Ensure Responsibilities For Action To Reduce Risks To Health And Safety Assignment Sample

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Ensure Responsibilities For Action To Reduce Risks To Health And Safety Assignment Sample

In this study, there is a compact discussion of the responsibility for actions to decrease risks to health and safety in the workplace. The questions of this study have been answered properly by using a supported living workplace as evidence.

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Recognition of the hazards as well as evaluation of the risks

  • Workplace instructions

As a supported living worker, my job includes providing support and care to individuals with special needs or disabilities in a residential setting (Gov.uk, 2018). Our company follows some workplace instructions that are briefly described here. I need to follow some workplace instructions like health and safety guidelines every time, involving first aid protocols, fire safety procedures and safe handling of hazardous materials. Following and reviewing individual care plans for every resident. Maintaining communication protocols established by the workplace, including reporting procedures, documentation requirements, proper channels of communication with co-workers and so on (Gov.uk, 2020). Maintaining professional boundaries with residents and also avoiding involvement in inappropriate or personal relationships. Providing person-centred care and support is necessary.

  • Working Practices

Multiple working practices and hazards in the supported living workplace could be harmful, and these are explained compactly. Lack of proper supervision and training of employees and members can create issues in care and support for residents, resulting in injuries, harm or accidents (Gov.uk, 2023). I have experienced a hazard while working on-site due to a lack of proper supervision and observation. Manual handling and lifting can cause musculoskeletal injuries for staff members if appropriate equipment and lifting techniques are not used. Failure to complement appropriate infection control measures like PPE or personal protective equipment usage, hand hygiene, sanitation protocols and so on. Poor collaboration and communication can lead to many misunderstandings between coworkers and team members.

Evaluation of the hazards and prioritisation in risk order

Specific hazards and risks can vary depending on the nature of the workplace as well as the activities being carried out. Some general frameworks for evaluating hazards and prioritising risks in a supported living workplace are discussed briefly. Identifying every possible hazard in the workplace can be considered the first framework. This includes physical hazards like trip, slip and fall hazards, fire hazards, ergonomic hazards, biological hazards and chemical hazards and organisational hazards like lack of training, poor communication and inappropriate staffing levels. Once hazards are recognised, there is a need for assessing the severity of every hazard in the context of the possible harm it could cause to workers, visitors, residents and others. A risk assessment that I have completed is provided here.

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Title: Risk Assessment for Health and Safety

Date: 07.06.2023

Scope: This assessment aims to address possible complications and hazards and apply proper control measures.


(i) Site inspection

(ii) Review of the incident

(iii) Consultation

(iv) Regulatory compliance

Hazards Addressed:

Uneven flooring, poor lighting and slippery surfaces.

Control Measures:

Need to implement a daily housekeeping process to maintain an organized and clean workplace. Moreover, there is a need for assuring proper signage for safety and warning instructions.

In the risk assessment document, it is evaluated that I have inspected a site and identified some critical hazards like uneven flooring, poor lighting and slippery surfaces. Then, I reviewed the incident and consulted with experts to mitigate the issues. Also, I suggested implementing a daily housekeeping process to maintain an organized and clean workplace. Moreover, there is a need for assuring proper signage for safety and warning instructions.

Report to the responsible person for potential risks

As per Gov.uk (2023), in a supported living workplace, there is a need to report hazards promptly to the responsible person to assure the well-being and safety of the residents as well as members. As a Site supervisor, I need to report any kind of hazards that can arise. At first, I need to take note of any possible unsafe conditions or hazards in the workplace. It involves damaged infrastructure, broken equipment, slippery floors, faulty electrical outlets and so on. After that, I need to locate the proper responsible person. The responsible person can be a supervisor, manager or designated health and safety representative. Then, there is a need to inform that person about the hazards and unsafe conditions. This job can be done in writing or verbally, depending on the workplace's procedures and policies. This is necessary to provide clear information about the condition, its nature, exact location, severity and so on while reporting to the person.

