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Global Pandemic & Workplace Management Assignment
Employee satisfaction at the workplace under the pandemic situation
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The global pandemic has brought extraordinary human and compassionate challenges. Many firms around the globe have risen to the instance, performing swiftly to defend employees and move around to a new way of working that even the most tremendous business continuity plans had not imagined(Hutajulu, et. al. 2021). That has ahuge impact on employee mental health and job satisfaction. This document analyzes the impact of global pandemic on workforce performance and the role of managers and leaders in optimizing mental health.Many workers feel that their job must be more additional to meet the wantsand needs of life to be satisfied and how the stage of work happiness of the workers themselves in the face of this global pandemic.Companies are now resulting that long-term remote work is a substitute for their business and employees even after the COVID-19 pandemic. This is because it encourages such as reduced real estate costs, impacts employees' productivity, and has a positive impact on the environment. Many companies may not carry on their isolated work policy after the pandemic ends, although moderately a few may carry on having flexible work options for their employees. A flexible work policy will give increase the rising need for co-working and sharing workspace (Craft, 2020). COVID-19 is linked withmental health effects in the workplace also conclude that the pandemic has resulted in an improved level of anxiety, depression, and poor sleep quality. Digital technology is extensively supposed as a talented means to encourage gender neutrality in culture, the labor marketplace, and access to healthcare and financing, among others. The pandemic crisis has spread up the digitalization processing both services and products in most countries, varying speed, triggered by the obligation for community distancing and other pandemic-related regulations forced by government around the globe, and by varying consumer demand throughout the pandemic(Galanti, et. al. 2021). The globalpandemic has unfavorably affected them by revealing to higher risk and health risk of becoming out of work in accumulation to the burden of household and care giving responsibilities during the lockdown. The firms are highly suffering from a sharp drop in demand; speedy financial support during credit can help companies in bridging liquidity gaps. Many pretentious locations introduced measures that focus on supporting the most vulnerable who are bearing an uneven split of the burden. The spread of the globalpandemic has interrupted global supply chains and is forcing employees to stay at home because they are quarantined and subject to lockdown(Green, et. al. 2020). As firms are finding themselves obligated to scale down and interrupt business operations, they drop the capability to carry on paying their workers’ wages. This intimidate households’ income and, combines with increasingimprobability, reduces household consumption which will put additionalstress on firms and workers as well as on independent workers.
Background of the study
P1 Produce research proposal that clearly defines research question or hypothesis supported by a literature review
The reach of the pandemic has raised the question of whether company associates are exaggerated in their occupation performance by the great occurrence of limited COVID-19 variation and how an organization can interfere to avoid negative overflow of the external event on their employees. Work output, remote working facilities, workers satisfaction, flexible working hours, workplace safety are a small number of significant concerns in the period of the global pandemic(Caligiuri, et. al. 2020).
- The respective research core aim is the employeessatiesfaction at the workplace under the COVID-19 pandemic situation.
- To analyse and evaluate the employee fulfillment at the place of work under the global pandemic circumstances
- To study the factors employees satiesfaction at the workplace under the COVID-19 pandemic situation
- To analyse the significance of GLOBAL virulent diseaseeruption on employee willingness under the pandemic situation
- Role of digitalization in complementaryaffect on the employees satiesfaction at organizations during a pandemic
Research Questions
- What are the way through which the workers maintain an equilibrium between work and life?
- How is the companies provides their employees satiesfaction during pandemic?
- How is the COVID-19 pandemic era impacting the job fulfillment of employees?
The rationale of the Research
The particular points are highlighted in this proposal for the efficient research paper. The research has been accomplished on the current global pandemic that has changed the working lifestyle of people in most companies provides in various ways to emplyees job satiesfaction. Many companies in both the private and publicsectors have been booming in coping with this situation, whereas many other firms have collapsed. The report will highlight the collision of a global pandemic on the flexibility of employees during work.
