Research Thesis on Collaborative Group Learning Practice by Nepalese Case Study

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Table of Contents
73 Pages 18334 Words

Chapter 1: Introduction Group Work In Nepalese Schools And How It Was Conducted

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1.1 Explanation of the Reason for the Study

Because of the increasing interconnectedness of the world, it is essential for teachers to think about how they can best prepare their pupils for a future in which they will need to collaborate with people from different cultures and countries. One of the ways in which they might accomplish this is by incorporating learning in collaborative groups into their method of instruction. The use of collaborative group learning is something that Nepalese educators should seriously consider using in their classrooms for a number of different reasons (Acharya, Acharya and Shrestha, 2020). To begin, it is an efficient method for involving each and every student in the overall educational process. Students have a better opportunity to express their thoughts and points of view with their classmates when they work in groups. As a result, their educational experiences are enhanced. Second, children are better able to develop essential abilities through the use of collaborative group learning, including communication, cooperation, and critical thinking.

They are going to need to have these talents in order to be successful in their future employment. Third, participatory learning in groups can be utilized to teach about and celebrate the diversity that exists in Nepal. Teachers are able to assist their pupils in understanding and appreciating the numerous cultures and traditions that makeup Nepal if they have their students collaborate with students who come from a variety of diverse backgrounds (Dhungana et al ., 2021). In conclusion, learning in a collaborative group setting is just plain enjoyable. It is a terrific approach to get pupils enthused about learning, as well as to break up the routine of a regular classroom setting, which may be monotonous. The use of collaborative group learning in Nepalese classrooms should be considered for a number of different reasons by Nepalese educators. They will be able to help their kids acquire key skills, learn about the diversity of Nepal, and have a lot of fun while doing it.

1.2 Need for the Research

An investigation into the use of collaborative group learning by Nepalese teachers is something that needs to be done if the country of Nepal is going to see an improvement in the standard of its educational system. The existing educational system in Nepal is not up to the same standards as those used internationally. This is made abundantly clear by the subpar results that Nepalese students consistently achieve on international tests. It is essential to implement the most effective educational policies and procedures from other countries if one hopes to raise the standard of education in Nepal (Devkota et al ., 2021). Collaborative group learning is one example of an effective method. Collaborative group learning is a form of instruction in which students are first organized into groups, and then those groups are charged with the task of acquiring knowledge on a specific topic or idea.

It has been demonstrated that employing this instructional approach leads to significant gains in terms of student learning. It has been demonstrated that it increases student involvement as well as critical thinking and creative thinking. In addition to that, it inspires students to take an active role in their own education and to accept responsibility for it (Le, Janssen and Wubbels, 2018). It is necessary for teachers in Nepal to receive training in collaborative group learning in order for them to be able to effectively employ this instructional strategy in their classrooms. Therefore, in order to raise the overall standard of education in Nepal, it is absolutely necessary to carry out research on the practice of collaborative group learning that is used by Nepalese teachers.

1.3 Research Question

  • How do Nepalese teachers use collaborative group learning in their classrooms?
  • What are the benefits of collaborative group learning?
  • How does collaborative group learning help Nepalese students learn?
  • What are the challenges of collaborative group learning for Nepalese students?
  • How can Nepalese teachers overcome the challenges of collaborative group learning?

1.4 Research Background

Collaborative group learning is a process where students work together to learn new information or complete a task. Collaborative group learning can be done in person or online, and it can be done in a variety of settings, such as in a classroom, in a study group, or in a workgroup (Van Leeuwen and Janssen, 2019). Collaborative group learning is an instructional strategy in which students work together in small groups to complete a task or solve a problem. This type of learning has many benefits, including improved academic achievement, better social skills, and increased motivation.

There are many benefits to using CGL in the classroom, including the fact that it encourages student-centred learning, promotes active and hands-on learning, and allows for differentiated instruction. In addition, CGL is an effective way to promote social and emotional learning, as it gives students the opportunity to practice working cooperatively with others (Novitasari, 2019). Nepalese teachers can use CGL in a variety of ways in their classrooms. For example, they can use it to introduce new concepts and skills, practice and reinforce existing knowledge and skills, scaffold learning for struggling students, and provide opportunities for enrichment for advanced students.

When using CGL, it is important to carefully select the tasks and activities that will be used. The tasks should be designed to promote active and hands-on learning and should be appropriate for the student’s age, ability level, and interests (Jeong, Hmelo-Silver and Jo, 2019). In addition, the tasks should be challenging enough to promote deep understanding, but not so difficult that they frustrate or overwhelm the students. When introducing CGL to a class, it is important to model the desired behaviour and provide explicit instructions. It is also important to give the students time to practice the new skills and strategies in a safe and supportive environment before using them in more challenging situations.

Overall, collaborative group learning is a highly effective teaching methodology that can be used in a variety of ways to promote active and engaged learning. Nepalese teachers can use CGL to introduce new concepts, reinforce existing knowledge, scaffold learning for struggling students, and provide enrichment opportunities for advanced students (Le, Janssen and Wubbels, 2018). By carefully selecting tasks and activities, and by providing explicit instructions and modelling the desired behaviour, Nepalese teachers can help ensure that their students benefit from the many advantages of this teaching approach.

1.5 Plan of Each Section of the Research Study

The section following the first one is as follows: A literature review is a section of a research paper that reviews the literature within a given field of study. The literature review also allows the researcher to identify gaps in the literature that need to be addressed (Li and Wang, 2018). When writing a literature review, the researcher will first identify the key concepts and then search for relevant scholarly articles, books, and other sources. The sources should be synthesized and evaluated in order to identify the current state of knowledge within the field of study. The literature review should also discuss the implications of the findings and make recommendations for future research.

The methodology section of a research paper will explain how the research was conducted. It is divided into three subsections: participants, materials, and procedures. In the participant’s subsection, the researcher will explain who took part in the study and how they were chosen (Tulud, Mosquera and Algouti, 2021). In the materials subsection, the researcher will list the materials used in the study. In the procedure’s subsection, the researcher will describe the steps taken to conduct the research. The methodology section is important because it will allowthe reader to understand how the research was conducted and whether or not the results are reliable.

The Data and analysis section of a research paper is where the author presents their data and findings (Lemire et al ., 2020). This is where they will analyse and interpret their data, and present their results. The Data and analysis can be divided into three parts: data analysis, results, and discussion. In the data analysis part of the Findings section, the author will go through their data and look for any patterns or trends. They will then use these patterns and trends to help them understand their results. After the data analysis, the author will present their results. This is where they will present their findings in a clear and concise manner.

Lastly, the author will discuss their results. In this part of the Data and analysis section, the author will discuss the implications of their findings and what they mean for the research question.The Data and analysis section of a research paper is where the author presents their interpretation of the data collected in the study (Careja and Harris, 2022). This is where the author draws conclusions based on their analysis of the data and discusses the implications of their findings. The discussion section is also where the author addresses any limitations of the study and provides suggestions for future research.

In the Conclusion section, the researcher will briefly restate the research question or hypothesis, describe the overall pattern found in the results, and will discuss the implications of the findings (Ebrahim, 2018). The researcher will also explain why the study is important and what it contributes to the existing body of research. Finally, the researcher will suggest future directions for research, based on the findings.

Chapter 2: Literature Review

2.1 Chapter Overview

This particular piece of the study is going to talk about the relevance of the practice of collaborative group learning that is done by Nepalese teachers initially. Following that, pertinent aspects connected to the subject matter will be examined in the course of the investigation. These aspects include the composition of the group, the size of the group, the dynamics of the group, the type of task, individual differences, and the learning environment. The relevance of collaborative learning practice to the Nepalese education sector will be demonstrated in the following portion of the literature review section. In conclusion, the particular study will continue to illustrate the difficulties associated with collaborative group learning inside the Nepalese educational system.

2.2 Importance of the Topic Collaborative Group learning practice by Nepalese Teacher

The study of the issue of the use of collaborative group learning practice by Nepalese instructors is significant for a variety of reasons that will be discussed in this article. One justification for this is that it has the potential to raise the standard of education in Nepal. According to Acharya, Acharya and Shrestha (2020), researchers and policymakers in Nepal can design methods to better help Nepalese teachers if they can gain a better knowledge of how Nepalese teachers employ collaborative group learning approaches. In addition, research into this issue has the potential to contribute to the development of a more favourable image of Nepal and its educational system on a global scale. As per the view of Yadav et al . (2018), studying the issue of the use of collaborative group learning practice by Nepalese instructors is significant for a number of reasons, one of which is the possibility that doing so will contribute to an improvement in the standard of education received by Nepalese pupils. Timonen (2021) stated, finally, it is vital to do research on the issue of the implementation of collaborative group learning practice by Nepalese instructors since this practice has the potential to help enhance the quality of education received by all students, not only those who are enrolled in schools in Nepal.

