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Introduction To BA Business: Research Methodologies & Research Proposal
Addressing Staffing and Funding Challenges in the National Health Service (NHS)
executive summary: understaffing at NHS
The National Health Service (NHS) in the United Kingdom is an essential public healthcare system that provides vital medical services to millions of people. However, the NHS has been grappling with significant challenges related to understaffing and inadequate funding. These issues have had a detrimental impact on patient care, staff morale, and overall service delivery. This research proposal aims to investigate the underlying causes of staffing shortages and funding constraints within the NHS and propose strategies to address these challenges effectively.
Introduction and background
The National Health Service (NHS) is facing significant challenges related to staffing shortages and inadequate funding that affect the wage budget. The purpose of this research proposal is to investigate the underlying causes of these issues and develop strategies to address them effectively. This research aims to provide insights and recommendations that can contribute to enhancing the recruitment process and securing adequate funding for the NHS.
Research question and objectives
Is the lack of adequate funding at the root of staffing issues at the national health service?
The research project will focus on the following objectives:
- Identify the main factors contributing to the staffing shortages in the NHS.
- Analyse the financial constraints faced by the NHS and their impact on service delivery.
- How the financial issues could be affecting staffing shortages in the NHS
- Explore potential strategies and interventions to improve the recruitment process.
- Propose recommendations for securing sustainable funding sources for the NHS.
Literature review
Funding Constraints:
Inadequate funding is another critical issue hampering the NHS's ability to deliver quality healthcare services. The NHS relies heavily on government funding, and budget constraints have often resulted in reduced resources and delayed investments in equipment, facilities, and infrastructure. For instance, long waiting times for essential diagnostic tests and treatments can be attributed, in part, to funding limitations.
The research project will analyse the financial constraints faced by the NHS and their impact on service delivery. By examining trends in healthcare expenditure and comparing them to other countries with successful healthcare systems, the study aims to shed light on the implications of underfunding. This may include exploring the effects of limited funding on patient outcomes, resource allocation, and the ability to attract and retain healthcare professionals.
To ensure sustainable funding for the NHS, the research project will propose recommendations for alternative funding models and strategies.
This may involve exploring innovative approaches such as public-private partnerships, philanthropic contributions, or the implementation of specific taxes to generate additional revenue for healthcare. By examining successful funding models in other countries and considering their applicability to the NHS, the research aims to provide actionable recommendations to secure adequate and long-term funding.
Staffing Challenges:
One of the primary issues facing the NHS is a shortage of healthcare professionals across various disciplines.
Factors contributing to this problem include demographic trends, an aging population that requires increased healthcare services, and an insufficient number of medical school graduates to meet the rising demand.
For example, a study conducted by the NHS Workforce Review Team found that the demand for registered nurses in the NHS is projected to increase significantly in the coming years, while the supply of nursing staff is not keeping pace with this demand.
Another aspect impacting staffing challenges is the difficulty in attracting and retaining healthcare professionals. Factors such as low wages making it hard to combat the current cost of living crisis, heavy workloads, high levels of stress, and insufficient opportunities for career development have contributed to burnout and reduced job satisfaction among NHS staff. For instance, a survey conducted by the British Medical Association revealed that a significant percentage of doctor’s experience symptoms of burnout, leading to increased rates of attrition.
To address these staffing challenges, the research project will explore potential strategies and interventions. This may include improving the recruitment process by offering competitive salaries, providing better working conditions, and implementing measures to enhance staff engagement and professional development. Additionally, the study may examine successful international healthcare systems that have effectively managed staffing issues and adapt their best practices to the NHS context.
Addressing the challenges of understaffing and underfunding is crucial for the future of the NHS, by conducting in-depth research and analysis this proposal aims to provide evidence-based insights and recommendations that can inform policy decisions and strategic planning within the NHS.
Examples of potential strategies include enhancing the recruitment process by improving working conditions and professional development opportunities, as well as exploring alternative funding models to secure adequate resources for the NHS. By implementing these recommendations, the NHS can alleviate staffing shortages, improve patient care, and ensure the long-term sustainability of this vital public healthcare system.
Research method
Research Methodologies
Research onion
Figure 1: Research onion model proposed by Saunders et al. (2016)
(Source: Melnikovas, 2018)
This proposal explores the staffing shortages issues and inadequate funding issues which negatively affect the wage budget aspects of the NHS. This proposal aims to examine the significant reason behind these issues. In order to examine the reasons behind these staffing shortage issues and find out the most suitable strategies for mitigating the issues, this proposal uses the research onion model”. This model will explain the several steps for establishing the research methods. Melnikovas (2018) opined that the research onion consists of several layers including research philosophy, research design, research approach, strategy, data collection techniques, data analysis procedures and time horizon.
