Gender Equality Assignment Sample

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Introduction Of Gender Equality Assignment 

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Society distributes the people mainly in two genders male and female. Gender equality is defined to give all equal rights to both genres. Equal opportunities are distributed in both male and female gender. Gender is mainly used to describe characteristics of sex-based entities to understand the difference between sex characteristics. Gender equality is referred to as fundamental human rights because their structures are made by nature therefore there are no distinction between both of them (Dalibaevna, 2021). This paper will illustrate this gender equality’s importance in society. Nature gives a different structure to people to allow them to find out their characteristics. But with time society makes a huge difference between the two genders. This paper will demonstrate how to socially make partiality in regard to the status of both genders in society. The culture of the Asian context is mainly focused on this report that shows how Asian culture sees both genders in society (Ooi, 2019). Gender equality point is needed to establish because male becomes dominating in nature and women becomes the oppressor of the male. Equal opportunity and rights are not distributed equally in every place such as society, workplace and home. Gender Equality emerges as a fundamental right to lead the foundation of peace and a sustainable world. In the 19th century, revolutions occur for feminism and peace in the entire world.

Aims and Objectives


The aim of this research paper is to evaluate gender equality matters from all aspects. It is a fundamental right that has to be regulated all over the world, especially in Asia. The narrow culture of this region still sees males and females. Gender equality is still a major issue in society that suppresses women to develop them in society.


  • To determine gender equality to implement as a fundamental right all over the world
  • To evaluate the real meaning of gender equality from all aspects of society
  • To make changes in perception of Asian culture towards the female gender
  • To describe the main challenges in the adaptation of gender equality right in society
  • To identify suppression cause of worm by the male dominant society


This research evaluates the gender equality importance to enable a fast and peaceful establishing society. A sustainable world is established in the presence of equal opportunity for both genders because both genders have different characteristics to do their work from their own potential. None of them is least with one therefore peace and sustainability can be established in the presence of a fair society that gives equal opportunities to all genders. It clearly demonstrated the lack of gender diversity and the bias against females in terms of innovations, productivity and job satisfaction. Philosophers say that women are able to make changes from the grassroots level that requires huge potential (Roggeband, 2018). The traditional culture of women characters is limited to rearing animals, fetching water and doing household things. Women are limited with this work and do not give chances to make their identity in society. Asia is a largely populated region but it has a narrow culture towards women. The tradition to limit women in their house is still followed here and realise women that they are good for nothing rather than bearing the household. Women are used as materials for a long period of time by the male dominating society.


This report mainly insights the significance of gender equality to achieve sustainability in society to reduce gender gaps. The mortality rate between men and women reveals the immense disparity that exists between both of them. Despite biological advantages in women, they have a higher mortality rate as compared to men. The phenomenon ‘Missing Women’ refers to females that died due to discrimination in their health and nutrition. Gender equality is necessary to implement because if discrimination includes location (rural areas), socio-economic status (poor households and ethnic background (indigenous minorities) women are faced with issues (Shannon et al. 2019). It can be seen here that women from all perspectives are oppressed. Gender gaps in education, health and the workplace push them back towards a patriarchal regime that is operated by one gender dominantly. The study of the World Bank undertook those women are perfect agents that have the potential to make changes at the grassroots level. Women also possessed indigenous wisdom because they are able to handle any circle situations with this indigenous wisdom. The social moments have grasped the society in the modern era in the last three decades that are Feminism, Ecology and Peace.

Asian Culture on Gender Equality

This paper insights gender equality as a fundamental right movement in the world for gaining equal opportunity and status as a man gets. Women also deserve equal respect as the man gets in society. Equal opportunity in home, work, education, health and workplace are their rights because they are also doing the things that men can do. Cultural identity is the main aim of gender equality prevalent in society to attack the oppressive forces that exist as a form of patriarchy in society. The policies have to be implemented universally that reduce the gaps in gender politically, economically and socially to protect the dignity of women. The Human Development Report states that gender equality is the key to achieving the goals (Gupta et al. 2019). The improvement of education and health of women are key factors related to gender equality. The mortality rate can be reduced if the women get proper nutrition and access to the knowledge to care about them. The traditional character of women comes under the patriarchal system that women are good at collecting fuel wood, cow rearing, herb collection and fetching water from streams and rivers.

