Effectiveness of Mentalization Therapy for BPD Patients Case Study

Effectiveness of Mentalization Therapy for BPD Patients: A Comprehensive Analysis

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1. Introduction : Is Mentalisation Based Therapies Effective For Patients With Borderline Personality Disorder

1.1 Background and context the study 

Mental health disruption is a significant public health problem that disrupts the “quality of life (QoL)” of the individual. “Borderline personality disorder (BPD)” has a profound effect on a person's mood, emotions, and other psychological cycles. The main symptoms of “border personality disorder” (BPD) that result in the development of ineffective social relationships with others are emotional instability, disrupted patterns of cognitive distortions, and impulsive behavior (NHS, 2019). To lower the risk of “dialectical behavior therapy (DBT)”, borderline personality disorder, major diagnosis approaches include various forms of cognitive behavioral therapy, physiotherapy and talk therapy (Gunderson et al., 2018). Another successful support intervention that aids in enhancing the mental health of the BPD patient is "systems training for emotional predictability and problem-solving (STEPPS)" (Boccalon et al., 2017).  The efficacy of “mentalization-based therapy” in this study. In the time of pandemic, nearly 51% of youth were facing different types of mental health disruption such as anxiety, depression and as per the psychological aspects the impact was a bit worse (Gagliard, 2023). The foundation of MBT is related to the attachment theory, which highlights the significance of early relationships and how attachment affects the development of the personality (Daubney and Bateman, 2015). The method acknowledges how attachment styles influence the capacity for mentalization in order to overcome the mental health disruption. Furthermore, due to lock-down procedures and a lack of social communication, the prevalence of BPD has considerably increased during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Figure 1: Mental health disruption of the young people in UK (pandemic) 

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Mental health disruption of the young people in UK

(Source: Gagliard, 2023)

1.2 Problem description 

According to Kulacaoglu and Kose (2018), the point relevance rate of BPD is also relatively low at 1.6%. Non-suicidal behavior and self-harm both are negative consequences of BPD that impact on of cognition and emotion of the individual and also unstable self-perception or incapacity (Paris, 2019). Disruption of sense of self and self-image both are the negative consequences of  borderline personality disorder that increase depression, self-doubt, lack of confidence of the youth with  borderline personality disorder. According to Bohus et al. (2021), multi-dimensional healthcare team management and effective support systems are the significant aspects that help to improve the efficiency and agility of sustainable BPD management.

1.3 Aim of the study 

1.3.1 Research aim 

The purpose of the study is to analyse whether “mentalization-based therapies” can effectively reduce the risk of developing “Borderline personality disorder (BPD)”.

1.3.2 Research Question

Is “mentalisation based therapies” effective for patients with “Borderline personality disorder (BPD)”?

2. Methodology 

2.1 Introduction 

The methods chapter, which is based on the study's research questions, is crucial to obtaining the intended results of the investigation. This study examines the effects of “mentalization-based therapy” on symptoms related to anxiety, sadness, and an inadequate sense of self-worth, as well as intense and unstable social connections. In this context, the quasi-systematic review approach has been used to fulfil the aims and objectives of the study. 

2.2 SPIDER framework

Sample The participants in this study are those who exhibit symptoms of borderline personality disorder and individuals with various negative outcomes of “borderline personality disorder”. 
Phenomenon of Interest  The purpose and the context of this “secondary qualitative study” is to identify the different effectiveness of well “mentalization-based therapies” work in order to reduce the risk of emotional instability, dysfunctional social interactions, self-harming behavior, and to enhance personality development and sense of self.
Design  In order to achieve the aim, objectives and research question, this study has concentrated on explanatory research design. To maintain an effective workable research design for the “systematic literature review”, the Boolean operators, PRISMA framework, and inclusion-exclusion standards have all been reduced. 
Evaluation  This characteristic of this study is focused on different aspects of MDT based on research questions. “mentalization-based therapies” can effectively overcome the negative consequences of adverse effects of “borderline personality disorder”. In MPT, the idea of metallization can enhance an individual's capacity to reflect on them and assist them in establishing solid, positive social bonds. However, by improving mentalization, people can gain a deeper comprehension of both themselves and other people as well as increase their capacity for adaptive decision-making.. 
Research type Secondary qualitative study under the hood of “systematic literature review” has been applied in this study. 

Table 1: SPIDER framework 

Research question: Can patients with “Borderline personality disorder (BPD)” benefit from “mentalization-based therapies” in terms of their “quality of life (QoL)”? 

