Environmental Architectural Technology Assignment Sample

Innovative Approaches in Environmental Architectural Technology for Sustainable Building Design

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Introduction Of Environmental Architectural Technology

It is known that making changes in the building is very much necessary for the life span of the building. It can be seen that for increasing the life span of buildings there are different changes are made in buildings. In this project, several aspects of these changes were found. For this purpose, one building was chosen here. The name of the building that was chosen here was Maxwell Building. The process of making changes in the buildings to make them efficient to sustain is called Retrofitting. It is known that the different forces of nature are responsible for degrading the life of buildings. So, firstly, the different aspects of these forces such as the sun, and wind, were envisaged here. Moreover, the design of the building was prepared in the form of a 3D model. In this model, the facade system of the external wall of the building was also analyzed. Furthermore, the material that was used here is also present in this report. This depicts the different forms of methods used in the model for defining the different material components of the model. In addition to this, the environmental design of the model was also prepared here. This included the daylight analysis of the building.

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Part A Site analyses

In this portion of the project, the possible effects of the natural forces on the building were analyzed. The main factors that were considered here were the sun and wind. These are the main forces that are operating in this area. so, it is required to consider these forces for checking the depreciation of the building (Mauryaet al. 2021). The first thing that was considered was the path of the rays of the sun at different times of the day. It is known that from the time of 11 in the morning to 3 in the afternoon the intensity of sunlight is the most. So, at this time the sunrays create the most devastating effect on the building. So, it was considered for deciding the orientation of the house. In addition to this, the direction of the wind was also considered here. It is known that strong winds can create a good amount of load on buildings. This is because the building is designed for bearing lateral loads along with vertical loads. For this knowing the direction of the wind and the reversal of the direction of the wind is necessary for designing a stable structure.

Precedents of Sustainable Design & Retrofitting

There were some factors that were considered for making this building sustainable. Moreover, these were the factors that were needed for the retrofitting of the building. The description of these factors is as follows.

Use of renewable energy

The most important aspect of sustainability is using such a source that is not harmful to the environment. Also, this source should be such that is not limited in amount. This type of source is called a “renewable source”. The best examples of this are wind energy, hydraulic energy, and sun energy (Habte &Guyo, 2021). In this process, energy is generated from these sources. As these materials are abundant in nature, there is no chance that these sources will be finished one day. Also, these do not cause any harm to the environment. This can be done by installing solar panels on the building roof for generating energy from solar power. Moreover, wind turbines can also be used for the generation of energy from wind. In addition to this, hydropower can also be used for the generation of power.

Use of environment-friendly products

Most of the material in making buildings or structures creates a lot of waste that impacts nature a lot. so, these are not sustainable in nature. although there are some materials that can be used which cause very less impact. These are called sustainable materials. For making the different components of the buildings these materials should be used. This makes the building sustainable. These sustainable either can be used directly or can be blended with the usual material according to the material.

Rainwater conservation

It is known that water is one of the most useful materials for building. From making the building to for living of the occupants water is the most useful material. Hence, in order to make the building sustainable water should be used efficiently. Moreover, because of sustainable goals in most cases, it is tried to ensure water efficiency. For this, the best method is rainwater harvesting. In this process, rainwater is collected (Sun et al. 2021). After the treatment of this water, this can be used for different purposes. This water is available for free. So, it becomes possible to get water almost free.

Enhancing the indoor quality

Another factor in this regard is maintaining the quality of the inside of the building well. This refers to maintaining a hygienic environment inside the building. It also refers to maintaining a comfortable temperature inside the building. This can be done using a good HAVC strategy. In this, a balance between the inside & outside temperature is maintained.

Vertical Garden

In addition to the above precedents, there is also another precedent that was used in this building. This was the vertical garden. It is known that plants are very much helpful for the health & well-being of the occupants (Jin&Gambatese, 2019). This is also utilized in this building.

Part B Detailed Design

Figure 1: Basement Plan

Basement Plan

(Source: Self-created in Revit)

The picture above shows the “basement plan” of the building.

Figure 2: 1st Floor Plan

1st Floor Plan

(Source: Self-created in Revit)

The picture above shows the “1st-floor plan” of the building.

Figure 3: 2nd Floor Plan

2nd Floor Plan

(Source: Self-created in Revit)

The picture above shows the “2nd-floor plan” of the building.

Figure 4: 3rd Floor Plan

3rd Floor Plan

(Source: Self-created in Revit)

The picture above shows the “3rd-floor plan” of the building.

Figure 5: 4th Floor Plan

4th Floor Plan

(Source: Self-created in Revit)

The picture above shows the “4th-floor plan” of the building.

The picture above shows the “3D view” of the building.

Part D Environmental Design

In this project, the environmental design of the building was prepared. This describes the different aspects of the building design. These are as follows.

Passive Design

In this project, the different forms of passive designs of buildings were considered. These are the factors that are considered for making the design of the building good. Moreover, these are the ones that can make buildings sustainable.

