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Examining The Difficulties In Accessing Psychological Support In Turkey
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Table 1
One way ANOVA
Sum of Squares |
df |
Mean Square |
F |
Sig. |
four |
Between Groups |
38.643 |
3 |
12.881 |
138.601 |
.000 |
Within Groups |
9.480 |
102 |
.093 |
Total |
48.123 |
105 |
six |
Between Groups |
46.315 |
3 |
15.438 |
70.650 |
.000 |
Within Groups |
22.289 |
102 |
.219 |
Total |
68.604 |
105 |
eight |
Between Groups |
106.215 |
3 |
35.405 |
191.280 |
.000 |
Within Groups |
18.880 |
102 |
.185 |
Total |
125.094 |
105 |
nine |
Between Groups |
61.306 |
3 |
20.435 |
113.561 |
.000 |
Within Groups |
18.355 |
102 |
.180 |
Total |
79.660 |
105 |
twelve |
Between Groups |
67.462 |
3 |
22.487 |
113.561 |
.000 |
Within Groups |
20.198 |
102 |
.198 |
Total |
87.660 |
105 |
(Source: Self-Created)
This above table contains the statistical result of assessing the difficulties in getting help through psychological support, where this table has been calculated for some factors such as four, six, eight, nine, and twelve.There are different factors in this statistical table of the result such asthe assumption that receiving professional psychological help takes a long time, which is supported by the fact that in many circumstances, receiving professional psychological help takes a long period. Factor of belief that finding a professional psychological help service that is suitable for me will be difficult, Factor of the specialist will consult a mentally ill individual and it refers to the fact that some people are terrified of the specialist. Factor of the concept that is seeking psychological treatment, one may comprehend the reason for one's mental difficulties. Factor of necessary, I may share my personal secrets to an expert to assist address emotional concerns, and it alludes to the reality that some people still recommend close friends for psychological aid in the event of a mental illness.
Table 2
One sample T-test
One-Sample Test |
Test Value = 0 |
t |
df |
Sig. (2-tailed) |
Mean Difference |
95% Confidence Interval of the Difference |
Lower |
Upper |
thirteen |
22.924 |
105 |
.000 |
1.83019 |
1.6719 |
1.9885 |
fifteen |
21.196 |
105 |
.000 |
1.76415 |
1.5991 |
1.9292 |
sixteen |
23.772 |
105 |
.000 |
1.91509 |
1.7554 |
2.0748 |
seventeen |
23.625 |
105 |
.000 |
1.85849 |
1.7025 |
2.0145 |
nineteen |
47.752 |
105 |
.000 |
4.31132 |
4.1323 |
4.4903 |
twenty |
26.991 |
105 |
.000 |
1.98113 |
1.8356 |
2.1267 |
(Source: Self-Created)
This above table contains the statistical result of assessing the difficulties in getting help through psychological support, where this table has been calculated for some factors such as thirteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, nineteen, and twenty.There are different factors in this statistical table of the result such as the factor that a person can learn to cope with worn-out emotions by seeking psychological assistance. Factor that refers to people's opinion that psychological therapy improves their ability to deal with challenges. Factor that refers to the concept that with psychological assistance, I can find a safe environment in which to examine my feelings, whereas factor fifteen refers to the belief that one may find a safe environment in which to review one's own feelings. Factor that refers to the perception that speaking with a professional about difficulties is an effective approach to resolve emotional conflicts, Factor that it is easier for the person receiving psychological help to communicate with other people, and it is the belief that it is easier for the person receiving psychological aid to communicate with other people. Factor that psychological treatment lowers one's self-esteem, indicating that some people still feel that psychological help can lower one's self-esteem, despite the fact that the majority of people do not.
Corn Bach's AlphaReliability
Table 3
Corn Bach's Alpha
Item Statistics |
Mean |
Std. Deviation |
N |
thirty |
4.2453 |
.92388 |
106 |
thirtyone |
2.0755 |
.96311 |
106 |
thirtytwo |
4.1226 |
.88051 |
106 |
thirtythree |
2.4340 |
1.21121 |
106 |
thirtyfour |
3.2075 |
1.16878 |
106 |
Item-Total Statistics |
Scale Mean if Item Deleted |
Scale Variance if Item Deleted |
Corrected Item-Total Correlation |
Squared Multiple Correlation |
Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted |
thirty |
11.8396 |
16.060 |
.803 |
.810 |
.957 |
thirtyone |
14.0094 |
15.495 |
.849 |
.879 |
.949 |
thirtytwo |
11.9623 |
15.751 |
.906 |
.899 |
.943 |
thirtythree |
13.6509 |
13.277 |
.919 |
.925 |
.939 |
thirtyfour |
12.8774 |
13.385 |
.948 |
.901 |
.933 |
(Source: Self-Created)
This above table contains the statistical result of assessing the difficulties in getting help through psychological support, where this table has been calculated for some factors such as thirty, thirty-one, thirty-two, thirty-three, and thirty-four.There are different factors in this statistical table of the result such as thethat is seeking help from a therapist would make me feel inadequate, and factor if someone had decided to seek help from an expert, the person would have felt better, where it refers to the fact that there are few people who still believe that seeking help from a therapist would make me feel inadequate. Factor that if someone couldn't solve his or her problems on his or her own, he or she would feel bad, where it refers to the belief that if someone had gone to a therapist, that person would have been less satisfied with himself or herself, and if someone had gotten expert help for a problem he or she couldn't solve, his or her confidence would not change, where if someone couldn't solve his or her problems on his or her. Factor to the notion that if someone had gone to a therapist, they would be less content with themselves, while factor to the belief that if someone had sought expert help for an issue they couldn't address, their confidence would remain unchanged.
