Essay on the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the UK tourism industry

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An Essay on the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the UK tourism industry


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One of the main purposes behind conducting this study is to how Covid-19 has impacted the UK’s tourism industry which is identified as the main industry which provides good revenues all through the year. The essay will particularly discuss what is Covid-19 disease and in what manner it has triggered the worldwide crisis within the tourism industry, particularly within the UK. In addition to this, the essay will also focus on providing information about the overall tourism industry within the UK and the significance and place of tourism within the UK financial sector. Also, a deep analysis will be also done on How the UK tourism sector got affected by the coronavirus as well as in what manner it has responded to the issues which is the main topic and point of focus in the entire essay. Last but not least a summary will be provided on key findings from the study and based on that recommendations will be provided on how to overcome the crisis.

Main Discussion

Brief About What Is Covid-19

Covid illness which is commonly known as COVID-19 is an infective sickness brought about by the SARS-CoV-2 infection. The vast majority infested with the COVID-19 will encounter gentle to moderate respiratory ailment and recuperate devoid of requiring hospital admission. Nonetheless, some few turn out to be very sick and will need clinical consideration (WHO, 2022). The Covid-19 infection might be transmitted from an infected individual's eating area or nose in small fluid substances when they hack, sniffle, talk, sing or breathe. These small fluid substances range from bigger respiratory beads to more modest sprayers. It is critical to rehearse respiratory manners, for instance by hacking using a flexed elbow, as well as to remain at home and maintaining isolation until the infected person recuperates assuming that they feel unwell. Serious intense respiratory disorder Covid 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is a novel extreme intense respiratory condition Covid. It was first started by three individuals with pneumonia associated with the group of intense respiratory ailment cases in Wuhan. The entire of the underlying traits of the Novel Covid-19 infection molecule happens in associated Covids in nature. Mostly, all countries across are dealing with the pandemic since its initiation in the year 2020 from Wuhan, China (Wu, 2020).

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The tourism industry is considered to be an important sector of the global financial system. In the year 2019, the tourism industry holds for about 29% of the globe’s service export and approximately 300 million jobs internationally. The global travel industry is amongst the financial areas for the most part affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The United Nations World Tourism Organization (UN WTO) calculates a deficiency of 850 million to 1.1 billion global traveler appearances, $910 million to $1.1 trillion in trade incomes, and 100-120 million. Still, the entire tourism industry is still going through a major loss as the pandemic is ongoing (UNCTD, 2020). Among the top big nations, the UK got maximum hit by the pandemic and still, they are trying to incur the profits by opening a few cities. In addition to this, the global pandemic has also disrupted the overall tourism industry including airline and navy too in the UK. The monthly travelers within the UK drastically drop from, 804,900 in February 2020 to 112,300 in April 2020, a decrease of 98.3%. This has also triggered the loss of jobs within the tourism sector in the year 2020 (Roberts, David, 2021).

The Importance of Tourism as a Major Sector in the UK

The travel industry is considered to be key to the UK's financial sector and Britain's position on the planet. The travel industry is generating employment as well as helping in augmenting the monetary development in townships as well as urban areas all through the UK. The tourism industry is currently worth an additional £67bn every year and there are not many networks that don't profit from homegrown and international travelers. Considering straightforward as well as roundabout effects (counting perspectives like the inventory network), the tourism sector in the UK makes a payment of

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£106 billion to the British financial system (GDP) in addition to supporting 2.6 million positions. Taking a glimpse at straightforward effects simply, the travel industry actually contributes £48 billion, supporting 1.4 million employments (MP, Michael Ellis, 2018). England will have a travel industry worth over £257 billion by 2025 - just below 10% of UK GDP and assisting practically 3.8 million positions, which is approximately 11% of the entire UK number. The travel industry's effect is intensified through the financial sector, so the effect is also a lot more extensive than simply the immediate spending levels (VisitBritain, 2022).

The tourism sector within the UK is so important because it not only helps in boosting the country's profit but also helps in creating various employment opportunities, helps in developing the infrastructure of the UK. In addition to this, it also helps in planting an intellect of social transfer among the travelers as well as local people of the UK. Producing £100.8 billion per year, utilizing more than two million individuals. Assisting a great many organizations. Generating up more than 80% of the UK's entire travelers economy, England's travel industry area is huge as well as crucial. The travel industry works connected at the hip with a broad scope of areas all through England, including cultivating, transport, retail, game, galleries, and human expression. Overall it can be said that apart from all other industries like manufacturing, garments or IT tourism industry plays a major role in aggregating the financial system of the UK. So, from the overall discussion, it can be said that the tourism sector plays an important sector in the UK as it helps in bringing more culture and helps in boosting the country's culture too (Apostolakis, 2011).