2.3 Relevant Factors Associated with Collaborative Group Learning Practice

Virtanen and Tynjälä (2018) specified that there are six different factors affecting collaborative group learning. These are group structure, group size, group dynamics, task type, individual differences, and the learning environment. Group structure refers to the way the group is organized, including the roles and responsibilities of members, the decision-making process, and the level of structure. In Nepal, the factor of group structure affects the application of collaborative group learning by Nepalese teachers. As highlighted in the study of Dhital (2018), The Nepalese educational system places a strong emphasis on cooperative learning, which highlights the importance of pupils working together. From the opinion of the author, this has been seen that the groups of the pupils with Nepalese students are made with the students of different qualities, merits and knowledge. This is so obvious that this is challenging to the teachers to make a proper team and implement collaboration within the team. In cooperative learning, students are grouped together in order to complete a task or project. This type of learning is believed to be more effective than individual learning, as it allows students to share knowledge and ideas, and to learn from each other.

However, the way in which students are grouped together can have a significant impact on the effectiveness of collaborative learning. If students are grouped together randomly, they may not be able to work effectively as a team. Graesser et al . (2018) stated, on the other hand, if students are grouped together based on their ability level, they may be more likely to cooperate and learn from each other. Here comes another discussion which is opposite to the process of collaborative learning. As stated by Graesser et al . (2018), the students in collaborative learning usually team up such a way so that they can help each other. Teaming up the students according to their abilities can make some divisions within the classroom which is certainly not applicable. Buchem et al . (2018) noted in his study, therefore, the success of collaborative learning depends on the educator’s participation in group formation. Collaborative group learning is a popular technique used by Nepali teachers to encourage their students to cooperate and learn from one another. However, the effectiveness of this approach depends on the way in which the groups are structured. If the groups are not well-structured, the students may not be able to work effectively together and the learning may not be as effective. This statement evidence the opinion of Graesser et al . (2018) that the collaborative learning requires an inequality that helps all the students to learn from each other.

Group size is the number of members in the group. Group size is an important factor to consider when implementing collaborative group learning in the Nepalese classroom. Lämsä et al . (2021) found out a major determinant of the success of collaborative learning is that in a group that is too huge, students could struggle to learn from and with one another, and in a group that is too small, students might not have enough opportunities to practise working together. Sheller et al . (2018) mentioned, that the ideal group size for collaborative group learning will vary depending on the specific objectives of the lesson and the age and ability level of the students. A good guideline is to keep student groups to no more than six people. This will allow students to work together effectively while still providing each individual with enough opportunities to contribute to the group.

Van Leeuwen and Janssen (2019) highlighted Group dynamics refer to the way the group interacts, including communication, conflict, and cooperation. Group dynamics refers to the way in which people interact with each other in groups. It can have a positive or negative effect on the way in which collaborative group learning takes place. Nepalese teachers need to be aware of the potential effects of group dynamics on collaborative group learning. If the group dynamics are positive, they can help to facilitate learning. Trach, Lee and Hymel (2018) noted that, However, if the dynamics are poor, they could inhibit learning. On the contrary Ansari and Khan (2020) pointed out fostering favourable group dynamics may improve the group’s cohesion and output.

This can lead to a more effective learning environment, as members of the group are more likely to work together to achieve common goals. Gaševi? et al . (2019) mentioned negative group dynamics can create a sense of conflict and competition within a group. This can lead to a less effective learning environment, as members of the group are more likely to focus on their own individual goals rather than working together to achieve common goals. Nepalese teachers need to be aware of the potential effects of group dynamics on collaborative group learning. If the dynamics are positive, they can help to facilitate learning.

One of the important factors that must be mentioned from this scenario that a huge number of Nepalese teachers are enrolled in schools and this is helpful to maintain a standard group size. The reports have said that around 6.3 million students are studying in Nepalese schools. This can be said from this scenario that a greater approach to the collaborative learning can be achieved within the schools in Nepal and this is helpful to develop the teaching-learning process.

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Task type is the nature of the task the group is working on, including its difficulty, complexity, and ambiguity. Qureshi et al . (2019) noted that in Nepal, the type of task that is assigned to a collaborative group learning team can affect the application of the strategy by Nepalese teachers. The study of Khanal et al . (2020) revealed, when pupils are assigned more difficult homework, teachers in Nepal are more likely to employ a cooperative learning strategy. On the other hand, Joshi, Gnawali and Dixon (2018) noticed, when their pupils’ work is less difficult, Nepalese teachers are more likely to employ individualised teaching. This is because Nepalese teachers believe that collaborative group learning is more effective for more difficult tasks while individual learning is more effective for easier tasks.

Individual differences refer to the unique characteristics of each group member, including their knowledge, skills, abilities, and personality. Collaborative group learning activities have been shown to increase students’ engagement in the learning process. Chatterjee and Correia (2020) further added an important aspect that the success of this technique depends on the ability of the teachers to meet the specific requirements of their diverse student body. As per the view of Sugino (2021), in Nepal, teachers must be aware of the diverse range of abilities, interests, and backgrounds of their students in order to create an effective learning environment. One of the challenges of collaborative group learning is that it can be difficult to keep all students engaged in the learning process. This is especially true when students have different levels of ability or interest in the topic.

In order to ensure that all students are able to benefit from the learning experience, teachers need to be aware of the individual differences among their students and make adjustments to the way they deliver instruction. Another challenge of collaborative group learning is that it can be difficult to manage the different learning styles of students. Biwer et al . (2021) opined that some students may prefer to work independently, while others may prefer to work in groups. It is important for teachers to be aware of the different learning styles of their students and to provide instruction that is tailored to meet the needs of each individual. Koirala et al . (2019) pointed out, because students in Nepal have different degrees of previous knowledge and experience, teachers may run into difficulties while trying to adopt cooperative learning. Furthermore, considering this challenge, the study of Ghufron and Ermawati (2018) suggested, if teachers recognise the challenges their students encounter and modify their teachings appropriately, they may still make their classrooms wonderful places to learn.

The learning environment is the physical and social setting in which the group is working, including the resources and support available. The learning environment is a critical factor in the application of collaborative group learning by Nepalese teachers. Khan et al . (2022) are of the opinion that, the learning environment can influence the level of teacher collaboration, the quality of student-teacher interactions, and the overall climate of the classroom. Teacher collaboration is essential for the success of collaborative group learning. In order for collaborative group learning to be effective, teachers need to be able to work together to plan and implement lessons. The learning environment can either facilitate or hinder teacher collaboration. Van Leeuwen and Janssen (2019) opined, if teachers feel at ease working together in the classroom, they are more inclined to collaborate while planning and executing lessons. On the contrary, Le, Janssen and Wubbels (2018) research suggest, but if the classroom environment does not promote cooperation, the teachers’ capacity to collaborate may be hampered.

According to Razak, Razakand Shukor (2022), the quality of student-teacher interactions is also influenced by the learning environment. If the learning environment is positive and supportive, then students are more likely to feel comfortable interacting with their teachers. However, if the learning environment is negative or unsupportive, then students may not feel as comfortable interacting with their teachers. The overall climate of the classroom is also affected by the learning environment. If the learning environment is positive and supportive, then the classroom climate is likely to be positive and supportive.

Khan et al . (2022) noted each of these factors can affect the collaborative learning process in different ways. For example, a well-structured group with clear roles and responsibilities is more likely to be effective than a group with no structure. A group of two people is more likely to be effective than a group of 20 people. A group that is cooperative and communicative is more likely to be effective than a group that is hostile and uncooperative. A group working on a simple task is more likely to be effective than a group working on a complex task.

A group with members who have similar knowledge and skills is more likely to be effective than a group with members who have different knowledge and skills. And a group working in a supportive environment is more likely to be effective than a group working in an unsupportive environment. Emanuelsson and Sahlström (2022) opined, that each group will have its own unique combination of these factors, and the effect of each factor will vary depending on the specific group. Some groups will be able to overcome challenges posed by one or more of these factors, while others will find that these factors make it difficult to achieve their goals. Ultimately, the success of a collaborative group learning experience depends on the ability of the group to identify and manage the factors that are affecting their learning.