Literature Review
D1 Critically evaluate research methodologies and processes in application to a business research project to justify chosen research methods and analysis
According to Yucel, et. al. (2021) moreaccomplishment is desirable to boost the uptake of stretchy working arrangements, as data shows a fall in all forms of flexible operationalarrangements since the beginning of the pandemic. While working from home is split quite evenbetween the sex, those operations in the professional professionmainly work from home all the time and mainly those in specialized, scientific, and technological roles, communication, information, financial, and insurance. Predictably, those least likely to working at homeall the time were in taking outquarry, sewerage, water supply, and waste electricity, gas and air conditioners supply roles.The global pandemic has caused many drastic and negative changes in modern organizations concerning employees working. Human resources management (HRM)faces the challenges of rising ways to moderate the negative effect of employment during the pandemic. The factors such as isolation, feeling threatened and working from home, and insecurity have all majorly contributed to the securityand livelihood of employees. They pretense an important challenge for managers who require to adapt organizational tools to fresh realities. It is also essential to make sure the well-being of workers to job efficiently. Remote working has sourced a gathering of specialized activities in private places. The boundary separating the workplace from the undeveloped place has also been blurred. Additionally, due to the extra working time at home, time restrictions have also changed(Lee, 2021). Because of this reason the work-life balance of employees was disrupted and has negatively affected their mental health. The systematic literature review concerns the analysis including an analysis of research areas of flexible work-life balance related to working during and after the pandemic. The study analyzes a variety of aspects of unevenness between work and home as well as the keenest effect of the new form of effort introduced as a result of the pandemic.
The research of Prithivi, 2020 has stated attempts to examine various other factors distressing work-life balance when workers are compelled to mandate to work from home. The study intended to research the present work-life equilibrium situation and recognized that work-life responsibilities have a huge impact on the personal life of employees. The research has collected data from 50 employees' home working during the global pandemic. The data is analyzed and initiated that there is a negative collision in the work-life balance and flexibility of the employees. Accordingly, the workers are the one who determines the firm's growth and should be given the desired environment to improve their job satisfaction.
NorhasniZainalAbidin, 2022 in research has concluded that home working has provided disadvantages and advantages for both the workers and the company and is accountable for the diminishing in employee productivity. In addition, the findings terminated the fact that working from home is normally not practicable because numerous areas of work cannot be completed from home, even though for many workers, functioning from home has given a work-life balance.
The researcher Zohra Ghali-Zinoubi, 2021 mentioned in his research the effect of flexible working arrangements on 3 outcomes that are work-life conflict, work stress, and satisfaction during the continuing global pandemic. Quantitative research using the probability-sample method was performed to collect the data. This research uses the technique of incomplete least squares to examine the research hypothesis. In a nutshell it showed that presently there are major effects between flexible work pressure, working-time agreement, and work-life conflict with academic contentment. So far, both job pressure and work-life conflict do not contain a mediator role in the association between flexible working arrangements and the academic satisfaction of employees. The research outcome could be applied by human resource managers seeking to bring in a flexible schedule in the place of work in the circumstance of uncertainty. The studies make a narrative donation to the effect of flexible working on the approach academic throughout a pandemic crisis.
HemaliNandan, 2022 in her research mentioned that a flexible work arrangement is known as flexible time provided to employees and flexible working days are recognized as a dense work week. It is all concerning employees job full-time hours in less than the conventional workweek by growing daily hours worked. The purpose of this research is to find the impact when any workers shift to the new ways of working from standard routine 9 to 6 duration. This purpose is also defensible during the pandemic due to work from residence policy and some of the flexible work provision ideas used by the firms. It aims to explore some effects on stress levels, productivity, work-life stability and retention of employees and many other factors.
