Health And Social Care In Context Essay Sample

Health and Social Care in Context Essay for Academic Excellence

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Introduction Of Health And Social Care In Context

The primary function of health and social care in the UK refers to the provision of a wide range of services in the area alongside supporting social care and child support (Hardy et al. 2022). The primary aim of the health and social care provision in the UK refers to providing protection as well as meeting the primary need of health and social care of individuals. This is followed by reduction of health disparities along with the improvement of social care outcomes. The following essay is intended to address the development and delivery of health and social for the UK communities in the form of gay men and black women without disability and exploring their health care and social care needs in the UK.

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The development and delivery of health and social care

The delivery of healthcare refers to services involving the medical professionals such as nurses, doctors, pharmacists (World Health Organization, 2022). This is followed by the primary aim of providing services in the form of healthcare assistance as well as identifying people who require healthcare services (, 2023a). This also includes the personnel who provide the health care and keep the payment for healthcare as low as possible with the aim of making it accessible for everyone who requires it (Heponiemi et al. 2022). Besides, the consistency and reproducibility of strong association between social determinants and multitude of health outcomes in diverse settings have a positive impact on the healthcare matrix. The concept of healthcare matrix refers to the structured framework that helps with care, interaction between quality of health outcomes and skills, knowledge and attitude of healthcare professionals to impact on these outcomes (Bianco et al. 2022). In the case of the UK, the delivery of health and social care also includes care for the ageing population alongside the changing burden of disease as well as changes in delivery systems (, 2023a). It also addresses effective use of community health services in regards to social care while ensuring the availability of 24/7 during requirements and offering a wide range of housing options for community people.

Explanation of the developments in health and social care services over time in UK

Developing health and social care services addresses the policy shift of the past decades in terms of provisioning and funding social and health care in the UK. The role of central government and NHS in order to maintain the responsibility for health care is outlined in the accountability of 1988 Griffith review system (, 2023b). This review system is contemplated to play a crucial role in terms of highlighting the financial investments in the UK healthcare system with the aim of encouraging national authorities to take necessary steps for community healthcare. This is followed by reviewing the funding settlement for providing a long-term healthcare approach for the elderly population in the UK and it was instructed in the Royal Commission report, 1999 (Russell et al. 2022).

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The National Health Service and Community Care Act 1990 was introduced in the UK market with the aim of supplying healthcare and making the state an enabler rather than the supplier of Health and social care provision (Hughes and McGuire, 2022). This is followed by a 1989 review process named as white paper, caring for people under the guidance of the same regulation to address the responsibilities of local authorities in terms of managing care approaches for social context and state funded residential care and later it was replaced by the Care Act 2004 (Speyer et al. 2022). This former act is considered significant in the developing history of social care in the UK as it led towards a huge growth in the state-funding for the advent of community care (, 2023b). This is followed by emphasis on prevention as well as rehabilitation care aspects under the regulation of 1998 White Paper Modernising Social Services. This is important as it addresses the existing policies which were removed in order to support the lower level of help in the UK (Walsh et al. 2022).

Choose a specific ‘community' How have their experiences of health and social changed over time? Have their needs always been met?

For the following context, a community of black women with mental health issues is selected in the UK perspective while addressing their experience on health and social care.

While addressing their health and well-being history in the UK, it can be stated that the Black Women's Health and Wellbeing Network was established in the year 2011 and focusing on the overall healthcare approaches for African Caribbean women alongside Black Asian and minority ethnic communities in the UK (, 2023). However, it was also identified that helping black women was often ignored by the policy makers and that ignorance has impacted the role of local authority and voluntary sector to manage the overall healthcare of this black women community. On the other hand, in present conditions, In the UK, black women have facing twice or in some particular places in the UK, more than three times while suffering from long-term conditions while suffering from chronic pain as well as anxiety hypertension, osteoarthritis alongside diabetes and morbid obesity (Pilav et al. 2022). They also suffer from death due to childbirth in comparison with white women and the treatment lacks a shortage of acceptable standards (Medicalnewstoday, 2023). The NHS and the government leaders have stated the underestimated context of racism that plays a crucial role while treating black women in the UK and which affects their overall healthcare approaches. Apart from that, the deteriorated presence of multi-morbidities factors that impact the black women's long-term health conditions with the prevalence of mental health diseases such as depression and anxiety (Alio et al. 2022). It was also found that 31% of black women have suffered long term mental health conditions in comparison with white British patients and the local community of black women also suffering from high rates of illness that contributes towards long term conditions (, 2023a). These state the unmet requirements of the community in the UK which shows the unequal healthcare approaches for the black women.