2.4 Relevance of Collaborative Learning Practice to the Nepalese Education Sector

According to Bidari (2021), collaborative learning is an educational approach that involves students working together to solve a problem or complete a task. In recent years, collaborative learning has become an increasingly popular pedagogical approach in Nepal. This is due in part to the growing recognition of the benefits of this type of learning, which include improved academic performance, increased motivation, and better social skills. There are a number of reasons why collaborative learning is particularly relevant to the Nepalese education sector. First, Nepal is a culturally diverse country, with a variety of languages and dialects spoken. Dahal et al (2020) stated this can make it difficult for students to communicate with each other and understand their classmates. Second, the Nepalese education sector is facing a number of challenges, including a high dropout rate, a lack of qualified teachers, and a lack of resources. These challenges make it difficult for students to receive a quality education.

Third, collaborative learning can help to address some of the challenges faced by the Nepalese education sector. For example, by working together in groups, students can share resources and knowledge, which can help to improve the quality of education they receive. Joshi, Gnawali and Dixon (2018) highlighted, additionally, collaborative learning can help to motivate students and to keep them engaged in their studies. Overall, the relevance of collaborative learning to the Nepalese education sector is clear. This type of learning can help to improve the quality of education, motivate students, and to address some of the challenges faced by the sector.

It is a popular teaching method in many countries and is increasingly being used in the Nepalese education sector. There are many advantages to collaborative learning. It encourages students to communicate and share ideas, which can lead to a deeper understanding of the subject matter. It also develops important skills such as teamwork, problem-solving and decision-making. As per Kunwar (2020), in a country like Nepal, where educational resources are often limited, collaborative learning can be a very effective way of teaching. It allows students to make the most of what they have and to learn from each other. There is no doubt that a proper collaborative approach towards educational factors in Nepal is one of the best options to the development of the students. With this high rate of dropouts and lesser resources, this can be challenging to ensure quality education through collaboration; however, this is the best option that the Nepalese government can depict to ensure sustainable growth. Nevertheless, absence of trained and qualified teachers is some of the challenges in this process and must be mitigated first.

The study of Dahal, Topping and Levy (2019) revealed, both a high rate of student dropouts and a dearth of qualified teachers are issues with Nepal’s educational system. Collaborative learning, which gives pupils a more engaging and beneficial method to learn, is one option to address these issues. The government of Nepal has recently announced a new education policy which includes a focus on collaborative learning. This is a positive step and it is hoped that the policy will help to improve the quality of education in Nepal.

According to Dhakal (2022), collaborative learning is a teaching and learning approach that emphasizes group work and cooperative effort. It is based on the idea that learning is more effective when it is a social activity, and that students learn best when they are working together to solve problems or complete tasks. In recent years, collaborative learning has become increasingly popular in the Nepalese education sector. This is due in part to the recognition of the benefits that this approach can offer, such as improved academic performance, better social skills, and increased motivation. There is a growing body of evidence that suggests that collaborative learning is an effective way to learn.

Studies have shown that students who are engaged in collaborative learning activities outperform those who are not on measures of academic achievement, social skills, and motivation. Tayeh, Bademosiand Issa (2019) noted, that there are a number of reasons why collaborative learning is so effective. First, it allows students to share ideas and knowledge with each other. This exchange of ideas can help students to better understand concepts and to come up with creative solutions to problems. Second, collaborative learning encourages students to take responsibility for their own learning. When students are working together, they are more likely to be engaged and invested in the task at hand.

This sense of responsibility can lead to improved academic performance. Finally, collaborative learning can be fun. Garcia-Sanjuan et al . (2018) found that when students are working together and cooperating, they are more likely to enjoy the learning process. This can lead to increased motivation and a positive attitude towards learning. The Nepalese educational system has much to gain from utilising collaborative learning techniques. This approach might enhance inspiration, interpersonal skills, and academic performance. It is a useful and enjoyable teaching strategy. Collaboration in the classroom is a tried-and-true strategy with many benefits that Nepal’s educational system should continue to investigate.

In the field of education, there has been a shift in recent years toward an increased emphasis on group study and project-based instruction. Students participate in this mode of education by completing assignments or projects in small groups with the help of one another. Janssen and Kirschner (2020) stated collaborative learning has various advantages, including the improvement of academic achievement and increased motivation for students. Other advantages include the development of social skills. The educational system in Nepal is one that lends itself well to group work and cooperation. This is due to the fact that Nepalese culture is generally quite collectivistic, placing a high focuses on cooperation and working together as a team. Given Nepal’s existing high student load in the educational system, collaborative learning’s capacity to assist in reducing the number of students in each classroom is particularly crucial.

There are a few challenges that need to be considered when implementing collaborative learning in Nepal. Li et al . (2022) revealed, first, the language barrier can be a problem, as many students may not be able to communicate effectively in English. Reports have said that English medium studies are getting popular in Nepal and, as there is a scarcity of this language, this can be challenging to implement proper collaboration.

Thapa (2020) informs another reason in his study which is due to the uneven quality of education in Nepal; some students may not possess the same level of expertise as others. The final obstacle to cooperation is that students from various socioeconomic backgrounds might not be used to cooperating. The use of collaborative teaching and learning as a teaching strategy in Nepal has a lot of promise. Classes will be smaller as a consequence, giving pupils a greater opportunity to study and develop important social skills.

2.5 Challenges Associated with Collaborative Group Learning in Nepalese Education

According to Shrestha et al . (2022) noted, the educational system in Nepal is in a state of change, and there are many difficulties associated with studying in collaborative groups. Due to a shortage of funding, the education system currently suffers from overcrowding in classrooms as well as a dearth of available resources. Because of this, it is more difficult for teachers to properly engage with all of their pupils and to meet the unique requirements of each kid. The high dropout rate also indicates that many pupils are not getting the education that they require since they are not in school. In Nepal, the value of cooperation and teamwork in the classroom is rising, although administrators and instructors sometimes find it difficult to handle the high numbers of students enrolled in each course. This imbalance in “demand and supply” is creating difficulty to ensure a greater collaboration in Nepalese education system.

According to the viewpoint of Malakar and Sapkota (2021), Nepal has difficulties with collaborative group learning due to a shortage of resources and a high student to teacher ratio. According to the reports, the ratio of students and teachers is only 2% which is obviously not enough to manage the factors of collaboration. Because of the vast number of students in each class, it can be challenging for pupils to receive the individualised attention they require to successfully study and comprehend the subject matter. Khanal et al . (2021) remarked that students may have feelings of being lost and overwhelmed as a result of this, and eventually they may give up trying entirely. When it comes to learning in collaborative groups, a lack of resources can also be a significant barrier. If there are not enough textbooks or other materials for all of the students, it will be difficult for those students to fully participate in the process of learning. Additionally, it might be challenging for students to obtain material and communicate with their classmates if the classroom is not well-equipped with technology. Both of these obstacles might make it difficult for students to be successful in learning environments that need them to work together in groups.

Kirschner et al . (2018) are of the opinion that since the beginning of globalisation, people all over the world have been more connected to one another than at any other time in history. Because of this, it is now more important than ever for people of all cultural backgrounds to work together in order to accomplish shared objectives. When compared, Nepali students often lack the abilities necessary for efficient teamwork. This is due to the lack of a tradition of cooperative group study among students in Nepal. Students in Nepal frequently grow up in settings that do not expose them to the practice of collaborating with their peers. They are accustomed to getting everything they want without having to share it with anyone or make any concessions because, in many cases, they are the only kid in their family. As a direct consequence of this, individuals frequently lack the fundamental social skills for productive teamwork. In addition, students in Nepal frequently do not have the opportunity to learn about other cultures and points of view.

Because of this, it may be difficult for them to comprehend and respect the points of view held by others. The absence of a culture of learning in cooperative groups among Nepalese students might have a variety of unfavourable effects on their academic performance. First of all, it might result in a failure to acknowledge and respect the values that others hold. Because of this, it might be challenging for students in Nepal to collaborate effectively with people whose backgrounds are different from their own.

Dusdal and Powell (2021) reveal that second, the lack of skills necessary to work together effectively can make it challenging for students in Nepal to accomplish their objectives. Last but not least, the lack of a culture that values learning in groups that collaborate might contribute to a sense of alienation among students in Nepal. Many students are not accustomed to working together in groups, which can lead to disagreements and other forms of disturbance in the classroom. In addition, the language barrier can make it challenging for students who come from a variety of linguistic backgrounds to successfully interact with one another and collaborate on projects.

