FY027 Preparing for Success: Self-development and Responsibility Assignment Sample

Master Critical Skills for Academic and Professional Success: Communication, Presentation & More

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FY027 Preparing for Success: Self-development and Responsibility Assignment 

CW2 – Coursework: Portfolio


This portfolio is a collection of materials that demonstrate my growth and learning during the programme. This portfolio demonstrates my success in meeting the learning objectives for the module, which include effective communication skills, teamwork, identifying areas for academic and professional growth, and awareness of the global nature of higher education and employment. A variety of items, including assignments, presentations, and comments, are included in the portfolio. Each piece of proof illustrates how I changed and learned during the module, emphasising both my good points and my room for growth (Magolda, 2020). I will briefly describe the components of my portfolio and how they relate to the learning objectives of the programme in the sections that follow. In addition, I'll talk about how I've thought about my professional and academic growth needs and how I plan to fulfil them. I'll finish the portfolio by summarising the lessons I learned throughout the module.

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8 learning and development tools

Plan for Personal Development:

The creation of a personal development plan (PDP), one of the module's core components, helped me to pinpoint my own academic and professional development needs and formulate a strategy for achieving my objectives (Türkenet.al 2016). I selected four particular goals for myself as part of this activity to develop my employability skills: strengthen public speaking, strengthen leadership, strengthen critical thinking, and strengthen digital abilities. I created a thorough action plan for each of these objectives, which included attending seminars and workshops, looking for mentorship, reading books and articles, taking part in class discussions and practising new skills (Van Laaret.al 2017). To keep myself on track and hold myself responsible for my own growth, I also gave each action plan a date.

Goal Action Plan Deadline
Improve public speaking skills Attend public speaking workshops, practice in front of a mirror, record and review speeches, seek feedback from others End of the semester
Enhance leadership skills Take on a leadership role in a group project, attend leadership seminars, read books on leadership, seek mentorship from a professional (Silverman et.al 2016) End of the semester
Improve critical thinking skills Participate in class discussions, read academic articles, engage in debates, practice analyzing case studies End of the semester
Enhance digital skills Attend webinars on digital skills, practice using new software, read blogs and articles on the latest digital trends (Bakhshi et.al 2017) End of the semester

SWOT analysis of the self

I performed a personal SWOT analysis as part of the programme to evaluate my advantages and disadvantages in relation to my academic and career objectives. I was able to pinpoint my strengths through this study, which included great work ethics, adaptability, and problem-solving abilities in addition to excellent communication abilities (Mirzagitova, and Akhmetov, 2015). I was also aware of my flaws, such as my lack of technical expertise, my shyness in social situations, my poor time management abilities, and my lack of experience in leadership positions. I was able to establish strategies to address my areas for growth and capitalise on my skills to increase my employability by being aware of my strengths and weaknesses. This activity taught me the value of self-evaluation and ongoing development in achieving my academic and professional objectives.

Strengths Weaknesses
Excellent communication skills Limited technical skills
Strong work ethic Shyness in group settings
Adaptable to change Poor time management skills
Good problem-solving skills Limited experience in leadership roles
Opportunities Threats
Attending networking events Increasing competition in the job market
Joining a professional association Economic recession
Taking on a new project or role Rapidly changing technology

Reading Record

I kept a reading record for the duration of the module to keep track of the books I read and the most important lessons I discovered. Through this exercise, I was able to consider my reading preferences and form the habit of ongoing learning (Kosmodemyanskaya, 2016). I have read books about entrepreneurship, personal growth, and communication skills thanks to my reading journal. One of the most important things I learned from reading was the value of continual improvement, whether it is through product development that involves testing and iterating, accepting failure and obstacles with a growth mentality, or relationship building that involves effective communication (Kassymova, et. al., 2018). Overall, keeping a reading diary was a helpful habit for my professional and personal growth, and I want to keep it up beyond the module.

Identification of the most useful- communication skills

Both academic and professional success requires effective communication abilities. Success in both personal and professional situations depends on having effective communication skills. I was able to develop a greater grasp of how these talents may be used in many contexts by identifying some of the most effective communication techniques (Alieksieievaet.al 2021). To completely comprehend the material being communicated, active listening might be utilised, for example, during group discussions or when getting directions from a supervisor. On the other hand, empathy can be used to comprehend and share the sentiments of others when giving feedback, negotiating, or resolving issues. Additionally, using clear, succinct language, communicating nonverbally, and communicating respectfully can improve communication in a variety of settings, including while composing emails, reports, or making presentations (Zieli?ska-Wi?czkowska, 2017). I can now better navigate various communication situations and have become a more effective communicator overall because to the identification of these effective communication abilities. Some of the most useful communication techniques are listed in the following table along with examples of how they might be used in various contexts:

