function of this cell division.

Evaluation of the Meiotic Cell Division during Spermatogenesis and Oogenesis

  • “Spermatogenesis” produces sperm and the “oogenesis” produces eggs with the help of the Meiotic Cell Division.
  • During the Oogenesis the primary oocyte enters into the first meiotic cell division. Secondary oocytes are produced after this cell division.
  • The second Oocyte stars the second meiotic division and the division occurs until the fertilization by a sperm (Nagy et al. 2019).
  • A single diploid parent cell goes through the meiotic cell division and produces “Four haploid sperm cells."
  • Spermatids are produced after meiosis two during spermatogenesis.
  • “Spermatogonial stem cell” does the self-renewal by the mitosis but the development of the “Progenitor” cells are created from this stem cell with the help of meiotic cell division.

Task 4: Analysing the process


  • Sperm goes through the fallopian tube and fertilizes the eggs through the fertilization process.
  • “Follicle-stimulating Hormone” matures the egg and the “Luteinising Hormone” helps in the release of the eggs during fertilization (Wu et al. 2019).
  • During the fertilization, the gene and the sex arrangement are done within a few hours.
  • “Estrogen and Progesterone” help to maintain the lining of the Uterus.


  • The fertilized eggs stay in the fallopian tube for 3 to 4 days.
  • The cell division starts after 24 hours of the fertilization process.
  • The attachment with the “lining of the uterus” after the movement through the fallopian tube mainly indicates the Implementation (Wu et al. 2019).


  • “Human chronic gonadotropin hormone” is associated with the female reproductive system during pregnancy. This is the main reason behind nausea and vomiting.
  • “Human Placental Lactogen” helps to provide nutrition to the foetus in the female body. This also helps in the production of milk in women.
  • “Estrogen” helps to maintain the healthy structure of the mother.
  • “Progesterone” is the main hormone that helps in the lining of the uterus where the fertilized egg will implant.


  • “Oxytocin” stimulates the clitoris before the child's birth. It also helps in reducing the stress on the mother during pregnancy.
  • “Endorphins” are the other type of hormone, which helps in altering the consciousness as a result the mother, feels less amount of pain during the child's birth.
  • “Adrenaline” helps to reduce the level of distress before the birth of the baby.

Task 5: Evaluation of the issues

Contraceptive Pills


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  • It is one of the safest methods of contraception.
  • Lighter periods are the effect of these pills.
  • Reduces the discomfort of the menstrual pain


  • Headaches are the most common side effects of contraceptive pills.
  • Irregular bleeding between the period
  • “Nausea” can also be seen in a woman who takes contraceptive pills.

Sexually Transmitted disease

  • “Painful urination” is one of the most common symptoms of STDs.
  • “Unusual Vaginal Bleeding” occurs when a female is infected with any kind of sexually transmitted disease.
  • Rashes all over the body are also common as a negative effect of these diseases.
  • “Sollen lymph nodes and sore” are also the symptoms of these diseases.
  • “Pregnancy complications” are the most dangerous negative effect of these diseases because sometimes these diseases transfer from the mother to the child during the pregnancy period.

Reproductive Technology

  • Parental risks are associated with reproductive technology.
  • Prematurity of the baby is the most common effect of the “Assisted reproductive technology (Barrow et al. 2020).”
  • Low birth weight is another type of side effect of this technology system.
  • Abruption of the placenta sometimes occurs during the handling of the mother with the help of reproductive technologies.


  • Altun, G., Deniz, Ö.G., Yurt, K.K., Davis, D. and Kaplan, S., 2018. Effects of mobile phone exposure on metabolomics in the male and female reproductive systems. Environmental research, 167, pp.700-707.
  • Barrow, R.Y., Ahmed, F., Bolan, G.A. and Workowski, K.A., 2020.Recommendations for providing quality sexually transmitted diseases clinical services, 2020. MMWR Recommendations and Reports, 68(5), p.1.
  • Matsumura, Y., Kovalev, A. and Gorb, S.N., 2021. Mechanical properties of a female reproductive tract of a beetle and implications for penile penetration. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 288(1954), p.20211125.
  • Meli, R., Monnolo, A., Annunziata, C., Pirozzi, C. and Ferrante, M.C., 2020. Oxidative stress and BPA toxicity: An antioxidant approach for male and female reproductive dysfunction. Antioxidants, 9(5), p.405.
  • Nagy, B., Poto, L., Farkas, N., Koppan, M., Varnagy, A., Kovacs, K., Papp, S., Bohonyi, N. and Bodis, J., 2019. Follicular fluid progesterone concentration is associated with fertilization outcome after IVF: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Reproductive biomedicine online, 38(6), pp.871-882.
  • Scaravelli, G., Zacà, C., Setti, P.E.L., Livi, C., Ubaldi, F.M., Villani, M.T., Greco, E., Coccia, M.E., Revelli, A., Ricci, G. and Fusi, F., 2021. Fertilization rate as a novel indicator for cumulative live birth rate: a multicenter retrospective cohort study of 9,394 complete in vitro fertilization cycles. Fertility and Sterility, 116(3), pp.766-773.
  • Wu, H., Whitcomb, B.W., Huffman, A., Brandon, N., Labrie, S., Tougias, E., Lynch, K., Rahil, T., Sites, C.K. and Pilsner, J.R., 2019. Associations of sperm mitochondrial DNA copy number and deletion rate with fertilization and embryo development in a clinical setting. Human Reproduction, 34(1), pp.163-170.
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