Gender and Education Assignment Sample

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Introduction Of Gender And Education

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Children are the main base of any civilization. At the very early stages in life, both the physical and the mental states of every child stay in highly sensitive situations. At that time all of the children should be groomed very carefully to give them healthy growth to adulthood both physically and mentally. This study is mainly based on how the parents or the other guardian or the environment around different kinds of children affects their mental behaviors and the mentality to help them in identifying the gender in the very early stages in their lives. Hereafter describing the importance of what is the best possible four ways by which the knowledge can be developed will be identified and the importance will be discussed in this study.

Background of the study

Identifying the gender and the issues related to the opposite gender is one of the most important knowledge in the early stages of every child (Williams et al. 2021). The importance of proper knowledge in getting the healthiest mental and physical life will be analyzed in this study. After that, what is the best possible and most important way to increase knowledge will be discussed in this study. And how the people and the environment around them help them to do that will be researched in this study (Charles and Thébaud, 2018).


Growing stages of children

At the very early stages of life, the brains of the children are not developed enough to understand and analyze all of the different kinds of things properly altogether (Guimarãeset al. 2019). So, in times like this, the guardians to the Childers play the most important role to help them to analyze and get the best possible knowledge (Assari, 2018).

In the healthy growth of every child, there is so much knowledge about different fields that must be given properly (Amado-Alonso et al. 2018). Identifying the different kinds of genders and issues regarding all of the different genders is one of the most essential knowledge among all of the most knowing (Adikusuma and Qiyaam, 2017).

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Importance of proper guidance

To guide children to a healthy life there are so many different kinds of knowledge in different fields that must be given to them properly at a proper time (Assari and Bazargan, 2019). Both too much knowledge or too little amount of knowledge in any field can lead the children to uncomfortable growth and can lead them to create different kinds of problems in the future (Segovia-Pérez et al. 2019).

Importance of Gender education

In human life, gender is one of the most important matters and there are so many different kinds of changes in the mental and physical state at different kinds of times depending on the gender (Assari, 2018). With that, there are also so many different types of issues and also diseases that mainly affect a specific type of gender only. Some of the diseases are very dangerous (Golob and Makarovi?, 2019). The men have various diseases in the prostate glands and women have different types of gynecological issues at different times of their menstruation cycle and in the times of pregnancy. So, if the children did not give the proper knowledge about the various uses of their organ related to the gender difference and also if they were not given the proper awareness about the different types of issues related to their sex organ then that might lead them to so many extra problems in the later stages of their life (Assariet al. 2019). Not having proper knowledge can lead them to not identifying different types of issues and finally can be a cause of some major problems (Ortega-Sánchez, 2019).

Ways of giving gender educations

In different kinds of situations and to the different aged children there are so many varieties of ways to give them various kinds of knowledge about identifying the gender and also the knowledge about different kinds of issues related to the gender (Hong et al. 2019). There are so many different kinds of ways to increase the overall knowledge in this field. Here mainly four different ways of giving knowledge will be discussed in the following (Sánchez Prieto et al. 2019).

Parental guidance

Every study in different types of dimensions starts from the home of every child (Hamann et al. 2019). In general, the basic knowledge about various kinds of things related to the culture, education, and language all come from the people surrounding the children who are mostly involved in the guidance of the child (Khalifeh et al. 2020). Caring for children is not an easy task. Doing the wrong activity or making the wrong impression and behavior in front of the children can lead to a bad effect on the mentality of the child. So, the guardian must be very careful in caring for their children. The guarding should give the proper and the basic knowledge about various essential knowledge about gender (Mendy et al. 2018). Like the parents should talk about the menstruation cycle and how to manage that properly. And how to use various types of sanitary pads and also what they should do to be hygienic and maintain all of the basic work properly so that they do not get panicked at the start of the menstruation cycle in the early life (Assari, 2018). Similarly, all of the other kinds of issues that can happen in different situations based on different gender should be taught to the children by their guardians to deal with that situation without getting panicked for having a lack of knowledge or wrong knowledge (Assariet al. 2018).

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Personal family physician

Every family should have a personal physician of their own to discuss all of the different kinds of medical issues. In recent times there are so many various new kinds of diseases that have been developed (Solé-Auróet al. 2020). So, it is very important to have a personal health check-up once in a while to identify if any kinds of problems are created from the very beginning stage or not (Wroblewski, 2019). Also, all of the children should share all of the detailed descriptions of any kinds of problems with their doctor so that the doctor can identify their proper reason and make the proper treatment (Thomas et al. 2019). This way the children can get the most important knowledge regarding their gender from their physician.

Schools and colleges

Schools and colleges play the most important role in the education of every child. All of the educational institutions take proper steps to increase the knowledge about the gender of the students (Nooijenet al. 2018). In different types of situations, they should arrange different types of class reading to their age. Now at the very early age of children, they should be educated about the basic functions and proper maintenance of their organs (Assari, 2018). With increasing the age the children should also give the knowledge about the protection during various activities to protect themselves from different kinds of virusious diseases like AIDS and others (Assari, 2019). This is one of the most important knowledge which should be given to them so that the children can have a piece of proper knowledge about their gender and make proper decisions to ensure a healthy future (Palomares-Ruiz et al. 2020).

Different types of seminars

Various types of Seminars are one of the most effective ways of getting knowledge about different kinds of things (Jeronen, 2020). At different times the children can attend a variety of seminars to get a general knowledge about a particular kind of thing. Like all of the other topics, the seminars on this topic are also very important (Gómez-García et al. 2020). From this type of seminar, the children can gather a whole new and most modified information related to the newest medication and also new types of diseases so they can have a proper idea about different types of issues and also about the solutions of those issues (Chaletaet al. 2021). Like this, the seminars can help the children in getting a piece of proper and modified knowledge about this field (Zhao et al. 2019).


From the above study, it can be concluded that having the proper knowledge of gender is one of the most important knowledge of every child. Here without the proper knowledge, the children cannot have the proper idea about all of the normal and rare issues regarding their gender and also can be easily panicked and suffer from different kinds of diseases. Therefore, to help the children to get the proper knowledge and have healthy maintenance of their health in this study there is a description of mainly four kinds of ways which can be used to give education and support in these fields are described. So, this study can help the people, guardians, and the institutions which care for the children and give education to them to improve their policies to make their education more effective to increase gender education.



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