Research Methodology
M1 Methodology and Data Collection
Data collection method
Research methods are the techniques, methodologies, or tools used to accomplish their objectives. The purpose of the incident is to provide information that will help the spectators. There are a number of data investigation methods that use a variety data compilation instruments (Jelliffe, etc. al. 2021). The best information collection method is the"Qualitative Approach". It is clear that there are many data collection options available. All of them will prove to be effective for the organization. The technique is flexible and customizable by study variables so it will work well for your organization. It is the best information research method that relies upon the study's data. The can use the qualitative approach to gather a lot more information about the organization. These data can be used in the workplace to aid in achieving acceptable completion.
P2 Examine appropriate research methods and approaches to primary and secondary research
Data gathering method
Data collection is the act of collecting and analysing data about a convinced parameter that was used before an agreement. This will help to collect data that is useful to the business. This can be done using the secondary data assembling program. All information will be gathered from authorities such as publications, profit and loss accounts, general and ledgers. Information about the company is compiled from many sources. The domestic factor will include financial information, balance sheet and sales data. Newspapers, Official Records are just a few of the many sources. Secondary Research is extensive and cost-effective. This second method of data collection has many advantages. They can also save you time and money. Secondary data can be used to fill in any gaps or weaknesses in an organization's essential extra. Secondary data can be obtained from many sources, which makes research more efficient (Wang, and. al. 2018). The data-gathering strategy of the company is very effective. This information will help you to understand more about your organization and its operations. Secondary data can be used to make decisions about efficiency, simplicity, cost savings, applicability, and other benefits.
![external secondary research]()
Figure 1external secondary research
(Source: Qualtrics, 2022)
P3 Conduct primary and secondary research using appropriate methods for a business research project that consider costs, access, and ethical issues
Research approach
These include strategies, processes, and steps based on generalizations. An inductive research advance can assist with the learning outcome. This strategy will allow you to collect data about the effects of a global pandemic upon employees. The study starts with a series of progress and capacity from a wide range of events to specific experiences. The winning factor will be based on numbers, information, data and evidence gathered.
Research Philosophy
Research philosophy is a set of beliefs and values that describe how information is viewed and interpreted. It is essential that the associate proves they can bring together information accurately. Researcher can choose from a variety of perspectives, including realism, around critique, pragmatism and utopian (Kramer and Kramer 2020). Interpretative framework is the most suitable research belief in this area. It speaks to a sympathetic qualitative approach. This concept is very useful in planning and job research.
M2 Discuss merits, limitations and pitfalls of approaches to data collection and analysis
Reliability and validity along with limitations and pitfalls of data collection approaches
These main beliefs can be used to assess research quality. These beliefs will affect the method or technique used to calculate everything. Validity refers to the accuracy and reliability of testing something. Reliability is concerned with the speed of testing something. It has helped expand the effectiveness of analysis by proving that the impact of a global pandemic will have on the flexibility of employees. It conforms to all research guidelines (Fuller et. al. 2020). This analysis can be used to support the company's theory and is applicable for a particular situation. Also, the study's data compilation resources are reliable.
Data analysis and interpretations
M3 Communicate coherently outcomes to the intended audience demonstrating how outcomes meet set research objectives
Information analysis a procedure that includes investigating, and collecting information for understanding to find outthe applicable information, it will also provide the proposed conclusion and also support the managerial to solve the research issues. This entails analyzing data to find the answer to the research question and producing research findings that are suitable for dissemination. Data analysis and other research activities are oriented by data inspection as well. During the data examination process, the data is composed is transformed into knowledge and information about the research perform (Saueressig, et. al. 2022). The data gathered to recognize the relation between variables is concluded. The meanings are recognized and information is also interpreted in research.
Statistical study is the standard method use in quantitative research approaches. The quantitative data can be analyzed in several ways and collected data has aconvinced level of capacity that originally influences the investigation.Textual statistics analysis is the customary method used in qualitative research technique. This has involved identifying themes and patterns in data collected and then exploratory and interpret these themes to draw significance and respond to research questions(Mumtaz, 2022). The common step in scheduled data investigation is interpretation. This involves connecting significance and meaning to the analysis, amplification of descriptive pattern, and looking for relations and linkage amongst the descriptive dimensions.
