Domestic Abuse And The Black Church Dissertation Sample

Examining the Role of the Black Church in Addressing Domestic Abuse

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Introduction Of Domestic Abuse And The Black Church In The Uk

Research question

  • What is the relevance of Domestic Abuse and the Black Church in the UK?
  • What is the Role of the Black Church in Addressing Domestic Abuse
  • What are the Challenges Faced by the Black Church in Addressing Domestic Abuse
  • What kinds of Strategies uses to Addressing Domestic Abuse in the Black Church Community

Literature Review

The Relevance of Domestic Abuse and the Black Church in the UK

Domestic abuse observed to specifically rising in the Caribbean families that violates their intimating relationships. The norms of the cultural and social issues of Caribbean societies had increases the risk of violence on the children and the women (Lacey et al. 2021). The violence also had gone to the higher level during the pandemic due to the public health crisis (Usher et al.2021). This level of increasing violence affects the local community and causes mishappenings in the states and national levels. The report of the Crime Survey for England And Wales demonstrates that 25 percent of women and 10 percent of man experience partner abuse at least one time and 6.3 percent of women and 2.7 percent have experience more than one time since the age of 16.The age of the men and women is between 16 to 59 that has been analyze in the report. According to (Oliver et al.2019), Anticipation, Consequence and responses are the three methods that help to estimates the cost of crimes leveraging the domestic violence in the society.

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There is a great relevance of black churches observe in the major cities of Britain and muvch concentration of Black majority churches in the streets of London. Historically it is believe hat the relevance of black church are compose of seven denominations such as African Mrthoist Episcopal Zion Church, church of God in Christ, African Methodist Episcopal Church, and three National Baptist Conventions. Mental awareness and the faith of holy black churches still exist and have its relevance in the faith of the people. Methodists Richard Allen and Absalom Jones together with the other members of black built a free society for African in the year 1800. According to the thought of Black feminist African –American women resists their chattel slavery and shows dehumanization by producing self-oppositional knowledge (Collins et al. 2021). Gender inequality and racism influences the rise of domestic abuse in the country and provides a pathway for the existence of Black churches in United Kingdom.

The Role of the Black Church Addressing Domestic Abuse

The Black churches took the command of leadership in the Movement of Civil Right held in America. Their past incidents of being abused by white-skinned people give them the energy or the motivation to fight against racism together with making them struggle for their morality (Lacey et al. 2021). The Black Women adversely affected by the continuous abusement of White and long-term poverty forced the community to participate in the Civil Right rally to fight against the abusement. The victim of the abuse lost their hopes in the church together within their connection with the church also starts to loosen (Donovan and Barnes, 2020). The victim's family also looses faith in the pure love or eternity of that supreme God.

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The movement of civil rights American and African churches as well took an essential part in this movement. The rebels of America and Africa arranged a meeting within the mass along with rallies and marches as well. In addition, with they also give their physical, mental, spiritual and moral support to each other. The four major abuses of the church are - nepotism, simony, pluralism and absenteeism these were abolished; Catechism must be learned by a Catholic (France-Williams, 2020). The Bishops of the arch could not be identified as the lightens of the supreme God and some books the Catholics must be forbidden (West, 2021). These are the core abuse of the church in a true meaning. Church abuse are called the abuse of religion those abuse are under administer of the religion of the guise, which are including humiliation or harassment, which turns into people in trauma that is psychological.

The Challenges Faced by the Black Church in Addressing Domestic Abuse

The challenges that are faced by an abuse victim of the church is incapability of the person to get abuse by the White people. They have a feeling of guilt and shame as well as dependency on the offender (Moder, 2019). The victims of abusement had fear of being threatened the whole life. The victims could be neglected and shortage of the knowledge to report against the abuse. The victim had a fear in their head that their family or their close person might left them forget abused. the victim also got afraid of losing the custody of their own child and also have a fear of that no one will believe their words. Additionally, the fear of lost of independency is observe in the faces of the victims of abusement.