Nepalese education has been greatly influenced by the country’s political and social turmoil. Ko (2021) stated, that the Nepalese Civil War (1996-2006) led to the displacement of over 1 million people, many of whom were children. This created a large number of “out-of-school” children, who were at risk of becoming involved in the conflict. The war also disrupted the education system, with schools being closed and teachers fleeing the country. In the aftermath of the war, there was a need to rebuild the education system and provide support to those who had been affected by the conflict. One of the challenges associated with collaborative group learning in Nepalese education is the fact that many children are still not in school. According to UNICEF, in 2013, there were 1.3 million children out of school in Nepal.

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This devastating socioeconomic situation in the country caused challenges in collaborative educational system. School dropouts during the war are brought up with limited education or no education at all and this makes a lesser social factor for the students nowadays. From the opinions of Morrison-Smith and Ruiz (2020), this can be seen that most of the students get less support from their parents as they are not well educated and, most importantly, face problems with language barrier. This is causing a gap within generations and sustainability is hampering widely.

This is a challenge because it means that there are fewer children available to participate in group learning activities. Morrison-Smith and Ruiz (2020) pointed out, that another challenge is the fact that the education system is still recovering from the effects of the war. Many schools were damaged or destroyed during the conflict, and there is a shortage of trained teachers. This means that collaborative group learning activities may not be able to take place in a traditional classroom setting. Rana and Rana (2020) mentioned, last but not least, cooperative classroom education is hampered by Nepal’s economic situation. In Nepal, a lot of families are unable to afford to send their kids to school.

This means that there is a lack of resources available for group learning activities. Despite these challenges, collaborative group learning can still be a successful part of Nepalese education. Bulturbayevich, Rahmatand Murodullayevich (2021) commented, that there are many NGOs and international organizations working to improve access to education in Nepal. In addition, collaborative group learning can take place outside of the traditional classroom setting. For example, many NGOs provide mobile education services that bring group learning activities to children in rural areas. If collaborative group learning in Nepal were given the resources it needs to flourish, children would significantly benefit from it. Students are given the opportunity to teach one another by exchanging their information and thoughts, as well as learning from one another. Additionally, it has the potential to cultivate a sense of community and belonging, which is sometimes absent in the education system in Nepal. Group learning has the potential to significantly raise the standard of education in Nepal if given the opportunity and the means to do so.

2.7 Summary

This research has focused on investigating the effectiveness of a teaching strategy that has been utilised by educators in Nepal for some time now: collaborative group learning. Following that, the investigation looked into pertinent facets of the current topic being investigated. Some of these factors include the composition of the group, its size, the dynamics of the group, the nature of the activity, individual differences, and the environment in which the learning takes place. Following the completion of this section of the literature review, it has been shown that the strategies of collaborative learning are appropriate to the educational system in Nepal. In conclusion, the investigation has continued to bring people’s attention to the limitations that the educational system in Nepal places on learning through collaborative group work.

In a greater scenario, this can be said that collaborative learning is one of the key factors of inclusive learning which helps to make a greater approach with learning and development. Different scholars have revealed their opinions about it which is helping the researchers to make a greater idea about the factors that are important for collaborative learning. This is also helpful to make a proper idea about the practical scenario of collaboration in education in the contemporary approaches. One important factor that revealed from this study is that scholars have different opinions about collaborative learning, yet they agree with the positive effect of it in education.

However, the scholars have revealed some points that are contradictory and an argument can be raised with these. As served by Bidari (2021), collaborative learning is a greater approach towards inclusion and this must be implemented in educational practices. On the other hand, as mentioned by Rana and Rana (2020), Nepal is incapable to have this system in their educational sessions as they do not have proper resources. This can be seen from the findings that the scholars opined about the benefits of collaboration in similar ways, nevertheless, they have conflicts about the process of implementation. Hence, a conflict is there and further research is needed to make a proper understanding about the solutions.

3. Methodology

One of the most important factors of a research project is to choose a proper methodology for the research conduction and this makes a better outcome of the whole process. The term “methodology” can be defined as the method that helps to make a better outcome of the whole research and serve the researcher with a proper way to complete the research (Liu et al., 2022). This is essential for the researcher to choose a perfect methodology to conduct the research so that all the aims and objectives of the research project can be fulfilled properly and makes a better outcome of the whole process. The research methodology chosen for this research project are discussed elaborately.(This needs to clearly explain what was done and how. So if you are just using interviews it is not mixed methods)

3.1 Research Approach

The research approach is the process that helps to make a better understanding of the whole process of research conduction and suggests the researcher a proper way to cover the factors that are important for research outcome.(3.1 and 3.2 is not really needed at the moment you are explaining what research reasoning and research philosophy is. What you need to do in this section is carefully explain the approach to research you have adopted in this study; how the research questions will be answered. If this is by an interview, then how and when this was conducted. With who.

Research approach is mainly of two types and both of these are helpful to make a better outcome of the research process (Frew et al., 2018). The researcher mainly conducted by two different processes that are helpful to conduct the research with more accuracy. The researchers usually follow the primary or secondary research analysis that helps to make a better outcome of the research.

The important research approach mainly follows the qualitative and quantitative approach that helps to make a better outcome of the whole process. This is helpful to make a better idea about the factors that are related to the research topic and this helps the researcher to find, discuss and conclude the research outcomes. One of the most important factors is that the researchers can make a proper conduction of the whole process.

The qualitative research approach is mainly focused on the non-numerical outcome of the research. This serves the researcher a proper understanding of the whole process related to the research topic and makes a better understanding of the outcomes (Maarouf, 2019). This type of research approach helps to understand the practical scenario of the research topic and serves the researcher the proper idea. The interview process is one of the qualitative researches.

Similarly, the quantitative research approach helps to make a better understanding of the research topic with a numerical representation. This approach helps the researcher to identify the numerical representation of the whole process and this makes a better conclusion of the process. A quantitative survey is one of the approaches that follow the quantitative approach. However, the researchers also make a better assumption of the whole process with a mixed approach where the researcher uses both the qualitative and quantitative method.

This research paper conducts aiming to understand the factors that are important for collaborative learning in Nepalese teachers. This makes a better idea about the factors that the researcher needed to find and makes a better idea about the discussion of the information. This is helpful to the researcher to follow the qualitative approach to make a better understanding of the outcomes and find the important data related to it. This will serve the researcher the authentic data collected directly from the interviewees and the data analysis will be easier. Hence, this is helpful to conduct the research with a mixed method as this will help to find information from both primary and secondary sources.

3.2 Research Reasoning

The phrase “research reasoning” is helpful to make a better idea about the process to make a better outcome of the whole research project. This is focused on the practice that the research conduction process follows and helps the researcher to make a proper understanding of the research topic. Research reasoning serves the researcher a better understanding of the whole process that the research project follows and help to complete the research project properly. One of the most important factors of the research reasoning is that this is a narrower factor of research approach and serves the researcher a more concise and aligned way to complete the research. This is why the researcher must chose the research reasoning carefully so that this can help him or her to conduct the research with the desired outcome.

Like research approach, research reasoning are also of different types and this helps the researcher to make a better approach to have a proper outcome of the whole process (Chen et al., 2020). Different research reasoning helps the researcher to make the outcome differently and this is chosen according to the research topic, aims and objectives related to the researchers.

Some of the most important research reasoning processes chosen by different researchers are deductive, inductive and abductive research reasoning and this makes a better outcome for the researcher. The research reasoning has been chosen according to the predicted research outcome of the research topic and this helps to make a proper outcome of the research project.

The “Deductive Research Reasoning” helps to make a better idea about the factors which suggests a proper outcome of the research process. The deductive research process helps to make a better idea of the research topic with comparing or deducting some factors and this makes a better outcome of the whole process. In short, this research reasoning helps to deduct the research outcome from the comparisons between different factors and serves an inductive approach of the process.

On the other hand, the inductive approach helps to make better understanding of the research outcomes from observation. This is helpful to the researcher to make assumption of the outcome related to the research topic by observing the factors related to the research process. This makes a better understanding of the whole process and serves the researcher with a better approach.

Very important research reasoning is the abductive reasoning that suggests the researcher is to make decisions from a set of information. This is important for the researcher to observe the collected information very closely to make a better assumption out of these. However, the collected information are usually incomplete and the researcher needs to make a proper approach with these to reach the conclusion.

