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Introduction Of Organisational Behaviour Assignment
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Organisational behaviour is the term given to the activities of management that are more concerned with the understanding, predicting and behaviour of the individuals that are influenced within the organisational setting. Organisational behaviour is the concept that helps in analysing and evaluating various attributes and characteristics of human behaviour for the purpose of understanding how an organisation should channel its employees towards better achievement of the organisational goals and objectives (Wood et al., 2019). This report describes the culture of the organisation that has been selected. The selected organisation for this given assignment is Sainsbury’s. This report also describes the ways in which culture has been able to improve the effectiveness of the organisation by focusing on factors like communication. It also ensures to describe the role of culture in motivating the employees along with determining the success of the company.
Evaluation of the theories and models
Identification of the culture of Sainsbury’s
Sainsbury’s has been able to have a deep understanding of the national culture which has focused on the important strategic decisions that have been implemented by the businesses so that they are capable of designing an optimal plan of marketing and its activities. With the help of the Harrison’s Model of Culture, Sainsbury’s has been able to keep their focus on the various rules and regulations that acted as guidance for their employees. Not only that, the Linkert system of Cultural theory that has been implemented by the company has helped them in developing their soft areas within the organisational structure (Aluko and Knight, 2017). With the implementation of these models in a constructive manner, Sainsbury’s has been able to motivate their employees, engaging them in the activities of the company along with improving the process of communication and interaction of the employees within the organisation. It has facilitated learning and knowledge of the employees that have determined and improved the culture of the company. With an improved culture within Sainsbury’s, the workplace has been able to improve the accountability of the employees as well as maintaining the effectiveness of the working environment. The organisation with the help of these suitable frameworks has been able to control the laws and the rules that have been established within the company. It has also helped the company in managing various rules and regulations within the working grounds so that the company can ensure better support to the employees who are working for the company (Moore et al., 2019). This has enhanced the culture of the company in many ways and hasbrought the organisation closer to success and growth.
Ways in which culture improves the organisational effectiveness
A strong and improved organisational culture leads to an increase in the participation of the employees and the consensus of the strategic matters. This is one of the best ways that have aligned the perspectives of the organisational objectives along with the objectives of the individuals. Sainsbury’s has been able to create such wider agreement on the mission of the company, its vision, values and practices which have been crucial as a resulting factors in the effectiveness of the company (Triguero-Sánchez et al., 2018). In order to increase the effectiveness of the organisational operations, it is essential for Sainsbury’s to invest time communicating their objectives to the employees so that the employees are aware of the targets they need to achieve to contribute to the organisational success. With the effective implementation of strategies that enhance organisational effectiveness, the company has put an emphasis on certain functional areas so that they can be improved and developed. Leadership style within the company has also been one of the determining factors that have improved the performance of the employees in every department such as that of marketing, operations, research and development, engineering or services. As organisational culture helps in motivating the employees, these motivated individuals work efficiently towards attaining the goals and objectives of the company so that the company can reach its profitability and productivity (Solomon and Steyn, 2017).
Role of culture on employee motivation
As Sainsbury’s have maintained a good culture within the organisation, the employees are self-motivated and happy to engage themselves in organisational activities which help them in organisational excelling. Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs has provided such an evidence where it shows once when the requirements and the needs of the individuals are fulfilled, the help in shaping and contributing to the development of the company. Sainsbury’s have always worked towards ensuring that the human needs and psychological needs of the employees are always fulfilled so that they get inspiration to work for the company’s benefits and profitability (Rantesaluet al., 2017). An established and effective organisational culture such as that of Sainsbury’s have been able to meet the survival needs of the individuals by providing them with high wages and rewards. The company has also provided the employees with their security needs by building strong and ethical leadership along with transparency within the company which leads to improved performance of the company. Not only that, Sainsbury has also addressed the belonging needs of the employees by paying attention to their training needs, encouraging the employees to interact openly with their cowers, management so that they feel like they are also involved. By initiation and embracing the diversity needs, the company has been able to provide the employees most of the factors they were longing for (Nadeak and Naibaho, 2020). Recognition programs, awards for achievement, educational assistance, wellness programs, community services and initiatives that launch corporate social responsibilities so that the employees and their requirements are being met. All these factors have motivated the employees within Sainsbury’s and as a result have reduced the rate of absenteeism, improved the retention rate, have made the customers happy, increased the profitability of the company and so on (Thokozani and Maseko, 2017).