The theology of the black church is they thought that the church of white people supports the racism together with the different oppressions of forms of the others (Williams and Jenkins, 2019). They also argue in this matter that, the supreme God of the white people Jesus motivated them to seek people's freedom from all over the world of black people or the Natives. However, the church of the black people through the limelight on the concerning about the social matters, but they solve the personal problems of the people of black instead of solving the social issues.

Strategies used to Address Domestic Abuse in the Black Church:

The academic medical literature illustrates that the black communities died disproportionally during the pandemic due to disparities in concern to the societal, racial and healthcare. Inequalities among the black men have resulted to various strategies to report about the domestic abuse. The abuse of the church is about utilizing the power to humiliate the opposite person by physically as well as emotionally (Maxwell, 2019). The church trusted that the children could overcome an abuse very quickly as well as could live a life of productivity like the Christ. The reason behind this matter is that, the God is the supreme saviour who made the most of the sacrifice in the wellness of humankind. So that in the support of the supreme God people could self heal themselves together with they also could overcome that difficult time.

The domestic abuse of the church was started in the year 1950 (Ragavan, 2020). On that particular year, a white skinned priest abuse a black skinned church member and it was socially spread in the year 1980 the Canada, a city of United States of America. The strategy model known as Adaptive calibration Model helps to overlook competencies and influence adaptation in toxic environment successfully. This model research has the ability to advancer the agenda of the social justice and makes black element to forge their respectfulness. In contrast, (Demie, 2021) suggested that Black Caribbean are over presented in the exclusion statistics.

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Research design

Key concept and operationalisation

The key concept of this research is to analyse the influence of the contribution of churches in decreasing the rate of domestic abuse in the black community UK. There are two ways have has been found from the lusterware review that churches take to support the women who are facing domestic violence (Stucki et al. 2020). In a study women of the UK have been focused on, it has been seen that 58% of women face abuse. Churches develop partnerships with NGOs and different organisations, and they provide counselling to those victims and give their advice.

Churches in the UK have seen that 17% of Methodist leaders and lay workers have faced this abuse; not only women but men also have faced experienced domestic violence from partners as an adult. The chosen matter of study is a sensitive matter, which is the reason there is some operationalisation. Like fear and anxiety (Julia Zielke et al. 2021). All these are key concepts that have been identified in this study. The key concept of this study is to identify the role of the church to reinforce domestic violence in the UK. From the literature review of this study it has been finding out that, many people who come to church face anxiety and depression after being the victims, and church uses religious way to treat them.

Data collection and technique

For this study research onion has been followed, which helped this study to conduct an organised methodology. It not only helps to do a revised methodology but information collection also stays relevant. Data collection and technique is one of the important parts of research design that increase the importance of research. For this study secondary point, based data will be used. In order to stay relevant to the story and meet the research question, question based information queries will be done (Oliver et al. 2019). That is why this research proposal will use secondary qualitative data analysis. In non-probability sampling, most techniques that are used are exploratory or qu8altative research. In this method, the aim is not to test any kind of hypothesis in a board population.

The data is collected from the different journals, articles, websites of the government that are authentic and displays reliable information (Dufour et al. 2019). This method will be used because in non-probability sampling designs are used at the time when a sample needs to be collected on a specific characteristic in a specific population. The goal of this method is not to meet the objective in the selection of the sample and not to make statistical inferences.

Sampling strategy and limitation

There are different methods of sampling, which is a process of selecting a subset or an observation from a larger population. This method is widely used to do experiments for having an idea of a specific population. However, for this method, there is no need to study the entire population. There are different methods of sampling that are probability sampling, non-probability sampling (Pace, 2021). In probability sampling, there are several methods like, cluster, systematic sampling, stratified sampling, and random sampling. However, this study has chosen non-probability sampling, which is a method of selecting units from a population. This method does not need a specific survey frame, which is the reason this method is an easy, not expensive and fast way to obtain data.