In addition, in the case of addressing the history of black women community towards social care aspects, the Work For Age Policy in the UK addresses the role of local authorities to reach out to black women from the community and other minorities of ethnic groups (Mezzina et al. 2022). This policy sheds light on the average working hours in a week and minimum payment rule for people over the age of 16. However, for the black women, 12.1% are facing job insecurity regarding payment in comparison with 6.4% of White women in the UK (, 2023). This is followed by imposing barriers for black workers. However, it can also be stated that there are other initiatives such as adoption and fostering families from black communities to manage the experience of people's experiences while dealing with other “races”. However, in the present condition, as per the Marmot 2010 policy, the variations of social care approaches are widening for the particular communities (Killaspy et al. 2022). It leads to the unmet requirements of the black women community while dealing with their rights on education, social work and medical conditions in the UK.

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Consider how health and social care services meet diverse needs for these communities

Accessing healthcare approaches and reduction of racial discrimination are primary part of the accessing equality with natives (Khatri and Assefa, 2022). This is followed by fair occupational chances along with equal income, equality on reducing poverty as well as overcrowding population and reducing chronic physical comorbidities are also important. The latter part also addresses the prevalence of diabetes, obesity along with mental health issues among black women in the UK which causes disparities to meet their needs (Scheyvens et al. 2023). Approximately 29% of the total black women population in the UK are currently suffering from mental distress in the form of anxiety, depression and many more (, 2023b) in comparison with 21% white British women (, 2023). The primary social context on achieving equal care refers to the social status, greater health along with lower the risk of life expectancy and a strong social position to meet the needs. However, in the UK, black women are suffering from not accessing equal health services as well as educational level and managing lifestyles. This also addresses the fundamental reason in the form of unequal distribution of resources that affects the minority communities through social policies and financial programs in the UK (Garcia, 2022). On the other hand, social support along with maintenance of personal and social relationships helps with meeting the requirements of healthcare approaches for minorities people with mental health issues. However, there is less governmental support for educational programs towards other minorities alongside black women for employment opportunities, healthcare bills, housing context and participation in social activities (Filia et al. 2022) which address the unmet needs of the identified community in the UK.

How do mainstream services meet the specific needs of diverse groups and communities?

The mainstream service in the UK for meeting the needs of diverse groups and communities while “Valuing people” while focusing on their right to be independent and “valuing people now” for choice and inclusion of people with learning disability and mental health issues (Bansal et al. 2022). The good practice is guidance under the NHS commissioning of service as well as 1993 and 2007 Mansell reports are present in order to describe the requirements for the identified communities while developing high quality local services (, 2023). Besides maintaining the primary focus on working in partnership with individuals as well as the presence of families and caregivers in the case of mental Health aspects by adopting person centred approaches to deliver the independence and controlling care approaches for minority people in the UK (Wallace and Favell, 2023). This also includes providing care and support arrangement and renewing commitment towards transformation of care and support delivery for mental health issues among black community Asian and other minority groups under the provision of Care Act 2014 (Selma et al. 2022). This is followed by focusing on the outcome of the personalised care process and will being of the community people and strengthening community bonding and providing preventive support to avoid father issues in the community (, 2023).

What specific services exist for specific groups and communities?

The policy of managing mental health of BAME (Black, Asian along with minority ethnic) in the UK addresses the presence of stigma and lack of culturally sensitive treatment for the community people alongside highlighting the presence of several available options for BAME to overcome the barriers (Nyashanu et al. 2022). It includes the role of minority community association to provide mental support for BAME. This also includes the availability of accessing NHS mental Health Care approaches by BAME which are similar to the rest of the white population (, 2023). This is followed by talking therapy service as well as second ready mental health services provided by the government in order to associate these communities to cope up with barriers. It also includes engaging with services outside the NHS in the form of local charities, support groups along with online support forums for the BAME population in the UK (, 2023). Besides, British association of counsellors and psychotherapists alongside UK council for psychotherapy are available for the identified community to provide private therapy and communicate through the issue (Kemet et al. 2022).

You may wish to consider, critically, how well the needs of diverse groups and community are met

The primary issues of accessing mental Health services in the UK refers to the shortage of time, accessibility of care, availability and awareness along with the affordability, presence of stigma and negative career implication (Knight et al. 2022). For the Black community, it includes environmental and personal factors such as inability to recognise the sign of issue as well as accepting problems for treatment in regards to the mental health and identifying role of social network due to the presence of constant stigma and differentiations in the UK (Bmjopen.bmj, 2023). This is followed by other issues in the form of psychological distress and inability to seek help for cultural identity, negative perceptions which act against mental health and financial factors of the minority community in the UK. It also includes prolong time for initial assessment as well as language barrier and poor communication between service providers and receivers that shows imbalance of power and cultural naivety towards the identified community. Besides, insensitivity and discrimination towards the community also delays taking primary steps for the people while seeking help for mental health distress (Bmjopen.bmj, 2023).


In terms of concluding the overall essay it can be stated that there are several present factors that affect the health access for black community in the UK in comparison to the white population. These issues include equal rights towards education, healthcare and social care approaches as well as facing discrimination and social stigma that have a crucial impact on the overall help and social care approaches for the community people. However, the NHS has started with an initiative to reduce the barriers in the form of providing support and psychotherapy for affected populations which is considered a positive step towards achieving health and social well-being of the population.


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