Evidence-Based Practice Assignment Sample

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Introduction of Evidence-Based Practice Assignment

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People management is the most mandatory and essential strategy that any business organization must consider for long-term growth as well as expansion in this competitive business environment (Ali et al., 2021). People management can aid in improving the overall work productivity and profitability of the business organization. In this report, the different approaches of evidence-based practice are discussed to effectively aid in different decision-making processes for managing the people effectively and carrying the business operations efficiently as well as effectively.

1. Task 1

1.1. Evaluation of the concept of evidence-based practice including how it can be applied to decision-making in people's practice

Explanation of the concept of Evidence-Based Practice

Evidence-based Practice was originally introduced in 1990 in the medical field but the principles of evidence-based practices across different fields of education, business management, public policy etc. The evidence-based practices refer to the decisions of the management that are required to be based on creative thinking and the available evidence in the field of management (Bianchi et al., 2018). The term evidence, means the various information, facts or information that is credible. The evidence can come from scientific research but the internal information of the business and various professional experiences. The evidence-based practices heavily rely on utilizing the evidence for improving the overall quality of the decision making.

How Evidence-Based Practice can aid in decision making with examples?

As discussed above, evidence-based practice is the practice in which the management act based on reliable assumption, and hypothesis evidence which can aid in carrying the business operations effectively and efficiently. One of the great instances of evidence-based practice is how TESLA acted on the evidence to grow and expand the business in the field of electric motors. TESLA contributed immensely to technological advancements and innovation on a global scale (Rimmer, 2018). TESLA recognized from the evidence such as major technological advancements are pushing the whole world to adopt new technological tools and most of the technological commodities are changing into electrical devices. TESLA recognized this potential from the evidence and launched different electric vehicles.

Evaluation of when evidence-based practice is appropriate to be utilized and disadvantages of not using insight to make business judgments

Evidence-Based practice can be the most effective tool for managing the people as well as the different approaches of the business organization. There are many circumstances where the business can suffer from major losses due to ineffective decision making, the evidence-based management practice can aid in reducing the various errors in the time of effective judgement (Portney, 2020). In addition to that, evidence-based practice can also reduce the chances of irrational thinking, biased thinking and exhaustion. Evidence-based management is heavily based on the different scientific methods for examining the conflicts as well as the precise evaluation of the business performance (Nicola et al., 2020).

According to Smet, Jost and Weiss (2019), the most manager that is at a Fortune 500 company may waste many days per year on making the ineffective decisions making, this shows that there is a requirement of using the insights for effective decision making since the insights can aid in the forecast the outcome by analyzing the existing data. But without the use of insights to make judgments can aid in hampering the overall work productivity as well as the profitability of the business organization.

1.2. Evaluation of a range of analysis tools and methods including how they can be applied to diagnose organisational issues, challenges and opportunities

Evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of one of the analysis tools for analysing different trends

There are many analysis tools that can be utilized in analysing the different trends in this competitive business environment. The analysis tools such as PESTEL Analysis, SWOT analysis and more aid in business to identifying the different trends of the business environment by evaluating different dimensions such as Political, Economic, Societal, Technological, Environment and Legal factors and also strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats can also be recognised with using the SWOT analysis tools (Shtal et al., 2018).

In this individual report, PESTEL analysis has been chosen for evaluating the strengths as well as the weaknesses for analysing trends.

First of all, the PESTEL analysis tools aid in analysing some of the important external factors such as Political, Economic, Societal, Technological, Environment and Legal factors that can influence the business organization (Çitilci and Akbal?k, 2020).

Strengths of PESTEL Analysis

  1. PESTEL analysis has a very simple framework which makes it very easy to analyse as well as understand the different trends in a simple manner more effectively and efficiently (Matovi?, 2020).
  2. It aids in developing a better as well as comprehensive understanding of the business environment.
  3. PESTEL analysis tool empowers the business organization in developing external as well as strategic thinking (AKMAN, 2020).

Disadvantages of PESTEL Analysis

  1. Oftentimes, it can be observed that the data or information that are being utilized in making business decisions strategically remain very inadequate and not sufficient enough for effective management (Çitilci and Akbal?k, 2020).
  2. The PESTEL analysis can provide a huge enormous amount of data to the business organization related to the different business trends which can result in “paralysis by analysis” (Aziri and Ismaili, 2020).

Evaluation of the pros, as well as Cons of one of the methods that can aid the organization, is diagnosing the issues

Just like analysis tools, there are many methods of diagnosing the problem that can be utilized for smoothening the business operations persistently. One of the tools is Company Metrics is among the different measures that are quantifiable in nature and it can be utilized at the time of tracking the process of the business for critiquing the overall performance of the business (Syah et al., 2020).

