Ethical Decision-Making in Lung Cancer Treatment Case Study Sample

Ethical Challenges and Patient-Centered Approaches in Lung Cancer Treatment: A Case Study

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Introduction Of Ethical Decision-Making in Advanced Lung Cancer Treatment

Situation analysis is a procedure of making educated decisions that require situational analysis, which is a method of evaluating current conditions and elements impacting a particular scenario or issue. This report examines a sobering case study with Jane Williams, an elderly lady who received the prognosis of advanced-stage cancer of the lungs. Medical professionals are faced with a challenging and delicate circumstance in Jane's case that calls for them to strike a balance between medical knowledge regarding the patient's independence and choices. Despite a strong suggestion for prolonged therapy, Jane's steadfast reluctance to receive medical attention emphasises the significance of using a patient-first approach to care.

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The importance of consent that is informed and preserving autonomy for patients, emphasised social and healthcare laws, regulations, and procedures, will be discussed throughout the study. By examining the case study, we want to figure out what factors influenced Jane's choice and how medical professionals may best assist patients in making decisions that are in line with their beliefs & principles. The study will also provide information on preventive ways to steer clear of such situations in the future, such as encouraging holistic health approaches, prompting tactics, and improving patient, family, and healthcare provider communications.



The situation of Jane Williams offers an intricate and delicate scenario to a professional in social and health care. Due to her history of smoking, Jane, a 55-year-old woman, has been given a diagnosis of advanced-stage cancer of the lungs. Jane adamantly rejects any kind of medical therapy, despite the oncologist's strong therapy recommendation (Burns, et. al. 2016). Jane's need for authority over her actions and choices despite the threat of a fatal disease may be one reason she refused treatment. She could fear losing independence as a result of severe treatments, with medical procedures taking control of her life and making choices. Hospice services and alternative treatments may help Jane feel more in charge by allowing her to concentrate on her health and spend remaining time with her loved ones.

Her choice could also be affected by her lengthy smoking habit. It is conceivable that Jane blames herself for her health and seesvigoroustherapy as an added expense or a sort of punishment. In accordance with Jane's mental health evaluation, she is in excellent psychological well-being and is aware of the consequences of her choice (Guthrie, 2022). This implies that her refusal was not the consequence of poor judgement but rather an intentional choice. Jane's autonomy and the freedom of making decisions about her body and life must be respected by health professionals, even if Jane's decision is opposed to the advice of medical professionals or her family.

The issue is complicated further by the decision-making process including Jane's older kids. Even if they are sympathetic and genuinely care for their parent, they could find it difficult to comprehend her decision to refuse therapy (Drew and Sosnowski, 2019). Given Jane's preference for alternative medicines, hospice care, and time spent with her loved ones, the medical and social services provider in this situation should put their primary attention on providing her with comprehensive assistance.


The case study's subject is a 55-year-old lady name Jane Williams. Three months ago, she diagnosed with a terminal lung cancer diagnostic. Her history of smoke for more than 30 years, which has been recognised as an important contributor to her current health, likely affected the diagnosis. For the greatest possibility of survival, lung cancer must be addressed immediately because it is a dangerous and persistent condition. The medical staffs, under the guidance of an oncologist, have advised her lung cancer getvigoroustreatment right away. Radiation and chemotherapy are part of the suggested therapeutic strategy, which aims to lengthen her life and ease discomfort (Skivko, Gerasimov and Morozova, 2022). Jane has made it clear that she is against any medical treatment, although the oncologist's strong a suggestion for it. Her decision is based upon own convictions and worries about the possible negative impacts and consequences of treatment's on her standard of life.

It is clear from the case study that Jane decided to forego medical care after giving it thoughtful consideration. Her mental health was examined by a psychologist, who came to the conclusion that she was in excellent mental health and fully comprehended the repercussions of her decision. Jane's choice to forego intensive therapy was driven by her wish to put her standard of life first and a desire to look into palliative care and alternative treatments. She wants to concentrate on keeping her grip on her life, making choices that are consistent with her ideals and rules, and spending this difficult time with those she loves.

The case provides a complex circumstance that calls for understanding, compassion, and consideration for Jane's autonomy from a social services and health care provider. For us to fully assist Jane and her loved ones, it is essential to attend to their psychological requirements, promote dialogue, and ensure that Jane's wants arehonouredwhile emphasizing her overall health and comfort.


Actions properly comply with social and health care law, policy and process in the following way:

