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1. Introduction - Challenges in LGBTQ+ Healthcare: Addressing Disparities
In the UK, LGBT+ people often experience several disparities in healthcare which is significantly linked to “gender-based inequalities '. Due to a lack of cultural competency and historical discrimination among healthcare providers, older LGBT+ people often face negative behaviour and do not get equal healthcare opportunities as other people. This kind of gender-based inequality mostly affects the non-binary and transgender individuals within the LGBT+ community. This report aims to highlight these gender-based inequities that are faced by the LGBTQ community and related inclusive healthcare policies. This policy will address the gender-related factors which can connect the gaps in healthcare services and ensure equal health opportunities for all individuals in the LQBT+ community.
2. Discussion of the nature of health inequalities
Mental health is the most significant health issue that relates to gender disparities within the LQBTQ community of the UK. Certainly, it is concerned about the higher rates of mental health issues among the non-binary and transgender people living in the UK. From the research of Cambridge University, of 15 numbers of people 10 numbers of non-binary adults are facing long-term mental health conditions (Cam.ac.uk, 2023). From this research, it can be learned that primary care support for LGBTQ people reduces over time. As per the narration of Medina-Martínez et al.(2021), to gain healthcare opportunities, LGBTQ individuals often experience negative and unrealistic behaviour from healthcare providers that hugely impact their mental well-being. Such kind of incidents forced them to keep their health issues secret instead of diagnosing them properly. Medina-Martínez et al.(2021) added that in the UK, avoidable inequalities in healthcare towards LQBTQ people are significantly noticed. Hence, social and cultural conditions and their negative impact on people's lives address the risk of illness and their capabilities to provide care to prevent health issues.
Nonbiranry and transgender people in the UK significantly face gender-related discrimination, a lack of understanding and social exclusion from healthcare providers. In healthcare. The treatment process for mental health cannot remarkably consider the intersectionality of sexual and gender orientation (Huang et al., 2020). In addition, access to gender-assessing mental health practices for trans people is limited in the UK, which shows the negative behaviour of healthcare management to the LGBTQ community and avoids their mental health perspectives. As per the narration of Russell and Fish (2016), organisational discrimination, faithful conceptions of gender diversity and “pathologization of homosexuality” have been considered wrong perspectives in the mindset of UK healthcare professionals. It permits judgment in the identification of LGBTQ people and increases fear and unwillingness to get mental health care. supporting the thought, Soled et al. (2022 p. 625) opined that historical pathologization about homosexuality within the healthcare area has developed a mistrust among LGBTQ people. Such aspects enhance wrong medical-seeking behaviour with various faithful physical judgments. It develops an insensitivity from healthcare professionals towards LGBTQ individuals. Therefore, their mental health complexities went unevaluated and worsened gender and health disparities.
Goldberg et al. (2019) opined that LGBTQ people who seek mental health treatment often want help for certain reasons as non-LGBTQ people want. However, LGBTQ people face risks in interpersonal matters of stigma and encountering structural matters that are present in Society. They significantly experience denied diagnosis and incompetent care while seeking treatment for mental care. Such incidents let them develop a fear of social stigma and avoid wanting help. As per the “gender minority stress theory” such exposure to social stigma results in negative health outcomes for LGBTQ individuals.
Structural kind of stigma results in a stressful atmosphere for trans individuals which compromises their social welling. It can highlight negative behavioural cognitive responses and problematic affective aspects. Biggers (2020) mentioned that a 2015 review found that such gender inequalities in health care are strongly associated with mental health complications which correlate with anxiety, stress and depression. Such social disparities make it difficult to get health insurance towards LGBTQ groups and prevent them from seeking appropriate medical care. As per the narration of Hafeez et al. (2018), such health disparities in the LGBTQ community contribute to negative mental health impacts. Social stigma, unequal access to healthcare services, and regular social discrimination from healthcare professionals enhance a higher rate of suicidal thoughts, depression and anxiety in these people. Moreover, addressing these complications is necessary to provide an inclusive atmosphere which can focus on positive well-being among LGBTQ groups.