Following are the pros and cons of Company metrics such as:

Pros of Company Metrics

  1. An effective, good and reliable company metric can always aid in taking the business strategy to next level and a clear medium to move in the right direction (Alkarawy, 2020).
  2. Company metrics can provide clarity in carrying out the business operations more effectively and in the process, the employee engagement can also increase since there will be an establishment of clear performance expectations from the workforce working in the business organization (Helgesson and Sjögren, 2019).

Cons of Company Metrics

  1. Some types of business metrics can involve inaccurate data which can raise the problem of being very dangerous for the business to carry the business operations as per the inaccurate data of the business metrics (Heinrich et al., 2018).
  2. Utilizing business metrics on a regular basis can create a problem of over-relying on the metrics data without considering any other factors. This can create obstacles to accomplishing the different strategic goals (Muller, 2019).

1.3. Explanation of the principles of critical thinking including how you apply these to your own and other’s ideas

Description of the concept of critical thinking and its effectiveness in the workplace

Critical Thinking is one of the popular and most essential skills required in every professional field as well as for personal life. Critical Thinking Skills can enable any individual to analyse different information and engage in making effective decision making by utilizing critical thinking skills. Major companies put a huge emphasis on critical thinking abilities and it can be evident in the job description (Alsaleh, 2020). There are many conflicts and problems that can be identified in the business organization on a daily basis and critical thinking skills can aid in finding alternate ways to overcome the problem effectively and efficiently.

Explanation of the key principles of critical thinking

Making Rational Arguments

Critical Thinking is connected with the idea of rationality and the development of rationality is an important process of Critical Thinking Skills as per Burbules & Berk (1999).

Checking the credibility of sources

Checking Credible sources is important because it makes sure the accurate and precise data are being attained for solving the problem effectively (Supriyatno, Susilawati and Ahdi, 2020). Critical Thinking skills can never be effective without authentic sources.

Avoiding Biasedness

Critical thinking skills can only be effective when there is no biasedness for any information or anything since having biasedness can blur the line between what is fact and what is not (Royce, Hayes and Schwartzstein, 2019).

Example of circumstances where the critical thinking has been utilized to accomplish different objectives

When I was looking for enrolling in a full-time college and I was confused about what to get into for shaping my professional career. For this, I break down the problem into many fragments for simplifying the problem such as which career is matching with my interest and also considering the financial limitations (Crittenden, Biel and Lovely III, 2019).

Example of circumstances where the idea of a Colleague has been debated via critical thinking skills

At the time of the lunch break, one of the conversations with a colleague on environmental issues turn into a healthy debate. She discusses that animals must have the rights just like all humans have. The utilization of critical thinking made this topic into a debate in which the questions like if animals get the same rights as humans what would be some advantages and disadvantages.

1.4. Assessing how different ethical perspectives can influence decision making

Utilization of two ethical theories to evaluate the importance of the work of people practitioners

There are many ethical theories that can be evaluated such as Utilitarian Ethics and Deontological Ethics.

Utilitarian Ethics refers to the ethical theory that aids the people practitioners in producing the benefiting a large number of people. It involves a framework that is moral which can be utilized in justifying ethical decisions (Ramboarisata and Gendron, 2019). It is important for the work of people practitioners to effectively reason with morals and utilized in the business because it helps the business to get the cost-benefit as well providing the benefit to the people.

Deontological Ethics refers to the ethical theory that utilizes rules for distinguishing right from wrong. It is very important in the work of people practitioners since it helps manage the people with some set of rules and regulations (Wang and Gupta, 2020).

Explanation of how these ethical theories can be utilized in influencing decision making in the workplace

Utilitarian Ethics

Utilitarian Ethics is among the most popular ethical theory and it can influence decision-making in the workplace since it involves ethical decision making with the consideration of the consequences that can affect a larger group of employees working in the business organization (Udoudom, 2021). The business decision will take place with respect to the utilitarian ethical theory and furthermore, the business can accomplish goals and objectives by doing more good than harm by utilizing this theory.

Deontological Ethics

Deontological Ethics involves employees working in the business organization following the set rules and regulations effectively for carrying out the business operations (Tseng and Wang, 2021). Deontological Ethics helps the business organization to neutralize any kind of bias in business decision making by engaging in following the set standards and principles which are being universally accepted by everyone.

Description of the importance of business organizations implementing ethical practices in the workplace

Business Ethics involves the system of morals as well as the ethical beliefs that guide the values, behaviours and decisions of the business organisation as well as the individuals in the business organization. For attaining business sustainability, there is a requirement for the business organisation to conduct different business operations ethically. The principle of fairness can help the business to provide equal rights, and ethical processes in the business organization for every employee (De Bakker, Rasche and Ponte, 2019). Transparency is also very important since it helps the business in communicating effectively, giving constructive feedback and most importantly, the formation of healthy employee-employer relationships.