Understanding this phase, this proposal will use the primary data collection process for examining the financial issues experienced by the NHS and its negative impact on their services. By using surveys and direct interactions with core participants of the NHS, the researcher can gather context-specific data and real-time information. This real-time data will help the researcher to develop this research significantly by getting information directly from those people who are involved with service delivery and financial design-making areas within the NHS.
Research design
This proposal will use a descriptive research design to investigate the main factors which are contributing to the staffing shortages in the NHS. Having the capabilities to systematically, will help to discuss the current financial wage issues of the NHS. Exploring the key factors, including accounting sources and their utilisation, this research design will comprehend the difficulties of financial challenges in the NHS. This design will supply a thorough argument of the financial geography within the NHS by emphasising important views on payment patterns, budget intricacies and resource allocation of the NHS.
Moreover, confirming the usefulness of quantitative data collection methods, descriptive research design will permit researchers to enforce survey analysis to deliver a precise outline of financial disparities (Doyle et al., 2019). It will function as a footing of knowledgeable decision-making that can deliver unique understandings to executive, management, HR and policymakers of the NHS. Utilising his research design, the researcher can manage financial difficulties and increase the service delivery of the NHS.
Research Philosophy
This proposal will pursue a positivism research philosophy. Due to its matter on objectives, systemic data analysis and empirical observation, this research philosophy is explained for studying objective two which is the financial limitations encountered by the NHS and their impact on benefit delivery. Using this research philosophy, this proposal recognises the reasons behind the monetary issues which have been emphasised in the literature assessment section. On the matter of examining difficult aspects including healthcare finance of the NHS, positivism will border with the usefulness of quantitative methods including descriptive and survey analysis to complete a study trustworthy based on real-life incidents.
In order to discover the general connections in observable ways, this suggestion will highlight the primary quantitative aspects of monetary complexities including resource utilisation and budgetary allowances. Park et al. (2020) opined that by accumulating practical particles of evidence and developing proof and experience-based aspects, this research philosophy is necessary for usage regarding the topic.
Research approach
This proposal will assume a deductive research approach. Due to its theory-based aspects and structured views, it is justified to investigate how different financial matters can influence staffing deficiencies in the NHS. In this proposal, the deductive approach encounters a visionary framework and emphasises certain assumptions which may be studied empirically. By utilisingthis method, researchers may demonstrate other theories regarding the impact of financial investigators on staffing shortage issues in other healthcare organisations. Using this process, a researcher can develop a relatable and clear approach to interpret the assembled data (Casula et al., 2020). It will support and enable the recurring connection between several monetary factors in the NHS including natural and indirect impacts on funding on staffing rates and limitations of budget in the NHS. By challenging selected related theories, such deductive research techniques will help to comprehend how financial issues can contribute to staffing shortages in the NHS. testing the theory and comprehending the formidable dynamics of healthcare staffing, this research design promotes a better overview of the staffing problems in the NHS.
Research strategy
This proposal will involve a survey and experiment strategy to pick details regarding the probable interventions and techniques to enhance the staffing function of the NHS. Having the ability to collect quantitative knowledge and real-time data from the professional participants, this research strategy is explained concerning the topic. Such surveys and experiment strategies are effective for obtaining insights from a vast sample of people and they permit the researcher to collect diverse aspects of the current staffing process of the NHS. This research strategy will help to understand the experiences and preferences of core participants including HR professionals, hiring managers and job applicants of the NHS.
In addition, such real-life experiences enable people to examine the effectiveness of certain interventions (Bolinger et al., 2021). By exploiting the hypothesis, variables and its outcomes, This proposal can provide empirical evidence regarding the concept. Connecting survey data and experimental methods can help the researcher generate real-life recommendations for increasing staffing actions. Such a research strategy offers vast knowledge where experiments provide a limited atmosphere to gain the efficiency of proposed interventions. It will provide well-informed solutions for improving the staffing process of the NHS.
