Human Development: Life Course & Health Promotion Assignment Sample

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Introduction: Early Intervention Impact on Adolescent Mental Health

People who engage in a healthy lifestyle, such as eating a balanced diet, doing regular activities, and avoiding smoking and alcohol consumption, can adopt many health benefits, including a long lifespan. Considering the data collected by the UK Biobank, it was seen that in the United Kingdom, 480,940 adults have an average life expectancy range of 58 years (Chudasama et al., 2020). In this report, focus will be given on exploring the life span as a part of human development, exploration of the health needs of human development and its impact on a specific target population, and exploration of initiatives to improve the outcome of the targeted population through health promotion.

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Discussion: Exploring Human Development, Health Needs, and Promotion Strategies

Exploration of the life span as part of human development

A. The life course approach

In current times, the life-course approach has taken societal and temporal perspectives on the health and well-being of the people and within a generation, which recognize all the stages related to the livelihoods of a person. According to Kuh et al. (2013), all the developmental phases of a person's life are intricately intertwined with each other. Kim (2019) has mentioned that adaptation of the life-course approach includes the action taken in early life- this approach is a fundamental base of any policy framework which are set up for improving the health and health equity of a population within a society. According to the WHO (2023), the life course approach to human development acknowledges that from birth to old age, a person's life is impacted by a variety of experiences, events, and transitions (Kim, 2019). This viewpoint highlights how important it is to comprehend how early experiences and environmental circumstances affect an individual's health and well-being throughout their life. The six stages of the life course approach are:

Different Stages of Life-course approach

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Figure 1: Different Stages of Life-course approach

  • Prenatal or infancy: It refers to the earliest year of the life or the babyhood
  • Early childhood: The time before they begin to go to school
  • School-age: This span of life course extends from kindergarten to middle school (Kuh et al., 2013)
  • Transition to adulthood: This refers to the stage when the child moves to a young age
  • Adulthood: The transition from school age to the adulting period
  • Aging: This face refers to the age when the individual starts to experience age-related changes

B. The Promotion of Health and Protection Through Early Intervention: The Role of Early Intervention

Early intervention approaches are used to focus on supporting the four key aspects of human development:

Importance of Early Intervention in Health Promotion

Figure 2: Importance of Early Intervention in Health Promotion

  • Physical aspect
  • Cognitive aspect
  • Behavioral aspect
  • Social and emotional development

Considering the child development approach, early intervention can also target the key “threats” which may cause the outbreak of adverse outcomes during the adolescence and adulthood period of a child- child maltreatment, risky sexual behaviour, and substance misuse. Therefore, early intervention can help an individual (both children and young people) to develop skills that they need to adopt to lead healthy lives (Pascoe et al., 2020). Early intervention can improve the quality of social livelihoods of children, increase educational attainment, and support health and mental well-being among children. Therefore, it can be stated that early intervention is essential for advancing health and protecting people from unfavorable consequences.

C. Influence the Early Intervention By Physical Development and Wider Determinants

Early intervention effectiveness can significantly impact the physical development of children and individuals by addressing the key factors that promote the well-being of the people in any developmental phase of their lives. The wider determinants are:

  • SES or socioeconomic status: Social status is a key factor influencing early intervention. Higher SES families frequently have easier access to resources like good healthcare, wholesome food, secure housing, and chances for their kids to attend school. On the other hand, lower SES families can encounter difficulties obtaining these resources, which could affect the efficacy of early intervention (Colizzi et al., 2020).
  • Early Childhood Education: The availability of superior early childhood education programs has a big impact on how children develop. Early educational interventions influence a child's preparedness for formal schooling by offering chances for skill development, socialization, and cognitive stimulation (Marmot and Bell, 2019).
  • Community and environmental factors: Communities and neighborhoods where children are raised also matter. Child development and the effectiveness of interventions are impacted by safe settings, community resources, exposure to violence or pollution, and access to parks and recreational areas.
  • Nutrition and access to adequate food: Proper nutrition is essential for the physical and cognitive development of any individual, specifically for children. Access to nutritional foods and supportive programs addressing food insecurity can impact early childhood development

Physical development can also influence early intervention by serving as a foundational aspect of the overall health and well-being of children. The physical growth, motor skills, and mental health status of children can directly impact their readiness to engage with the intervention program. Addressing the needs for physical development, like access to healthy diets and nutrition, health care, early childhood education, and motor delays or any health concerns, is pivotal to influence the necessity of promoting early intervention within society. According to the data, physical development plays a crucial part in early intervention in the UK (Hill-Briggs et al ., 2021). Studies in 2020 show that children who grow to their full physical potential also tend to have better social and cognitive skills.

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Research indicates that approximately 25% of kids experience difficulties with their motor skills and physical development, which might impact their preparedness for school environments (Pitchforth et al., 2019). Therefore, early intervention shows promising results, suggesting that concentrating on physical development and wider determinants improves the effectiveness of therapy, promoting holistic child development and lowering the likelihood of long-term social and academic challenges.