Skill Definition Application
Active listening Paying attention to the speaker and fully understanding their message Use during group discussions, meetings, or when receiving instructions from a supervisor
Empathy Understanding and sharing the feelings of others Use when providing feedback, negotiating, or dealing with conflicts
Clarity Using clear and concise language to convey a message Use when writing emails, reports, or giving presentations
Nonverbal communication Using body language, facial expressions, and tone of voice to communicate Use during face-to-face conversations, presentations, or public speaking
Respectful communication Using language that is respectful, professional, and free of bias Use when communicating with colleagues, supervisors, or clients

Presentation Techniques - Comparison of Effective and Ineffective Techniques

Success in academic and professional settings depends on having strong presentation skills. For audiences to be engaged and to be effectively communicated with, strong presentation abilities are crucial (Seemiller, 2018). The contrast of effective and ineffective presentation techniques emphasises how crucial it is to use clear, succinct language, captivating graphics, prepare prior, establish eye contact, and use the right body language and gestures. Effective presentation techniques enable the speaker to engage the audience, get their point across, and leave a positive impression. Poor practises, on the other hand, might lead to an uninterested audience, misconceptions, and a presentation that is unsuccessful. Presenters can enhance their capacity to successfully communicate their message and accomplish their desired outcomes by paying attention to these techniques. The following table contrasts effective and ineffective presentation techniques:

Good Practices Poor Practices
Using clear and concise language Using complex jargon or unclear language
Using engaging visuals Using too many visuals or irrelevant ones
Practicing the presentation beforehand
Maintaining eye contact with the audience Reading from notes or slides throughout the presentation
Using appropriate body language and gestures Fidgeting, slouching, or pacing

Academic Writing Skills

Effective academic writing requires a unique set of abilities. A crucial ability for success in higher education and beyond is academic writing (Kassymovaet.al 2019). Specific abilities, including critical thinking, efficient research, correct citation, clarity and coherence, as well as editing and proofreading, are required for excellent academic writing. I know how important it is to hone these abilities as an aspiring scholar, so I have done my best to do so.

I have first learned how to critically evaluate material and create a compelling argument. This ability has helped me write essays and research papers because it allows me to evaluate several sources and create my own viewpoint on the subject (Korkut and LLACI, 2016). I am also aware of the significance of conducting excellent research, which entails locating dependable and pertinent sources. I've taken multiple workshops on using various academic databases and search engines to hone this expertise.

Additionally, accurate citation is necessary in academic writing to acknowledge sources consulted for the material. I am familiar with the use of citation formats like APA, MLA, and Chicago and their unique needs. I have been able to prevent plagiarism and uphold my academic integrity thanks to this ability.

I also understand the value of coherence and clarity in writing. I've improved my writing skills to make logical and clear transitions between paragraphs and sentences (NarenjiThani et.al 2022). I have practised organising my thoughts before writing and employing various structuring methods to help me enhance this talent.

Finally, I am aware of the significance of editing and proofreading any written work before submitting it. I have learnt to make sure the writing is polished and complies with the assignment's requirements in addition to checking for grammatical, punctuation, and spelling issues.

Developing academic writing abilities is crucial for success in higher education and beyond, to sum up. I have mastered the abilities required for excellent academic writing, such as critical thinking, efficient research, correct citation, clarity and coherence, as well as proofreading and editing, through attending workshops and practise (Lazarus, 2019). I'll keep developing these abilities as I advance in my academic and professional careers.

Skill Definition Application
Critical thinking Analyzing information and developing a clear argument Use when writing essays or research papers
Effective research Finding relevant and credible sources Use when writing essays or research papers
Proper citation Giving credit to sources used in the text Use when writing essays or research papers
Clarity and coherence Writing clearly and logically, with smooth transitions Use when writing essays or research papers
Proofreading and editing Checking for errors and ensuring the writing is polished Use before submitting any written work

Employability Skills

For success in the workplace, employability skills are essential. In today's labour market, employability skills are highly appreciated because they help people succeed at work. The successful completion of tasks and projects requires teamwork, and achieving deadlines requires time management (Mariam et.al 2018). Adaptability is vital for handling unforeseen circumstances, while communication abilities are crucial for effectively expressing thoughts and information. Additionally, problem-solving abilities help people recognise and overcome difficulties or hurdles at work. People who have these employability abilities are in great demand by employers because they can show they are able to work cooperatively, manage their time well, adapt to shifting circumstances, communicate clearly, and solve problems. For success in the workplace and for personal and professional growth, it is crucial to develop and hone these skills (Norris et.al 2016).