3. Discussion of the policy
The UK government has provided different legislations and policies to identify health inequalities within the LGBTQ groups including
“Nationaal LGBTQ action plan”
The UK government provided a “national LGBTQ action plan” to offer them equal opportunities in healthcare aspects (Gov. uk, 2018). From its survey, the UK government has identified that 16% of people from this community have faced difficulties in healthcare services, mostly in gender identity clinics. Because of the inappropriate questioning and unnecessary curiosity from healthcare professionals, they feel uncomfortable and ignore their certain needs in healthcare. 51% of people have agreed in this government action plan that they tried to access mental health. However, they have to wait long and feel embarrassed by their GP. Hence, the "National LGBTQ Action Plan" will improve the paths of gender identity practices for LGBTQ groups and try to improve the awareness of healthcare staff regarding the LGBTQ community. In this action plan, NHS joined with the UK government in 2019 and they decided to work on future configurations for LGBTQ individuals (Gov.uk, 2018). Here, LGBTQ people get a chance to get high-quality health outcomes in a flexible atmosphere.
Equality Act 2020"
The UK government prohibited the "Equality Act 2010" to mitigate discrimination based on gender identity and sexual orientation in different areas of individuals life inducing healthcare. This law ensured equal access to diagnosis practices and protected LGBTQ groups from social discrimination.
4. Suggestions to address the gaps and future improvements
During the time to take remarkable actions with the "National LGBTQ Action Plan" and the "Equality Act 2010" to address and define the health inequalities words LGBTQ groups, several gaps can be noticed including
National LGBTQ Action Plan
Maximising inclusive actions in gender identification clinics
The contribution to gender identity clinics is significant however they must take suitable guidelines to ensure respectful practices and inclusivity. Identifying discomfort by unsuitable quarries needs particular measures to be provided within these gender identity clinics.
Involvement of LGBTQ communities
While the action plan focuses on improving awareness among healthcare professionals, LGBTQ groups engagement was needed to make a success of this action plan. Here, they need to join in the evaluation and development of healthcare policies to make sure that their involvement is essential for evaluating their diverse needs.
Equality act 2020
Lack of intersectionality considerations
While defining social discrimination, this legislation can highlight intersectionality considerations which will identify that people from LGBTQ groups can face various forms of discrimination in real life.
Lack of awareness campaigns
The use of the act for promoting health equality to the LGBTQ community needs to be strengthened by promoting awareness and education campaigns nationwide. Most of the people including healthcare staff cannot be entirely knowledgeable about the protections provided by the act. Risen awareness may contribute to an inclusive healthcare atmosphere for all kinds of people.
Future suggestions
R1: Refining the act in significant areas
As per the narration of Gonzales and Gavulic (2020), the “equality act” should be used in the improvement of access to care. Following the act, not only healthcare, but also education, housing and employment the equality aspects need to increase. Broader acceptance and a welcoming atmosphere in health care and other public areas will give new opportunities for LGBTQ people to gain optimal health in significant paths that the healthcare aspects may not handle alone. The UK government should use this act not only to mitigate discrimination but also to provide improved health insurance and mental health outcomes for LGBTQ communities.
R2: Changes in the intervention of healthcare professionals
Medina-Martínez et al. (2021) suggested that programs on gender and sexual diversity, and inclusive sex education will help to take prevention of bullying and suicide. Moreover, providing safe places for LGBTQ people and cooperation from community-based social groups can help the MH of LGBTQ people. Healthcare professionals should examine the health needs of these people rather than asking unnecessary questions about their sexuality. In addition, providing family-centred care and edifying the need for gender affirmation, will help the LGBTQ audiences to give appropriate information about their sexual orientation.
5. Conclusion
In conclusion, LGBTQ+ audiences significantly face several social barriers regarding stigma while they seek to access healthcare. Therefore, Permitting them to share their family backgrounds, encouraging them by giving respect and educating them about native healthcare results, will help the healthcare professionals to know about their medical histories and base of their health issues. It will allow them to provide the appropriate care for the betterment of their mental health.
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