The research topic discusses the importance of collaborative practice of Nepalese teachers and this focuses on the results of the whole collaborative education process. The data collected from the research process is mainly focused on the practical scenario of it and the researcher needs to deduct the outcome of it. This is why, the researcher need to follow the “deductive reasoning” to make a proper outcome of it.

3.3 Research philosophy

Research Philosophy can be taken as the belief that the researcher keeps in mind to while conducting the research and this helps to make a better alignment of the whole project. The research philosophy usually served as the essential factor that helps a researcher to understand the ways to data collection, analysis and use of the collected data to conduct the research with success. According to the suggestions of the scholars, the research philosophy helps the researcher to make a better balance within “epistemology” and “doxology” (Ahlskog, 2019). In short, this makes a better outcome of the whole research project when the researcher have a better research philosophy and follow a proper and aligned process to make the best completion of the whole research.

Scholars usually follow different types of research philosophy and chose the best type according to their aims, objectives and selected approach to complete the research. These types help the researchers differently and serve them a better idea for research conduction.

A positive philosophy serves the idea of a stable reality and this makes a better approach to the whole process from an “object viewpoint”. This research philosophy usually believes that the observational factors are real and this serves the best idea about the research topic.

Pragmatism involves in different approach to the research process about the factors of the research conduction process. This is important for the researcher to choose the best way to conduct the research and the pragmatic research philosophy helps them for the same. In short, these types of research philosophy serve a better idea about the factors for the chosen topic and help the researcher to complete the research with utmost perfection.

The philosophy of “interpretivism” is different from the “positivism”. This type of researcher philosophy serves a better idea about the factors that are important to understand a particular research topic and serves a better idea about the beliefs and reality of the researcher. In short, interpretivism suggested that this is important to make a better interpretation of the factors that are observed to reach the reality.

The research topic chosen for this research process involves the idea about the idea of collaboration. The researcher needs to understand the factors that are helping the Nepalese teachers as well as the students to make a better collaborative learning and they need to focus on the real and true outcomes of the collected data. However, the researcher need to compare the learning process with and without collaboration and interpret the outcome related to this. This will be helpful to the researcher to make a better understanding of the real and true scenario of the collaborative approach of the Nepalese teachers. This is why the “interpretivism” is helpful to make a better outcome of this research.

3.4 Research Sampling

The phrase “research sampling” can be defined as the process to choose a particular group of people who helps the researcher to find out the important data. This is helpful to the researcher to make a proper assumption of the outcome and ensure a better understanding of the whole process related to the research process. The samples are collected from a greater population and made from a proper identification that helps the researcher to collect data. This is different from the population by the size of the group. The population is defined as the entire group of people where sampling can be defined as the particular and proper samples within the population.

Researchers usually follow different sampling methods for different research conductions. This is important for them to make a better approach within a proper group to understand the process related to it. Different research sampling styles help to make different approaches and ways for the researcher to conduct the research project (Berndt, 2020). Sampling methods are mainly of two types- probability sampling and non-probability sampling. Probability sampling is mainly focuses on those people who are allowed to be in the sample and those have an opportunity to share their opinions about the research topic. The probability sampling process mainly used in quantitative research methods and this makes a better outcome of the research process from a particular chosen group. The non-probability sampling is mainly focused on non-random sampling and some of the people from the focused group miss the opportunity to share their opinion. This type of sampling is suitable for qualitative studies and this makes a better outcome of the entire research process. In short, the research sampling method focuses on the people who are related to the research project and who can serve their opinions related to the research project.

Non-probability sampling focuses on the research topic with different types. Some of the types of non-probability sampling are convenience sample, purposive sample, snowball sampling and quota sampling. These all processes are helpful to the researcher to make a better qualitative research and have a better outcome of the whole process. In short, the non-probability research sampling method is useful to make a better understanding of the research topic and serve the researcher a proper perspective towards the research topic.

The research project covers the topic of collaborative learning practice of Nepalese teachers. This is important to the researcher to collect data for this research from the learners as well as the teachers who are connected with this education process. This is why this research project follows the non-probability non-random convenience sampling to collect data from the qualitative research method. The researcher chose the samples randomly from two different schools in Nepal and this helped to make a greater approach to the research outcome.

3.5 Data Collection Method

One of the most important factors for any research outcome to ensure better information of the whole research project that covers the topic, aims and objectives of the research. This is helpful to make a better outcome of the whole process and understand all the factors related to the research topic. A better information gathering process requires a proper data collection method and this serves the researcher a greater view of the whole process. A better data collection method helps the researcher to understand the factors that are related to the research topic and to make assumed outcome of the whole process (Berndt, 2020). In short, the data collection method helps to keep the research process aligned and goal-oriented as well as serves the researcher proper and authentic data related to the research process.

The phrase “data collection method” can be defined as a systematic approach to gather information about the discussed topic from authentic sources and make a better outcome of the whole process. Different data collection methods are suggested by the scholars and all these processes are applied by the researchers to collect data from authentic sources and to make a better outcome of the research process.

The interview process is usually chosen as the qualitative research method where the data collected from the questionnaires with the sampled group. This helps the researcher to collect data in person and from wisely chosen research sample group. This helps to understand the most authentic and reliable situation related to the research topic and to make a better understanding of the whole process. Apart from that, the researchers also can follow the survey process to collect numerical data related to the topic. This helps to make a better outcome of the whole process with better understanding and authenticity.

The researchers also can collect data from the secondary sources like literary articles, journals and other sources. These data are pre-collected from different primary sources and serves the researchers to make a better understanding of the whole process of research conduction.

This research project aims to understand the factors that are used by the Nepalese teachers and the effects of it on the entire education process. This is helpful to the researcher to collect data from primary sources and qualitative data will helpful to make a better understanding of the whole process. This helps the researcher to understand the factors that are hampering the process from the samples that are related to the whole research process. However, this is also important to the researcher to make a proper assumption of the data and take some information secondary sources to test the authenticity and compare the practical and theoretical factors related to the topic. This is why this is important for the researcher to choose a mixed method to complete the research project and serve a real and practical outcome for the research process.

3.6 Data Analysis Methods

The process of compiling the collected data related to the research process is known as the data analysis method. One of the most important factors the researcher must focus on is the data analysis process must reach to the conclusion with a proper research of the collected data and make a better outcome of the whole process. The researcher collects data from some reliable sources and must analyse the data with proper clarity and understanding. This is important for the researcher to follow the proper criteria to analyse the collected data and serve a better outcome of the whole research.

More than one data analysis methods are suggested by different authors and this helps the researcher to make a better outcome of the whole process. A very important factor that the researcher must focus on is to identify the suitable process to make a better assumption of the research outcomes (Ahlskog, 2019). Some of the analysis methods are helpful to make a better understanding of the collected data and serves the researcher a proper assumption of the whole process. The key focus of the data analysis process is to make a better and resourceful outcome of the whole research process and makes a better assumption to conclude the result.

A very helpful research data analysis method is the thematic data analysis. This is a very popular data analysis method that helps to understand the factors that are important to identify to conclude the research result. The researcher needed to make “themes” related to the research objectives and establish the themes to understand the practical scenario of the research. This helps the researcher to make a proper assumption of the whole process and process a proper conclusion of the research process covering the aims and objectives of the research project.

Another very helpful research data analysis is the content analysis process. This process can be defined as the interpretive approach to the data analysis method and serves a better understanding of the collected data. This is very helpful to the research process to make a proper assumption of the learning outcome and find the relatable and reliable outcome of the whole process. In short, the content analysis method helps to make a better outcome of the research process and helps the researcher to make a proper understanding of the factors that can conclude the research project.

This research project focuses on the impacts and practices of collaborative approach in education process of Nepalese teachers. A very important factor that the researchers must focus on is the comparison and deduction of the collected data and serves a proper result for the whole process. This is why the content analysis process is suitable for the research project and this helps to make a better outcome of the chosen topic, aims and objectives.

3.7 Research Limitations

Research projects are helpful to make a better understanding of the chosen topic and this makes a better outcome of the whole process. Different research methodologies are helpful to make a better outcome of the whole process and these are served as the way of completion of the whole research project. The researchers choose the important methodologies according to the research topic, aims and objectives and this helps them to manage the whole process with a proper outcome. In short, the important research methodology chosen by the researcher helps to make a better outcome of the whole process and complete the research project with more accuracy.