Factor four refers to the assumption that receiving professional psychological help takes a long time, which is supported by the fact that in many circumstances, receiving professional psychological help takes a long period. Factor six refers to the belief that finding a professional psychological help service that is suitable for me will be difficult, demonstrating that many people believe it will be difficult to find a professional psychological help service that is suitable for them, despite the fact that many others do not. Factor eight is the notion that the specialist will consult a mentally ill individual, and it refers to the fact that some people are terrified of the specialist. Factor nine is the concept that by seeking psychological treatment, one may comprehend the reason for one's mental difficulties, and it states that people do not feel that psychological help can be used to diagnose mental disorders and that it will not help them. Factor twelve is the concept that, if necessary, I may share my personal secrets to an expert to assist address emotional concerns, and it alludes to the reality that some people still recommend close friends for psychological aid in the event of a mental illness.
The above table contains the statistical result of assessing the difficulties in getting help through psychological support, where this table has been calculated for some factors such as four, six, eight, nine, and twelve. Factor four refers to the belief that the process of benefiting from professional psychological help service takes a long time. For question number four the value of the sum of squares is 48.123, and the df value is 105, where mean square values are 12.881, and .093, along with the F value of 138.601, and sig value of .000. This proves that the process of benefiting from professional psychological help service takes a long time in many cases. Factor six refers to the belief factor that it will be difficult to find a professional psychological help service that is suitable for me. For question number six the value of the sum of squares is 68.604, and the df value is 105, where mean square values are 15.438, and .219, along with the F value of 70.650, and sig value of .000 (Kackin, et al. 2021). This proves that many people think it is difficult to find a professional psychological help service that is suitable for them, though many people also do not believe that.
Factor eight refers to the belief factor that the specialist will consult a mentally ill person. For question number eight the value of the sum of squares is 125.094, and the df value is 105, where mean square values are 35.405, and .185, along with the F value of 191.180, and sig value of .000 (Aydin& Kaya, 2017). This refers to the fact that there are some people who are afraid of the specialist and consult with the belief that the consultant will believe about the illness of the person. Factor nine refers to the belief factor fact that By getting psychological help, one can understand the cause of my mental problems. For question number nine the value of the sum of squares is 79.660, and the df value is 105, where mean square values are 20.435, and .180, along with the F value of 113.561, and sig value of .000. This states that people do not believe that psychological help can be the way of finding mental problems, where they believe it will not help them. Factor twelve refers to the belief that When necessary, one can reveal my personal secrets to an expert to help resolve emotional issues. For question number twelve the value of the sum of squares is 87.660, and the df value is 105, where mean square values are 22.487, and .198, along with the F value of 113.561, and sig value of .000 (Vogel, et al. 2017). This refers to the fact that there are still people who suggest close friends for psychological help in the case of a mental problem.
The above table contains the statistical result of assessing the difficulties in getting help through psychological support, where this table has been calculated for some factors such as thirteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, nineteen, and twenty (Alpaydin, 2017). Factor thirteen refers to the belief that a person can learn how to cope with wearing out emotions by getting psychological help. For question number thirteen, the t value is 22.924, the df value is 105, and the mean difference value is 1.83019, where the lower value is 1.6719, and the upper value is 1.9885. This refers to the belief that a person can learn how to cope with wearing out emotions by getting psychological help. Factor fifteen refers to the belief that psychological help increases one's ability to cope with problems. For question number fifteen, the t value is 21.196, the dfvalue is 105, and the mean difference value is 1.76415, where the lower value is 1.5991, and the upper value is 1.9292. This refers to the fact that people believe that psychological help increases one's ability to cope with problems. Factor sixteen refers to the belief that with psychological help, I can find a safe environment where I can review my feelings. For question number sixteen, the t value is 23.772, the df value is 105, and the mean difference value is 1.91509, where the lower value is 1.7554, and the upper value is 2.0748 (Camm-Crosbieet al. 2019). This refers to the belief that one can find a safe environment where the person can review their own feelings.
