Digital Technologies In The Tourism Management Assignment Sample

Digital Technologies in Tourism Management Assignment: Transforming Customer Experience and Business Operations

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Introduction Of The Use Of Digital Technologies In The Tourism Management

Literature review is one of the most important aspects of any research as by doing proper review of the literature sources, the adequate information for conducting the research can be obtained. This report mainly discusses importance of the literature review and assessment of the research methods and its importance in conducting any research. the six journals' that has been selected mainly have the theme regarding tourism management. In the tourism industry, what is the paramount importance of digital technology and its impacts on tourism management are mainly discussed. Moreover, in the tourism industry, digital technology supports the development of the customer's experience and builds a practical effect on the trip. Moreover, this report may highlight the chosen themes, the use of digital technology in tourism management and their importance in the research.

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Significance of the literature review in the research

A literature review is mainly used for collecting relevant data about the research topic, improving the research projects' quality. Moreover, the literature review also plays a significant role in developing the researcher's knowledge and providing relevant evidence by which researchers developed their ability to implement their new ideas in the particular research fields. On the other hand, the literature review also minimized the raw text data from the research and also increased unique ideas and concepts by which the researcher increased the aims and objectives of the research projects.

In this report, the chosen theme, which is the use of digital technology in the truisms management and them relents six journals, have given high-quality practical evidence for improving the quality of the research projects. On the other hand, the implantation of the new digital technology like Artificial Intelligence (AI) assists the tourism management to personalize the customer experiences and also gather the customized data from the passenger for future development of their business in the global sectors (Akhtar et al., 2021). Besides that, according to the author, from the revel vents six journals, it has been examined that digital technology is also developing online ads for the customer, for example, google AdWords, fakebook's by which they mainly target their potential customer who has shown their interests regarding their offer. Further, in the tourism industry, digital technology also tracks the behaviour of the customer. For example, google analytics and its business tools allow the tourism business to interact with visitors through their website.

Selected themes from six journals focus on literature research

The chosen theme from the six journals are the use of digital technology and their impacts on the truisms management. The first journals regarding digital technology in the tourism industry mainly describe the importance of digital technology for promoting economic growth of the tourism industry. On the other hand, this research article is based on a systematic review of the literature. Moreover, this article mainly focuses on the tourism practitioners of digital technologies, who have played prominent roles in modern society. On the other hand, the second article mainly examines the use of big data and analytics in the tourism sector for developing the future business of the tourism industry.

On the other hand, form the third number of the selected article mainly examine the digital marketing adoption and its utilization on the small tourism business sector in England. Mooter, from the fourth selected journal, mainly examines that the implementation of cutting-edge digital technology and the adoption of information systems (IS) in the times business sectors. Further, the five selected articles focus on the use of the Metaverse blends for transforming the customer experiences and value co-creation process in the tourism industry. Finally, the selected sixth article mainly focuses on the growth of the ITC economy by the implementation of the digitalization of the tourism business.

Outline of the subject matters emerged from the selected articles

First article

The first selected article, implantation of digital technologies, in giving value creation perspective to the tourism industry by which their economic growth increased gradually. On the other hand, according to the author, the theoretical models increased the proactive approach to increasing the experience of customer service. Moreover, this article mainly gave their huge focus on tourism practices to develop the new role of digital technology in modern society (Oputa et al., 2020). Apart from that, the service gaps model also increased the customer experiences by implantation of the new advanced technology by which they operate their business criteria.

Second article

Apart from that, the second selected article mainly examine how the implementation of big data and its analytics have played an important role in increasing customer experiences regarding travel trips (Mariana 2020). Further, big data analytics also increased the implantation of AI technologies for relaying the data. Further, this AI technology also helps travellers to mail visit the travel agencies for booking their flights. Further, the use of big data also helps the tourism industry make better-informed discussion on how to develop the products and services of the tourism industry, which give better recommendations for future business.

Third article

The chosen article mainly examines the adoption of digital technologies and its utilization which has improved the tourism business in the global market. On the other hand, this article also examines that the two universities developed projects regarding the digital technology adoption in the tourism business and its utilization, which is given better advantages to develop the business in the global market (Alford & Jones 2020). Moreover, the 53 small businesses in the tourism industry in England create their awareness regarding the tourism business, which impacted the England truisms business. On the other hand, digital technology and its utilization also helps the researcher to analyze the impact of modern technology and their uses in the tourism business, which has achieved customer satisfaction from the customer.