Different research methodologies are suitable for different research topics and objectives and these are chosen accordingly. One of the most important factors of the research methodology is that it helps the researcher to align the whole research project and make a better outcome of the whole process. Proper research methodology helps the researcher to make a better understanding of the whole research project and keep the process goal-oriented. This makes a better understanding of the whole process and completes the research project with utmost success.

However, the methodology chosen for this research process faces some limitations that are important to overcome to make a better outcome for the research project. The methodology chosen for this research project is mostly qualitative that does not support any numerical data which can hamper the research process. Also, the non-probable non-random sampling process can lead the research process to some incomplete research findings that make the whole process disturbed. The researcher can lost some important facts and can serve an unauthentic outcome for the research that makes the whole research project a failure. Also, the content analysis process can leave some of the data unanalysed which can lead to an incomplete outcome of the whole process. In short, the research methodology has some limitations that can hamper the research process.

3.8 Ethical Consideration

One of the most important factors that a research project always follows is that the researcher must follow the important ethical factors to avoid any conflict throughout the research process. This is important to make a good relation with the sample groups and others who are related to the research process. A better ethical approach is always important to ensure a proper understanding of the whole process and to complete the important research project without any conflict of conducts.

This research process focuses on the ethical factors of the research projects and always follows a proper ethical condition. All the interviewees are approached with respect and their personal respects are always kept intact during the entire process. No personal questions are asked during the process and all their personal information are kept hidden from the audiences. In short, the researcher followed all the ethical factors of the research and this helped to complete the research project avoiding any conflict with the interviewees and covering all the important factors related to the research topic.

Chapter 4: Findings

The word “data” can be defined as the facts that are collected to manage a research project and handle the factors that are related to the project. The collected data that are gathered from various authentic sources are important to make a better result and of the research and complete the whole project with more accuracy. One of the most important factors that must be taken to have a better result for any research is that all the collected data are taken from authentic sources, in person if possible.

The research project on collaborative practice by Nepalese teachers required all the possible information to complete the project. Some of the reputed schools in Nepal are applying the collaborative practice to ensure ease in education. The interview process is done with three teachers and two students from two different standards to identify the practical scenario for the collaborative learning. Most of the interviews were taken with verbal permission of the interviewees’ through zoom meetings and over phone

The important interview process is as follows:

Q 01: Why do you think collaborative learning is important for students?

  • Interview 01: Collaboration helps them to learn faster. Yes, I have seen my students who are weaker in studies are gaining really fast with this. One of the most important factors of the collaborative approach that is helping the students to make better is that they are having opportunities to express themselves.
  • Interview 02: I think this is the only way to make every student attracted to the learning process. One of the most important factors that are handled by the collaborative approach is that this provides the students with confidence and they make a better approach to the learning and development process. In fact, this is also helping them to make a better approach to their personal learning.
  • Interview 03: When it comes about collaborative learning, I must say this is helping me to handle my students more easily. However, the rules and practices of it are difficult to catch. Nevertheless, this is serving ease to my teaching process and my students are gaining with it. I have seen the students are growing as a group and this is no doubt the contribution of this process.
  • Interview 04: Yes it is very important. At least this is helping me to make a better educational approach and grow. I am overcoming all my challenges gradually with this and having ease to the learning process. This is helping me to connect with my teachers as well as my peers which is important for me to make a better approach to my learning process.
  • Interview 05: This is very helpful to all my fellow students as well as the teachers. I have seen all my classmates are gaining with it and they are having same opportunities. In short, all the students are sharing their opinions and we are having a positive atmosphere in the classroom where no one is left out.

Q 02: How the factors of collaborative learning are applied in your classroom?

  • Interview 01: I used to focus on the factors where students can connect with each other and they can make a better idea about the topics they are learning. I usually make my students to discuss the topic they are learning and this is helping them to make a better approach to peer-to-peer support. However, this is also very helpful to make my students to understand the whole topic and clear their doubts.
  • Interview 02: One of the most important and helpful factors that I must mention to practice the collaborative learning is that the factors of it are handled by the students more. The students are learning well from the audio-visual aids, especially from the group tasks and they are really connecting with each other in this process. This makes all the students to develop with their drawbacks and they are having a better idea about the factors that are learned in the classroom.
  • Interview 03: I used to make my students to complete group tasks and this is helping them to make a better approach to the learning and development process. I have seen the students learn from group tasks more than the individual ones. Apart from that, the audio-visual aids are very helpful to them to make a better approach to the studies.
  • Interviewee 04: Our teachers are teaching us with audio-visual aids that are helping us to make a better idea about the topics they are teaching us. I also use these techniques in my personal learning sessions and I must say this helps me to finish my courses in less time. Also, the group projects we practice in our classroom is very helpful to make a better approach to the learning process.
  • Interview 05: Our teachers use various factors of collaborative learning in classrooms. We are taught with audio-visual aids and various equipments that are making the learning process easier. One more important factor that helps me very much is the lesson starters that our teachers help us with. This helps me to understand the whole subject easily.

Q 03: What challenges did you face and how did you overcome these challenges?

  • Interview 01: By the name of challenges, I must mention that I have faced the whole concept of collaborative learning a challenge before. I have a very less knowledge about it which made me tensed all the time. However, I practiced the approaches more and more which made a better approach to me and I overcome the challenge with time.
  • Interview 02: The most difficult challenge I face with this is the digital equipments that are often used in the teaching process. One of the most important factors that hampered some of my classes was my lack of knowledge about the digital technology. However, as everyone dose, I am also overcoming the challenges with practice. I started using all these equipments more often and now I have some knowledge about it.
  • Interview 03: It was a challenge before that we, the teachers had a very less knowledge about the collaborative approach in learning. It took time for me to understand the whole collaborative process which was a greater challenge. However, as the time passing, I am coping up with it and having a better approach of learning apart from the traditional factors.
  • Interview 04: One of the most crucial challenges that I have faced with this is to cope with my peers. I faced challenge in group practices when my peers are learning faster than me. However, this is the collaborative learning process that helped me to cope with this enhancing my critical thinking skills and I am growing with it now.
  • Interviewee 05: See, as a shy person, I have faced huge difficulties to connect with my peers and this made the group projects challenging for me. I got so stressed with these projects and this was a challenge for me. I cannot say I have overcome the challenge completely; however, I am trying my best.

Some of the secondary sources are also used to find data. The secondary data related to the topic are as follows-

Benefits of Collaborative Group Learning

It is possible that learning in groups of any size is just as beneficial as learning in pairs. A kind of collaborative learning known as “peer learning” involves students working in pairs or small groups to discuss and explore various subjects or resolve problems. According to educational experts, peer teaching, which is similar to the proverb “two or three heads are better than one,” is an efficient approach for students to learn from one another by clearing up and correcting misunderstandings (Saqr, Fors and Tedre, 2018). A contemporary method of teaching called collaborative learning involves students working together to grasp a subject more thoroughly via group discussion.

Peer learning

Students may get insight from one another in group projects. It is not always the case that a teacher or speaker is the best person to communicate a subject or idea to a class (Jolliffe, 2007).

Improves critical thinking

During group work, students will express their opinions and ideas while the other group members give feedback (Almusharraf and Khahro, 2020). Every item of criticism a student receives will include both a critical evaluation and an explanation of the student’s viewpoint on the subject at issue. The final result will be informed by the collective views and ideas of the group.

Enhances problem-solving

In the process of collaborative learning projects, group work is often necessary. Participants are exposed to many points of view and solutions to the problem at hand. It is likely that certain team members will provide viewpoints that the group as a whole would not have taken into account (Saqr, Fors and Tedre, 2018). The group must then consider each choice carefully and choose the best one. Individuals may improve their personal problem-solving skills or learn to adjust to new academic environments via the process of tackling an issue or completing an assignment in a group.

Improves communication skills

For learning to take place in a collaborative environment, effective communication is essential. People make use of their verbal communication skills by giving thorough explanations of ideas and concepts as well as concise and illuminating critiques. Students will need to use their written communication skills if the assignment calls for peer editing or collaborative authoring (Killion and Roy, 2009). In general, the more individuals use them in circumstances like these, the better they become at communicating.

Improves cultural awareness

Because they originate from various cultural backgrounds, the members of a group may learn in different ways and have distinct viewpoints. People are more likely to recognise and value these differences when they operate in teams. In collaborative learning environments, students of all ages, nationalities, religious beliefs, and educational levels often collaborate (Almusharraf and Khahro, 2020). They may provide opinions and insights that are unique to their upbringing or culture. Collaboration among students and instructors may thereby foster tolerance and understanding.