Factor twenty refers to the belief that talking to an expert about problems is an effective way to get rid of emotional conflicts. For question number twenty, the t value is 23.625, the df value is 105, and the mean difference value is 1.85849, where the lower value is 1.7025, and the upper value is 2.0145. This refers to the fact that talking to an expert about problems is an effective way to get rid of emotional conflicts (Finlay?Jones, Kane, & Rees, 2017). Factor seventeen refers to the belief that it is easier for the person receiving psychological help to communicate with other people. For question number seventeen, the t value is 23.625, the df value is 105, and the mean difference value is 1.85849, where the lower value is 4.1323, and the upper value is 4.4903. This refers to the fact that people believe that it is easier for the person receiving psychological help to communicate with other people. Factor nineteen refers to the belief that psychological help reduces one's self-esteem. For question number nineteen, the t value is 26.991, the df value is 105, and the mean difference value is 1.98113, where the lower value is 1.8356, and the upper value is 2.1267 (Blake, Bermingham, Johnson, &Tabner, 2020). This indicates that there are still some people who believe that psychological help has the ability to reduce one's self-esteem, though most people do not believe that.
The above table contains the statistical result of assessing the difficulties in getting help through psychological support, where this table has been calculated for some factors such as thirty, thirty-one, thirty-two, thirty-three, and thirty-four. Factor thirty refers to the belief that seeking help from a therapist would make me feel inadequate (Vogel, et al. 2017). For question number thirty, the mean value is 4.2453, and the standard deviation value is .92388. In the table of item-total statistics, for question number thirty, the value of “Scale Mean if Item Deleted” is 11.8396, and the value of “Scale Variance if Item Deleted” is 16.060, where the “Corrected item-total Correlation" value is .803, the value of "Squared Multiple Correlation" is .810, and the value of “Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted" is .957. Factor thirty-one refers to the belief that if someone had decided to seek help from an expert, the person would have felt better. For question number thirty-one, the mean value is 2.0755, and the standard deviation value is .96311. In the table of item-total statistics, for question number thirty-one, the value of "Scale Mean if Item Deleted” is 14.0094, and the value of “Scale Variance if Item Deleted” is 15.495, where the “Corrected item-total Correlation” value is .849, the value of "Squared Multiple Correlation" is .879, and the value of "Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted” is .949 (Kackin, et al. 2021). This refers to the fact that there are few people who still believe that seeking help from a therapist would make me feel inadequate, and if someone had decided to seek help from an expert, the person would have felt better.
Factor thirty-two refers to the belief that if someone had gone to a therapist, that person would have been less satisfied with himself or herself. For question number thirty-two, the mean value is 4.1226, and the standard deviation value is .88051. In the table of item-total statistics, for question number thirty-two, the value of "Scale Mean if Item Deleted” is 11.9623, and the value of “Scale Variance if Item Deleted” is 15.751, where the “Corrected item-total Correlation" value is .906, the value of "Squared Multiple Correlation" is .899, and the value of "Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted” is .943 (Moreira de Sousa, Moreira, &TellesCorreia, 2018). Factor thirty-three refers to the belief that if someone had gotten expert help for a problem the person couldn't solve, his or her confidence would not change. For question number thirty-three, the mean value is 2.4340, and the standard deviation value is 1.21121. In the table of item-total statistics, for question number thirty-three, the value of "Scale Mean if Item Deleted” is 13.6509, and the value of “Scale Variance if Item Deleted” is 13.277, where the “Corrected item-total Correlation" value is .919, the value of "Squared Multiple Correlation" is .925, and the value of "Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted" is .939. Factor thirty-four refers to the belief that if someone couldn't solve his or her problems on his or her own, he or she would feel bad. For question number thirty-four, the mean value is 3.2075, and the standard deviation value is 1.16878. In the table of item-total statistics, for question number thirty-four, the value of "Scale Mean if Item Deleted” is 12.8774, and the value of “Scale Variance if Item Deleted” is 13.385, where the “Corrected item-total Correlation'' value is .948, the value of "Squared Multiple Correlation" is .901, and the value of "Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted” is .933 (Turgoose, Ashwick, & Murphy, 2018). This Refers that if someone had gone to a therapist, that person would have been less satisfied with himself or herself, and if someone had gotten expert help for a problem the person couldn't solve, his or her confidence would not change, where if someone couldn't solve his or her problems on his or her own, he or she would feel bad.
Hypothesis and discussion
H1: There is a possible relationship between the education level of the people and the access the psychological help.
H2: There is a possible relationship between the cultural beliefs of the people and access the psychological help.
After discussion of the above section, it can be said that some major factors are leading the people not to access psychological help and they are their cultural belief and their education level. Their education level plays a major role in the area of assessing psychological help, and along with this, their cultural belief is playing a major role in assessing psychological help.
Reference list
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