The performance of sprint is steadily dependent on the traits of genetics, and the performance of differences of annual within the athlete is under the typical variation, the change of smallest worthwhile, and the impact of the conditions which are external such as monitoring methodologies, wind, etc. quiet the important determinants which are underlying such as technique, power, and endurance of sprint-specific are mostly trainable while the majority of the sprint-specific has been performed on the sports athletes who are young and mainly focus on the maximum intensity and wide distance range and with changing recovery periods and distance. The type of game sprint is very much dependent on the muscles of the leg. A sprinter requires a very high capacity of the lung in running extremely fast. The sprinter must have appropriate muscle strength of the leg and proper lung capacity.
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Different training methods have been recommended for the sprinter that they must need in increasing the fast amount of twitch fiber in the leg muscle. Inside the best practices, the strong link between the component of the training choices such as duration, modality, intensity, session rate, recovery, and the purpose of intended of the session of training compared to the approach in the literature. The report provides the aims and objectives of the topic, the background of the sport, and different methodologies which includes the analysis of an athlete indulging in different tests, and interventions in which a “30 days” resume of training for the sprinter with the appropriate protocol has been provided. The different assumption has been made according to the results of the test and analyzing them. The report provides the development and training of the performance of elite sprint.
The main aim of the study is to identify the physical ability of the sprinter and also to make a proper strategy to develop the physical ability of the sprinters.
The study has been conducted to fulfil different objectives, which have been mentioned below
Sprint is a power sport in which all the leg muscles are extremely important. In the sprint, a sportsperson needs to run extremely. There are different types of sprints and the distances need to cover in that sprint is also different. In the sprint quadriceps and the hamstring muscle plays an important role. A sprinter needs high lung capacity to run extremely fast (Ariani 2021) Every sportsperson needs to develop proper leg muscle strength and need to develop high lung capacity (Miller et al. 2020). In this sport, a sprinter needs to increase their ability by power training. Every sprinter needs to increase the amount of fast twitch fibre in the muscle.
So, to increase the power of the leg muscle a sprinter needs to do power training to increase the amount the fast twitch fibre in the leg muscle. In many studies it has been seen that proper power training can improper the ability of the sprinter that is why in this study a proper training resume has been applied to increase the ability of the sprinter. There are different techniques like the short jump, and T-test to identify the ability of the sprinter (Hermassi et al. 2019). There is also a spirometry test to know the lung capacity of the sprinter.
In this study, a proper methodology has been followed to analyse the ability of the sprinter and also proper training has been given to the sprinter to improve their ability. All the test which are mentioned in the study has been performed with care and also by following proper protocol. In this study, two groups of participants have been taken to complete the study and they are the “Experimental group” and the “control group”. All the interventions have been applied to the “experimental” group whereas no intervention” has been applied to the “Control” group. In this study, proper nutrition support has been given to all groups. In this study, all the participant has provided mental and medical support. A proper medical team and experienced persons have been present at the time of all interventions.
At the time of the intervention, proper medical support has been present to avoid any certain issues. In this study, all the subjects have been selected through a proper inclusion-exclusion method. All the subject who has any respiratory disease or other injury has been excluded. On the other hand, the subjects who were physically abled and don't have any types of injuries or diseases have been selected for the study. In this study, no personal data about the subject has been taken.
In this study, a proper analysis of the sprinter has been done to understand the requirements of the sprinter (Jiménez-Reyes et al. 2019). In this study total of three different types of methods have been discussed through which the requirement of the sports person has been analysed.
Through this procedure, the leg strength of the sprinter has been identified. The sprinters who were below the requirements have been identified and also provide proper training to increase the leg strength.
Figure 1: Recommended short jump value for the Sprinters
(Sources: Pandy et al. 2021)
This test has been conducted to identify the agility level of the sprinter. This test has been performed by following proper rules (Pardos-Mainer et al. 2021). In these tests, the participant scored below the need has been identified and also proper training has been provided to improve the agility of the sprinter.
A spirometry test helps a researcher to identify the lung capacity of the sprinter. This test has been performed in the laboratory with the presence of an experienced laboratory assistant (Jiménez-Reyes et al. 2022). Like all the tests, whoever scored low on this test has been identified and also provided proper training to those sprinters to increase their lung capacity of that athlete.
After all these all this test all the data which has been collected from the test, are recorded and stored for further analysis.
Figure 2: 30 days training resume for the sprinter
(Source: Beato et al. 2021)
The above mention 30 days training resume has been followed for the 3 months to complete the study. This training resume has been followed with the proper protocol. At the time of the intervention, proper warm-up and the proper cool-down process have been applied to the sprinter. All the sprinter has been instructed properly and all the information regarding the study has been provided to the participant (Morin et al. 2022). After continuing the same exercise cycle for 12 weeks again every test of the sprinter has been taken to observe the improvement.
As all the participants were above 18 years, no permission from the guardians of the participant has been taken. In this study the participants have been provided the best comfort and no personal information of the participant has been taken (Freeman et al. 2021). A proper introduction to the study has been given to the participant. All the participant has joined the study with their interest. In this study, no physically invasive method has been applied. In this study, no unethical action has been talent and also the ethical laws have been followed properly.
After giving proper training to the sprinter for 12 weeks, all the tests have been organised again to observe the improvement. Again “T-test”, short hump, and spirometry test has been taken to observe the improvement. In this test, every sprinter has been observed to know the level of adaptation. After 12 weeks of training, all the sprinters are tested to know the result of the interventions (Beato et al. 2021). All the data has been recorded from previous interventions and the post-intervention properly to do proper analysis (Jiménez-Reyes et al. 2022). All the data has been stored in a recurring place to maintain safety. Based on the result of the test a proper analysis and a conclusion of the study have been provided. After the 12-week training cycle, it has been observed that the participant who joined the study are performing well than the previous one. It is also seen that there are no proper improvements in the control group. The result of the control group was the same as pre-intervention. Based on the result of two time test a proper analysis of the data has been done.
All the data has been compared with the recommended value and then according to the result, the next step has been taken. In this study, the second test has been compared with the first test to understand the differences between the two tests and also to identify the effect of the power training. After the analysis, it has been seen that most of the participants adopt high leg muscle power and also an increase in lung capacity has been observed. Where there were no identical improvements in agility. Based on the analysis of the result i8t has been observed that the above-mentioned training resume is extremely effective for the sprinter. Through this training procedure, a sprinter can increase lung capacity and also can increase leg muscle power. In the future, more studies can be done to analyse the effect of the training more accurately and also to increase the ability of the participant.
A sprinter requires a very high capacity of the lung in running extremely fast. The sprinter must have appropriate muscle strength of the leg and proper lung capacity. Different training methods have been recommended for the sprinter that they must need in increasing the fast amount of twitch fiber in the leg muscle and the proper methodologies for the analysis of the ability of the sprinter and the appropriate training that has been provided to the sprinter in the improvement of their sporting abilities. The methodologies indulge the analysis of an athlete in which different identification of an athlete has been made according to first analyzing the athlete's requirement for the sprint purpose. It further includes different procedures like the short jump and also different tests such as T-test, Spirometry test, and also intervention has been provided in which “30 days” resume of training for the sprinter with the appropriate protocol. The report also discusses the ethic of the participants. The report discusses the result and further evaluation has been made accordingly.