The impact of global pandemic data was analyzed using the contentedstudy methodology. The material technique of analysis will support the recognition of recording interpersonal communication. The data for flexible working and the global pandemic was collected from a diversity of counting news, sources, journals, articles, and quarterlies. The approach is effective for congregationindispensabledata about the impact of COVID-19(Valdez, et. al. 2023). For a clear investigation of secondary data, the content analysis method is the most successful. Across the board there are several employees with part-time hours, functioning flexi-time, condensedhours, job-share, term time working, annualized hours and the zero-hour contract has abridged significantly since the establishment of the global pandemic. There is a huge concern on data that shows a drop in all other forms of flexible functioningplanning since the beginning of the COVID-19 global pandemic.
Q1. Age and sex breakdown of annualized hours workers?
Annualized hours:In these agreements, employees have a set number of an hour within the time frame but may work less or more on a given week to meet the requirement and demand(Chi, et. al. 2021). 6.5% of employees work based on annualized hours with a comparatively even spread between age groups and gender.
![annualized hours]()
Figure 2: annualized hours
(Source:CipdUK, 2021)
Q2. Age and sex breakdown of flexi-time workers?
Flexi-time working:thisoffers employees a chance to make a decisionon the start and end time of their day and their break though frequently within a certain limit(Tamunomiebi, 2018). 12.5% of employees use flexi−time with a comparatively even extent between age groups and genders.
Q3. Age and sex breakdown of four and a half day week workers?
Four-and-a-half-day week workers: this type of work typically involves the normal functioning week concluding early on Fridays. The small day need not of necessity is Friday, but this is the mainlyclear and common day. This operational pattern is permanent with compressed working hours. This is not an ordinary policy and only 0.5% of employees work under this type of arrangement.
Q4. Age and sex breakdown of home workers?
Home workers:in this instance, the researcher has used a severe definition in which the working of employees is based at home(Galanti, et. al. 2021). During the global pandemic home, working hasrisen to around 10.1% of employees. Workersworking from home tend to be older.
Q5. Age and sex breakdown of job shaers
Job sharers:it is a type of part-time working of employees. Full-time work is divided among, usually, two or more people within the organization. The job sharers' jobs at different times, although there may be an exchange period(Diab-Bahman and Al-Enzi, 2020). Only 0.3% of employees work in this type of agreement and the enormousmainstream of these are women.
Q6. Age and sex breakdown of nine day fortnight workers?
Nine-day fortnight workers:this is a way of working that follows individual employees having a single day off every additional week. The real day off may differ so long as the workerkeeps to an irregularprototype of one 5 days a week followed by one 4-day week(Vanier, et. al. 2021). This functioning pattern is full-time with compacted hours. It is not an extremelyordinary policy and only 0.3% work this type of agreement.
Q7. Age and sex breakdown of part time workers?
Part-time workers:these workers work a portion of the hours of full-time work. This is the mainly popular form of flexible working for employees. 27.5% of employeesarepart-time and the main group is largely females.
Q8. Age and sex breakdown of team working wokers?
Term-time working:itdefines term time working as that follows employees' work during the college or school terms. Unpaid leave is in usethrough the school holiday, even though their pay may be extended equally over the year(Golembiewski, 2019). 4.1% of employees have a term time functioning arrangement. The vast preponderance of this workisin the education sector and mainly women.
Q9. Age and sex breakdown of zero hour’s contract workers
Zero hours contracts:In these agreement employees does not have a fixed number of working hours. Despite this abundance of media concentration this type of working arrangement only accounts for 4% of employees. Millennial workers are most probable to work under this type of agreement and hospitality is the industry with the highest figure of these employees.