Data collection methods
This proposal will follow a primary quantitative data collection process. The usage of the primary quantitative data collection process has justified examining the core factors contributing to recruiting shortages in the NHS and providing recommendations for establishing sustainable funding sources. Using quantitative methods including surveys allows researchers to identify core factors in the recruiting shortages of NHS. surveys will take place to collect evidence-based data on several features regarding the concept including job satisfaction, workplace, and causes for high turnover rates among NHS healthcare leaders. In addition, when developing recommendations for fixing sustainable funding resources, such a primary quantitative approach is critical to define the financial aspect of various strategies. Here, budgetary modelling and cost-benefit analysis may quantify the effectiveness and feasibility of the provided funding solutions (Taherdoost, 2021 p. 28). It will provide primary stakeholders with empirical evidence to understand the decision-making of the NHS.
The type of data will depend on the research objectives as this proposal has been developed on recruiting shortages in the NHS, hence, it will go through the primary quantitative data collection process. Such surveys will help to gain deeper aspects into the perceptions and experiences of healthcare professionals and identify the issues that they face in the recruitment process. In the matter of recruiting shortages in the NHS, a random sampling will be implemented. In this sampling, different healthcare roles including HR managers, job candidates, administrative staff, and hiring managers will be included. In this survey, the total number of participants will be 101 and approximately 10 numbers of questions regarding the concept will be asked to increase the external validity of the surrey process [Refer to appendix-1].
Data analysis procedure
This proposal will adopt a survey analysis and descriptive and statistical analysis for analysing the data. The survey analysis will be provided to collect responses from patients regarding staffing shortages issues and inadequate funding issues which negatively affect the wage budget aspects of the NHS. the researcher will give significance to consented questions” to examine the personal experiences and vast opinions of candidates. The descriptive statistical analysis of this proposal will include several calculating aspects such as median, mean, mode and standard deviation for core variables. This proposal will follow the inferential statistics to inform remarkable inferences from the sample data according to the candidates. Statistical tests such as Avova will be implemented to investigate various groups. Moreover, this research proposal will reveal relationships between factors that help to investigate staffing issues and resource allocation. Correlation and coefficient will be measured to identify the strength and directions of the relationship between variables (Schober et al., 2018). Utilising software including SPSS increases the accuracy and efficiency of statistical analyses.
Possible ethical issues that need to be considered
While researching recruiting issues in the NHS, various ethical issues can occur including participant's privacy and confidentiality-related issues. Hence, while gathering details about healthcare professional’s opinions and experiences, researchers should follow UK based data protection law and provide the consent paper, pointing out the risks, benefits and purpose of the study. Equality is the most significant issue that needs to be considered in this proposal as the researcher should avoid any find of discrimination and biases in this research. They should promote diversity and make sure that invited candidates can gain an equal opportunity in the survey process.
Proving the well-being of the candidates is necessary while defining issues regarding recruiting shortages which can be challenging for the work atmosphere. Researchers should give priority to the candidates by highlighting the purpose of this research and ethical guidelines (Sanjari et al., 2023). Here, this proposal aims to ignore the harm to the personal values of the candidates. Adopting ethical practices will ensure psychological welfare and the invention of privacy. While considering the condemnations, researchers should consider the existing impact of the NHS and its participants involved in staffing and resource allocation. Ethical responsibility should be provided based on evidence-based suggestions which can significantly contribute to improving the healthcare staffing aspects in the NHS.
Validity and reliability
different methods can be implemented to ensure both reliability and validity in the research on staffing shortages in the NHS. the usage of renowned measurement equipment and average survey instruments will increase the validity of information gathering. Establishing validity can be significant for connecting research questions with primary quantitative data collection methods. Implementing a replicable and consistent process is critical to enhance reliability. Clear operational definitions are the most critical factor for developing validity to outline the staffing issues in the NHS. addressing the expenditure patterns, budget complications and resource allocation of the NHS, this proposal will ensure the significant alignment between staffing issues and resource allocation. Moreover, Nowell et al. (2017) addressed that to increase credibility and trustworthiness, researchers should engage in re-examining the entire data sources and rectifying the inaccuracies and outliers of the research based on appropriate information and reliability. Matheson (2019) supported this thought and said that implementing a diverse sample by applying random sampling methods can contribute to the entire reliability of the outcome.
Research limitations
Possible limitations to this proposal on recruiting shortages in the NHS can add the app appropriate prospect for biases where candidates can offer inaccurate data or socially desirable responses. Limitations of sampling can increase in case particular healthcare departments or professionals in the NHS are underappreciated for the survey. Moreover, the dynamic nature of the NHS’s healthcare atmosphere shows issues as expected outcomes cannot show any real-time change. Such reliance on regarded concepts can maximise the capabilities of established information. External features including global events and changing policy of the NHS can also impact the authenticity and relevance of the proposal.