2.3 Justification of the data-based used in this study 

In order to accomplish the objectives of this investigation, a “quasi-”systematic literature review””, based on qualitative secondary data, was carried out. In this sense, choosing trustworthy databases has been essential for obtaining secondary data. Key words have been used to search data from “MEDLINE, PubMed, NCBI, CINAHL”, and other  data sources. According to the review of Timsit, Aboab, and Parienti (2018), it can be helpful to use authentic and reliable data sources to determine how implementation of particular therapies impacts the improvement of health aspects. However, it is more effective to choose the framework for collect secondary data from reliable sources in order to evaluate how “mentalization-based therapies” can be effective to cease the risks of developing “borderline personality disorder”. 

Secondary data can be obtained from a different number of external sources, including authentic journal publications and different government websites. Suiter and Sarli (2019) stated that legitimacy of a journal article must be considered by a thorough analysis. In order to achieve this, suitable sources were used to choose the journal articles that help to achieve the study's aim, and they were carefully analysed. factors like the sample chosen for “primary quantitative studies” and the quantity of research papers reviewed for secondary “qualitative or quantitative” studies were taken into account to proceed with this study. 

2.4 Keywords generation and search strategy 

2.4.1 Boolean operators 

“mentalization-based therapy” OR Self-reflective capacity AND  “Borderline personality disorder (BPD)” NOT  Anxiety 
“Borderline personality disorder (BPD)” OR Cognitive and emotional simulation AND  “mentalization-based therapy” NOT Arts therapies
Self-harming behavior  OR Mentalization AND  Self-reflective capacity NOT Capacity building 
Self-reflective capacity  OR Cognitive and emotional simulation AND  “mentalization-based therapy” NOT “dialectical behavior therapy (DBT)”
Cognitive and emotional simulation OR “Borderline personality disorder (BPD)” AND  Self-reflective capacity  NOT Self reflection 
Mentalization OR “mentalization-based therapy” AND  Cognitive and emotional simulation NOT Physical simulation

Table 2: Boolean operators

For keyword search in case of “quasi-”systematic literature review”, considering boolean characters are essential. Boolean operators, according to Bramer et al. (2018), are an important part of a “systematic literature review” that helps to conduct an effective article search for the research. Moreover, the “AND, OR, and NOT” are considered as the key “Boolean operators” that help to develop search process more precise and thus the articles can be chosen authentically. In this case, in order to create an effective research method, terms such as “Borderline personality disorder (BPD)”, “self-reflective capacity self-harming behaviour, metallization and “mentalization-based therapy”” have been used for this study.

2.4.2 Inclusion and exclusion criteria 

Inclusion criteria 

Exclusion criteria 

Different types of trustworthy online resources like MEDLINE, CINAHL, NCBI, PubMed, and other reputable data sources. 

The study does not include data from blogs, newspaper articles, company websites,   magazines and other inauthentic sources. 

Journal articles about “mentalization-based treatment” and “Borderline personality disorder (BPD)” are considered in this research to develop the most critical analysis.

Articles with unrelated topics are not included in this study. 

Journal articles written in full comprehensive English are not included in this analysis.

Excluded from the study are research papers and articles published in languages other than English, such as German, Chinese, or French.

Articles published in 2010 and after 2010 are included in this study. 

Articles released prior to 2010 are not included in this analysis. 

Research paper with effective  peer review and proper DOI number are included in this study 

In this study, articles without a DOI number and peer- review are not included in this study. 

This study includes journal articles with full access. 

Papers with only abstract are not included in this analysis. 

Table 3: Inclusion-exclusion criteria 

The two mot important factor after from the terms chosen here are the language and the year of publication. It was made sure that the language was clear English and the publication year was not before 2015. Furthermore, availability of the papers was considered guaranteeing that complete access to the data source will be effective for the article search. There are no other articles published after 2015 in the data collected. However, other sources like newspaper articles or any kind of blogs or websites were avoided on this case to maintain the authenticity of the data. Only journals with full access are listed and accepted in this study on the other hand, only abstracts oriented journals are not included in this study. This study includes journal articles with reputable subject matter, such as “mentalization-based therapy”, emotional stimulation, metallization, “Borderline personality disorder (BPD)”, and mentalization. It excludes articles with unrelated content. These are a few of the most important elements that the study's “systematic literature review” used as inclusion and exclusion criteria. 

