Higher National Diploma in Hospitality Management Assignment

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Introduction Of Higher National Diploma in Hospitality Management

Background of the study

The post-pandemic made a significant effect on the hotel industry, resulting in several interruptions and difficulties. Recognizing the necessity to look at the recovering industry's measures to assist its resurrection and sustainable future is essential for comprehending the backdrop of this research.

Research Aim:

The aim behind initiating the current study is to assess and evaluate the pandemic methods of recovery for the tourism industry is the goal of the study.

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Research Objectives

  • To investigate the impact of Covid-19 within hotel industry.
  • To assess recovery process & tactics used by hospitality firms in the context of pandemic.
  • To study the role of recovery techniques in the achievement of business goals.
  • To recommend competent strategic process which hotel units can employ for the fulfilment of organizational goals.

Research Questions (convert each objective above into a research question)

Q.1 How did the epidemic specifically affect the tourist hospitality industry?

Q.2 What after an epidemic recovery measures were taken by the hospitality industry?

Q.3 How successfully performed company mitigation tactics in re-establishing and sustaining service to the hotel industry?

Section Two: Research Rationale and Scope

Rationale/Justification for the Topic:.

The pandemic had a significant negative influence on the hotel industry, resulting in company shutdowns, loss of employment, and monetary damages (Giousmpasoglou, 2021). Reviving the sector depends on knowing the particular effects along with ways to recover used by firms. The results could assist the industry become more resilient and long-lasting in an afterwards climate.

Research Scope:

The research being conducted is crucial because it sheds light on the recovery efforts following COVID-19 and the measures implemented by enterprises in the hotel industry (Sobaih, et.al, 2021). Government officials, traders, and enterprises may use the data to design practical strategies to resurrect and maintain their businesses after the outbreak age.

Section Three: Preliminary Literature Review

2.1 Particular effects of the COVID-19 pandemic affecting the tourism industry.

In accordance with the views of Ritchie and Jiang (2021) initially travel limitations and security measures caused a sharp drop in visits, which in turn caused the occupancy levels for vacation rental properties and various lodging facilities to drastically decrease. Eateries, pubs, and cafes had to close or scale back what they did, which resulted in lost sales and job cuts. The income sources for locations and organisers were impacted by the cancellation or postponement of celebrations and marriages. High sanitary standards and social isolation practices were spurred by wellness and security worries, increasing operating expenses and reducing performance. The accessibility and price of food, drinks and a variety of hospitality-linked items were disrupted by an interruption in worldwide logistics systems. (Breier, et.al, 2021) stated that the epidemic had a bearing on buying habits, with fewer people traveling for pleasure and company, less money being spent on luxury products as well as a transformation to touch less service.

2.2 Recovery techniques used by hotel industry companies.

In the beginning, they concentrated on improving sanitation processes, hand sanitising areas, and social isolation techniques to try to inspire trust in visitors. Le (2021) identified in their study that to reduce hands-on interaction, several companies have also used wireless technologies like Smartphone check-in and online menus. Companies used advertising techniques to draw both foreign and domestic tourists by identifying their needs and providing exclusive deals or bundles. Additionally, they collaborated and formed alliances with various firms or tourism groups to advertise places or develop package deals. Rivera (2020) assessed eliminating employees, establishing time off policies, and revising deals with vendors were all standard ways to reduce expenses. Companies looked at novel income opportunities including providing takeout or shipping amenities, planning events online, or reusing premises.

2.3 Successful recovery techniques used by companies to maintain and resume activities.

Garrido-Moreno (2021) described concerning many variables, the efficiency of recovering tactics used by enterprises in the hotel sector differed. First off, companies had a better chance of resuming and maintaining activities when they quickly changed their procedures to meet laws regarding security and health. Strict sanitation procedures, social segregation policies, and wireless technology were all used to reassure visitors and reduce health worries. Hemmington and Neill (2022) mentioned in their study that Companies that successfully shifted their advertising approaches to reach both national and regional travelersand capitalizedon new travel patterns saw more success. Cooperation and working together with other companies and tourist agencies also contributed to increasing exposure and luring clients. Yet, the success of recovery plans also hinged on outside variables including the epidemic's intensity, governmental restrictions, and the velocity of revival in the economy.