It is known that one of the most important reasons for the adoption of these strategies is global warming. The main reason for this is the use of “fossil fuels”. For this reason, it can be seen the gain in popularity of using “non-renewable” energy sources. The “passive designs” helps in maintaining “thermal comfort” inside the building (Al et al. 2020). It can be seen that the “passive designs” are implemented on the basis of the climate of one place. In the places where the average yearly temperature is more that requires “passive cooling” strategies. whereas the places where the temperature is less there require “passive heating” strategies. The area where the building is present has a lower temperature during most of the time of the year. The description of the “passive designs” that were adopted here in this project are as follows.

In the “clod regions,” the rays of the sun are tried to be utilized to the fullest. For this, it can be seen that buildings are oriented in such a way that the longer sides of the buildings face the sun. In addition to this, it is also maintained that no window falls in the path parallel to the direction of the winds (Alqalami et al. 2020). This is done in order to prevent freezing inside. The strategies that were implemented in this project are as follows.

Direct solar Gain

In this process, the walls of the buildings are utilized for the gain in heat of the inside of the buildings. The wall of the building is made in such a way that allows sunlight to enter directly into the building. By this, the temperature of the inside increases by natural heating only without the addition of any extra other costs (Yuvita & Budiwirawan, 2022). Here, the maximum number of windows were placed facing the south direction. It will allow the most sunlight to make an entry into the rooms of the building. This is because from this direction it is possible to permit the entry of maximum light into the rooms.

Indirect Solar Gain

It is another method by which the temperature of the inside can be increased by sun rays. In the above method, it was seen that sunlight directly falls on the wall thus increasing the temperature of the wall. Although because the sunrays directly fall on the external walls only so the internal walls cannot get much heat to increase their temperature (Al et al. 2020). In this process, walls like “Glass Trombe” are used. This is used for heating a section. For this, it is passed through the internal “thermal walls”. These walls have the capability of retaining heat. The “window screens” also act as “indirect solar gain”.

Vernacular Passive Design

This refers to the different modifications that are made in the building for achieving thermal comfort. The first one in this regard is the house will be facing the sun. Also, the surface area of the walls is also needed to be less. The stones that are going to be present in the walls also need to be thick (Nguyen et al. 2021). There are some materials that were used in the building for making the building more efficient. These are “tightly sealed doors”, “central hearth”, and “turf roof”. In the place, the wind forces are likely to affect the life of the building. So, for this, a dome-shaped roof was prepared here to counter this.

Building Materials & Components

There are different components that are part of this building. These were made of different materials. All of these materials have their own works that are different for different materials. The description of these is as follows.

  • Roof: It is the topmost portion of the building. In this project slope roof was created. This was done according to the condition of the climate of this place (Malik et al. 2022). The main frame of the roof is made of wood in this project. The covering of the roof was given by clay tiles.
  • Lintels: This is the component that is usually provided over the doors & windows on the external walls. The main purpose of this is to protect the building components under it from the different natural components (Al et al. 2020). Keeping the sustainable aspects in mind the lintels of this project was prepared from wood.
  • Beams: This is the member that may be present horizontally or inclined. The main work of this component is to transfer the loads from the columns to the other structures. The materials that were used here were concrete. It was because here strings beams were necessary. Concrete beams have the capability of bearing such a huge load.
  • Columns: This is a structural member that also does the work of distributing the loads that comes on a building. It can be seen that it mainly carries axial forces. In this project, a lot of load is going to come on this structure. The columns of this building are made of concrete.
  • Walls: This is the component of a building that is used to cover the building. This is the component that protects the inside of the building from the different forces of nature (Gao et al. 2019). Seeing the climate condition of the area it was decided that the walls would be made up of concrete blocks.
  • Floors: It is the component of the building that supports the movement of the occupants. Also, all the things present inside the building are mainly directly in contact with the floors. In this project, the floors of the structure were made of Mezzanine flooring.
  • Foundation: It is the most important component of the building. This directly collects all the loads from the different components and transfers them to the ground directly. For this reason, it can be seen that the foundation of the building needs to bear a lot of load (Ma et al. 2021). To maintain the stability of the structure, the material that was used in the foundation was concrete.

Daylight Analysis

The main objective of this analysis is to check how less a building can consume energy. It is known that illumination is one of the areas where energy consumption is the most. So, considering this it can be seen that if natural lightning is used then this consumption of energy can be minimized (Hongyan& Wen, 2021). The different factors that are considered in this regard are as follows.

Daylight Factor

This refers to the levels of daylight present in the different buildings. This can help in making design decisions. It is known that the main purpose of this design is to permit the most amount of light into the interior space of the buildings (Kumar et al. 2022). For this, if the level of daylight present in the different rooms is known previously then it will be easy to understand the changes in design that are needed to be made for permitting the most light.

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In this project, several aspects of designing buildings were highlighted. It can be seen that for designing buildings different factors are needed to be considered. All of these factors decided the design of the building in different ways. Here, the effects of sunlight & wind were evaluated. Moreover, detailed designs of the building were prepared. Moreover, the details of the external wall system along with the material assembly were prepared here. In addition to this, the different passive designs that were implemented in this project are also explained here. Also, several building systems are also present here. The “daylight analysis” of the building was also performed here.



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