How UK Tourism Industry Is Impacted By the Pandemic and How It Responded

Since the starting of the SARS-CoV-2 infection, otherwise called COVID-19, which has affected pretty much every part of the 21st century the norm. Though numerous business and industries have hit hard by the pandemic, a few enterprises like the tourism industry , which represented 9% of the UK's financial system, has had its persistent fragility uncovered as well as has been left battling for endurance in the monetary ICU. Facts and figures from the Monthly Business Survey revealed that there have been contrasting effects of the COVID-19 among various business sectors. Turnover in overall tourism industry decreased to its most reduced level in 2020 in May, at only 26.0% of February levels, contrasted with 73.6% in any remaining productions. Convenience and tourism service businesses confronted the deepest decrease in turnover during the primary public lockdown, tumbling to 9.3% of their February levels in May the UK(OGL, 2021). As of the 2020, June 8th the UK has gone under a complete lockdown which directly impacted the tourism business as none of the travellers were allowed to visit since both national and international flights has been seized. Also after the lockdown has been lifted still the nation shows very less arrival of passengers as they had to be in quarantine for 14 days after their arrival date. An important that is being anticipated is further travel limitations with the UK regime hesitant to preclude limitations during Spring and Summer season until the pace of communication gives off an impression of being taken care of(WorkingAbroad, 2021).

As per VisitBritain, the tourism industry is set to lose £37bn this year alone, with a deep fall down in guest numbers both from abroad and the homegrown business sector. SMEs in the neighborliness and recreation areas have been the most horrendously terrible impacted by this Covid, losing more than half (54%) of their month to month business pay, as indicated by research from Aldermore. On the other hand, the pandemic has not just delivered a shortfall of guests who permit the travel industry to flourish. It has likewise carried especially troublesome modifications to neighborliness settings with respect to cleanliness and social separating that will be trying to execute in the long haul. Overall the UK government has responded well to the pandemic and was able to implement various steps and procedure to deal with the coronavirus. Like particularly for tourism in industry they have started 14 days mandatory quarantine rule with mandatory double vaccine certificate for travellers coming from any part of the world(WorkingAbroad, 2021).


So, it can be concluded from the above done study that the pandemic has hit very badly the entire tourism sector in the UK and the country is still dealing with the pandemic to overcome it. Based on the entire discussion below mentioned are few of the recommendation that the tourism industry in UK might adopt to recover from the pandemic:

  • Continuing the mandatory quarantine rule for international travellers for a maximum period of seven days
  • Those who are not vaccinated have to provide negative RTPCR test report prior to travel of 72 hours
  • Mandatory wearing mask whenever they are visiting any places within UK
  • Daily temperature check within every hotel and restaurant.


Apostolakis, A., 2011. Tourism activity and economic conditions in Britain. Hellenic Mediterranean University.

MP,Michael Ellis , 2018. Tourism is of huge importance to our economy and Britain’s place in the world. [Online] Available at:,Tourism%20is%20of%20huge%20importance%20to%20our,Britain's%20place%20in%20the%20world&text= [Accessed 27 February 2022].

OGL, 2021. Coronavirus and the impact on the UK travel and tourism industry. [Online] Available at:,73.6%25%20in%20all%20other%20industries. [Accessed 27 february 2022].

Roberts,David , 2021. Coronavirus and the impact on the UK travel and tourism industry. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 27 February 2022].

UNCTD, 2020. COVID-19 AND TOURISM: ASSESSING THE ECONOMIC CONSEQUENCES. United Nations Conference on Trade and Development.

VisitBritain, 2022. Britain's visitor economy facts. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 27 Februray 2022].

WHO, 2022. Coronavirus disease (COVID-19). [Online] Available at: [Accessed 27 February 2022].

WorkingAbroad, 2021. The COVID-19 impact on the UK’s travel & tourism industry. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 27 February 2022].

Wu, Y.-C., 2020. The outbreak of COVID-19: An overview. Journal of the Chinese Medical Association, 83(3), pp.217-20.

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