  • Respect independence and informed approval: As a professional in social and health care, it is critical to uphold Jane's independence and her capacity to make choices regarding her physical well-being and health care. Communicate with Jane honestly and openly, making sure she is aware of all the repercussions of the choice that made to skip treatment (Clarke, 2019). As required by regulations requiring informed approval, provide her all necessary details regarding the disadvantages, advantages and alternatives to medical treatment.
  • Emotional assistance and counselling: Give Jane and her grown-up kids with psychological support. A certified psychotherapist or social competent can help family in understanding Jane's viewpoint. This may promote Jane's liberty and offer an appropriate setting for open communication while resolving the worries and anxieties of Jane's children.
  • Palliative care:Completely evaluate Jane's mental, physical and psychological needs for palliative care before providing it. Deliver the right services for palliative care in accordance to the evaluation so as to control her symptoms and enhance the standard of life (World Health Organization, 2021). Work together with palliative care experts to make sure she gets thorough care that ispersonalised to fit her preferences.
  • Consider holistic and alternate therapies: Acknowledge Jane's preference for these kinds of therapies. Work together with practitioners of alternative as well as complementary medicine to provide her beneficial treatments that may enhance her wellbeing and aid in managing her symptoms.
  • Advance care directive and end-of-life planning: Assist Jane in drafting a directive for advanced care that outlines her choices for medical treatments and funeral services (Turpel-Lafond and Johnson, 2021). In case she becomes unfit to make decisions, make sure that her instruction is enforced and respected.
  • Mediator and resolution of conflicts: Mediate discussions to promote compassion and comprehension if problems emerge among Jane and her kids as adults. Explore with the family possible points of agreement while keeping Jane's independence in mind.
  • Document-keeping and documentation: Clearly document all consultations, evaluations, and choices taken involving Jane and her loved ones. The availability of information to other medical professionals who provide her care is ensured by accurate record keeping.
  • Education and awareness: Promote quit smoking and lung cancer treatment through outreach to the community and educational programmes. Further, focus need to be placed on promoting early detection and prompt medical care to avoid diagnoses at a more advanced stage.
  • Assessing support systems: Identify Jane's support networks and get them concerned, such as community groups for support, welfare agencies, and community assets (National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, 2019). These programmes can offer her practical support as well as psychological assistance to enhance her overall wellbeing.
  • Constant review and monitoring: Keeping updated on Jane's health and preference to make sure her needs are being addressed. Keep an eye on both her mental and physical well-being, and update the care plan as needed to reflect any shifts in her condition or preferences.


Establishing comprehensive smoking cessation programmes in both community and health care facilities can helpminimizelung cancer cases connected to smoking and might have avoided or alleviated the condition in this case study. Every age category should be the focus on these programmes, with those at risk getting special attention. Making educated choices regarding one's health and fast medical assistance can be made possible by raising public knowledge of the dangers of smoke and the value of early detection of cancer (Yanti, et. al. 2020). Promoting a sense of general wellness, which includes emotional and mental wellness, may allow people to lead healthier lifestyles and deal with challenges and anxiety more effectively. A setting that is favourable for frank talks about wellness, end-of-life wishes, and individual views may be created through improving family interaction and encouragement.


Recommendations for future practice are enumerated below:

  • A holistic approach to treatment: Healthcare providers need to use a holistic approach to therapy that takes Jane's patient's social, spiritual, emotional, and physical requirements into account. This approach entails working with teams of professionals, which may include counsellors, complementary and alternative practitioners, and specialists in palliative care, to offer full support that is in line with the patient's wishes and beliefs.
  • Early prevention and health improvement: Stress the significance of early detection and health promotion, particularly in high-risk groups, to avoid illnesses like lung cancer being identified in their stages of progression. Increase knowledge and provide people the tools they need to take proactive measures towards improved health by putting in place focused smoking cessation programmes, outreach campaigns, and regular health checks.
  • Advance care planning:Urge patients to have discussions about advance care planning so that their end-of-life wishes and healthcare choices may be recorded. Individuals may guarantee that their intentions arehonoredeven if they become unable to express their decisions in the future by submitting advanced care directives.
  • Comprehensive and sensitive communications: Healthcare workers need training in sensitive interaction, especially when talking about delicate topics like end-of-life care. Communication that is inclusive and empathetic helps patients make educated choices about their medical care by fostering confidence and empathy.
  • Provide family support and counselling services: To encourage honest dialogue and mutual comprehension among family members. Potential disputes may be reduced, patients and loved ones may get emotional support, and an encouraging atmosphere may be created during difficult times.
  • Client advocacy and liberty: Make respect for the autonomy of patients and advocate for patients' top priorities in healthcare. Recognize that if a patient chooses another type of therapy from what a doctor recommends, they nevertheless possess the right to do so. Always assist clients in making choices that are consistent with their beliefs and interests, say medical professionals.
  • Continuing education and training: Support healthcare workers' went on education and training so they may keep updated on developments in the treatment of patients, palliative care, complementary and alternative therapies. This information helps professionals to provide patients a larger selection of supporting services and care that is evidence-based.
  • Research and innovation: Promote and encourage the development of based on evidence complementary and alternative medical practices that can enhance the standard of life of individuals with life-threatening conditions. The results of research can direct how alternative treatments are incorporated into regular care and improve the client's experience as a whole.

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The case study has shed a spotlight on the difficulties of making healthcare decisions and the significance having a patient-centred strategy while dealing with a life-threatening illness. The study has examined the issue from the standpoint of medical and social care providers throughout this study, highlighting the importance for patient autonomy, consent that is informed, and the requirement for comprehensive assistance. Establishing confidence and strong patient-professional relations requires respecting patients' decisions, especially when they go with medical advice. Healthcare providers can more effectively comprehend patients' preferences, anxieties, and aspirations by communicating openly and empathically with them. As a result, they may provide patients the treatment they need and want.

The need of preventative measures like early detection, wellness promotion, and education to address problems like cancer of the lungs and its possible effects on patients' lives are also emphasised by the case study. We can lessen the possibility of advanced-stage diagnosis and promote improved results through encouraging positive habits and facilitating prompt tests. As an outcome, Jane Williams' example serves as a reminder that healthcare providers have to implement a patient-centred strategy, giving priority respect for autonomy and offering thorough assistance.


Books and Journals

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  • Drew, S.V. and Sosnowski, C., 2019. Emerging theory of teacher resilience: A situational analysis.English Teaching: Practice & Critique.18(4), pp.492-507.
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  • Guthrie, G., 2022. What is Situation Analysis, and why is it so important?. Online. Available through. :< >.
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