There is also no need to take consent from participants. In addition, this method supports the data analysis technique that has been used in this study. Probability sampling cannot be used in qualitative research, because members that have been targeted to be sampled are unknown and their distribution of them is also unknown (Efendi et al. 2021). Despite having, some advantages there are some limitations that are this sampling method night does not notice the entire population, and some populations might stay not covered. In addition, some important questions might not be asked as this method use a simple method. The strategy of sampling need to focus on the process of collecting the data and thus requires outcomes can be positive.

Strengths and limitations of the used method

There are several advantages and disadvantages of secondary qualitative data analysis. This method is one of the methods that is not expensive, it is a fast way, and there is scope that using this method of study can increases the scope of the research. With the help of this method, gaps in the primary data can be found out and a huge amount of data can be collected. Using the secondary day method needs deep understanding, which is the reason the context of problems, can be understood in detail (Berndt, 2020). With the help of this method comparative study can be done. The qualitative analysis increases the view of the paper, as it just does not depend on numeric data. On the other hand, there is some limitation to this method; one of the main limitations of this data is that as other people collect information there are questions of accuracy on these data, along with sources of those data that are not reliable. There might not adequate data are available (Waldner, 2020). With the help of this method, a researcher might not answer the specific question therefore; there might be some irrelevancy can find out by using this method.

The relevancy of the used method to answer the research question

Above-mentioned all questions are related to the topic therefore in to order meet the question specific methods have been taken that can help to build the study with proper information. Secondary data analysis has helped to collect data from different journals and books relevant to the research question. On the other hand, non-probability method has provided more support to complete this project on time (Ruggiano et al. 2019). The sampling method has helped to save time, which is why the deadline of the project will be able to meet. It is an inexpensive way so the researcher does not have to spend lots of money. Specific data will be collected with this method. The population can be understood in a better way, therefore, connecting with the research get better as the research progress. Therefore, it can be said that the chosen research design is appropriate and suitable for this study; in addition, this method also has helped to maintain all ethics. There is no ethics have been broken at the time of conducting this research.

Practical constraints

Practical constraints within a research work define the obstacles or things, which are not possible in practical work. Operating this analysis or research, the researcher requires to think both ethically and practically (Sperling, 2022). The researcher might gain the respondent to say the actual facts simply and rapidly with the aid of compensation or stating the main purpose of gathering the information. Limitations or constraints in the study is a common factor that can rise due to materials, methods, design, or data utilized in the research and this directly impacts the overall findings of the study as well.

They are of the practical constraints of a study that emerge from the research design or method to assure validity both externally and internally. There are several people who are less cooperative in terms of operating any survey or sharing their opinion on a certain matter. This can be another significant practical constraint for the research of the study. Researchers can generally be cautious to accept the limitations of their study in the publications for fear of declining the scientific value of the research. No study can be flawless or covers each of the expected angles. This leads to effective practice, addressing the limitations of the research that exhibits integrity and honesty.

Ethical consideration

This sensitive subject matter is why this study has given the attention that no community is being hurt during this study. Because this study includes abuse and domestic violence, any kind of personal information has not been used or it has taken care of the identification of any person has not been leaked (Hasan et al. 2021). During completing this study, it has been specially taken care that any kind of false information is not being used. As this study has used secondary data collection before using data from books and journals permission from respective authors also have been taken. The data that are collected need to have authentic ethical characteristics so that academic integrity of the project is retain. This would not result any plagiarism of the data and produce a feasible structure of the report.

Maintaining ethical guidelines and regulations is one of the crucial points in research that enhances the quality of the work. The researcher has followed all the basic needs or regulations in the present study. All the personal information of the participants is secured and not exposed anywhere in the research. No, the participant received any kind of harm during the conduction of the study or information gathering (Sloman et al. 2019). For the participants who gave full consent to sharing information, only their data is utilized in the study. For the secondary data, the researcher has cited all the utilized past data with proper author names and years.


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