1.5. Explanation of a range of decision-making processes to identify potential solutions to a specific people practice issue

Explanation of the different types of approaches that could aid in recognising the solutions as well as understanding the different issues more comprehensively

There are many approaches that can aid in identifying the solution to the problem for solving the problem more effectively and efficiently. Key performance indicators are one of the metrics that aid in using different values of the tool to recognize the solution (Jetter, Eimecke and Rese, 2018). Key Performance indicators aid the business organization in evaluating how the different factors for measuring the success of the business organization. For example; a 360-degree review of the people management can aid in identifying the lacking area of the different employees. 360-degree reviews involve measuring the performance of the employees by reviewing and in the process providing valuable stakeholder feedback to the employees (Snelson and Hsu, 2020). In addition to that, the skill gap is one of the problems which can be recognized after analysing the skills required by the business organization for carrying out the business operation more efficiently and effectively (Fanti, Guarascio and Tubiana, 2019).

Another approach that can be discussed is the 6-thinking hat approach to identifying the problem effectively by engaging with this approach. 6-thinking hat refers to the tool that helps the people and the team working collaboratively in the business organization to explore a wide variety of perspectives for any kind of problem (Ahmat, 2020).

Green Hat involves the use of critical thinking skills which aids in exploring a wide variety of ideas to identify the solution. Red Hat involves engaging in the decision-making process with respect to feelings as well as instincts. Yellow Hat involves looking at the issues or problems in the most optimistic way and accentuating the added value as well as the benefits of getting new ideas because of the problem (Mulej and Mulej, 2019). The last hat is the black hat which involves evaluating the risks by giving critical input such as judgment.

1.6. Appraisal of different ways of organizations measures financial and non-financial performance

Explanation of one of the approaches that a business organization can utilize in measuring the financial performance as well as Non-financial performance

A balance Scorecard is effective for measuring financial performance as well as non-financial performance (Quesado et al., 2018). The balance score car can provide information regarding the different objectives of the company and after that, a strategy can be created based on the objectives of the company and these strategic initiatives and the strategic objectives can aid in assigning different tasks to the different areas of the business organization for boosting the overall financial performance and measuring it accordingly. The non-financial performance measurement can be done via working hours of employees training, and any customer complaints, these non-financial measures can help in evaluating the performance (Albuhisi and Abdallah, 2018).

Evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of the model and how suitable the model can be

Just like every model, the Balance score card also has many advantages as well as disadvantages (Quesado, Aibar Guzmán and Lima Rodrigues, 2018). The followings are the strength and weaknesses of the Balanced Score Card model:


  1. One of the strengths of the balanced scorecard is to give a proper structure to the business strategy for managing the people effectively and efficiently (Quezada et al., 2019). There are many different departments in a business organization and each department has a different way of measuring performance.
  2. When a business organization have a streamlined performance measurement system then it is very simple to make a business strategy and effectively progress towards accomplishing the goals and objectives while also maintaining the effective people management in the business organization (Munir, Kiviniemi and Jones, 2019).


  1. There is a requirement for a huge pool of data for the balanced scorecard to be effective (Quezada et al., 2019). Majority of the time, the balance scorecard mandates managers as well as the team member to report or register information that simply means logging in and this process can become very monotonous which can result in creating difficulties in meeting the objectives.
  2. Balance Score Card put huge emphasis as well as concentrates on the internal factors but the external factors remain very neglected. Balance Score Card is ultimately the tool for generating insights for the business organization (Fanta, 2018).

1.7. Measurement of the impact and value of people practice utilizing a variety of methods

One of the examples of people practice that can be recognised in the Cisco Germany has launched a 9-month program are known as “Jump” which is focused on empowering and unlocking the potential of the female employees (Skirmuntt, 2017). Through this people practice, the CISCO is building a team that is going to be full of highly skilled females.

Another example of the people practice is Hilton Hotel which is focusing on improving cultural diversity and inclusion. Hilton focuses on recruiting diverse talent and leaders from different parts of the world (Ma, 2021). DHL of Latin America put huge importance on the healthy well-being of the employees. This people's practice of DHL involves programs such as Gym, healthy food as well as yoga classes (Compton, 2019).

These examples show how effective these people practice in adding value to the organization by effectively taking care of its important assets i.e., employees.