Expected outcome
The expected outcome of the proposal is a remarkable understanding of the core factors which contribute to NHS’s staffing shortages and its impact on financial complexities on service delivery. The outcome will deliver evidence-based strategies to rectify the staffing process and provide recommendations for sustainable funding sources. Following the research onion model, this proposal will give reliable and valid outcomes by primary quantitative data collection methods. The provided time scale will show the timeline for each step including data collection, Literature review and recommendations to ensure an organised examination [Refer to Appendix 2].
Bolinger, M.T., Josefy, M.A., Stevenson, R. and Hitt, M.A. (2021). Experiments in Strategy Research: A Critical Review and Future Research Opportunities. Journal of Management, [online] 48(1), p.014920632110444. doi:https://doi.org/10.1177/01492063211044416.
Casula, M., Rangarajan, N. and Shields, P. (2020). The potential of working hypotheses for deductive exploratory research. Quality & Quantity, [online] 55(1), pp.1703–1725. doi:https://doi.org/10.1007/s11135-020-01072-9.
Doyle, L., McCabe, C., Keogh, B., Brady, A. and McCann, M. (2019). An Overview of the Qualitative Descriptive Design within Nursing Research. Journal of Research in Nursing, [online] 25(5), p.174498711988023. doi:https://doi.org/10.1177/1744987119880234.
Matheson, G.J. (2019). We need to talk about reliability: making better use of test-retest studies for study design and interpretation. PeerJ, [online] 7(1), p.e6918. doi:https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.6918.
Melnikovas, A. (2018). Towards an Explicit Research Methodology: Adapting Research Onion Model for Futures Studies. Journal of Futures Studies, [online] 23(2), pp.29–44. doi:https://doi.org/10.6531/JFS.201812_23(2).0003.
Nowell, L.S., Norris, J.M., White, D.E. and Moules, N.J. (2017). Thematic analysis: Striving to Meet the Trustworthiness Criteria. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, [online] 16(1), pp.1–13. doi:https://doi.org/10.1177/1609406917733847.
Park, Y.S., Konge, L. and Artino, A.R. (2020). The Positivism Paradigm of Research. Academic Medicine, [online] 95(5), pp.690–694. doi:https://doi.org/10.1097/ACM.0000000000003093.
Sanjari, M., Bahramnezhad, F., Fomani, F.K., Shoghi, M. and Cheraghi, M.A. (2023). Ethical Challenges of Researchers in Qualitative Studies: the Necessity to Develop a Specific Guideline. Journal of Medical Ethics and History of Medicine, [online] 7(7), p.14. Available at: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4263394/.
Schober, P., Boer, C. and Schwarte, L.A. (2018). Correlation coefficients: Appropriate use and interpretation. Anesthesia & Analgesia, [online] 126(5), pp.1763–1768. doi:https://doi.org/10.1213/ane.0000000000002864.
Taherdoost, H. (2021). Data Collection Methods and Tools for Research; a Step-by-Step Guide to Choose Data Collection Technique for Academic and Business Research Projects. International Journal of Academic Research in Management (IJARM), [online] 10(1), pp.10–38. Available at: https://hal.science/hal-03741847/document [Accessed 18 Dec. 2023].
Appendix-1: Questionnaire
- What is your age?
56 and above
- What is your gender?
Prefer not to say
- To what extent do you perceive staffing shortages in your department or area?
Not at all
Very much
- How do you believe staffing shortages impact the quality of patient care?
No impact
- Are you aware of the financial constraints faced by the NHS?
- How do you think financial issues within the NHS contribute to staffing shortages?
Budget constraints
Inadequate resources
Hiring freezes
- Have you personally observed any direct effects of budget limitations on staffing levels?
Not sure
- What challenges, if any, have you encountered during the recruitment process?
Lengthy process
Lack of communication
Insufficient resources
Strategies for Recruitment Improvement:
- In your opinion, what strategies could be effective in improving the recruitment process?
Streamlining procedures
Increasing resources
Offering incentives
- What recommendations do you have for securing sustainable funding sources for the NHS?
Increased government funding
Public-private partnerships
Fundraising initiatives
Appendix-2: Time scale
Submit proposal
Feedback on proposal
Communicate with supervisors for better marks
Required changes in research methods
Gather information from primary sources
Complete the data analysation
Include conclusion and recommendations
Submit the dissertation