Contribution of men and women in scientific areas of different regions

(Source: Potvin et al. 2018)

The above figure clearly shows that women's participation is very low in the workplace as compared to men. A developed country like Australia has huge participation of women in their workplace because of an open society that does not discriminate against people on their gender basis (Potvin et al. 2018). On the contrast, underdeveloped country like Africa has low participation of women in national development because they are surprised on the basis of their region and colour. North America is also a developed country therefore its women as participants in scientific developments are also high. The Asian region is not included here because their women are still suffering from domestic violence because they totally depend on their make guardians (Biroli, 2018). The economic dependence makes them vulnerable because they have no other way to nurture themselves in the absence of a male. This vulnerability makes the male more dominating in nature because they know that women are totally dependent on their economic survival upon them.

Gender participation indicators showed positive progress due to Gender Equality

(Source: Madgavkar et al. 2020)

This figure displays that gender equality assists to enhance the life quality of women. They are starting to become economically independent to gain respect in their society. The mortality rate in women is also reduced in the presence of equal opportunity because they are starting to take care of themselves. The leadership position rate is higher because women started to take participate in the movement for their dignity in society. The Green Belt Movement in Africa is a sign that women are aware of their rights and want to become independent in order to stand on financial matters of their own (Madgavkar et al. 2020).


In this research interpretivism research philosophy is used to understand the gender equality factors from all perspectives. The positivism research philosophy is based on the deductive process. In this philosophy, primary qualitative methods are used to analyse data about gender equality (Ariyanto, 2018).The research design used for this paper is a descriptive research design that is related with various questionnaires to get effective information about the research topic. The Barun and Clarke are used here for thematic analysis because it gives flexibility to the methods to analyse options. Interpretation of themes is done with a huge amount of data that increases the relevancy of outcomes of the research paper. Thematic analysis helps to understand aspects of phenomena that participants talk about frequently. This analysis goes to the depth of the topic to eradicate the relevant outcomes from a deep analysis of the data.

Data Collection Method

This paper is based on primary data collection methods because it gives authenticity and specific nature to the research topic. The specific research issue is resolved in the presence of primary methods. An interview is done to collect data because it gives a wide range of information about the topic from participants in the data collection method. In this paper, interviews were done with 2 participants to engage them in the process to provide opinions about the question related to the topic. The thoughts and feelings of participants make the data more accurate. In this paper two women are selected for an interview because they are the main victims of gender disparity therefore, they give accurate knowledge about their treatment in society. Interviews provide appropriateness about a complex situation with data that gives accurate knowledge about specific topics (Kemper et al. 2018). It also assists to go into the depth of core data to investigate the relevancy of data according to the specific topic. It consumes time but gives the ground reality report because participants are the main players who feel and experience the things from reality ground. The 3 question of the interview illustrates discrimination against women in society. The second question is related to what are the strategies that can promote gender equality to mitigate community gaps and perceptions from gender biases. The third question is region related because Asian women face more discrimination as compared to other regions’ women. Changes in the Asian culture perspective for women are also included in the interview to find a solution for this issue.



Participation 1

Participation 2

Q1. What is your opinion on gender discrimination which is prevalent among women?

In Asia, discrimination based on gender is quite evident. It's been many decades that women are being discriminated against in both their personal and professional lives.

In my workplace, there are many female colleagues who are paid less than male employees. The organization does not even consider maternity leave for them however they have different policies for male employees. It is high time that these things need to be changed 

Q2. What can be done to promote gender equality and the gay community’s?

At first, it is should be the responsibility of the government to implement laws and regulations that would provide support for the gay communities. Governmental initiatives and policies can be an effective step for promoting gender equality.

To promote gender equality, it is very important to create awareness in society about the issues and challenges that are faced by lesbians, gays, transgender and the entire LGBTQ communities. In such cases, Social media can play a big role to promote gender equality.

Q3. Has it become normal for the Asian society to discriminate based on gender?

Yes, discrimination has become very normal for Asian societies. However, changes in the few Asian countries are also evident.

No, it can be said not every person of Asian countries has a hatred for minority groups. There are few people that discriminate based on gender but it's not the same case for everyone.