2. Task 2

2.1. Interpretation of analytical data utilizing appropriate analysis tools and methods


Administration, total in the department (32)

Cost of Turnover
















Table: Administrative cost of turnover


Drivers, total in the department (141)

Cost of Turnover
















Table: Drivers' cost of turnover


Production, total in the department (385)

Cost of Turnover
















Table: Production cost of turnover

Representation of the turnover per year in a percentage form


Administration, total in the department (32)

Turnover Percentage
















Table: Administrative Turnover Percentage


Drivers, total in the department (141)

Cost of Turnover
















Table: Drivers Turnover Percentage


Production, total in the department (385)

Cost of Turnover
















Table: Production cost of turnover

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2.2. Reviewing relevant evidence to recognise key insights into a people's practice issues

For analysing the data, Microsoft Excel has been utilized. Below is a visual representation of the different data obtained from table 1 and table 2 which were given in the assessment. Below are the pie graphs and the bar graph representation of the employee working in the production and their reason for leaving. Furthermore, the bar graph and pie chart visual representation are also given below related to the reason of the payroll employees for leaving. However, a total of 27 employees refused to participate in the survey. And 52 people refused to comment and take participate in the survey.

Figure: Pie Chart representation of Employee Feedback in terms of production

Figure: Bar Graph representation of Employee Feedback in terms of production

Payroll Visual Representation in various forms

Figure: Pie Chart representation of Employee Feedback in terms of payroll

Figure: Bar Graph representation of Employee Feedback in terms of payroll

2.3. Provide a rationale for your decision based on an evaluation of the benefits, risks and financial implications of potential solutions

The first recommendation for reducing employee turnover will be to hire the right people for the right job. Recruiters of the busies organisation must be clear about the requirements of the business organization to accomplish the goals and objectives of the business organization (Dwesini, 2019). For that, the job description must be clear and precise the attract more candidates for the job.

Secondly, the salary for the employees must be competitive enough to help in retaining the employees effectively and efficiently (Arasanmi and Krishna, 2019). This is among the top reason the employees’ reasons for leaving the job and from the analysis, it can be recognised that around 45 people’s reason for leaving the job is because the work was boring and monotonous. That means there is a requirement of using new technological advancements and employees or the workforce must get effective training and development for satisfying different goals and objectives.

2.4. Scrutinising key systems and data used to inform people practice in relation to measures of work and people performance calculations

People practice is among the most important component that is required to be effectively taken care of by the business organization. There are many key systems and data that can be utilized in measuring work and people performance. The key systems and data such as graphic rating scales which involve a general graphical scale that utilizes sequential numbers like 1-5,1-10 etc aid in evaluating the employee’s performance (Vall-Llosera et al., 2020). From the data, it can be recognised that there are 17 employees that reported their reason for leaving was the unachievable targets set by the line manager. In addition to that, employees reported that the work was boring or monotonous which shows there is a serious need for the system to get revamped and effective training and development can encourage the employees or the workforce. Many employees who were pursuing higher education left the job because of this reason, this is another sign that shows a large group of young people work in the business organization.

2.5. Collate key findings for stakeholders from people practice activities and initiatives

There were many findings that can be considered important for the stakeholders. From the data, it can be recognised that the majority of the employees reported the reason was the manager's aggressive behaviour which made it very difficult to work effectively and efficiently. This is one of the important findings that stakeholders must consider while managing the people effectively which can also aid in the business success and growth in the long run. Another key finding was that 38 employees left their job because of the unsocial working hours; this can be an issue of concern for the stakeholders and it needs to be addressed for managing the people effectively and efficiently.

3. Conclusion

This individual report has attempted to explain the different aspects of people management and how the business organization must engage in meeting the needs of the employees working in the business organization to accomplish the different goals and objectives for reaching the business sustainability. The concept of an evidence-based has also been discussed and furthermore, the importance of critical thinking. In addition to that, two of the ethical theories for the business organization for growth in an ethical manner.

4. Recommendations

Employee turnover is never healthy for any business organization to grow and sustain in this competitive business environment. From the findings, it can be identified that there are many individuals who left job for various reason starting from skilled, poor work environment and many reason etc. Business organization must make sure that it is providing competitive salary to the employees which is on par with the market rate. In addition to that, the HR team must hire the right talent that can promote in the formation of innovative and creative work environment that can aid in effective collaboration and retaining more employees.

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However, there are also risk associated with these activities to reduce employee turnover. For instance: providing competitive salary to the employees requires good standing of the business in the market. Appointing the right HR division for effective talent management requires investment of huge financial resources and furthermore the work environment is linked with recruiting right employees that signifies the importance of quality HR division which is costly to sustain. Therefore, the business organization must have a good standing in the market and any impact on reputation can result in failure in accomplish these activities.


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