I have learned a lot about effective communication techniques, academic and professional growth, and the global environment of higher education and employment throughout this subject. I have performed a variety of exercises and tasks as part of this learning experience, which has given me the chance to consider my own strengths and limitations and to come up with plans to increase my employability. The personal development plan was one of the most beneficial tasks I accomplished. This assisted me in determining my personal needs for professional and academic growth and in developing an action plan to help me accomplish my objectives (Lasauskiene and Rauduvaite, 2015). I gained an understanding of the value of SMART goals—specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound—through this approach. I also discovered the importance of getting input from others and making use of tools like the university job centre to improve my employability.

The personal SWOT analysis was another exercise that helped me improve my employable abilities. As it relates to my academic and professional development, this gave me the opportunity to evaluate my strengths, shortcomings, opportunities, and threats. I was able to pinpoint my areas for improvement through this research and create plans to solve them. This exercise also taught me how important it is to play to my strengths in order to increase my employability. My employability abilities were much enhanced by the reading log and time management skills exercises. My reading habits improved as a result of the reading log, which is a crucial ability for success in both academic and professional settings. My weekly itinerary and daily to-do list were created with the assistance of the time management skills exercises, which allowed me to prioritise my chores and manage my time more efficiently.

The activities that focused on presenting and communication skills were also quite beneficial. I gained knowledge of the best presentation and communication techniques through these exercises, as well as comparisons of excellent and bad practises. These abilities are necessary for success in any academic or professional environment since strong communication and presenting skills are crucial for spreading ideas, fostering connections, and realising objectives. The academic writing skills exercise was also very beneficial since it made me realise how crucial effective academic writing is for the idea communication and professional image development. I gained knowledge about writing organisation and structure, as well as appropriate citation and reference usage, through this activity. In general, this module has been a huge help in developing my employment abilities. I have been able to pinpoint my strengths and limitations through the numerous exercises and assignments, come up with plans to improve where necessary, and broaden my knowledge and skills in a variety of areas. I am more assured that I can succeed in both academic and professional situations, and I am eager to continue expanding on the abilities and information I have acquired through this programme.


The report is concluded that it has given a thorough review of the critical abilities required for success in both academic and professional contexts. The programme has addressed a wide range of abilities that are essential for both personal and professional growth, from effective communication and presentation skills to critical thinking and time management. Additionally, the numerous tables included throughout the lesson offer helpful hints and doable actions for enhancing these skills. Individuals can attempt to improve their strengths and overcome their flaws by setting objectives and making action plans. It is impossible to exaggerate the significance of this subject because it teaches skills that are essential for both professional and personal success. Individuals can boost their self-esteem, productivity, and general wellbeing by being adept at these abilities. Having a solid foundation in these fundamental abilities can provide individuals with a considerable advantage in attaining their goals and making important contributions to their respective professions in today's fast-paced and competitive environment. Individuals must therefore make a constant effort to develop these talents and apply them in their daily lives.

In the context of learning & development, SWOT analysis tool is highly effectual which helps in ascertaining the areas for improvement. By this, I would become able to identify strategic actions or measures which need to be undertaken for converting weaknesses into strengths. Further, it has been articulated that reading logs develop my knowledge about various aspects and concepts to the significant level. Besides this, it can be inferred from the evaluation that I have placed more emphasis on enhancing communication skills and abilities. Moreover, in order to become successful in both personal and professional aspects an individual must have good communication skills. Along with this, focus is also laid on improving presentation skills and abilities. This is selected because it improves skills under several areas such as communication, confidence building etc. Moreover, presentation method offers opportunity to speak-up in front of large group of people. This in turn increases individual's confidence and thereby ensures high career growth. Presentation also encourages personnel to work in a team and thereby increases knowledge about the practices of co-ordination, conflict management. It can be seen in the report that at the time of making presentation one should keep in mind both good and bad practices. Hence, by getting knowledge about these aspects I can do better presentation in the near future. Academic writing practices have also been included in learning log with the motive to improve my skills pertaining to research, proofreading and editing. From this, I also got to know the significance of referencing and citation under academic writing. Development of employability skills also assessed as one of the main aspects which individual requires for getting the desired level of outcome or success. In this context, I have focused on gaining effectual communication, leadership, problem solving and analytical skills. By having all these skills I can create distinct image at both academic and professional level. Thus, com patent action plan will be developed and followed for achieving success in the upcoming time period.


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