Theme 1: Discrimination at Workplace has increased the wage gap and gender gap, which has affected the opportunities of women

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The struggle of the Asian societies to bridge the gender gap has come a long way however discrimination at the workplace is continuing. It has been observed from the reports that organizations are less likely to hire women for entry-level jobs and they prefer to hire male employees. The organization does not even consider women even if they have more bachelor's degrees and the same attribution rate. It can be further argued that such discrimination has increased the gender gap at the workplace (MoraisMaceira, 2017). Moreover, according to the reports, the disparity also increases for women in the corporate world. It has been observed that if 100 men are being promoted as managers then only 86 gets the opportunity to achieve the same position in the corporate world (, 2022). The main reason behind this is the result of hiring and giving opportunities to lesser women as compared to men which creates a vicious cycle.

It can be said that discrimination at this level creates huge challenges for women. However, it would be continued if the organization does not implement regulations and policies to support gender equality. It can be further argued that the discrimination of women is also evident in the earnings of the employees which create a wage gap. It can be said according to the report that women would have to work 42 days more to get the same amount of wages as male employees (, 2022).

Theme 2: Digital platforms have played a major role in supporting the LGBT communities which has also promoted gender Equality.

It has been observed from the reports that the Pink Dot Rally which is actually a celebration of Singapore's LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) community has received huge support through digital platforms and social media. A picture of the Pink dot rally on social media went viral and gathered huge support for the LGBT community ( 2022). It can be said as per the reports that social media has created such a trend that the rally got thousands of supporters and sponsorships even from the tech giants like Facebook and Google. It can be further argued Social media has billions of users and can be considered an effective platform for creating awareness among the people and the society as a whole.

It has been observed that in social media, there are many groups and online communities that raise the issues and challenges to promote gender Equality. It has been observed from the reports that the organization UN women make effective use of social media to promote the elimination of violence against women and promote gender equality. It can be further argued that the online campaign on social media has attracted almost 49,000 supporters to different websites ( 2022). The promotion of the campaign has been able to acquire more than 3, 5000 signatures from the ongoing campus and as well from the online communities.

Theme 3: Social tendencies and cultural norms in Asian societies has always been male dominant; however, the current generation has been more open to this aspect than before, which sometimes create conflict situations

The Asian countries have a diverse culture however the region can be categorized to have a favourable position of men in the society as compared to the positions of women. In Asia, most of the regions are villages and the communities have been highly backward in terms of education, finance, accessibility to opportunities and unemployment which has created a huge gender gap among the different communities of Asia (Gupta et al. 2019). It can be further argued that discrimination and other challenges which are faced by the women of Asian countries is the result and outcomes of decades. It can be further argued that it is always the social patterns and cultural norms which are the striving force of an individual's thoughts, beliefs, opinion and actions which shapes the overall structure of a society. The social pattern of Asian societies for decades has given more prominence to the male genders and has considered that the position of women should be lower. However, with the changing time, the structure of society has changed a lot. It has been observed that in recent years, women have received more accessibility to education and unemployment as compared to the previous decades (Kabeer, 2021). It can be further said that the women of the current generation are more educated. The percentage of women in the positions of managers has also increased in the last decade which was comparatively very low.

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It is displayed from the data collected by the data collection method that women still get less pay than men. The work hours and work are the same but the pay is different because of the patriarchal regime. The participants give the solution to mitigate the gender gap by promoting harmony in society through social media (Askanius and Hartley, 2019). In this digital world, people are likely to spend their time on different platforms therefore propaganda to promote gender equality in social media platforms is an innovative strategy that can mitigate the gap of genders in society. The narrow dilute of society towards women has to be reduced and they also deserve the same respect as men. Equal opportunity in the workplace and equal pay is also implemented to allow women to create their own identity (Lewis, 2019). The interdependence of women on men is becoming the main thing that is used to suppress women, if this interdependence ends the women start to get respect from all society. This paper also illustrates that women are enabled to manage all aspects workplace to home because they carry indigenous wisdom. 


It is concluded from above that development of society does not depend only on one gender. It is composed of two genders therefore a sustainable society for peace and harmony can be established by giving equal opportunity to women. The coexistence balanced between the two genders points to the soft mechanism that provided hi-tech development. This paper also defends the Asian perspective in order to improve the status of women. This region makes the women limited to houses and uses them as the subject of a material. The dignity of women does not encroach at any cost therefore gender equality has to be promoted from social media platforms to give women the same dignity and respect in all places as a man gets. Workplace opportunity and equal pay are the main things that reduce gender disparity. Overall, this paper insights the society's patriarchal regimes towards women and its changing strategy to make women more powerful to protect their dignity.

Reference list

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