Being able to minimise the risks to a safe and healthy workplace

Work activities with identified health and safety

  • Workplace policies: As per Gov.uk, (2023), for my job role I had to follow some workplace policies like conducting a comprehensive risk assessment of the workplace, communicating and developing clear emergency procedures, providing proper training and education to the employees, promoting the health and wellness of residents and employees, establishing processes for reporting incidents, accidents, and unsafe conditions, ensuring laws and regulations and fostering a culture of open collaboration and communication.
  • Instructions and procedures: As per Egdell et al. (2020), establishing comprehensive health and safety policies that outline guidelines, expectations and procedures for maintaining a healthy and safe workplace, identifying possible health and safety risks in the workplace and ensuring that the workplace is well-maintained, free from hazards and clean can be considered procedures and instructions.
  • Suppliers' and manufacturers' information: A COSHH assessment concentrates on the hazards and risks from hazardous substances in one 's workplace. Suppliers and manufacturers of personal protective equipment, cleaning and sanitation products, fire safety equipment, ergonomic products, hazardous substances and so on. Once, I dealt with a PPE supplier as some PPE kits were not properly working.
  • Relevant legal requirements: Building and fire codes, OHS or Occupational Health and Safety regulations, risk assessment, staff training, emergency preparedness, infection control, reporting and record-keeping, accessibility and so on. Some main hazards are Ergonomic Hazards, Slips, Trips, and Falls, Electrical Hazards, Psychological Hazards, Chemical Hazards, Fire Hazards, Violence and Security Risks (Gov.uk, 2023).

Managing Hazards with workplace instructions and legal requirements

I must manage all hazards by conducting a thorough risk assessment to recognise potential hazards, developing workplace instructions, providing adequate resources, ensuring that all workers receive proper training, following local, state and national regulations, maintaining open lines of communication, seeking professional advice and monitoring hazard management regularly (Gov.uk, 2023).

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Differences between instructions of suppliers and instructions of the workplace

Workplace instructions are geared towards providing directions and guidance to individuals with disabilities, while supplier instructions are related to the use, maintenance and installation of products or services provided by external vendors or suppliers. Workplace instructions are mainly aimed at individuals with special needs or disabilities; on the other hand, supplier instructions are intended for general customers who buy or use items from external suppliers. An email is given here for better understanding.

To, ABC@gmail.com

Subject: Discrepancies Between Workplace Instructions and Supplier Instructions - Reporting and Discussion

Dear [Colleague's Name],

I just conducted an inspection and carefully compared the supplier's instructions to our standard working practices. I discovered numerous places where there were clear discrepancies and variations after closer inspection. These variances run the risk of affecting the calibre of our job and jeopardising safety precautions. I took the opportunity to record these observations in a thorough inspection report to guarantee openness and efficient communication among our team. I suggest setting up a meeting or discussion session to go through this issue more and come up with a suitable course of action.

Thank you for your cooperation, and I look forward to our upcoming discussion.

Kind regards,


The way to reduce risks to health and safety in the workplace

The responsibility of remaining alert to hazards and risks

As a support staff member, I should be well-trained to identify possible hazards in the environment. I should conduct risk assessments to address any possible risks associated with the tasks or activities being performed by the individuals they support. Support staff must take appropriate measures to ensure safety, such as implementing safety protocols. Support staff should continuously supervise and monitor the individuals. There are various typical dangers and hazards that I may be in charge of as support staff. Falls, trips and slides are one of such risks. This risk can arise for several reasons, including slippery or uneven terrain, crowded sidewalks, poor illumination or inappropriate footwear. Since it is within the purview of my job to protect the security and well-being of people working for the organization, I am in charge of managing this risk. I can assist in reducing the risk and make the workplace safer for employees and visitors by addressing probable places where these risks may happen.

Own scope and responsibility for action in controlling risk

I need to adhere to safety guidelines, protocols and practices. To avoid multiple hazards, there is a need to identify potential risks. If one is unsure about a procedure or task, it is important to seek clarification from the supervisor or an experienced co-worker. My main duty as a support staff member in my company is to help and support other team members or departments. This entails doing things like responding to questions, addressing problems and offering general administrative assistance. I am in charge of keeping track of and reporting on numerous tasks, occurrences and activities. It is essential to promote efficient communication inside my company. I can be in charge of organizing meetings, distributing critical information, and handling communication channels as part of managing internal communication. Support staff sometimes need to handle incoming requests or issues from both internal and external sources.