2.5 Study selection process 

2.5.1 PRISMA framework 

 PRISMA framework

Figure 2: PRISMA framework 

“PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses)” is an important framework for study selection used in “systematic literature reviews” that aims to improve choice of articles and their relibility of reporting “meta-analyses and systematic reviews” (Shamseer et al., 2015). Research techniques like “systematic reviews and meta-analyses” are used to precisely analyze and discuss relevant studies in order to synthesise and evaluate the knowledge and information of a specific research area. According to the previously indicated PRISMA framework, 8 studies were selected where initially the choice were 16. Eligible studies were finally selected based on specific exclusion criteria which was used throughout the screening process. This framework is one of the most crucial steps in the process of choosing research process as the whole research is focused on the secondary sources and data extracted from it.

The PRISMA Framework significantly contributes to the understanding of how the topic of the study influences the eligible data selection procedure for the systematic literature review. After first selecting 16 journal articles, 16 studies were chosen initially for the study after the inclusion and exclusion aspects were applied. Proper criteria of paper selection have been followed here for the research and thus the data extraction process have been done. This is important step in systematic review. Ineligible records are eliminated from the research due to duplication and automation. During the initial screening phase, two articles were disqualified for bias risk, irrelevance, and duplication. Nine journal articles have been chosen for more research at the conclusion. The screening process in this case should be done so precisely to make it perfect and choosing the best articles for the review process. 

2.6  Summary of the chapter 

As discussed above, in order to improve the effectiveness and dependability of data collecting, a “secondary qualitative research strategy” has been implemented under the aegis of a systematic literature review, interfering with the methodological approach. The search technique has been made more particular by the use of boolean operators. However, the PRISMA methodology was used to choose the final journal articles that were retrieved, taking into account both critical appraisal and effective risk assessment.

2.6 Summary of the chapter 

As discussed above, in order to improve the effectiveness and dependability of data collection, a secondary qualitative research strategy has been implemented under the aegis of a “systematic literature review”, interfering with the methodological approach. The search strategy has been made more specific by the use of Boolean operators. However, the PRISMA framework was used to select the final journal articles that were retrieved, taking into account both critical appraisal and effective risk assessment. 

3. Critical annotation 

3.1 Data extraction from the selected journal 

Authors  Keywords  Aim Methods  Data analysis  Result 
(Bales et al., 2014) “Borderline personality disorder (BPD)”, Hospital mentalization based treatment, Psychotherapeutic treatment To determine whether hospital “mentalization-based treatment” is beneficial in reducing the risk of severe borderline personality disorder.  Primary quantitative methods  Population based study  Hospital “mentalization-based treatment” aids in improving the propensity scores and assisting patients with borderline personality disorder in overcoming their psychological symptoms. 
(Warrender, 2015) “mentalization-based therapy”, Acute mental health, “Borderline personality disorder (BPD)”, Skill training,  The effect of skill and competency development of health care professional and healthcare workers such as staff nurse helps to increase the clinical intervention strategy regarding “mentalization-based therapy” Primary quantitative methods Population based study (5 staff nurses are participated)  One important component of MBT care is “mentalization-based treatment” skills training (MBT-S), that enhances the Primary narrative theme (T2) and Secondary MBT-S themes (T3). 
(Kvarstein et al., 2018) Psychodynamic group-based treatment programmes (PDT), Self-reflective capacity, “mentalization-based therapy”,  To focus on the mentalization-based psychodynamic treatment programs in an effort to help patients with borderline personality disorder get past their clinically severe condition Primary quantitative methods Longitudinal and comparative study (345 patients with BPD) Lower rates of improvement in PDT are associated with higher clinical severity. However, for MBT patients, there were no appreciable variations in patient outcomes according to clinical severity. There is a significant increase in the differences in patient outcomes between MBT and PDT with higher disorder severity.
(Carlyle et al., 2020) “Borderline personality disorder (BPD)”, “mentalization-based therapy”, Non-suicidal self-harm To determine the efficacy of “mentalization-based therapy” in adulthood as a means of reducing the risk of attempted suicide (SA) and non-suicidal self-harm (NSSH) with the assistance of publicly funded Mental Health Services (MHS). “Clinical based study”  “Randomized, controlled trial (RCT)” with 72 participants)  Following “mentalization-based therapy”, the BPD patient's non-suicidal self-harm and attempted suicide (SA) has both considerably decreased. 
(Vogt and Norman, 2018) “mentalization-based therapy”, “Borderline personality disorder (BPD)”,  To find out if “mentalization-based therapy” works well for reducing the risk of borderline personality disorder  Secondary qualitative  “systematic literature review”  “mentalization-based therapy” was found to achieve either equal or superior reductions in psychiatric symptoms when compared to other treatments such as structured clinical management, standard psychiatric care, supportive group therapy, and treatment as usual.
(Bateman and Fongay, 2010) “Borderline personality disorder (BPD)”, Cognitive and emotional simulation “mentalization-based therapy” To recognize the MDT's intervention strategy as the stabilized emotional expression. Furthermore, this study identifies the therapeutic stances that emphasize the value of patience and taking time to recognize disparities in viewpoints. Secondary qualitative Review study  The MBT's internal representation technique aids in regulating the emotional expression of the cognitive and affective simulation. 
(Philips et al., 2018) Mentalization therapy, Substance-related disorders, Psychotherapy, Borderline personality disorder.  To look into the clinical trials evaluation of psychological therapies for “Borderline personality disorder (BPD)” and substance use disorder (SUD) that co-occur. The study aims to investigate the efficacy of “mentalization-based treatment” (MBT) and its viability for treating BPD and SUD concurrently.  Clinical study  “Randomized, controlled trial (RCT)”  There is no statistically significant difference between the BPD and SUD, in contrast to all other outcome variables. But while there were four suicide attempts in the control group, none in the MBT group; furthermore, this difference did not approach statistical significance.
(Jørgensen et al., 2020) Adolescents, “Mentalization therapy”, “Borderline personality disorder (BPD)” To determine whether “mentalization-based treatment” (MBT) for adolescents suffering from “Borderline personality disorder (BPD)” is effective Population based study (adolescents) “Randomized, controlled trial (RCT)” The “Borderline Personality Features Scale for Children (BPFS-C)” and “mentalization-based treatment” in groups (MBT-G) both demonstrated a gradual improvement in the patients' prominent BPD features, general psychopathology, and decreased functioning over the course of the follow-up period. This implies the need for more study and a better understanding of the elements of effective early intervention programs. 
(Edel et al., 2016) Mentalization, “Borderline personality disorder (BPD)”, self-harming behavior  To determine whether dialectical behavior therapy and mentalization-based group therapy work well together for treating BPD patients Population based study  Pilot RCT  Both treatments considerably lessened the severity of the symptoms. The combination of DBT and MBT was superior in reducing fearful attachment and improving effective mentalizing.

