Ethical Counselling Interactions Assignment Sample

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Ethical Counselling Interactions Assignment

1. Introduction - 

Counselling generally refers to the guidance and help that is provided to the clients based on their personal relationships and many other problems. Many people have faced so many issues and problems within their family, friendship, working culture, and many other reasons. Due to these several issues, the people visit a counsellor, who is responsible for helping them, and solving their issues as much as possible. In this modern world, all the people are busy with their own working culture, or with their social work, no one has time to share with anyone. Ethical counselling refers to the separate part of helping thorough advice and suggestions.

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2. Definition of Ethical Counselling

Generally, it is aiming to gain positive results based on their suggestion and advice depending on the issues and problems that they have faced. Due to several issues and problems, clients are mentally disturbed. As a result, they want a person with whom they can share all of their problems and issues. Ethical counselling helps people to share their issues and problems with the counsellor. Several caring professionals are appointed to give advice and suggestions based on their issues and problems (Rizq & Catherine, 2019). Ethical counselling is different and can easily be distinguishable from general caring professionals. Most psychotherapist doctors and nurses are giving counselling to their clients to solve their issues and problems. It helps in many situations like self-awareness, a better mindset, a suitable decision-making approach, emotional stability, interpersonal skills, behaviour, communication with seniors and juniors, and self-confidence. Counselling therapists are using so many important theories that are applicable for improving the mindsets of the clients and are eligible to solve their issues and problems.

Based on their theoretical knowledge, and experience the therapists are able to give suggestions and advice to their clients for solving their issues. In addition, it helps to get relief mentally and, is effective for improving mental as well as health conditions. Ethical counseling gives the ability to solve all such mental depressions and anxieties and many other mental problems (Vasiloglou, Fletcher & Poulia, 2019). It also helps the person to give up from anger and other problems. In a conclusion, ethical counselling refers to the building of clients' relationships and positive mindsets in many situations.

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3. Social and historical origin of Counselling

Ethical counselling generally provides suggestions and advice to solve clients' issues and problems which they have faced due to many family or working problems. Counsellor are using some specific theories that are so much helpful for giving suggestions and for solving their issues. Counselling is generally developed from helping others to solve their problems and to fix mental problems. Carl Rogers has termed his psychotherapy as counselling. It is of American origin, which is given by Carl rogers. Due to many social and economical changes, which helps the persons to develop their mental conditions and fix their problems and issues. In the nineteenth century, most people lived in rural areas (Patch & Middleton, 2018). In order to go to work, they have to go to industrial areas, and cities. Due to many factors, they have to face so many problems in their daily life. In order to solve those problems and issues, they have to visit psychotherapists. Before counselling, most of the people have gathered and shared everyone's problems and issues, and discuss them to solve those issues. This strategy is mainly used for improving the counselling techniques and methods that are used for giving suggestions and advice for solving those issues.

In order to increase the self-awareness strategies, there are some suitable and selective counselling theories that are applicable and effective for solving those issues and problems. These counselling techniques are improving for exploring several options and developing some strategies to solve those problems. In order to solve many mental pressures and problems that are developed due to many factors in many organizations, counselling is a better approach that helps them to fix their mental as well as health conditions. In many organizations, there are several issues and pressures due to workload (Supriyanto et al. 2020). In order to handle such issues, several employees and workers have visited counselors, who help them to solve their mental pressures and health situations.

Apart from historical origins, there are some social origins also which are responsible for developing these counseling theories in many situations for solving issues. Social factors help counselling based on several situations and conditions. In many situations, several employees are able to manage and maintain their tasks and working cultures. These working cultures are also responsible for developing such counselling theories and strategies for solving the issues and problems (Clarke & Braun, 2018). Many counselling theories have been reflected in modern societies and cultures. This section mainly depicts the overall structure and scenario of the problems and their corresponding solutions based on colunselling theories and approaches.

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Emerging theories

Generally, counsellors have used some specific counselling theories for providing suggestions and solutions for solving mental issues. Humanistic counselling theory by Maslow has been used as a counselling theory. It refers to a holistic approach that mainly focuses on human behavior, self-exploring, and diverse mindsets. It helps to increase positive mindsets and suitable approaches for problem-solving (Vostanis & Bell, 2020). Cognitive behavior therapy is also used for solving many issues. It mainly focused on five steps as a listing of uncommon thoughts, finding their replacements, replacing all of them, applying them, and finding suitable results according to the problems.

Contemporary issues

During counselling, several counsellors have faced so many contemporary issues that are affecting the process of counselling. In order to grow mental maintenance, the counselors apply their counselling theories and approaches for solving problems. Lack of awareness, job insecurity, lack of a network of counsellors, and suitable working cultures are the major issues of counselling. Many youths and youngsters have faced so many problems in their social life and in education (Clarke & Braun, 2018). In order to solve those issues and problems, which create, negative impacts on their education have to be reflected in many situations. In order to meet their future goals and aims, these counsellings are important and effective.