The importance of adhering to health and safety policies

Health and safety policies and practices are necessary for a supported living workplace because they help to protect the well-being of residents and provide a safe and healthy living environment (Noorlandt et al. 2022). Moreover, it also helps to ensure a safe work environment for the employees. Supported living workplaces are subject to multiple regulations and laws. Maintaining health and safety policies helps to identify possible hazards and risks. In the UK, a notable piece of law that regulates workplace health and safety is the Health and Safety at Work Act. Act 1974 (HASWA). In our company, this act is properly followed. According to the act, workers are obligated to recognize and evaluate any hazards connected to work-related activities. This entails assessing risks, figuring out how much risk there is, and putting in place the right controls. I also focus on some important factors of this policy, such as training and competence, emergency procedures, reporting and record-keeping and health and welfare provisions.

Additional health and safety assistance

According to Shortall (2022), the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) in the UK provides guidance and resources on health and safety regulations, offers recommendations and conducts inspections. If one 's supported living workplace has a health and safety committee, one can reach out to them for assistance. Hiring a health and safety consultant who specialises in the healthcare or supported living industry can be a good option for supported living workplaces. Many employers offer EAPs or Employee Assistance Programs, which include resources for health and safety. Companies frequently have departments and teams that are solely responsible for offering workers different kinds of support. Human resources (HR) divisions, employee assistance programmes (EAPs), or specialized support groups for issues like mental health or work-life balance are a few examples. Specialists from these groups whom I would go to for any guidance or any specific queries.

Importance of personal presentation and Behaviour

Personal presentation and behaviour play an important part in maintaining health and safety in the workplace. Professionalism increases with the help of proper personal presentation. Personal behaviour demonstrates a commitment to health and safety and helps to ensure that each person in the workplace is protected. To establish a peaceful and effective workplace, support staff members must behave well and promote a healthy workplace culture. Some methods include being an example of the attitudes and behaviours one wants to see in others, being on time, courteous, and maintaining a happy attitude are all important, one should also treat everyone fairly and kindly, regardless of their position or level of seniority. Encouraging collaboration and teamwork, fostering a collaborative atmosphere. When necessary, provide a hand to your coworkers and contribute actively to group tasks. Celebrate team accomplishments and show others how much you value their contributions.


This study compactly discussed the responsibilities and practices to minimise risks and hazards to health and safety in the supported living workplace. Workplace instructions, practices, regulations and others are briefly explained here.


  • Egdell, V., Maclean, G., Raeside, R. and Chen, T., 2020. Age management in the workplace: manager and older worker accounts of policy and practice. Ageing & Society, 40(4), pp.784-804.
  • Noorlandt, H., Stoevelaar, R., van Dongen, S., Arslan, M., Luu, N., Kranenburg, L., Witkamp, E., van der Rijt, C., Lorig, K., van der Heide, A. and Rietjens, J., 2022. Challenges in self?management of persons living with advanced cancer: An exploratory, in?depth interview study. European Journal of Cancer Care, p.e13638.
  • Gov.uk, 2020. “Protocol Design Principles” Available at <https://www.ncsc.gov.uk/whitepaper/protocol-design-principles> [Accessed on 21.06.2023]
  • Shortall, S., 2022. Perspectives from the UK: children and agricultural health and safety. Frontiers in public health, 10.
  • Gov.uk, 2018. “National Careers Service” Available at <https://nationalcareers.service.gov.uk/job-profiles/residential-support-worker> [Accessed on 21.06.2023]
  • Gov.uk, 2023. “Provide information, training and supervision” Available at <https://www.hse.gov.uk/simple-health-safety/training/supervision.htm> [Accessed on 21.06.2023]
  • Gov.uk, 2023. “Managing risks and risk assessment at work” Available at <https://www.hse.gov.uk/simple-health-safety/risk/index.htm> [Accessed on 21.06.2023]
  • Gov.uk, 2023. “Prepare a health and safety policy” Available at <https://www.hse.gov.uk/simple-health-safety/policy/index.htm> [Accessed on 21.06.2023]
  • Gov.uk, 2023. “Health and safety at work” Available at <https://www.gov.uk/browse/employing-people/health-safety> [Accesed on 21.06.2023]
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