Table 4: Data extraction table 

3.2 Key findings from the retrieved table 

Bales et al. (2014) stated that the purpose of this matched control study is to increase the body of evidence supporting MBT's effectiveness for patients with severe borderline personality disorder. Different types of clinical studies are used "to control for confounding or background variables at the study design." This study led to the referral of 41 patients to a day hospital MBT. Treatment conditions for the study include an 18-month maximum MBT program followed by maximum 18-months of mentalist group therapy. MBT has also been used to train individuals to become more skilled in order to identify the interpersonal functionality of the individual with BPD. 

Based on the Warrender's (2015) review, the purpose of this article is to gather additional information about the viewpoints and experiences of staff nurses regarding the importance of MBT skills when working with BPD in acute mental health settings. This study involved nine staff nurses who were all registered mental health nurses (RMNs). Two focus groups were used to collect data, and each participant got MBT-Skills training. Some of the participants had already made arrangements in a clinical setting; the participation rate was approximately 50%. These focus groups run for sixty minutes each. Focus groups are the significant part of the research methodology that helps to improve group discussions strategy to collect data. It is intended to shed light on participants' attitudes and actions. Participants in the study said they felt more able to tolerate it. 

The primary finding of the review by Kjelvik and Schultheis (2019) is that it shows how MBT is beneficial for patients with severe personality disorder and offers some insight into the different mechanisms of the treatment. On the other hand, it has been proposed that MBT may function as a clinically relevant treatment for individuals with severe BPD who may prove difficult to treat with conventional psychotherapy. The approach's semi-structured nature suggests that there was inconsistent conduct throughout all of the interviews, making the study non-replicable. On the other hand, this suggests that the interviewer was able to elicit additional information from the patients by going deeper and asking open-ended questions. It also allows for flexibility throughout the entire session. Semi-structured interviews allow for inadvertent bias to occur.

The critical review states that while the measure may have aided in estimating the therapy's effectiveness, it can also interfere with impulsivity, which may have been detrimental to the participants (Carlyle et al., 2020). Due to its sensitivity, the use of “SA/NSSH (suicide attempts and non-suicidal self-harm)” as a measure in this trial may give rise to ethical questions. The trial's male to female participant ratio 71 female to 1 male could be a source of gender bias. This suggests that the majority of participants are women. Even if the MBT measures in this research are in favour of treatment, long-term support like MBT—which endures longer than therapy—helps to enhance the function and experience of real-world living for patients as well as their results. 