4. Critical evolution of qualities, skills and ethical stance

Psychotherapy is the most crucial method used by counselors in order to interact with their patients. Counseling is a psychological approach that directs research and practical works in a proper way in order to provide proper directions to an individual. Being a therapist along with a counselor, it is crucial to identify the needs of patients and to provide them with that need. In general, people attend their counseling sessions to get a proper direction of their different dimensional thoughts as well as to overcome their frustration and depression (Smith et. al. 2022). As a practitioner, there should be a constant drive that leads them to become the best therapist by encountering painful feelings as well as not to trigger those senses of an individual patient. In addition, there are several challenges as well as issues faced by the therapy service managers and policymakers, such as building a solid structure of therapeutic treatment in order to ensure that quality of therapy is delivered to the patients. Next is to sort out the poor practices, which can be considered unhelpful practices.

Some qualities required to be a good counselor, such as good listening and interacting personality in order to identify and understand the issues of an individual and cure their enquiries regarding their problems. The next quality is to develop non-judgemental approaches, which is a most crucial quality that should be adopted by every counsellor because when an individual shares their problem with their counsellor, they should not react as well as should not propose their judgemental approach against the patient's statements and it will hurt the patient more. Expressing interest in people is considered as another quality of a counsellor (Hanley, 2019). It is also important to express interest in people as they want to know their problems withou.t judging them, it will influence the patient to believe in their counsellor and share their problem with them

Several skills are used by counsellors in order to establish better communication with their patients. The skills can be considered as listening, clarifying, silence, self-disclosure and challenging. In terms of explaining the skills, when a therapist listens they generally pay attention to the patient along with on history, their story and whatever they want to share. The listening skill includes the ability to attend the communication process, further learning, quick and accurate decision making based on different situations and maintaining a continuous interest in the speaker. Listening skills also help to operate the level of internal consciousness of the listener. When a patient shares their issues, the listener can face several challenges or issues such as being stuck on the track of what the speaker is saying, issues regarding interpreting, triggering personal soft memories and formulating verbal responses to their patients. Clarification and reflection are other crucial skills adopted by every therapist. It is essential for a counsellor as well as a therapist to clarify an individual's statements in order to identify their problems. This skill helps a therapist to understand that they are actually working on a valid appreciation of a person.

It is important to ensure that the person did not avoid the proposed track as well as maintained their suggestions properly, which will enhance their mental stability. Reflection of the voice tone of a therapist plays a crucial role while they are trying to communicate with their patient (Supriyanto et. al 2020). For more specifically when a speaker expresses their painful experience, the therapist needs to use a soft voice tone to tackle their feelings as well as also ensure them an improvement of their mental condition. Silence is the most crucial skill for counselling. Silence helps the speaker to stay with their feelings and as they share more feelings the issues will be clear to the therapist and they can solve those problems.

Moreover, silences also ensure that a patient is in control of their feelings as well as the situation. On the other hand, maintaining a long-term silence also reflects a negative image of the therapist. It is observed that maintaining a long silence makes the patients think that the therapist is rude or uncaring (Rizq & Catherine, 2019). Therefore it is important to regulate silence during counselling sessions. Accepting challenges is another skill of a therapist, which influences them to collect genuine feedback of their counselling which can be difficult for them. Therapists should be supportive and accept responses. In case of any kind of miscommunication or attitude as well as behavioural issues can put their therapy relationship at risk. It is also observed sometimes that clients are unsatisfied due to the therapist's unable to solve their problems, as they are unable to understand as well as identify their problems. Therefore identifying and understanding clients' issues are a great challenging matter. Self-disclosure is an effective skill to differentiate therapy and real-life conversations. More specifically when two people are telling the stories reading they are currently doing or facing but the therapist never does that. Self-disclosure is the skill that requires time and capacity to formulate what the client actually wants to say in order to provide them with suggestions.

 Several approaches regarding ethical guidelines for therapists for their regular practices and they have to follow those for the security purposes of clients (McLeod, 2019). The BACP or British Association for Counseling or Psychotherapy framework can be considered as,

  • Empathy: is the ability to understand an individual’s perspectives
  • Sincerity: is the commitment to do something or for someone.
  • Integrity: self dedication, honesty and coherence
  • Humility: Self awareness about self strengths and weakness
  • Fairness: consistent application for decision making on the basis of situation
  • Respect: Reflecting value to each persons
  • Wisdom: possessing sound of judgment to reflect practices
  • Courage: The ability to deal with fear, risk and uncertainty
  • Resilience: ability to provide continuous co-operation to the clients and employees

5. Conclusion

It can be concluded as; counseling is a psychological approach that directs research and practical works in a proper way in order to provide proper directions to an individual. There are some qualities and skills required to be a good counselor that are discussed with ethical guidelines. People are always looking for a good match for their counseling in terms of, value and personal attitudes. BACP framework has been added to understand this whole procedure. More specifically those who have the ability as well as enough knowledge, skills as well as qualities through which they can help their patients to overcome their current situations or troubles.



McLeod, J. (2019). EBOOK: An Introduction to Counselling and Psychotherapy: Theory, Researc h and Practice. Retrieved from

Rizq, R., & Catherine, J. (2019). The Industrialisation of Care: Counselling, psychotherapy and the impact of IAPT. PCCS Books.


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Patch, C., & Middleton, A. (2018). Genetic counselling in the era of genomic medicine. British Medical Bulletin, 126(1), 27-36. Retrieve from on 20th March, 2022

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