Potential outcomes
P4 Apply appropriate analytical tools, analyze research findings and data
- Ethical measures: A compilation of rule that direct the study design and procedure are known as ethical anxiety in research. Secondary data will be used in the study, so the study will not falsify the findings of others’ articles or research papers.
- Sources of information: Information sources will be published articles both peer-reviewed and non-peer-reviewed, newspapers, company reports, and government-published reports. The source of information will be authentic research and various innovative ideas.
Conclusion and Recommendations
P5 Communicate research outcomes in an appropriate manner for the intended audience
The above report has concluded that there is a huge impact of a global pandemic on working management in almost all types of organizations. The report has also stated how the global pandemic is far-reaching the world, COVID-19 haveleft a greatamount of the workforce not capable to convert to work, as to all eviate the extent of the disease. This has resulted in mutual employees and employer looking for substitute work arrangements, particularly in fast-paced cities. Due to the global pandemic, the majority if not all employees have practiced work from home (WFH). It has become a strategic priority for the most government. In doing so, the policy must be completedto keep in mind the expediency for both employees and employers.However, these at handconditionsprovide unique imminent into how functioning from home play a crucial role in future policies that redesign the present structure of working hour, and option for more flexibility in the place of work Mostafa, 2021). The report has highlighted the qualitative and quantitative research on the result of the global pandemic has altered the lifestyle and work style of people everywhere.
D2 Communicate critical analysis of the outcomes and make valid, justified recommendations
Many firms in both public and private sectors have been booming in coping with these circumstances, whereas a lot of others have misshapen.The report has enclosed the research on employee satisfaction at a place of work under a plague situation and the future of remote work after the global pandemic. This has also concluded the impact of global pandemic occurrence on workers' willingness. This has also mentioned the position of digitalization in balancing work during the global pandemic. The researcher has applied both quantitative and qualitative research methods to appraise data together from primary research and communicate answers to the stakeholder(He and Harris, 2020). This has included a discussion of research viewpointapproach, assessment of qualitative and quantitative method used, use of secondary and primary source, questionnaires, and sampling used for the survey.
Reflection & Recommendation of alternative research methodology
M4 Demonstrate reflection and engagement in the resource process leading to recommended actions for future improvement
P6 Reflect on the effectiveness of research methods applied for meeting objectives of the business research project
In this above report, I would recommend that the organization should make sure the protection of the working environment by thoroughly cleaning and disinfecting workplaces. In the occurrence that a worker is alleged of being infected with the global pandemic, a clear procedure must be in position for removing those employees from the ability, and proper treatment of the ability. The data gathered in the above report include mutually quantitative and qualitative data which is gathered from an organization that is recognized as information collecting. This will help to collect data that will benefit the company. In this investigation, I recommend that the company uses a secondary data meeting program (Roy and Uekusa 2020).
P7 Consider alternative research methodologies and lessons learnt in view of the outcomes
All the information will be gathered from power provisions such as profit and loss accounts, publication, general ledger, and general ledger. Information about a company is gathered from many sources. The domestic factors will include financial information, balance sheets, and sales data. The external and internal sources include newspapers, publications, and executive records. The secondary research in this report is both comprehensive and cost-effective. The secondary data collection has many advantages. They can help you save time and money. Secondary information can be used to fill in gaps and weaknesses in an organization’s essential additional. Secondary data can be gathered from many different sources to make your research more productive. Highly effective data-gathering strategies are employed by the company. This information will help you learn more about the company's operations and how it operates.
D3 Demonstrate critical reflection
A secondary source of data was used to obtain information about the effects of the pandemic. Although the relevant research is not included in this document, secondary data is better. It is derived from data that are more consistent than secondary sources. Although the information is not refined, it will help to better understand the principles. It seems that there is a limit to the amount of time available. It is possible that the information gleaned from convincing data could be outdated (Miles, etc. al. 2018).
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