Challenges of Collaborative Group Learning among Nepalese Students

Different Speed of Learning among Nepalese Student

Due to these individual variations, group work may end up taking longer than solitary research. However, if Nepalese students have the opportunity to learn in a group environment, one of them may be able to explain to another student a topic that the teacher or speaker found difficult to explain (Dahal et al ., 2020).

  • Group In-Charge: The best group dynamics occur when no one individual assumes leadership and everyone collaborates to accomplish a shared objective (Dahal et al ., 2020). When one member of a group takes on the position of the leader, which may happen in a variety of circumstances, tensions occur.
  • Lack of Collaborative Group Working Skill: Because of the potential for conflict, learning in a group context is challenging. Nepalese students need to develop their interpersonal skills. This is not always a talent that comes naturally. It is possible to teach people how to give compliments to others, take turns speaking so that everyone may participate, and make choices as a group (Kunwar, 2020). If Nepalese students have never engaged in group work previously, they will be lacking the skills required.
  • Struggle of Nepalese Introvert Students: Social loafing happens when some individuals in a group do not exert as much effort as others. This problem could result from either the group members not getting along with one another or the students in charge not being well-liked. It may be particularly difficult for introverts to speak out in a group situation (Tsang et al ., 2018). The placement of shy or uninspired students in groups where they may flourish and encouragement of their efforts are encouraged for instructors.

Ways to Solve Collaborative Group Learning Challenges by Nepalese Teachers

It may be challenging to facilitate effective and pleasant collaborative group learning. It may be difficult to execute changes in learning settings because everyone involved may need to change their viewpoint for the benefit of the students as well as the teachers. However, when it is appropriate for their students and their curriculum, teachers should adopt collaborative and cooperative pedagogy. While it is true that some time and effort will need to be invested upfront to enable a seamless transition to collaborative learning principles, Nepalese teachers need not be concerned that the teacher will need to invest more time and effort after the move has been completed (Graesser et al ., 2018).

The benefit of a collaborative approach is that it enables instructors to arrange their students as efficiently as possible, modifying and improving those groups along the way. Learning via collaboration enables a broad range of models that may be shaped to match a variety of situations, including those with many students, numerous groups of students, or just a few people cooperating. The secret to a successful collaborative approach is to always keep the interests of each participant in mind. Teachers in Nepal should be aware of the necessity to modify their teaching strategies to match the requirements of their pupils since every student is unique. Collaboration that is properly carried out takes good advantage of this (Rana, Greenwood and Henderson, 2021).

By stating this at the outset of the project and encouraging participation from other group members, Nepalese instructors and lecturers may stop students from being put in charge of groups. It is crucial for lecturers and educators in Nepal to start off by offering support by defining the task at hand and the objectives of the necessary group activity. This should assist to start the conversation regarding the required tasks. In order to accommodate pupils with different mentalities and abilities, the Nepalese teacher has the freedom to provide individualised instruction and monitoring (Kunwar, 2020). The presumption that everyone would proceed at the same speed is not made by a collaborative approach. The smarter students will not be held back since they naturally gravitate toward supporting their fellow underachievers in the classroom. Furthermore, people who deviate from the norm will benefit from a better-developed network of group support and direction.

5.0 Discussions

5.1 Summary

The discussions of the collected data from authentic sources can reveal the factors that are important to understand in case of the research conduction process. The research topic is well described with the research and this is helping to make a better approach to know about the collaborative approach. The contents taken to discuss the factors are helpful to address all the important questions of the research project and these are defined with a better approach. One of the most important factors of the whole discussion is that the process followed both the primary and secondary sources that help to make a better approach to understand the research topic. In short, the discussion and analysis of the collected data is helpful to make a better approach to the research topic and indentify and understand the factors related to it. This has been seen that the finding reveals a mixed idea about the factors of collaborative learning in Nepal. This will be helpful to discuss the factors with elaboration to understand the actual scenario.

This is very important to analyse all the important data that are collected from different authentic sources to make a better understanding of the whole research process and ensure a proper outcome of the research. All the data collected from authentic and reliable primary and secondary sources and these are very helpful to make a better understanding of the whole practical scenario of the collaborative learning practice in Nepalese education. However, all these information must be analysed properly to ensure a preferred and true outcome of the research project.

This research project follows a content analysis to understand the factors of collaborative learning practice by Nepalese teachers. The important analysis of the research project is as follows-

Nepalese teachers are using the collaborative group learning practice in their classrooms.

From the interview process, this can be seen that the collaborative learning process is being used in the teaching and learning approaches in Nepalese education. All of the interviewees have said that they are using the important features and factors of collaborative learning process in their teaching learning approaches. Some of the interviewees have said that they are using these features to handle the learning process and this is helping them to make a better outcome of the process. Some of the interviewees have also said that they are using these factors in their personal learning and development factors which are helping them to have a better approach to the learning and development process.

Some of the interviewees have revealed that the whole scenario of the collaborative learning is helping them to make a better approach to the learning process. Like the interviewee 1 has said that this process is helping students to learn faster and interviewee 3 revealed that the process serve ease to handle the students. The interviewees have said that the factors of collaborative learning are helping them to make a better approach to their personal development factors. They are using the tools and factors of it that helps them to make a better idea about the subjects they are learning in their schools and helping them to communicate more. This can be said that they are using the collaborative learning practice very often and this is helping them to have a better educational approach.

From the secondary research papers, this can be said that the collaborative learning process is very common in different areas of learning and development processes. This is a very important process for learning and development factors and this ensures a better outcome for teachers as well as the students. From the interview process with the teachers and students of Nepal this can be deducted that they are facing the benefits of collaborating learning process and this is helping them to ensure a better approach. This scenario is similar to the opinion of Khan et al . (2022) that the collaborative learning process is helpful to the learning and development process of the students.

The secondary research also discussed the benefits of collaborative learning and this is causing them a better approach to the learning and development process. One of the most important factors to the collaborative learning approach is to make a better and significant step to the learning and development practices. The interview process discusses that the teachers have found the collaborative approach easy and fruitful which serves the idea that they are using this process very often in their educational approach. All these factors can reveal that the collaborative learning practice is often use by the Nepalese teachers.

Collaborative learning is beneficial to the teachers as well as the students in Nepalese education.

From the interview process this can be said that the collaborative learning process is helpful to the teachers as well as the students from Nepal. The interviewees have said that they are having some greater benefits from the collaborative learning process and they are gaining from this practice. The teachers have said that the collaborative approach is helping them to serve the students with more appropriate and core knowledge and this is helping the weaker students as well. The teachers have also said that they are having a better approach to the learning process with the tools and factors of collaborative learning which is helping them to teach easily.

The interview process also helped to indentify the factors that the collaborative learning is helping the Nepalese students also to make a better approach to the learning and development process. Some of the interviewees have said that they are having ease in personal learning and development process and this is helping them to grow, referring to the interviewee 1 and 3. The interviewees have said that the collaborative learning process is helping them to make a better understanding of all their subjects and courses. The interviewees have also said that the collaborative learning process is ensuring opportunities for all the peers and this is causing them a better approach to the learning and development process. This scenario suggests the opinion of Janssen and Kirschner (2020) that says that the collaborative learning and development factors are helpful to grow with the learning and development processes.

From the secondary research, this can be said that the scholars have said that the collaborative approaches are helpful to motivate the learners and this can make a better idea about the learning and development factors. One of the most important factors that the scholars have suggests that the collaborative learning approach is helpful to ensure a better peer learning and group learning factors. This can be said that the important factors the collaborative learning is helpful to the learning factors and this can helpful to the peers to make a better approach. This can suggest the opinion of Jolliffe, (2007) that the collaborative approach is helpful to make a better peer learning and this helps the learners to make a better approach.

The scholarly articles related to the collaborative learning are helpful to understand the factors of this topic. One of the most important factors that can be learned from the scholarly articles is that the collaborative approach makes a better practice to the learning and development factors and this makes the students to make a better development. These articles revealed that the important factors of collaborative learning help to make a better approach to the learning and development factors and this is very beneficial to the students and teachers of Nepal.

Collaborative learning practice is challenging for the Nepalese teachers and students sometimes.