Two health needs that impact on specific target population

Health Need 1: Mental Health Support for Young Adults and Adolescents (Age 11 years to 20 years)

  • Evidence of needs: According to the statistics, in July 2021, one in every six children with the age of 16 years identified as having mental health issues (Waite et al., 2021). According to the A&E dataset, in the UK, till 2021, the attendance of young people aged 18 or under at psychiatric counseling is more than the number evident in 2010 and 2018. In 2018-18, in the UK, 25% of young adults aged 17 years reported having a self-harming tendency along with suicidal intentions at some point in their lives (Raw et al., 2021). According to a Mental Health Foundation survey, around 70% of youth consulted for guidance on stress and mental health (Chudasama et al., 2020). In addition, the pandemic made these problems worse, with this age group experiencing increased psychological discomfort due to isolation, stress from school, and interrupted habits.
  • Impact of needs: In the UK, one of the major barriers to accessing mental health support is the difficulties of identifying and communicating with distress, stigmatising beliefs, and shame. Chudasama et al. (2020) have mentioned that there can be serious repercussions if mental health support is inadequate. O'Kane et al. (2020) have also mentioned that Adolescents and young adults dealing with mental health concerns have difficulties in their academic performance, social interactions, and overall well-being. Therefore, untreated mental health problems can lead to greater absenteeism from school, lower productivity, and an increased risk of substance abuse.
  • Short and long-term impacts of needs on the target population: short-term impacts or immediate consequences of the needs can include lower performance in academics, social disengagement, and increased risk-taking behavioral approach. A lack of prompt actions can worsen mental health issues, causing distress and interfering with daily functioning (Hargreaves et al., 2022). On the other hand, the long-term impact includes that, without sufficient support, young adults and adolescents with mental illness can lead to diminished employability, hampered social integration, and increased healthcare utilisation, all of which impose a significant fiscal burden on society (Neri et al., 2022).

Health Need 2: Access to Nutritious Food for Adolescent and Young Adults

  • Evidence of Needs: In the UK, evidence shows that lack of access to nutritional foods among young adults and adolescents has impacted overall health and well-being negatively. According to 2020 statistics, a considerable fraction of this demographic has difficulty eating enough balanced meals. According to 2020 Food Foundation research, around 1.7 million young people aged 10-24 years struggled with food insecurity, unable to buy or access nutritious food regularly (Hargreaves et al., 2022). Furthermore, statistics showed an increased reliance on cheaper, less nutritious products due to budgetary restrictions and a lack of healthy alternatives.
  • Impact of Needs: Insufficient access to nutrition and healthy foods can negatively impact the health and well-being of the targeted population. Nutritional deficits can result from poor eating habits, jeopardising physical growth, cognitive development, and overall health. Inadequate nutrient intake has an impact on energy levels, concentration, and learning capacity, potentially hampering academic performance and future possibilities (Neri et al., 2022). Furthermore, it increases the likelihood of developing chronic health concerns like obesity, cardiovascular disease, and mental health problems in this age range.
  • Short and long-term impact: Short-term impacts include fatigue, decreased concentration, and increased susceptibility to infections as a result of inadequate diet. In the case of long-term impact, poor and improper diet and nutrition can cause chronic diseases among the chosen population, which may include the onset of diabetes, cardiovascular problems, and mental health concerns (Neufeld et al., 2022). These health issues can last throughout adulthood, affecting people's quality of life, healthcare expenses, and social productivity.

Health Promotion

A. Choose one need: Mental Health Support for Young Adults and Adolescents (Age 11 years to 20 years)

B. Identification of the health promotion opportunity and initiative

The health promotion will include an awareness and encouragement program for adopting healthy sleep patterns: regular exercise, developing a coping approach, problem-solving skills, and interpersonal skills to meet the mental health and well-being needs of young people and adolescents (Bould et al., 2019). This initiative will focus on enhancing mental health support and healthy lifestyle support for young adults and adolescents in the UK. For this health promotion, the young adult population of Birmingham, a borough of London, has to be taken into consideration, and this initiative will aim to create accessible and comprehensive mental health resources, including mental health education, counseling services, and peer support networks.

C. Target population

The target population of this health promotion will be young adults and adolescents aged 11 years to 20 years. The population will be chosen from the Bringhimham borough of London.

D. Heath's promotion theory and evidence

The Social-cognitive Theory addresses the socio-cultural determinants of health and personal determinants. This is a comprehensive approach to health promotion that indicates the necessity of changing the practice in the social system, which has widespread and detrimental effects on health, rather than solely changing the habits of individuals (Harris et al., 2022). The proposed health promotion, according to this theory ,will emphasise the social factors and self-efficacy to encourage beneficial mental health behaviors among the targeted population. Several studies have found that peer support programs, mental health education, and early intervention initiatives are effective in reducing mental health problems among young adults and adolescents. Therefore, by taking the theoretical evidence and concept of social cognitive theory into consideration, the mental health support and health promotion plan will encourage the young adult and adolescent population to adopt healthy lifestyles and give them accessibility to stigma-free mental health services (Harris et al., 2021). This service can encourage them to develop help-seeking behaviours, which in turn can decrease the incidence of untreated mental health issues within the targeted population in the UK.

Social-cognitive theory in Health promotion

Figure 3: Social-cognitive theory in Health promotion

E. Improvement of the future outcome for the target population

The goal of adopting this initiative is to achieve several beneficial outcomes for the target demographic. This includes increased mental health awareness and understanding, improved access to confidential and supportive counseling services, decreased stigma associated with mental health issues, improved coping skills, and strengthened resilience among adolescents and young adults (Waite et al., 2021). Finally, this project aims to improve this demographic's mental health outcomes, academic achievement, and overall well-being, resulting in healthier and more empowered persons in the future.


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