Evaluation of the ways in which culture of Sainsbury’s help in enhancing its success
The culture of the organisation is one of the unique identifiers that have helped in shaping organisational attributes and characteristics and have resulted in obtaining the business objectives. Typically, organisations such as Sainsbury’s have a strong culture; they have been able to produce superior results. When the culture of the organisation is strong, it builds effective leadership and high performing managers that helps in contributing to high performance within the company which have resulted in impacting their overall performance and effectiveness. Strong organisational culture has resulted in an on-going involvement of the employees along with their active participation which has also helped the company in predicting their current and financial performances in the future (Kuo and Tsai, 2019). In a study, it has been showcased how culture is one of the most integral parts of the organisation’s effectiveness and performance along with the on-going changes in the processes. As a strong culture also facilitates strong communication, the challenges faced by the company are met well and all the conflicts encountered by the company have been avoided. There has been a proper facilitation of communication and dissemination of information so that all the employees are clear about the understanding of the organisational objectives along with focusing on achieving the outcomes of the business (Al-Ali et al., 2017).
It has been found out that the organisational practices that are implemented by Sainsbury’s are outside the core culture. Based on the understanding of the various theories that have enhanced the organisational culture, this section describes two types of organisational practices. These are the internal practices that are focused on the internal factors such as the relationships of the employee, interaction and their accomplishments and the external practices which focus on the other external factors outside the organisation (Owen et al., 2021). The internal practices of the company focused on the structure of the organisation and how they perform, the systems and the process, the work habits of the employees, the processes of selection and recruitment, the processes of on-boarding, training and development, the performance management, the internal communication that takes place within the employees, the advanced technologies that have been utilized by the company to accomplish all the given work and objectives.
Internal Organisational Practices (Source: BBC)
![Internal Organisational Practices]()
Figure 1. Internal Organisational Practices (Source: BBC)
Aligning the internal practices of the company with the core culture is one of the very essential factors for an organisation which is authentic. These practices include the daily habits of the employees, which determine the core values and principles.
External practices of the company are the factor that determines how Sainsbury’s interact with the outsiders such as the customers that the company services, the suppliers, the business partners and the vendors. For the purpose of reinforcing the core culture of the organisation and its principles while creating an impact which is positive for the business, it is necessary for the company to align the core culture with the external practices (Nachmiaset al., 2019). These practices have determined and shaped the behaviours of the employees and their action within an organisation. These factors have helped the organisation in converting their values and ideals into action and movements for the purpose of keeping Sainsbury’s running in an active manner on an upward trajectory keeping in consideration of the business activities and profit margins.
![External Organisational Practices]()
External Organisational Practices (Source: Academia.edu)
In a nutshell, Sainsbury’s have effectively analysed its organisational culture which have significantly contributed to the effectiveness of the company along with the efficiency of the employees. With the effective implementation of strategies that enhance organisational effectiveness, the company has put an emphasis on certain functional areas so that they can be improved and developed. With the help of the Harrison’s Model of Culture, Sainsbury’s has been able to keep their focus on the various rules and regulations that acted as guidance for their employees. This report has described how well the company has been able to formulate its strategies and maintain organisational culture so that the employees are self-motivated. This report has also successfully implemented the Linkert system of Cultural theory and has helped them in developing their soft areas within the organisational structure. It has facilitated learning and knowledge of the employees that have determined and improved the culture of the company. With an improved culture within Sainsbury’s, the workplace has been able to improve the accountability of the employees as well as maintaining the effectiveness of the working environment. This report has successfully established all the theories that are relevant to organisational success and have helped the company in building up their culture.
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