The effectiveness of both “mentalization-based group therapy” and “combined cognitive behaviour therapy” for patients with borderline personality disorder has a significant influence on the quality of life of those with the disease, according to Edel et al. (2016). The two primary therapies that help treat “adolescent BPD are group-based treatment or the MBT-G” and “Borderline Personality Features Scale for Children (BPFS-C)”, according to the review by Jørgensen et al. (2020). 

3.3 Quality and critical appraisal (CASP) 

CASP Scale (Bales et al., 2014) (Warrender, 2015) (Kvarstein et al., 2018) (Carlyle et al., 2020) (Vogt and Norman, 2018) (Bateman and Fongay, 2010) (Philips et al., 2018) (Jørgensen et al., 2020) (Edel et al., 2016)
Clear Focused Question + + + + + + + + +
Appropriate Design + - + + + + + + +
Appropriate Recruitment - + - - + + + + +
Matched Control + - - + - + -
Clearly Described Test Procedure + + + + + + + + +
Appropriate Outcomes Used + - + + - + + - +
Outcome accurately measured for bias minimisation - + - + - + + + -
Confounding Factors Accounted + - - - + - + - +
Appropriate Analysis + + + + + + + + +
Precise Statistical Data Presented + + + + - - - + +
Ability to generate Results + + - + + - - + +
Interpretation related to existing evidence - - + + + + - - +
Total Score 9 7 7 10 8 9 8 8 10 

Table 5: CASP table 

3.3 Quality assessment of the included study (Risk bias) 

Sources Protocol Study Design Explanation Comprehensive Search Strategy Duplicate Study Selection Duplicate Data Extraction Details of excluded studies Description of included studies Risk of Bias Assessment RoB assessment Funding sources Heterogeneity Publication Bias Reports Conflicts of interest
(Bales et al., 2014) + ? + + + ? + - - + ? ? + +
(Warrender, 2015) + + + ? - - ? + + ? - ? ? +
(Kvarstein et al., 2018) + + + ? + - + + + + - ? - +
(Carlyle et al., 2020) + ? + ? + + ? - ? + ? - + ?
(Vogt and Norman, 2018) ? + + - ? ? + + + ? + + + -
(Bateman and Fongay, 2010) + + + + + ? - - ? + + - - +
(Philips et al., 2018 + + + - + - + - ? ? + - - ?
(Jørgensen et al., 2020) + + + ? + ? + - ? - + - - ?
(Edel et al., 2016) + + + ? + - + ? - - + - ? -

Table 6: Risk bias table 

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4. Conclusion 

From the above discussion, it can be concluded that MBT is an important evidence based psychotherapy that is helpful for patients with BPD. Nevertheless, the data extraction from the chosen journals provided an explanation for the decline in BPD patients' attempts at suicide and self-harm due to MBT. It can be argued that a sustainable MBT management can significantly improve the quality of life of the person with “Borderline personality disorder (BPD)”, even though it raises some clinical ethical concerns. In the future, though, the trial's overall design and outcomes would have been enhanced with a larger male participant count... Integration of the peer support, exploration of the emotion, integration of the cognition and emotion are the significant aspects of MBT that helps to improve the efficiency of BPD care management. MBT places a strong emphasis on the value of comprehending and interpreting individual own and other mental states, which enhances interpersonal functioning. Individuals who receive MBT frequently exhibit improvements in their capacity to establish and uphold more satisfying and stable relationships.

Different types of methodological aspects of “systematic literature review” such as PRISMA, CASP, and risk bias table have been used in this study. CASP table helps to identify the credibility of chosen articles. The previously mentioned risk bias table has proven to be highly beneficial in ascertaining the dependability of the research data, as it delineates the benefits and drawbacks of the secondary qualitative research study. The study design and study description of the included study are also identified by the risk bias table. Furthermore, it can be claimed that a successful quasi-systematic review contributes to the efficacy and authenticity of the research as well as the identification of the therapeutic interventions based on mentalization that are efficient in reducing the risk of “Borderline personality disorder (BPD)”. Future studies can result in the creation of more focused and efficient BPD treatment plans. This might involve cutting-edge pharmacological therapies, creative psychotherapy approaches, or a mix of the two. On the other hand, effective community-engagement and different types of mental health intervention such as awareness campaign, health education helps to improve the efficiency and reliability of the BPD management. 


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