Fourth article

This chosen article mainly examines the new implementation of cutting-edge information technology in the tourism industry has a huge, huge opportunity for the customer to increase their travelling excitement in the global world (Cai et al., 2019). On the other hand, the implementation of the Information systems (IS) technology also supports the customer in developing their travel experiences. On the other hand, the implantation of information systems also gave the best support to the tourism industry to develop their flight booking system in a specific way. On the other hand, the global reservation system also gives huge advantages to the customer to use their reservation process in a specific way.

Fifth article

The chosen fourth article mainly focuses on the implication of the Metaverse blends in the physical and virtual world of the tourism industry, which has increased the correlation and transformation experiences of the tourism industry. On the other hand, the use of the Metaverse blends increased the customer experiences by exploring the conceptual developments regarding digital technology in the global world. On the other hand, this article mainly examines that the adoption of the Metaverse is a network system by which digital contents create new opportunities for the customer to develop their future tourism business in the global world (Buhari's Lin, & Leung 2022). The use of the Metaverse is mainly used in Facebook to create new virtual experiences by which customers are fully satisfied in their entire trips.

Sixth article

The chosen sixth article mainly focuses on the growth of the IT economy through the implementation of digital technology, which has developed the digital business of the tourism industry (Hamlet et al., 2021). On the other hand, some of the sustainable digital technology, like AI technology allows the business to impanation travel booking princesses. Moreover, the implementation of AI technology also incurs new searching patterns for the tourism industry by which they get the satisfaction of the customer.

Compare and contrast the different methodological approaches from six journals

  • The first research article is mainly based on the qualitative approach; on the other hand, by the qualitative study, the researcher gains a huge knowledge for developing the quality of the research projects (Erceg et al., 2020).
  • On the other hand, the second research article is mainly based on the critical and conceptual analysis of the secondary research. Moreover, this article helps researchers to identify the implementation of AI, which gives huge advantages to the tourism industry.
  • The third article is mainly based on qualitative research design. On the other hand, this research design helps the researcher to identify the emanation of digital technologies and their utilization in the tourism industry, increasing the quality of the research projects.
  • The fourth article many based on the systematic review of the literature. Moreover, based on the literature, the researcher increased the quality of literature on the implantation of information systems in the tourism industry (Muradov 2021).
  • The chosen fifth article is mainly based on the comprehensive literature review for developing the use of the metaverse, which has increased the business of the tourism industry.
  • The chosen sixth article was mainly based on the qualitative analysis by which researchers mainly analyzed the importance of digital technology, which has increased the economic growth of the ITC sectors.

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The above discussion mainly concludes that the importance of literature review, assessment of the research methods and their significance in conducting the research. In this regard, the theme that has been selected are based on the digital technology in the tourism industry increased the new travelling experience of the customer. Moreover, from the chosen sixth number of articles, it has been examined that the implementation of digital technology like AI has given huge advantages to the customer regarding their booking process and travelling security. On the other hand, digitalization also gave various opportunities to the tourism industry to develop new travelling products and services for achievement of customer satisfaction.


Selected six articles

  • Alford, P., & Jones, R. (2020). The lone digital tourism entrepreneur: Knowledge acquisition and collaborative transfer. Tourism Management, 81, 104139.
  • Buhalis, D., Lin, M. S., & Leung, D. (2022). Metaverse as a driver for customer experience and value co-creation: implications for hospitality and tourism management and marketing. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 35(2), 701-716.
  • Cai, W., Richter, S., & McKenna, B. (2019). Progress on technology use in tourism. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, 10(4), 651-672.
  • Hanelt, A., Bohnsack, R., Marz, D., & Antunes Marante, C. (2021). A systematic review of the literature on digital transformation: Insights and implications for strategy and organizational change. Journal of Management Studies, 58(5), 1159-1197.
  • Mariani, M. (2020). Big data and analytics in tourism and hospitality: a perspective article. Tourism Review, 75(1), 299-303.
  • Opute, A., Irene, B., & Iwu, G. (2020). Tourism service and digital technologies: A value creation perspective. African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure, 9(2), 1-18.

Others sources

  • Akhtar, N., Khan, N., Mahroof Khan, M., Ashraf, S., Hashmi, M. S., Khan, M. M., & Hishan, S. S. (2021). Post-COVID-19 tourism: will digital tourism replace mass tourism? Sustainability, 13(10), 5352.
  • Erceg, A., Damoska Sekuloska, J., & Keli?, I. (2020, February). Blockchain in the tourism industry—A Review of the situation in Croatia and Macedonia. In Informatics (Vol. 7, No. 1, p. 5). MDPI.
  • Xurramov, O. (2021). Actuality of use of digital technology in tourism. ????? ??????? ?????????? (buxdu. uz), 5(5).
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