The interview process served a better idea about the factors that the Nepalese teachers and students have used in the teaching and learning approach. One of the most important factors that the interview process revealed is that the interviewees are using the collaborative factors often and this is serving a better approach to them. However, the interviewees have said that they have faced some challenges during the applications of collaborative approach to the learning and development factors. Some of the interviewees have said that they have faced some issues with the rules and processes of the practice and this is causing them some delay in the process. Some of the interviewees have also said that they are facing challenges from the digital technological factors. This scenario reviews the opinion of Khan et al . (2022) and reveals the important factors of the collaborative learning practice in Nepal.

The interview process also revealed the factors that the students also facing some challenges in the collaborative learning approach of the learning process. Some of the interviewees have said that they face challenges to cope with the study group and this is causing them some difficulties in the educational approach. The interviewees also have revealed that some of them found this challenging to interact with others, especially during the group projects. This scenario reveals the opinion of Tsang et al ., (2018) that said that introversion can be a challenge to the collaborative approach in the Nepalese educational process.

The secondary sources also reveal that the collaborative learning can be challenging that the learners some times and this can make the learners to have some difficulties. This is helpful to understand that the collaborative practice have some challenges which make the learning process difficult sometimes. One of the most important factors of the collaborative learning is that the group projects can be difficult for the learners where some of the learners take the charge of the group and this lowers the opportunities for the other group members. This makes a better understanding of the topic that the collaborative learning in Nepal is challenging for the teachers and students.

The challenges of collaborative learning practice can be mitigated by the teachers and students from Nepal.

The interview process has revealed that the learners are having a better approach to the learning process and this is helping them to make development with the collaborative learning approach. One of the most important factors of that the interview process has revealed that the learners are handling the challenges with their own and this is helping them to make a better approach to their teaching and learning process. The most important factor that the learners have revealed in the interview process is that they are tackling the challenges with practice and they are having some ease in the learning process with it.

The interview process also has said that the some of the challenges that the learners are facing is difficult to cope with and this is causing a challenging scenario for them. The students who are introvert have said that this is challenging for them to cope with others, however, they are practicing to make a better approach with the process. This can be said that learners are having a better outcome from the learning and development process and this is causing them a proper understanding of the whole process.

The secondary research is also helpful to understand the approaches that can be taken to handle the challenges in collaborative approach. The opinion of Tsang et al ., (2018) is helpful to understand the factors that can be applied to overcome the challenges. These factors are helpful to make a better approach to the learners and they can overcome their challenges with it. This scenario reveals that the challenges in collaborative learning can be overcome and the learners can make a better approach with it.

5.2 Result

This has been seen from the study above that the collaborative learning process is under some difficulties in Nepal. The teachers have different opinions around it. They are facing difficulties with lack of practices and resources. Some of the teachers are seen self-motivated and they are coping with the situations; however, the problems are not mitigated for them as well. Nevertheless, one beneficial factor that the interview process has revealed that the teachers are learning the factors of collaboration with practice and they are learning about collaboration in classroom. However, the scarcity of resources is still there and this is hampering the collaborative learning process in the educational factors in Nepal.

6.0 Conclusion

6.1 Summary

The research project has been completed with a better approach and this makes a proper understanding of the whole process of collaborative learning. The data are collected from authentic sources and all the data are reliable and true. The methods chosen to complete the research were faithful and easy, and this helped to make a better outcome of the whole research process. One of the most important factors that serve a better idea about the research topic is the elaborated discussion of the process. This makes a better outcome of the whole process and helped to make a proper approach. In short, the research project is completed with authentic sources of data and better analysis.

6.2 Conclusion

One of the most important factors that the research project revealed is that the collaborative learning process is helpful to make a better approach to the whole process. This can be said that learning and development process of Nepal follows the collaborative approach and this makes a better understanding of the whole scenario of the educational process of the country. The research project has also revealed that the collaborative approach in Nepal is problematic sometimes; however, all the teachers as well as the students are cope with it with their skills and competences. In short, the research project serves a better understanding of the whole process related to the collaborative learning and development practices by Nepalese teachers.

The research process helped to make a better understanding of the learning and development process followed by the Nepalese teachers with collaborative approach. The research paper revealed a thorough methodology to complete the research and this made a better approach to the research conduction process. The research paper also focuses the important factors of learning and development and collects important data from authentic sources. The research project is conducted with both the primary and secondary data which made a better approach to grab an idea about the learning and development process in Nepal.

One of the most important factors is that the research project compares the primary and secondary data to find out the important factors related to the collaborative learning and development process in Nepal. This can be helpful to make a better idea about the practical scenario of the country’s educational factors to the researcher. The comparison between the primary and secondary data helps to make a proper idea about the factors related to the collaborative learning and development process which makes the researcher to have a proper idea about the practical scenario of it. In short, the research paper is done with better explanation and understanding of the collaborative learning practice of the Nepalese teachers.

The research paper was focused on the topic throughout the research process and this served the paper a proper alignment. The whole research paper discusses the topic with proper methods and processes which helped the researcher to complete the research with more perfection. The paper revealed the authentic outcome of the whole research process and served a better understanding of the whole research topic. One of the most important factors that must be concluded about the research project is that the research outcome fulfils the important aims and objectives chosen for the research and this makes a proper outcome of the whole process. In short, the research project is done with excellence and authentication.

6.3 Research Gap

The research process makes a better outcome of the whole process and this makes a better understanding of the chosen topic. All the steps and methods chosen for the research project serve a better idea about the factors that are important to make a better approach to the research topic. The methodology followed by the researcher was suitable for the topic and this helped the researcher to find out the key factors about the topic. Apart from that, the whole research project was aligned with the research topic, aims and objectives that helps to make a better approach to the learning and development process. One more important factor that helps to make a better outcome of the research process is that the sources chosen to make a better understanding of the collaborative learning and development approach of Nepal are from authentic secondary sources and also from primary sources. This makes the research project more successful and helps to reveal a proper and accurate outcome.

However, some of the factors are there that can be addressed as the gaps of the whole research project. These gaps left some of the factors that were important to address for the research project and this makes the research project to complete with some limitations. These factors are important to manage to make a better approach of the whole process.

The methodology chosen to complete the research did not follow any quantitative approach which made the research project limited to the qualitative approach. One of the most important factors that the research project skipped is that the process did not follow more than one research design to address the factors. This made the researcher to make the outcome with a limited description which hampered the research process up to a level. This can be said that the important collaborative learning and development process followed by the Nepalese teachers could be understood with more accuracy without these challenges and this made the whole project to complete with some gaps. In short, the research methodology chosen by the researcher was limited to some extend and this made the whole outcome of the research process with some gaps. Furthermore, this is also can be seen that a very limited number of samples are taken to handle the process and this makes the research outcome limited. This research gaps must be mitigated to make a proper outcome from next time.

6.4 Recommendation

The research process faced some gaps that served the whole research outcome with some limitations. The whole scenario of the learning and development process made a better approach in Nepal and this helped to make a proper outcome of the whole scenario. This can be said that the important functions of the research project was helpful to find out the practical scenario of the process, however, this made the process slower with some gaps. This is very important to the researcher to overcome these challenges to ensure a better outcome of the project from next time.

Some of the factors can be recommended by the scholars to make a better approach to the research conduction process of the researcher. A very important factor that the researcher must follow is that the learner can maintain a proper collaborative approach throughout the research conduction factors so that the learning process can be understood with a better and practical approach. This is also very important to the researcher to choose an authentic and reliable source to make the research process successful and complete the research with a better approach. However, the research process followed all the important functions suggested by the scholars and these are not the limitations that the research project followed.

The researcher missed the quantitative data for the learning and development process and this was important to him to handle the project. This is recommended to the researcher to make a better approach with the primary quantitative approach in the research process so that the numerical representations can be identified. This is also important to the learner to ensure a better approach with the research conduction process having a better identification of the research design and analysis methods. Thematic analysis process is helpful to complete the research and make a better outcome of the whole process.

6.5 Future Scope

The research process conducted with a thorough understanding of the data and information collected from the outer sources makes a better understanding of the whole process of collaborative learning practice in Nepalese students. This also makes a better approach for the whole scenario of the importance and development of the learners with collaboration and helped to understand the factors that are important to address in case of collaborative learning and development. One more important factor that can be addressed with the research project is to make a better understanding of the challenges of collaborative learning and solutions of these challenges. In short, the research paper conducted on the topic of collaborative learning practice by Nepalese teachers is completed with authenticity and reliability, and this can be used as a future reference for the researchers to understand the factors related to the topic.


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