2.4 Suggestions to improve ecology and resilience over time.

Morrish and Jones (2020) defined increasing productivity, increasing customer service, and reacting to shifting consumer tastes, making investments in technologies such as cashless activities, reservations via the Internet, and information analysis. To give visitors confidence, keep on prioritizing and express effective health and safety procedures. Modify procedures often to reflect changing regulations, and spend money on staffing up to maintain compliance with strict requirements. However, Chadee (2021) argued that Advertising alliances and cooperation with different companies, advertising agencies, and governmental organizations jointly advance the industry, combine assets, and create synchronized recovery plans. Adopt green habits and projects like trash reduction, energy conservation, and assistance for local vendors to improve the ecology and attract environmentally aware customers.

Section Four: Overview of Research Methodology:

3.1 Research Type

A qualitative research will be used for the current research to gather deep information as well as perspectives regarding how the global outbreak affected the hotel industry (Newman 2020). The subsequent recovery tactics used and the success of these techniques in bringing back company activities. Situational investigation and deconstruction of respondent observations and opinions are made possible through qualitative investigation.

3.2 Research Approach

Inductive approach will be undertaken for this investigation to enable the development of novel thoughts and opinions that utilise unique discoveries and outcomes in the recovery following the pandemic of the hotel industry (Tyagi, et.al, 2021). It makes it possible to formulate larger thoughts and hypotheses from the ground up using analysing information and trends.

3.3 Research Philosophy

In the context of the current investigation, the interpretivism philosophy will be employed to better comprehend how people in the hotel industry see the after-pandemic company turnaround (Tamminen 2020). It acknowledges the significance of interpersonal as well as cultural settings, enabling a more in-depth investigation using qualitative techniques of the events, attitudes, as well as viewpoints of industrial parties.

3.4 Data Collection

For this research, secondary data will be gathered from already-existing sources including documents, journals, records, and trade magazines (Lobe 2020). With this method, a variety of data may be analysed eliminating the necessity for original data gathering, reducing time and money but yet offering insightful information about company survival.

3.5 Data Analysis

The investigation uses thematic information to find and examine recurrent concepts and trends in the obtained data (Amarasinghe, et.al, 2020). Recognizing significant patterns and ideas associated with the epidemic economic recovery in the hotel industry.

3.6 Ethical Considerations

To prevent plagiarism while providing correct acknowledgement, ethical concerns in this study's project involve making sure that every source is properly referenced (Farrell, et.al, 2020). To respect those who participate and sustain sound research practices, it becomes essential that they preserve the security of their data and provide permission.

3.7 Reliability and Validity

This suggestion entails guaranteeing the veracity and legitimacy of the information gathered and examined (Baig 2020). This involves applying strict controls of evaluation for reliable outcomes while utilising the most recent keywords to guarantee the study is current and useful.

3.8 Research Limitations

The expense, duration, and materials needed to gather evidence and carry out a comprehensive evaluation after the pandemic tourism sector are some of the investigation restrictions in this investigation.

Ethical Aspect of Study

See the ethics below


Activities / Weeks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Designing briefing document
Drafting aims and objectives
Assessment of secondary sources
Selection of research methods
Questionnaire designing
Data gathering via survey
Data structuring and analysis
Concluding findings and recommending
Doing formatting
Taking feedback from tutor
Doing changes and final submission

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List of References:

Books and Journals

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  • Baig, M.I., Shuib, L. and Yadegaridehkordi, E., 2020. Big data in education: a state of the art, limitations, and future research directions.International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education,17(1), pp.1-23.
  • Breier, M., Kallmuenzer, A., Clauss, T., Gast, J., Kraus, S. and Tiberius, V., 2021. The role of business model innovation in the hospitality industry during the COVID-19 Crisis.International Journal of Hospitality Management,92, p.102723.
  • Chadee, D., Ren, S. and Tang, G., 2021. Is digital technology the magic bullet for performing work at home? Lessons learned for post COVID-19 recovery in hospitality management.International Journal of Hospitality Management,92, p.102718.
  • Farrell, T.W., Francis, L., Brown, T., Ferrante, L.E., Widera, E., Rhodes, R., Rosen, T., Hwang, U., Witt, L.J., Thothala, N. and Liu, S.W., 2020. Rationing limited healthcare resources in the COVID?19 era and beyond: ethical considerations regarding older adults.Journal of the American Geriatrics Society,68(6), pp.1143-1149.
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